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March 08, 1994 - Image 1

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Acting aside,
still insane

Page 5




One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vol. CIV, No. 90 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 8, 1994 1994 The MichigaDaily

Gays urge VP to
include them in
*search to find new
Housing director
While Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen A.
Hartford is still working to finalize the search committee
charged with selecting a new Housing director, the Les-
bian-Gay Male Programs Office (LGMPO) has its own
agenda: to have Hartford select at least one openly gay
student to the committee.
The committee will compile a list of candidates to
replace former Housing Director Robert C. Hughes, who,
after being removed from his position in Housing by
Hartford, became the executive director of development
and external relations for student affairs.
Hartford can select Hughes' replacement from the pool
e committee sends her or she can pick another candidate.
Since the LGMPO was founded in 1971, Toy said the
group's purpose has been to bring gay issues to the campus'
attention and to be an "advocate for the rights and welfare
of this constituency."
"The welfare of this constituency rests in some large
part on the atmosphere and climate of the campus," Toy
Toy said the Housing Division has been supportive in
the past and it "needs to continue to be supportive of the
concerns of the constituencY.... The search committee for
'the new director needs to include a member of this constitu-
Hartford said yesterday she did not know how many
students - heterosexual or homosexual - will be on the
committee or when it will be formed.
In interviews last month, Hartford said she hoped to
have the committee in place by Spring Break.
Several gay University students have volunteered to be
on the committee, should Hartford select them. One such
volunteer, Bradley Weischedel, a graduate student in the
School of Social Work, said he believes the best way for
*lesbian and gay students' concerns, regarding the Housing
Division, is to have a gay student on the committee.
"It is important to have a Housing Director who ... is
sensitive to the issues that face lesbian, gay and bisexual
students, which includes University housing for same-sex
partners and fostering an environment which is free from
See HARTFORD, Page 2


Arafat holds
talks with
Israeli env oy


CAIRO, Egypt -- Yasser Arafat,
head of the Palestine Liberation Orga-
nization, held his first direct talks yes-
terday with an Israeli envoy since the
Hebron massacre, seeking in a secret
meeting hereto produce abreakthrough
to allow peace talks to resume on Pal-
estinian self-rule.
PLO officials said they hoped that
Israel would agree to new controlsaon
Jewish settlers in occupied lands and
a force of international observers to
assure Palestinian security, guaran-
tees that would persuade the PLO to
return to the peace table.
After two days of Egyptian and
U.S. mediation, the two sides are dis-
cussing a package that would include a
stepped-up timetable for negotiating
the future of Jewish settlements in the
occupied territories, armed interna-
tional observers in Palestinian areas
and further controls on the arms carried
by Israeli settlers, sources close to the
negotiations said.
"If these measures are approved by
the Israelis, it will relieve the situa-
tion," said a senior PLO official. "It
will help a lot. And I think, yes, it will
bring us back to the peace talks."
Arafat met with Jacques Neriah,
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's
political adviser, and David Sultan,
Israel's ambassador to Egypt. Their
discussions were the first since the Feb.
25 attack that killed more than 40 Pal-
estinians in a Hebron mosque.
See ARAFAT, Page 7

Israel slow
to enforce
on settlers
Marzel is one of the most popular
media interviews around right now.
The head of Kach, a radical set-
tlers' organization, is officially
"wanted" by the Israel government.
They say they cannot find him-or
two more of the five wanted radi-
cals. But he has been available for
television, radio and newspaper in-
Similarly, the government an-
nounced it would disarm settlers
after the Feb. 25 massacre of Mus-
lim worshipers in Hebron by aKach
member, and it announced a travel
closure on the Jewish settlements
But the "less than 100" settlers
whom the Israel Police minister said
would be disarmed translated into
disarmament orders against only 18.
And of those 18, only five have
been served with the orders so far.
See SETTLERS, Page 7


Phil Tepley operates a heavy machine at The Daily Grind Flour Mill yesterday. The
50 pounds of organic flour at a time.

machine bags

80 candidates vie for
24 MSA rep positions

Jury finds former SAPAC
employee guilty on 1 count

Students this year will have to
search a long list of names to
select their favorite candidate for
brepresentative to the Michigan
Student Assembly.
In the March 22-23 election,
students will
have to
among 80
for 24 open
"I'm cer-
tainly happy
that a lot of
people are
interested in running for MSA
and I think the more candidates,
the better," said MSA Vice Presi-

dent Brian Kight.
The number of candidates this
year marks a 15-person increase
over the elections last March when
65 students ran for representative
Kight said he sees the increase
in candidates as significant for the
"I think it's more than just a
random fluctuation in the number
of people running," Kight said. "If
people weren't interested in MSA,
they wouldn't be running."
But voters will not have to get
to know all 80 candidates since
students elect representatives from
their own schools or colleges.
Five parties - the DO Party,
the Outsider Party, the Students'
Party, the Michigan Party and the
Protest Party - will run candi-
dates for representative.

A jury Friday afternoon concluded that
Michelle Brooks took University money with-
out voluntarily returning it. However, the jury
was not certain that Brooks intended to per-
manently cheat the school, and found her not
guilty on one count of larceny by conversion.
Brooks was an employee of the Sexual
Assault Prevention and Awareness Center
(SAPAC). As part of her job, she took promo-
tional trips to various parts of the country. She
and her immediate superior, Bernstein Oliver,
received cash advances for these excursions.
Sometimes the trips were cancelled, but the
money was never returned.
At Brooks's trial last Thursday and Friday
at Washtenaw County Courthouse, Brooks
was accused of embezzling a total of $2,900
- $850 of which was returned from her
paychecks, in accordance with University

She testified that she had tried to return
more of the money but did not know the
proper procedure for doing so.
Brooks testified concerning one of her
non-existent trips, "I gave (Oliver) the stuff
she was supposed to turn in, and I thought that
was the end of it. ... As far as I knew, this was
the money to pay back the cash advance."
Brooks admitted to using some of the
money to pay off her "six or seven" charge
cards. She also said that she had allowed
Oliver to use the cards as a favor.
Oliver has pleaded no contest to embezzle-
ment charges.
Debi Cain, the director of SAPAC, said
that she met with Brooks two times. At these
meetings, Cain said she made clear to Brooks
that returning the money would not preclude
a criminal trial.
Although Brooks was acquitted, the Uni-
versity has the right to collect its money, and
See BROOKS, Page 2

The Michigan Party will put
21 candidates on the ballot for
representative and the Students'
Party will run 12 candidates.
Both the Michigan Party and
the Students' Party ran candidates
in last fall's election.
The DO Party, the Outsider
Party and the Protest Party are new
to the MSA scene.
Three candidates for represen-

tative will run under the DO Party,
19 will run under the Outsider Party
and five will run under the Protest
The remaining 20 candidates
will be on the ballot as indepen-
Rackham Rep. Roger DeRoo
said he is glad to see the large
amount of candidates.
See MSA, Page 2 I

Duderstadt praises mentorship program, reminisces

Remembering his own days in an
intimidating university, President
James J. Duderstadt commended the
University Mentorship Program ef-

started looking through a catalog to
find a school, I thought Yale was ... in
Duderstadt also recognized con-
cerns of students at the University.
"Michigan education is one of those

Participants in the program
warmly reacted to Duderstadt.
"With (Duderstadt) speaking to-
day, it makes us feel even better (about
the University) because you know
that your faculty and staff is there for.

with her mentorship group. "I have a
very mixed group with very different
interests. The only thing they have in
common is they're freshmen."
"Every year, (the program) gets
stronger and stronger," LSA senior


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