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March 15, 1994 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-15

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 15, 1994 - 5

Jobs summit
brings new
feeling to old
city of Detroit
I have lived in the city of Detroit
my whole life and, aside from
Friday nights in Greektown, I have
never seen so many police
patrolling the city as I did
Something must be up, I said to
myself. Everywhere I turned there
was a pair of cops in neatly pressed
uniforms cautiously scanning the
My next tip that something was
afoot was the number of times I was
pleasantly greeted hello by random
people on the street. As soon as I
stepped out of my car in the Cobo
Hall garage, the security guard
flashed me a big smile and greeting.
* On any other day I would have
passed by without receiving so
much asa nod in my direction.
Clearly, something was going on.
Indeed something was
happening - the G7 International
Jobs Conference had come to town
and with it seemed to come a whole
new feeling. Suddenly, the same
people who normally go about their
business with little concern for
0those around them were putting
their best foot forward.
And it was not only Detroiters
who were helping out. Shirley
Dalton of Dearborn Heights was
spending her morning greeting
people who had come to hear
President Clinton speak at the Fox
Theater. A smile was the least she
could do to lend a hand.
"Anything we can do to help
Detroit is great, from just a hello to
helping people find a seat," she
On the way into town from Ann
Arbor, there were at least two
billboards welcoming the
conference participants. This
reinforced the feeling that Detroit is
ready and willing to make a place
for itself on the national circuit.
And people are noticing.
"It's going to give a positive
image to the city," said Delores
Jenkins, a teacher from Ann Arbor
who had come to hear Clinton
speak. "And maybe the world can
see that there are changes. I've seen
those changes just today."
She stressed the importance of
people coming together for a
'common cause. And that is what the
people of Detroit seemed to do for
this conference. With a little
cheerleading from Mayor Dennis
Archer and a lot of hard work from
hosts of volunteers, Detroit put on a
good show.
Both Clintonand Vice President
Al Gore acknowledged Detroit in
their remarks at the Fox. Clinton
used the refurbished theater itself as
an example of how Detroit is
cleaning itself up and making a
name for itself other than the

negative one it usually carres.
Creating a new image of the city
is important to encourage growth
and prosperity. In his speech,
Clinton discussed how Detroit-
based programs like 'Focus:HOPE
are inspirational. He said it gives
cause to believe we, as an
American people, are choosing
Even more important is that
Detroit is choosing change. I have
always been a Detroit supporter and
am the first one to say something
positive about the city I love.
However, it is easy to become
But after yesterday, this cynic
feels a little better about the future
of Detroit.
continues tomorrow in
0 The Michigan Daily

Gore declares first day of jobs summit a success

After the president left, members
of the G7 got down to business.
Economic ministers from the
Group of Seven nations met in two
two-hour closed door meetings yes-
terday to exchange ideas on address-
ing global unemployment.
President Clinton called the con-
ference at last year's economic sum-
mit of the G7 to provide a forum for
high-level officials to exchange ideas
and their experiences in maintaining

a "high-wage, high-growth society in
mature, industrial countries."
In the afternoon, finance, labor
and trade ministers discussed recom-
mendations for attacking the problem
of unemployment.
Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen
hosted the meeting on "Creating Em-
ployment Opportunities in the Global
Economy." Commerce Secretary Ron
Brown also moderated a meeting on
"Technology, Innovation and the Pri-
vate Sector."
"We had a fascinating session to-

day," said Vice President Al Gore at
a press conference yesterday evening.
Gore, flanked by Bentsen, Brown,
Labor Secretary Robert Reich and
White House Council of Economic
Advisers Chair Laura Tyson, ex-
pressed approval with the way the-
direction of the conference.
"This is a brand-new chapter con-
cerning economic issues of the ut-
most importance," said Gore. "We
came to a unanimous agreement on
why the industrial world is suffer-

Bentsen said, "This is an amazing
meeting. Representatives of the sevcn
largest industrialized nations ... have
come together on one point - the
creation of jobs."
Reich noted that the ministers did
not always agree on a number of is-
"There were some courteous but
sharp disagreements. We will con-
tinue discussions tomorrow."
Reich will host a session today on
"Labor Markets, Investment in Hu-
man Capital and Social Safety Net."

In his address at the Fox Theatre,
Clinton noted that workers today will
probably change jobs seven to eight
times during their lives.
Bentsen said, "If you look at my
career, you might think I can't even
hold down a job."
Reich responded, saying, "That's
the nature of the dynamic economy in
which we live."
Bentsen did not address specifics
of the discussion, but will summarize
the findings from the conference later

Reporters' Notebook
Clinton jogs Belle Isle

U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer, U.S. Ambassador to Canada James Blanchard, U.S. Sen. Don
Riegle and Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara chat before President Clinton's G7 speech yesterday.


U' officials praise Clinton's speech

In keeping with his daily routine,
President Clinton jogged on Belle Isle
yesterday morning with Vice Presi-
dent Al Gore, Detroit Mayor Dennis
W. Archer and his son, Dennis.
"You know, it is true that the mayor
runs faster in the morning than the
president and the vice president do ...
I made him quit after three miles,"
Clinton said in his opening remarks at
the Fox Theatre.
The mayor himself in a press con-
ference later noted that after only sev-
eral miles, his son, a third-year Univer-
sity law student, had fallen far behind.
And Clinton continued saying,
"And if (the run) weren't enough in-
dignity, I got back to the hotel room
and read the newspaper and discov-
ered that in the NCAA basketball
championships, my beloved Arkan-
sas basketball team has been paired
Continued from page 1
useful skills."
John Manley, Canada's minister
of industry, criticized Clinton for the
narrow focus in his address.
"He was obviously addressing a
domestic audience," Manley said, "He
merely focused on the successes in
this region. I did not consider that the
message was directed to me."
Clinton also issued a condemna-
tion of age discrimination directed
against young people.
"We have too much age bias in
this country," Clinton said. "We have
people that won't hire kids because
they don't have any experience. How
are they every get any experience if
they don't get a job, right?"
Clinton called the issue of age bias
"'a very, very important thing."
He called on employers to change
attitudes toward hiring young people.
"If you want people to embrace
change, we all have to change our atti-
tudes about who is employable, and
especially on each end of the age spec-
trum," Clinton said. "The issue should
be, are people prepared for the jobs that

with Michigan in the Midwest
Archer's son said he and the presi-
dent talked about the NCAA basket-
ball tournament. The president de-
clined to make a prediction on who
would win.
Clinton sported the conservative
look in neckwear with a polka-dot tie,
straying from his much-publicized
sunflower and earth ties.
When the White House press corps
entered the Fox Theatre, they were
treated to a rousing rendition of
Tchaikovsky's William Tell Over-
ture, played by the Detroit Symphony
Orchestra to the delight of both the
crowd and the press corps.
-Compiled by Daily Staff
Reporters James R. Cho and
Mona Qureshi
are opening up? And, if they are, they
should be given a chance to do them."
The setting for the conference,
Detroit, is one of extreme unemploy-
ment of young people.
According to figures released by
the U.S. Department of Labor, more
than one quarter of 20-something
Detroiters are unemployed.
Blanchard agreed with Clinton's
assessment. "Young people need jobs
and business can't overlook them sim-
ply because they're young."
Archer said, "This job summit was
intended to help create jobs for all
people. What comes out of this will
especially help young people."
Following the address at the Fox
Theatre, the president toured the De-
troit Diesel factory while trade, fi-
nance and labor ministers from the
G7 met in two two-hour closed-door
sessions to discuss ways to reduce
The first session focused on an eco-
nomic analysis of the jobs problem, led
by Laura Tyson, chair of the president's
Council of Economic Advisors.
Clinton departed yesterday after-
noon from Selfridge Air National
Guard ,Base at about 3:30 p.m., headed
for Boston an hour behind schedule.

DETROIT - Two University of-
ficials were among the more than
2,000 dignitaries invited to hear Presi-
dent Clinton open the jobs summit in
Detroit yesterday morning..
James Renick, head of the
University's Dearborn campus, and
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor)
said they enjoyed hearing the president's
address at the Fox Theatre.
Renick was impressed with the
number of leaders in attendance.
"The guest list at the opening cer-
emony closed to the public read like a
who's who of influential political,

economic and business leaders in
Michigan," he said.
Clinton emphasized the need for
implementing a re-employment and
retraining program.
Power, who served as chair of the
Michigan Job Training Coordination
Council under former Gov. James
Blanchard, praised the president for
his decision to reorganize the nation's
job training program.
Power, invited to the event for his
involvement in the job retraining pro-
gram, said, "Government job training
programs are in utter chaos. Training
programs are spread out. It's a recipe
for frustration."

Power noted that when workers
lose their job today, it is highly un-
likely that they will return to that job.
"When a person loses a job, it is
often due to restructuring, as a result
they need to learn new skills," Power
said. "The unemployed need to get
training help."_
In line with the president's call for
providing lifelong education, Renick
noted that the Dearborn campus serves
a wide variety of students.
"We provide an education to stu-
dents and students in the workforce.
The focus on life-long education needs
to be flexible to accommodate those
with multiple careers."

Continued from page 12
into his term, was questioned at length
about the city's costs incurred by the
two-day summit and presidential visit.
Archer said his former campaign trea-
surer had raised about $870,000 from
Detroit-area businesses.
He said the money raised would
go directly into the city coffers to
offset the extra costs. The city has
spent. about $1 million already on
police overtime and other unforseen
costs, Archer said.
Giving an example of the many
unexpected costs, Archer said the city
had to rent the television lights used at
the Focus:HOPE event yesterday.
They cost $20,000.
"They weren't in a position to pay
for it," Archer said.
Archer also said he was pleased to
have been selected as the one of the
University's Rackham commence-
ment speakers.
"I am delighted to have that privi-

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Dennis Archer discusses the summit during a press conference yesterday.

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lege," Archer said "It is not very often
that one is provided that opportunity."
Archer added that he had gladly
accepted the invitation to speak at the

commencement ceremony at Hill Au-
ditorium. Archer will receive an hon-
orary degree from the University April

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