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January 11, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-01-11

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love in spite of
6" dAlls. to e ne

Women having
trouble I;andliC3g



fid Air


One hundred three years of editorial freedom
, . -4



.'life over,
When Michigan tailback
Tyrone Wheatley, a junior
who is the 4th all-time
leading rusher in Wolverine history,
took the microphone at
echembechler Hall yesterday,
dressed nattily
in a white
shirt, brown-
striped tie, and
the requisite
black Nikes,
the roomful of
reporters sat
ADAM waiting for the
MILLER word -
Miller's goodbye.
Crossing Just like
San Diego
State tailback Marshall Faulk,
Tennessee quarterback Heath
Shuler (this year's Heisman Trophy
runner up) and countless others said
in the last days before the NFL's
See MILLER, Page 8

Wheatley passes bucks to
spend final year with Blue

Like he has done so many times before, Tyrone
Wheatley turned the routine into the astounding.
In a move startling just about everyone save
the teammates and coaches he had informed
earlier, the star tailback announced his intention
to return next fall for his senior year, postponing
his plans to enter the NFL draft. Wheatley made
the announcement at a press conference at
Schembechler Hall yesterday afternoon.
"What I think is best for me is to stay here at
Michigan," said Wheatley in his opening state-
ment, setting off a reaction of astonished gasps
followed by racous applause from teammates
and coaches.
Many football pundits figured the press con-
ference would mark the end of an era, and the
photocopies that were distributed listing
Wheatley's career statistics and accolades seemed
to confirm that notion.
However, Wheatley cited unfinished busi-
ness, both academic and athletic, as the primary
incentive for him to return for his final season at
Michigan. By staying, Wheatley holds off on the

multimillion dollar NFL contract available to a
player of his caliber.
"There's a lot of other things in life besides
money. The NFL will be there next year," he
said. "There's a lot of things in life, such as the
Heisman Trophy, the national championship tro-
phy, that wouldn't be here if I left now."
Wheatley, who often visits schools to tell
students about the importance of education, also
cited his goal to earn his degree in Sports Man-
agement & Communication as a motivation to
come back.
"I don't want to come back to school to earn
my undergraduate degree," he said. "When I
come back to school, I want it to be for my
graduate degree."
Wheatley said he also considered the ex-
ample he could set for his 12-year old brother
"I'm his idol, I'm his older brother and in
many ways, I'm his father," he said.
Reactions to his decision were wide-ranging.
Sophomore Ed Davis, Wheatley's housemate as
well as the player who would have likely suc-
See WHEATLEY, Page 2


Tyrone Wheatley announces he will stay another year at Michigan at a press conference today.

'LSA passes new quantitative requirement

Carla Darocy is glad she will be a
sophomore this fall.
Darocy - and all current LSA
students - will be exempt from the
*school's new quantitative reasoning
requirement, unanimously passed by
the LSA faculty yesterday during their
monthly meeting.
"I plan to get through all four
years without taking any math. ...
That would be terrible," Darocy said.
Students entering LSA Fall Term
1994, will need to complete three
credits of quantitative reasoning in
Wrder to graduate. Classes that would
fulfill the quantitative reasoning re-

quirement involve a combination of
mathematical and logical components.
This requirement can be fulfilled
by classes across the disciplines. How-
ever, courses that contain only mini-
mal instruction in math and logic may
fulfill only half of the requirement.
LSA Associate Dean Michael
Martin briefed the faculty on the re-
quirement and the list of classes that
will fulfill it (reprinted at right).
In an interview last year, Martin
said one reason the committee recom-
mended the requirement was as a re-
sponse to a decline in quantitative and
computational skills of college stu-
"In general, what studies show is

that in college, students actually get
worse in quantitative or computation
skills, or they remain the same," he
said last March. "There are a number
of students who avoid math classes.
That is a very self-defeating, unhelp-
ful attitude."
Prof. Peter Hinman, who worked
on finalizing the requirement, said
the list of classes from which students
can choose is adequate. After dis-
cussing the requirement last April,
the faculty tabled the vote so more
classes could be added to the list.
"The list is in a state now that the
faculty can approve the requirement
and it can be improved in the coming
months and in the coming years,"

Hinman said before the vote.
The requirement is part of LSA's
"Undergraduate Initiative," a devel-
oping effort by the school to. cater to
the needs of the approximately 3,200
students who enter the college each
"I think we've come a very long
way in raising the presence of under-
graduate education in the past few
years," LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg
told the faculty.
Martin called the initiative far-
reaching, adding that it is one of many
recent curriculum changes including
alterations to entry-level math and
science courses, foreign language of-
ferings and theme semesters.

Although this change will not af-
fect current University students, some
are not opposed to the new require-
"Just like with computers, I don't
think anyone should be illiterate about
that kind of thing. I think it's cool,"
said Engineering junior Chris Mack.
Other students approved the
change, advocating a more balanced
liberal arts education.
"It's probably a good idea for a
well-rounded education," said LSA
senior Holly Miles. "I thought there
was a requirement like that here al-
-Daily Staff Reporter Carrie
Bissey contributed to this report

The following courses fulfill
LSA's new requirement:
Chemistry 130
Communication 206*, 406*
Economics 201, 202, 401*,
Geological Sciences 222, 280
Honors 252*
Mathematics 105*, 115*,
116, 127*, 128*, 175*,
185*, 186*, 215*
Philosophy 296*, 414*
Physics 125*, 126*, 140*,
240*, 160*, 260*, 401*
Political Science 185*
Residential College 222*
Sociology 222*
Statistics 100*, 170*, 402*
*Fulfills half the requirement


Since September 1992, University buses took a
temporary route to North Campus via Broadway.
The detour became necessary after regularly
scheduled tests by the city determined the bridge
could not safely accomodate vehicles weighing
more than five tons.
The reconstructed Fuller Bridge cuts two to four
minutes of travel time, allowing for extra boarding
time, which should help compensate for time lost
due to snowstorms or other delays.

Rhodes Scholar wins
in Thvial Pursuit, life




New Route





o t
z w



The project also includes a new
bridge, to be completed this fall,
to help relieve traffic congestion.
Old Bdg
- - - - - New Bridge




Imagine 12 players competing for
the same four spots during an intense
Trivial Pursuit game.
These spots are not pieces to a
trivial pie or boxes
on a board, but
rather four presti-
gious Rhodes
Scholarships to
study at Oxford
University and, ul-
timately, to excel at
the real game of Nied.rtadt
"I'm putting together the Trivial
Pursuit pieces thinking 'Okay hands,
stop shaking! "'said Leah Neiderstadt,
who became the University's first-
ever female Rhodes Scholarship re-
cipient in December.
Needless to say, Leah and the other
three winners - as well as the eight
students who did not receive scholar-
ships-are not yet ready to put the
game away. Leah herself is still in-
credulous at her newly established
scholarly status.
C4'lh h inrmytih ndim

she thinks, "My sister loves that type
of thing, whereas I would be mutter-
ing, 'Oh, please can't we just go
Of all of the people with whom
Leah shares relationships, her truest
role model lies close to home. Her
mother raised three children on her
own and taught them all to go after
what they wanted.
"My mom worked very, very hard
to keep the family together and finan-
cially stable," Leah said.
Leah's mother must have made an
impression. Leah has been able to
support herself completely while
studying at the University and consis-
tently maintains her impressive grade-
point average of 3.8.
Leah not only plays intellectual
hardball at games such as Trivial Pur-
suit and academic scholarship com-
petitions, she also finds time to par-
ticipate, and in some cases lead, stu-
dent groups. These include Alpha Xi
Deltatsorority, the MortarBoard honor
society, the Women's rugby team,
SafeHouse, Safewalk and the Student
Leader Board.
Prn-fPC~crrc and ctiidclpno,,reethat


*North Campus buses back on the right track

Baits residents, engineering stu-
dents and medical center employees
are just a few of the many happy

extremely bad shape," said Michael
Nearing, senior project engineer.
Bitsy Lamb, supervisor of Uni-
versity Bus Services, said trips to and
from North-Campus will be two to

pus Commons, Lamb said. However,
she added that Bursley-Baits buses
are less crowded and just as efficient
But College of Engineering junior

way the bus stops are laid out."
Smith added that there is now only
one bus stop at Bursley Residence
Hall, although there used to be three

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