The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 16, 1994 -- 3
.Greek aid
helps out
year round
* Many philanthropic efforts made
by fraternities and sororities on cam-
pus are brought to the forefront dur-
ing Greek Week, yet remain unrecog-
nized during the rest of the year.
Greek Week - the fund-raising
drive now in progress - will repre-
sent only a fraction of the work done
by individual houses this year.
Generally, each house has its own
*philanthropy, including the Ameri-
can Heart Association (AHA), the Com-
prehensive Cancer Center, Kellogg Eye
Center and others.
Some houses, however, have cre-
ated their own philanthropies in ef-
forts to directly serve the projects
they deem most important.
Among them is Pi Kappa Phi fra-
ternity, which took the initiative at a
national level to create its own non-
*profit service project, People Under-
standing the Severely Handicapped
- Project PUSH.
This fraternity also was the first to
raise more than $1 million for a single
charitable organization.
Delta Delta Delta sorority has also
done this, creating the 50th Anniver-
sary Fund. The fund provides schol-
arships to outstanding female students
on various campuses nationwide. Es-
tablished in 1942, to date more than
$1 million has been awarded to more
than 5,000 women.
Certain houses work in conjunc-
tion with established associations in
addition to developing their own chari-
ties. Alpha Phi sorority has divided
its donations under the heading of the
Alpha Phi Foundation.
"Our sorority's philanthropic or-
*ganization gives direct support to our
sorority for leadership and educational
programming for collegians and
alumni," said Jenna Levinson, the
sorority's philanthropy chair.
Additionally, the sorority created
the Forget-Me-Not fund, which do-
nates money to Alpha Phi alumni in
need, such as those who were caught in
the floods last summer. The women
*have also donated more than$5million
to the AHA.
The money donated by the Greek
system is raised through various
means that aim to combine philan-
thropic workwith fun. Certain houses
sponsor parties, such as Alpha Epsi-
lon Pi (AEPi) and Sigma Delta Tau's
Superdance, which was held Sunday
night to benefit the University's Com-
prehensive Cancer Center.
With regard to this type of fund-
raiser, Mike Schwartz, AEPi's phi-
lanthropy chair, said, "people tend to
be more concerned not with the actual
event, but about who the money goes
Monetary benefits aside, Chi Psi
philanthropy chair Jon Nash said the
philanthropies provide an environ-
ment in which "you have an active
*group of fortunate people who can
help others who may be less fortu-
'U' to begin gradual transition
to new computing environment
Rumors flying around campus
have it that the Michigan Terminal
System (MTS), the computer operat-
ing system that carries such services
as e-mail, conferencing and statis-
tics, will be no more in a few months.
But Kitty Bridges, director of the
Future Computing Environment
(FCE) Project, stressed the fact that,
"MTS is not going away this fall."
Over the next one to two years, the
University will be working to move
away from the single mainframe oper-
ating system of MTS to a distributed
computing environment.
The new environment will con-
tinue to bring the same services of
MTS - the only differences being
that the technology providing these
services will be improved and new
additional services will be available
as well.
The FCE's documented plan for
the change, "Moving from an MTS-
Centered Computing Environment
to a Distributed Computing Envi-
ronment: Plans and Requests for
Comments," describes distributed
computing as "an environment in
which computing tasks are divided
among specialized computers in-
stead of being concentrated on a
The FCE's plan notes several of
these benefits:
® The ability to use resources re-
gardless of their physical location that
will bring information closer to all of
us and make it more usable;
* the ability to work with various
types of data and information that will
change how we use data and how we
communicate with each other; and,
Knew software tools that will alter
how we work together and collaborate
between departments or across the
Maria Duarte, an Engineering jun-
ior and ResComp consultant at East
Quad, said she feels the new system
will be a lot easier.
"There is more file space and defi-
nitely more opportunities with it than
with MTS," she said.
The only problem Duarte said she
thinks might occur is when juniors
and seniors have to switch over to the
new system, because "they've been
using MTS for a while."
But students don't have to worry
about making the transition just yet.
Bridges said new students this com-
ing fall will receive e-mail accounts
on the new services, but returning
students will still be able to use their
MTS accounts and make use of what-
ever new services are ready this fall.
MTS will be available until June 30,
1995, if not longer.
U To learn more about the changes
the FCE is making, check out the
details available online via
GOpherBL UE under the Computing
and CampusFuture ComputingEnvi-
ronmentoption, onMTS(WIIX: 94plan.
rtj) or fromIFS (~doc/plan.rtf.).
Delta Tau Delta contestant Brian O'hare looks devilishly at a cucumber as
he plays Lorena Bobbit in the Mr. Greek Week contest last night.
Mr. Greek Week title
goes t Ei-aglainl
By MICHELLE LEE THOMPSON Melissa Spitz of Alpha Epsilon
DAILY STAFF REPORTER Phi sorority said, "He went completely
Double the pleasure, double the against the Greek system; he insulted
fun. every house and I'm very insulted."
These words summed up the SarahCarlson,ZetaTauAlphapresi-
evening at the Mr. Greek Week pag- dent and event co-chair, said, "We were
eant last night, as identical twins Ja- looking for someone from (WHYI)
son and Randy Sklar from Alpha Ep- 96.3, (but Frank) contacted us."
silon Pi (AEPi) fraternity took the Frank's monologue was ad-libbed
crowns. In one category, they dressed during one of the longer breaks in the
up as the renowned Doublemint program, before the "Dress Like Your
Twins, and rode a tandem bicycle. Hero" section.
"We haven't received this much Contestants flaunted theircreativ-
praise since our bar mitzvah," the ity during the formal wear competi-
Sklar brothers said. The AEPi twins tion, Sigma Phi Epsilon member Eric
carried on the fraternity's tradition of Feldman did a backflip on the stage
winning, becoming the third consecu- while dressed in a tuxedo. All sorts of
tive winners from that house. styles were expressed, including dance
Lessthan half of the audience from moves and runway strutting, all to the
the beginning of the evening stuck tune of "I'm Too Sexy."
around for the coronation. Many Theta Xi member Dave Park, who
people left early due to circumstances dressed up as ice skater Nancy
that some said marred the evening. Kerrigan for the hero portion, came
"I think it was a good event, but on stage with a Tonya-esque partner
there were a lot of lulls in the pro- with club in hand. Others fraternity
gram," said Jerrod Kowalewski, Delta members dressed as Barney, Condom-
Tau Delta fraternity member. Man, Jethro from "The Beverly Hill-
There were several minutes be- billies" and Lorena Bobbitt.
tween most portions of last night's During the talent competition the
pageant, mostly when points were top 10 men in the contest sang, played
beingtabulated. Many audience mem- musical instruments, talked and
bers said they became bored and left. painted their way through the round.
Still others left before the final For those who did not make the
round in reaction to comments made finals, the night was not a total loss.
by master of ceremonies Jason Frank, Paul Manutes said, "It always feels
a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. good to hear the hoorah and your
Many people in the audience, most of friends that's all that matters."
whom belong to the Greek system, Carlson estimated the event raised
were outraged at Frank's sarcastic, more than $3,000 for the Susan G.
stereotypical remarks relating to spe- Komen Breast Cancer Foundation,
cific sororities and fraternities. the sponsoring sorority's charity.
Amy LeDuc, co-chair of Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, helps LSA first-year student Mike Louie, left, and LSA
sophomore Dave Cole, right, work out their income tax forms.
Students volunteer[ to tacklehi~itolit
toug inome ax ormtangles
Volunteer Income
Tax Assistance
comes to the rescue
of frazzled student
As spring break fades into memory,
students recovering from the shock of
midterms will soon be faced with the
loomingApril 15 tax deadline.
While scrambling to recall past jobs
and findtheir W-9s, students approach
this task with mixed reactions. Jenni-
fer Morrison, a School of Education
junior, said, "I'm mad. I made too
much money waitressing so I'm being
penalized. I have to pay the state."
Others, however, do not share her
problem. "I don't have a job. I don't
have any money, I did my taxes yes-
terday," said LSA sophomore Steve
Regardless of the outcome, VITA
(Volunteer Income Tax Assistance), a
group consisting of students from vari-
ous backgrounds, provides free tax help.
Located in room 3909 of the Student
Union, VITA offers aide in many ways.
"Students come in to get forms or ask
specific advice. Some students don't
know anything about taxes, and they
don't want to know anything. They just
give us their taxes and we dothem,"said
VITA Shift Coordinator and Business
junior Devon Bodoh.
"Now is the best time," said one
volunteer, as Bodoh recalled a 4-hour
wait last year on the tax deadline, April
As for those brave souls willing to
do it themselves, never fear. "Taxes
aren't hard," said student volunteer and
LSA junior Jenny Bregger, who of-
fered some valuable tax tips. "Student
grants, scholarships and loans that in-
clude room and board are taxable, but
those for tuition, books and supplies
UIfyou did not work lastyear, you
probably do not have to file a tax re-
turn. Tax forms are available at Uni-
versity libraries. Ifyou have any ques-
tions, contact the Internal Revenue
Service at 1-800-829-1040. .
Dr. William Pratt was a member of the promotion committee that denied Peggie Hollingsworth a promotion. This
was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
Group Meetings
" ACLU, 116 Hutchins Hall, 7:30
" AIESEC,1276BusinessAdmin-
istration Building, 6 p.m.
U Amnesty International, human
rights write-a-thon, Fishbowl,
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
U Archery Club, Coliseum, 5:30
U East Quad support group for
lesbians, gay men, & bisexual
people, call 764-3678 for info.
U Focus Group - Research in
Biopsychology and Social Psy-
chology, Psychology Peer Ad-
vising, West Quad, Ostafin
Room, 7-9 p.m.
U Lutheran Campus Ministry,
human spirituality study, 6p.m.;
compline for Lent, 7 p.m.; 801
S. Forest.
U JugglingClubMichigan Union,
Andersnn Roanm D 7 n m.
Q Students of Objectivism, B118
MLB, 7 p.m.
Q Trotstayist League, Michigan
Union, Baits Room, 7 p.m.
Q Undergraduate Law Club, of-
fice hours, 4121 Michigan
Union, 12-4 p.m.
Q Undergraduate Philosophy
Club, 2220 Angell Hall, 6:30
U Blood Drive, sponsored by the
Greek system, Michigan Union,
1-6:30 p.m.
U Conference on the Holocaust,
Afternoon Discussion Series,
Rackham East Conference
Room, noon; The Generation
After, Hillel, 8 p.m.
U "Long Relationships: The Key
to Building a Nation," spon-
sored by the Black Student
Union, Stockwell, Blue Carpet
Tnne. 7 nrm.
Q "The Structure of Japanese
Management: A Critical View
from the Inside," Toru Inoue,
sponsored by the Center for
Japanese Studies, Lane Hall
Commons, 5:30 p.m.
Student services
Q Alternative Career Center, ca-
reers in the nonprofit sector,
2213 Michigan Union, 10 a.m.-
5 p.m.
Q 76-GUIDE, peer counseling
phone line,, 7 p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Campus Information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info., 76-EVENT; film
info., 763-FILM.
Q North Campus Information
Center, North Campus Com-
mons, 763-NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.
Q Psychology Academic PeerAd-
vising, West Quad, Room
K103. walk-inswelcnme or call
/ can't handle all this
I'l r Vo A fi. i-+ n k[,
Relax Man! Just go to Kinko's.
They'll make you look like a pro!
At least on paper.
1 11 (,
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