One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Clinton unveils $13 billion job training, welfare reform program
WASHINGTON - President Clinton and
Labor Secretary Robert Reich unveiled yester-
day a five-year, $13 billion job training and
assistance bill designed to help unemployed
people get back to work faster - the fourth
major element of the administration's domestic
policy agenda for the year.
"The existing system of unemployment and
training is simply broken," Clinton declared at
a White House ceremony called to launch the
bill. The administration's bill, he said, is de-
signed to repair one that is "outmoded, bureau-
cratic and too often delays people getting back
to work instead of accelerates their return to the
work force. It will build a new system to help
workers get the training and counseling they
need to fill higher-wage jobs more quickly."
Although Reich first sold Clinton on the
idea of the bill -which he has dubbed the "re-
employment act" - at a time of steady, high
unemployment, the proposal remains a high
priority for Clinton even now that unemploy-
ment rates have dropped. Clinton has argued in
private to his aides that the proposal is key to
raising the living standards of lower-income
Americans and to reducing the fear of long-
term unemployment. He has cited the reem-
ployment proposal -- along with health care
reform, welfare reform and anti-crime efforts
-as the main items on his agenda for the year.
The administration's bill is aimed at the 1.8
million to2milion people who get laid off each
year with little chance of getting their old jobs
back. To assist those workers, the bill would
consolidate six existing job training programs
- the largest of which, the Trade Adjustment
Act, is designed to help workers who are in-
jured by import competition.
In place of the existing programs, the ad-
ministration would create a single, new pro-
gram that would provide intensive counseling
and help in looking for a new job. Current
programs assist only about 570,000 dislocated
workers per year with the level of assistance
varying widely. '
Clinton's proposal also would provide grants
to states to establish "one-stop" employment
centers that consolidate programs to help un-
employed workers. States would be required to
begin screening all unemployed workers to
determine, within the first five weeks of unem-
ployment, which people have a reasonable
chance of getting back their old jobs and which
ones will need more intensive help finding a
new line of work.
The proposed bill would also authorize states
to conduct experiments with several innovative
programs designed to get people off unemploy-
ment rolls more quickly. A small percentage of
unemployed workers would be eligible to cash
in their unemployment benefits as a lump sum
bonus in return for getting a new job early on.
Another small group of people would be eligible
to receive grants to start their own businesses.
won't block
hearings on
WASHINGTON - The special
prosecutor investigating the
Whitewater affair paved the way yes-
terday for congressional hearings into
the matter within a few months when
he told lawmakers he would have no
objection to a limited inquiry.
The agreement by special prosecu-
tor Robert Fiske, made in meetings
with congressional leaders, was im-
mediately seized by Republicans as a
sign that there would now be a public
airing of questions raised about the
complicated relationship between
President and Hillary Rodham Clinton
and a failed savings and loan associa-
tion in Arkansas.
Fiske told the lawmakers his inves-
tigation is proceeding on several tracks,
and that he expects to be able to finish
examining recent Washington-based
events within the next few weeks or
months. If Congress were to hold hear-
ings on that portion of the inquiry after
he is finished, Fiske said he would have
"no objections."
Ten administration officials, includ-
ing six top Clinton aides, have been
ordered to answer questions today for a
federal grand jury looking into con-
tacts between the White House and
independent federal agencies probing
the collapse of Madison Guaranty Sav-
ings and Loan. Some of the subpoe-
naed officials have postponed their
appearances, however, including se-
nior White House adviser Bruce
Lindsey, officials said.
Following a day of meetings on
Capitol Hill between Fiske and law-
makersof both parties, Republican Sen.
William S. Cohenof Maine predictedit
"is not going to be politically possible"
for Clinton's Democratic allies to block
congressional hearings into the matter.
But there was no sign of a break in
the ranks of Democratic leaders, who
continued to maintain that any effort to
hold hearings before Fiske completes
his job would endanger the entire in-
"This is partisan politics at its
worst," Senate Majority Leader George
Mitchell (D-Maine) said of the GOP
calls for hearings. "Their sole purpose
is to embarrass the president and score
political points."
Fiske, in his meetings with con-
gressional leaders, told them he would
"prefer that there be no congressional
hearings" until his investigation of the
Shabazz urges:
'We must learn
to live togthe-wtir'
After a busy day driving around Ann Arbor, a local cab driver takes a nap outside the Michigan Union yesterday
MSA preiddt
alleesassault by M AolA
A bumper sticker on a car parked
outside Rackham Auditorium last nigh
saidt, "No one is free while others are
oppressed." The sticker reflected the
theme of Betty Shabazz's speech last
night about multiculturism.
"Some years back I never thought
anyone would be talking about
mulitculturism," she said. "Atone time,
can culture was considered hateful."
Shabazz, the widow of slain civil
rights leader Malcolm X, was greeted
with a standing ovation. Her speech
touched upon the lives of everyone
regardless of race, gender or age.
"As the world comes closer to-
gether, we must learn to live together,
and broaden our conceptual frame-
work," she said.
She said that in the global commu-
nity, everyone has something to con-
tribute. "I remember when I went to
Africa once and I was having lunch
with some young people from the
Peace Corps, they were disappointed
because they didn't find conditions as
bad as they expected. ... Although
there were no cars, they did have self
"Sometimes in the humblest soci-
ety, we can learn a lot. Young people
who have gone over to teach and tell
not only helped but also learned."
She explained that many African
American causes had not been ad-
dressed. "To deny the individual the
expression of culture, to deny the indi-
vidual the expression of lifestyle, a
lifestyle lived by their ancestors is
really wrong," she said.
She also described the significance
of gender discrimination in the work-
place and in the home. "Some coun-
tries are still killing girl babies so that
families can have boys, and some still
feel that there are times when a man
just needs to spank that woman."
Shabazz advocated a strong re-
sponse to these abuses. "Not that I
think that every woman should resort
to the same kind of violence as in the
Bobbitt case, but no one's going to
listen to you cry," she said.
Addressing men's issues she said,
"Me nmay be feeling insecure. Broader
society doesn't see men as insecure,
they only see them as strong."
Shabazz also had a message for
students and other young people.
"Young people today are setting
the rhythm of the world," she said. "It
is extremely important that you under-
stand if you're going to lead the change
in the 21st century, you must do what
Arsenio Hall says and 'Get busy.'"
The audience of nearly 400 had°a
mixed response to the speech.
"My impression wasn't too favor-
able," said Jae Cross, a University of
Washington graduate. "I agree with
multiculturalism but I think it's a cop-
out. I don'tbelieve that multiculturalism,
or a lack of it, is causing all these
problems like poverty."
LSA senior Eric Sokol also said he
left unimpressed. "It seemed she was
generalizing. She didn't offer any basis
for her facts" about women working
See SHABAZZ, Page 2
Michigan Student Assembly Vice
President Brian Kight has been work-
ing to amend the Statement of Student
Rights and Responsibilities for the 13
months the policy has been around.
Now, he, along with MSA Presi-
dent Craig Greenberg may be charged
under the code of non-academic con-
duct by a political opponent.
Yesterday, OutsiderPartypresiden-
tial candidate Trevor Moeller reported
an incident between him and the two
MSA officers to the Department of
Public Safety (DPS).
Moeller said he also plans to bring
charges for assault against Greenberg
and Kight under the code.
The incident took place Tuesday
night around 10:30 by the Outsider
Party's shanty on the Diag, which con-
tains comments critical of Kight and
Greenberg's MSA party -the Michi-
gan Party.
Moeller said there was no physical
contact between him and Kight or
Greenberg, but said both shook their
fists in his face.
"Brian gets crazy, he throws off
his backpack and he runs up to me and
shakes his fist in my face," Moeller
said, "implying that in any second he
was going to physically attack me."j
Despite the fact no physical contact
took place, such an incident could be
considered assault.
Assault includes the threat of force,
said DPS Investigator Paul Vaughan.
MSA Election Director Christine
Young, LSA senior Jeff Alexander
Stern, the Michigan Party's candidates
See MSA, Page 2
Code amendment heanng set for March 16
Perhaps the third time will be the
charm.The Office of Student Affairs
has called another hearing to consider
amendments to the Statement of Stu-
dent Rights and Responsibilities.
The office has called two previous
hearings. The first was called off due to
an ice storm. The second failed to pull
a majority of student hearing panel
members required to take action on the
The hearing will be held Wednes-
day in Room 120 of the Law School
from 6-8:30 p.m.
Amendments sponsored by stu-
dents, the Michigan Student Assembly
and the Office of Student Affairs, along
with any new amendments announced
to Student Affairs, will be considered
at the hearing.
Mary Lou Antieau, judicial advi-
sor of the code of non-academic con-
duct, made changes both in the format
and in notifying the student hearing
panel members about the hearing.
The Office of Student Affairs has
sent self-addressed, stamped postcards
to the student hearing panel members
to avoid the hassle of telephone tag and
dealing with the mail.
Frederick Werner, a student hear-
ing panelmember,has been concerned
about his fel'3w hearing panelists at-
tending the hearing.
He explained the benefits of the
new format."I think the only thing that
they're concerned about is that we have
all the time that we need to ask ques-
tions and that people don't ask ques-
tions directly to us."
He is looking for information about
the possible ramifications of the code.
"What are the worst case scenarios that
a future administration could work
within the guidelines of the code?"
The most recent amendment pro-
posal was announced by the Outsider
Party, running in MSA elections.
The party has not gathered the 500
signatures needed to submit a proposal
to the hearing panel members. Presi-
dential candidate Trevor Moeller said
the proposals show that his party is
concerned about the code.
f y:
Free speech goes on trial at 'U' conference