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March 14, 1994 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-14

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, March 14, 1994

UROP applications for '94-'

The Undergraduate Research
Opportunity Program (UROP) is
accepting applications from students
for the 1994-95 school year. To be
eligible, applicants must be entering
their first or second year at the
University next fall. Applications are
available at the UROP office at L- 110
West Quad Annex and are due March
UROP offers academic credit or
can be used as work-study for quali-
fying students. The program found
research openings for approximately
350 students this year, and expects to
have as many as 500 openings for
next year.

UROP began in 1989 as a pilot
project with 11 students, and targeted
women and minorities. Sandra
Gregerman, the UROP director, said
the idea was to get those students into
direct contact with professors, and
encourage them to select engineering-
and science-related fields. UROP now
coordinates research for students from
virtually all disciplines within the
University, including humanities, arts
and social sciences as well as
engineering and natural sciences.
Research Club sets faculty-
student mixer for tomorrow
The Undergraduate Research Club

'95 due Friday
will sponsor a mixer for UROP faculty
and participants tomorrow at 7:30
in the Pendelton Room in the Union.
The event will allow students in the
program to meet with other student
researchers and faculty. Research of
all types will be discussed, and stu-
dents may find interestingtopportuni-
ties for research for next year. Re-
freshments will be served.
ISR to study public opinion on
physician-aided suicide
The Institute for Social Research
will investigate what Michigan voters
think about physician-aided suicide
in a survey this spring.
The survey of about 2,000 adults
and 500 physicians will be funded by
the Michigan Health Care Education
and Research Foundation
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Serbs withdraw after .
U. re


Ia-s c
1217 PR

1FF with thisad.

(MHCERF), which describes itself as
the philanthropic affiliate of Blue
Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan.
JeraldBachman, an ISR researcher
and the study's principal investiga-
tor, said, "We're eager that the results
be of use both to the Michigan Com-
mission on Death and Dying and to
the state Legislature as it grapples
with new legislation on assisted sui-
Bachman and three other Univer-
sity faculty will lead the study, which
will provide background information
on the issue to the respondents.
Bachman said the study uses the
"informed survey" approach to make
sure respondants are given objective,
balanced information.
-By Scot Woods
Daily Staff Reporter

Wednesday, March 16 through Saturday, March 19

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina
(AP) -U.S. gunships were ordered to
strike at Bosnian Serbs firing at French
troops, but the raid was called off yes-
terday after the Serb guns fell silent and
bad weather obscured the target.
The attack order, coming less than
two weeks after NATO war planes
downed four Bosnian Serb fighters,
demonstrated U.N. resolve to protect
U.N. ground troops. But the decision to
rescind the strike after the Serbs stopped
firing - poor visibility also played a
role -also showed that NATO sought
to avoid confrontation.
U.N. special envoy Yasushi Akashi
ordered NATO planes to strike at Serb
positions near Bihac in northwest
Bosnia late Saturday following a series
of attacks.on French positions, said a
Continued from page 1
sound. The same programs running
on a Quadra 610 with a 68LC040 chip
were extremely jerky and the sound
was not as clear.
When the Power Macintosh 8100
attempted to run the spreadsheet
program Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows,
however, even the mouse tool was
rusty in its movement. But the
Continued from page 1
said. "I'm not saying it's a Broadway
musical, but it's a pretty good show."
Bridget Couillard, a sophomore in
the College of Engineering, agreed.
"It's definitely the most entertain-
ing part of Greek Week," she said.
The Mr. Greek Week pageant, an-
other popular event, will be held to-
morrow night at the Power Center.
Each fraternity nominates one member
for the pageant, which is sponsored by
the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. The men
compete in categories such as formal
wear, togas and talent.
Sunday, members will log more
than 200 hours of community service
around Ann Arbor, cleaning up a city
park and volunteering at a senior cen-
ter, a center for delinquent youths and
the Ann Arbor Hunger Coalition.
Peterson and other Greek members
said they hope Greek Week and its
philanthropic goals will improve the
Greek system's image in the commu-

U.N. spokesperson, Maj. Rob Annink.
A French soldierwas killed in the same
area Friday.
Annink said a Serb tank had fired at
a French armored vehicle, causing a
casualties. Two hours later, Bosnian
Serbs targeted French positions with
heavy machine gun and anti-aircraft
The United Nations claims theright
to call in air strikes to protect its forces.
NATO spokesperson John Jeffery
in Naples, Italy, said the French peace-
keepers asked for air support late Sat-
Two U.S. AC-130 Specter gun*
ships based in Brindisi, Italy, were
ordered on an attack mission, but U.N.
ground controllers called off the strike
early yesterday.
computer was using a poorly
configured demonstration model of
SoftWindows, the application
necessary to use Windows programs
on the Power PC. .
Freeman said a consumer version
of SoftWindows running on the Power
PC chip would rival the speed of
Windows running on a 486 processor.
For current Macintosh owners,
Power PC upgrades are available for
about $600.
nity and at the University.
"Greek Week showcases the posi
tive aspects of the Greek system. The
individual houses' philanthropy often
goes unnoticed during the year and too
often the Greek system gets negative
publicity. Greek Week makes people
aware of the many positive aspects,"
Peterson said.
"A lot of people may not see the
Greek system in an everyday lightand
think it's still the 'Animal House'
movie. The Greek system gets a lot 0A
bad press, and it's important that it gets
the good press when it deserves it,"
Couillard said.
Each house participates in commu-
nity service throughout the year, bit
Greek Week is the only time it is done
The goal for Greek Week 1994 i$
$50,000, and Peterson said it looks like
that goal will be surpassed. The Sandler.
concert alone brought in more thaQ
Last year, Greek Week donated
close to $40,000 to charity.


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Excerpts from remarks by Khalid Abdul Mohammad, Nation of Islam National Spokesman,
at Kean College, NJ, 11/29/93:

Ulije iftrhguun dl
will host a
of the candidates for
the Michigan Student Assembly
Tuesday, March 15
6 7:30 p.m.
429 Mason Hall

Go to the Vatican in Rome, when the old. no-good
Pope, you know that cracker. Somebody need to raise
that dress up and see what's really under there.
Brothers and sisters - the so-called Jew, and I must
say so-called Jew, because you're not the true Jew.
You are Johnny-come-lately-Jew, who just crawled out
of the caves and hills of Europe just a little over 4,(XX)
years ago. You're not from the original people. You
are a European strain of people who crawled around
on your all fours in the caves and hills of Europe,
eatin' Juniper roots and eatin' each other.
Who are the slumlords in the black community?
The so-called Jew... Who is it sucking our blood in the
black community? A white imposter Arab and a white
imposter Jew. Right in the black community, sucking
our blood on a daily and consistent basis. They sell us
pork and they don't even eat it themselves. A meat
case full of rotten pork meat. and the imposter Arab
and the imposter white Jew, neither of them eat it
themselves. A wall full of liquor keeping our people
drunk and out of their head, and filled with the swill of
the swine, affecting their minds. They're the blood
suckers of the black nation and the black community.
Professor Griff was right, when he spoke here... and
when he spoke in the general vicinity of Jersey and
New York. and when he spoke at Columbia Jew-niver-
sity (sic) over in Jew (sic) York City. He was right.
The DeBeers mines, Oppenheimer, our people, our
brothers and sisters in South Africa, hundreds of them
lose their lives. Sometimes thousands in those mines.
Miles underground, mining diamonds for white Jews.
That's why you call yourself Mr. Reubenstein, Mr.
Goldstein, Mr. Silverstein. Because you been stealing
rubies and gold and silver all over the earth. That's
why we can't even wear a ring or a bracelet or a neck-
lace without calling it Jew-elry. We say it real quick
and call it jewelry, but it's not jewelry, it's Jew-elry,
'cause you're the rogue that's stealing all over the face
of the planet earth.
You see everybody always talk about Hitler exter-
minating 6 million Jews. That's right. But don't

nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler? What did
they do to them folks? They went in there, in
Germany. the way they do everywhere they go. and
they supplanted, they usurped, they turned around and
a German, in his own country, would almost have to
go to a Jew to get money. They had undermined the
very fabric of the society. Now he was an arrogant no-
good devil bastard. Hitler. no question about it. He
was wickedly great. Yes, he was. He used his great-
ness for evil and wickedness. But they are wickedly
great too. brother. Everywhere they go, and they
always do it and hide their head.
We don't owe the white man nothin' in South
Africa. He's killed millions of our women, our chil-
dren, our babies. our elders. We don't owe him noth-
ing in South Africa. If we want to be merciful at all,
when we gain enough power from God Almighty to
take our freedom and independence from him, we give
him 24 hours to get out of town,by sundown. That's
all. If he won't get out of town by sundown, we kill
everything white that ain't right (inaudible) in South
Africa. We kill the women, we kill the children, we
kill the babies. We kill the blind, we kill the crippled,
(inaudible), we kill 'em all. We kill the faggot, we kill
the lesbian, we kill them all. You say why kill the
babies in South Africa? Because they gonna grow up
one day to oppress our babies, so we kill the babies.
Why kill the women? They, they...because they lay on
their back, they are the military or the army's manu-
facturing center. They lay on their back and reinforce-
ments roll out from between their legs. So we kill the
women too. You'll kill the elders too? Kill the old
ones too. Goddamit, if they in a wheelchair, push 'em
off a cliff in Cape Town. Push 'em off a cliff in Cape
Town, or Johannesburg, or (inaudible), or Port
Sheppston or Darbin, how the hell you think they got
old. They old oppressing black people. I said kill the
blind, kill the crippled, kill the crazy. Goddamit, and
when you get through killing 'em all, go to the god-
dam graveyard and dig up the grave and kill 'em, god-
dam, again. 'Cause they didn't die hard enough. They
didn't die hard enough. And if you've killed 'em all
and you don't have the strength to dig 'em up. then
take your gun and shoot in the goddam grave. Kill 'em

again. Kill 'em again. 'cause they didn't die hard
We found out that the Federal Reserve ain't really
owned by the Federal Government... But it ain't
owned by the Federal Government. The Federal
Reserve is owned by. you just touched on it a little
while ago. (Jews.) It's owned by the Jews.
Brother. I don't care who sits in the seat at the
White House. You can believe that the Jews control
that seat that they sit in from behind the scenes. They
control the finance, and not only that, they influence
the policy-making.
No white Jews ever in bondage in Egypt for 4(X)
years. You're not the chosen people of God. Stop
telling that lie. Let's go a little further with this. Many
of you put out the textbooks. Many of you control the
libraries. Lie-braries. NBC, ABC. CBS, you don't see
nothin', or makes sure we don't see. Warner Brothers,
Paramount, huh? Hollywood, period.
But [they] also are most influential in newspaper.
magazine, print media and electronic media.
These people have had a secret relationship with us.
They have our entertainers in their hip pocket. In the
palm of their hand, I should say. They have our ath-
letes in the palm of their hand.
Many of our politicians are in the palm of the white
man's hand, but in particular, in the palm of the
Jewish white man's hand.
The Jews have told us, the so-called Jews have told
us, ve (sic) ve, ve suffer like you. Ve, ve, ve, ve
marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ve, ve, ve
were in Selma, Alabama. Ve, ve were in Montgomery,
Alabama. Ve, ve, were on the front line of the civil
rights marches. Ve have always supported you. But
let's take a look at it. The Jews, the so-called Jews,
what they have actually done, brothers and sisters, is
used us as cannon fodder.

I CII.5I ne mcnian 17 y ISS.2N U rou-M Is 13pUonsnetuI~o iUo7 LIthrughI rioay ouUIIIIthelt and OIUwinterI terms by
students at theUniversity of Michigan. Subscriptions for fali term, starting in September. via U.S. mail are $90'
Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus subscrip-
tions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109-1327.
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Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 7640554; Billing 764-0550.
EDITORIAL TF eseHlady dtri he
NEWS David Shepardson, Managng Editor
EDITORS: Nate Hurley, Mona Qureshi, Karen Sabgir, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Robin Barry, Carrie Bissey, Hope Caiati, James R.Cho, Lashawnda crowe, Lisa Dines, Sam T. Dudek, Ronnie Glassberg,
Michele Hatty, Katie Hutchins, Judith Kafka, Randy Lebowitz, Andrea MacAdam, James M. Nash, Zachary M. Raimi, Rachel Scharfman
Megan Schimpf, Shari Sitron, Mpatanishi Tayari, Lara Taylor. Michelle Lee Thompson, Maggie Weyhing, April Wood, Scot Woods.
GRAPHICS: Jonathan Bemdt (Editor), Kimberly Albert, Jennifer Angeles, Andrew Taylor.
EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Flint Walness, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker, Jason Lichtstein.
STAFF: Cathy Boguslaski, Eugene Bowen, Jed Friedman, April Groff, Patrick Javid, Jeff Keating, Jim Lasser, Mo Park, Elisa Smith, Allisn
Stevens. Beth Werzbinski.
SPORTS Chad A. Safran, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest, Tim Rardin, Michael Rosenberg. Jaeson Rosenfeld.
STAFF Bob Abramson Paul BargerF Tom Bausano, Charlie Breitrose, Aaron Burs. Scott Burton, Ryan cuskaden, Marc Diller. Darren
Everson, Ravi Gopal, Ryan Herrrngton, Brett Johnson, Josh Kaplan, Josh Karp, Will McCahill, Brent McIntosh. Dan McKenzie, Antoine
Pitts, Melinda Roco, J.L. Rostam-Abadi. Melanie Schuman, Dave Schwartz, Tom Seeley, Tim Smith, Elisa Sneed, Barry Sollenberger,
Doug Stevens, Jeremy Strachan, Ken Sugiura, Ryan White.
ARTS Melissa Rose Bernardo, Nhna Hodael, Editors
EDITORS: Jason Carroll (Theater), Tom Eriewine (Music), Rona Kobell (Books), Darcy Lockman (Weekend etc.), John R. Rybock
(Weekend etc.), Michael Thompson (Film).
STAFF: Jordan Atlas, Nicole Baker. Matt Carson, Jin Ho Chung, Thomas Crowley, Andy Dolan, Ben Ewy, JohannaFiles. Josh Herrigo%
Kristen Knudsen. Karen Lee. Gianluca Montalti, Heather Phares, Scott Plagenhoef, Marni Raitn, Austin Ratner. Dirlt Schrulze, Liz Shraw.
Sarah Stewart, Alexandra Twin, Ted Watts,
PHOTO . Michele Buy, Evan Petri, Editors
STAFF: Anastasia Banicki, Mark Friedman, Mary Koukhab. Elizabeth Lippman, Jonathan Lurie, Rebecca Margolis, Judith Perkins, Joe
Westrate, Sarah Whiting, Chris Wolf.



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