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March 03, 1994 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-03

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 3, 1994 -3

*Plane skids into
New York dike;
18 hospitalized
NEW YORK (AP) - A Continental Airlines plane
came within a few feet of plunging into a bay yesterday
when it aborted a takeoff from LaGuardia Airport during
a snowstorm and skidded into a dike.
At least 18 of the 115 passengers aboard Denver-
bound Flight 795 were taken to hospitals for injuries
ranging from minor bruises to fractures, said Charles
DeGaetano, an Emergency Medical Services spokes-
Passengers said they felt a large bump, then the plane
went dark as people screamed and luggage fell out of the
overhead bins.
* "When he hit the brakes, the plane tilted over and we
all grabbed each other," said passenger Hope Manville
of New York City. "I was terrified. It was awful."
Passenger Jim Bowman of Phoenix said he saw the
pilot come back into the cabin before takeoff and check
the wings for ice. Bowman and other passengers said
when they exited through the emergency chute onto the
wings, the wings felt very icy.
It was too early to tell whether the snowstorm was a
factor in the accident, said Hank Price, a Federal Avia-
Otion Administration spokesperson.
Several messages left at Continental's public affairs
office in Houston were not immediately returned.
The twin-engine MD-80 jet was taking off about 6
p.m. when it tried to abort the flight, FAA spokesperson
Pat Cariseo said. A moderate snow was falling in New
York City with a 26 mph wind at the time.
The runway ends at Flushing Bay, but the plane
stopped up against the dike with its nose hanging 25 feet.
over the water. The dike is slightly taller than the edge of
the runway and keeps it free of water during high tides.
0 The pilot "either saved all of our lives or he could
have taken off and he chickened out," Bowman said.
There were 115 passengers aboard plus an undeter-
mined number of crew members, said Port Authority
spokesperson Tom Middlemiss.
LaGuardia was closed while authorities investigated
the accident. Flights were diverted to two nearby air-
The MD-80 can carry up to 150 passengers, said Don
Hanson, a spokesperson for McDonnell Douglas Corp.,
4he plane's manufacturer. It requires a cockpit crew of
two pilots. The model was introduced in 1980 and more
than 1,000 are currently in service.

.. . .. . .

School of Nursing
dean promoted to
provost's office

From advising the Secretary of
Health and Human Services to orga-
nizing a program to address violence
against women on campus, Rhetaugh
Graves Dumas has been a viable force
on campus.
This is why Dumas, dean of the
University's School of Nursing, has
been tapped to serve as the
University's vice provost for health
"I am very excited about this. I
will be expanding my opportunities
in health affairs. It's a good transi-
tion," she said.
Provost and Executive Vice Presi-
dent for Academic Affairs Gilbert R.
Whitaker has nominated Dumas to
fill the vacancy created by the retiring
Vice Provost for Medical Affairs
George D. Zuidema.
The title is being changed from
vice provost for medical affairs to
vice provost for health affairs to more
accurately reflect the new responsi-
bilities, Whitaker said in a press re-
"Dr. Dumas will bring to the vice
provost position a rich background in
academic administration. She is
known and respected throughout the
University for her leadership of the
School of Nursing and her contribu-
tions to the larger academic commu-
nity," Whitaker said.
"I am very much looking forward
to working with the deans of the vari-
ous health science schools," Dumas
As vice provost for health affairs,
her main responsibilities will entail

working with the provost and the
schools of Medicine, Public Health,
Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing.
"I will have a close relationship
with the school and coordinate activi-
ties between the various schools," she
Dumas also advises Health and
Human Services Secretary Donna
Shalala on matters pertaining to nurs-
ing as a member of the National Ad
visory Council for the Division of
Ada Sue Hinshaw, director of the
National Institute for Nursing Re-
search at the National Institutes of
Health, will succeed Dumas as dean
of the School of Nursing.
Dumas' nomination is expected to
be approved by the regents at their
regular meeting next week. Her term
will take effect July 1.
Dorothy Henderson, a graduate
student in the School of Nursing who
will be graduating this year, said, "She
has been a powerful dean at the Uni-
versity. The School of Nursing has
moved forward as far as stature and
reputation under her."
In response to a rash of rapes last
November, Dumas was instrumental
in organizing a task force in the School
of Nursing to address the issue of
violence against women on campus.
Dumas joined the School of Nurs=
ing as dean and professor in 1981.
She was a member of Yale
University's School of Nursing fac-
ulty from 1962-72.
She served as director of nursing
at the Connecticut Mental Health
Center at Yale-New Haven Medical

LSA first-year students Claire Mercier (left) and Linda Kuet (right) take a break from studying to
watch the 100th episode of "Beverly Hills 90210" at Betsey Barbour last night.

MSA may withdraw from national student group; leaders meet

U.S. Students Association Presi-
*dent Tchiyuka Cornelius meets with
some of the most influential people in
the nation often to lobby for student
Today he will be meeting to lobby
for his organization against a major
opponent - Michigan Student As-
sembly President Craig Greenberg.
Greenberg said yesterday he sup-
ports the idea of MSA withdrawing
its membership from USSA.
Cornelius will be meeting with
Greenberg today at 2 p.m. An hour
later, Cornelius will be available to
talk to students in the MSA office,
located on the third floor of the Michi-
gan Union.

Founded in 1947, USSA is a stu-
dent lobbying group in Washington
that represents 300 universities and
community colleges.
MSA is automatically a member
of USSA through its membership in
the Michigan Collegiate Coalition
Greenberg, who attended a week-
long USSA conference in July, said
he has many of problems with the
"The primary goal of a national
student organization should be nar-
row and specific to make it effective,"
Greenberg said. "I think USSA is way
too broad of an organization."
But currently USSA is the only
student lobbying group in Washing-

Using the eight employees in its
Washington office, the group lobbies
for student concerns. All of the em-
ployees in the office have been stu-
dents in the past two to three years
and have served in student govern-
"Our overall purpose is to increase
higher education for everyone,"
Cornelius said.
To do this, Cornelius said USSA
lobbies to make financial aid more
"We've also lobbied on the Na-
tional Service bill to benefit as many
students as possible," Cornelius said.
On Feb. 23, Cornelius testified
before the House Subcommittee on
Crime and Criminal Justice. He said
during the testimony that he discussed

the bill's'effects on students and sug-
gested providing scholarships for stu-
dents interested in a law enforcement
Cornelius stressed the importance
of having a student lobbying group in
"Students can't expect non-stu-
dents to stand up for students," he
said. "Students know best student
To fill the void if MSA terminates
its membership with USSA,
Greenberg has proposed membership
in the National Coalition for Student
Empowerment (NCSE), a student lob-
bying group currently forming.
"I think this organization was
formed because all of the people at-
tempted to make changes in USSA,

but were unsuccessful because of the
structure," Greenberg said.
MCC Governor Conan Smith, an
RC fourth-year student, said he dis-
agrees with Greenberg on the advan-
tages of NCSE.
"The don't have an office in Wash-
ington, D.C., and their name isn't
known yet," Smith said. But Smith
said the assembly should always look
for other options.
Cornelius said today's meeting
with Greenberg was not prompted by
the MSA president's view of USSA.
USSA makes visitsa such as the
one to the University today to gather
the views of its members, Cornelius
"We don't get a chance to visit
every member school, but we travel

regularly," Cornelius said. However,
he said Greenberg's opposition to
USSA will be a major part of the
discussion they plan.
At Tuesday's MSA meeting, LSA
Rep. Andrew Wright proposed a bal-
lot question on whether the assembly
should pull out of MCC and USSA,
which failed. Cornelius said he sees
this as a positive sign.
"This mean there's support for
MCC and USSA at least in the student
government," he said.
Cornelius said it would cost about
$1,000 for the assembly to become a
member of USSA independent of
MCC. MSA currently pays $25,550
for its membership in MCC, with
about 5 percent of this fee going to

GOP meets to form single
*health care reform proposal

WASHINGTON (AP) - The tim-
ing couldn't be better for this week's
Republican health care summit: Sup-
port for President Clinton's reform plan
is cracking if not crumbling, both in
Congress and among the American
But don't expect Republicans to
step into the vacuum and seize the mo-
uentum in the health care debate.
Although they are convening today
and tomorrow for a health care retreat,

Republicans are no closer to resolving
deep policy and political disputes that
have kept the party from speaking with
a clear voice on the dominant issue
before Congress in this election year.
The answer to their problems lies in
whether the most vocal Republican
voices on health care can settle some of
their biggest policy disputes, and no
two-day retreat is going to bridge those
"The purpose of the meeting is not

to try to come together," says Senate
Republican leader Bob Dole, making
clear in advance that he's nowhere near
his goal of a shaping a single Republi-
can plan.
Another participant, Texas GOP
Sen. Phil Gramm, added: "We Repub-
licans have an opportunity because of
the collapse of the Clinton plan. We
have an opportunity to get back in the
But Gramm wants others to make
the compromises, Rhode Island Sen.
John Chafee chief among them.
Gramm's call for incremental reform is
a far cry from a Chafee plan that shares

California earthquake contributed to
the worst decline in Americans' in-
comes in a year in January, while the
brutal winter of 1994 helped send
new home sales plummeting more
than they have in nearly 14 years.
But the Commerce Department
also reported yesterday that consumer
spending rose for the 10th straight
month at a rate that matched
December's increase.
Economists said the signs point to
slower economic growth, although
Mother Nature is making matters look

worse they are.
"I think after you brush all the
disasters aside, the economy is still
generating a fair amount of income,"
said Sandra Shaber, an economist with
the WEFA Group outside of Philadel-
She noted that the most important
component of the income category -
wages and salaries - actually rose a
healthy 1 percent in January to $3.19
Commerce Department reports
show Americans' income decreased
in January after five straight increases,

Mother Earth stalls economic growth.

declining 0.3 percent in January to.
$5.53 trillion at a seasonally adjusted:
annual rate.
The Los Angeles earthquake also:
skewed this January's figures, caus-
ing $42.5 billion in uninsured losses.:
Without those unusual factors that
are not likely to recur, personal in-'
come in January would have risen 0.7
In another report, sales of new.
homes plunged 20.1 percent in Janu-
ary, the steepest decline in nearly 14:
years, because of the bad weather and
rising interest rates.

Group Meetings
Q Campus Crusade for Christ,
Dental School, Kellogg Audi-
torium, 7 p.m.
Q Circle K International, Michi-
gan Union Room 2209, 7:30
Q Korean Students Association,
Michigan Union Room 2203,
7-8:30 p.m.
Q Islamic Circle, Shazia Ahmed,
Lane Hall Room 200, 5 p.m.
Q Pre-Med Club, primary care &
health reform, Michigan Union
Kuenzel Room, 6:30 p.m.
Q Society of Women Engineers,
1200 EECS, 6:15 p.m.
Q Taiwanese American Students
for Awareness, Michigan
League, Conference Room 6,7
n in

Museum of Anthropology,
Museum of Natural History,
Room 2009, noon.
Q "Does Stumbling Speech
Bumble Comprehension?,"
Jean E. Fox, sponsored by the
Psychology Department, Perry
Building, noon.
Q "Islam in Arabia," Alexander
Knysh, sponsored by the De-
partment of Near Eastern Stud-
ies, 3050 Frieze Building, noon.
Q "Overcome by Modernity: So-
cial Discourses in the Inter-
war Period," Harry
Harootunian, sponsored by the
Center for Japanese Studies,
Lane Hall Commons, noon.
Q The Last Stages: Interviewing
On-Site & Negotiating Offers,
..nncnclb arer Pr lanni na

Q What Can I Do With a
Bachelor's Degree in His-
tory?, sponsored by Career
Planning and Placement, 3200
Student Activities Building,
5:10-6 p.m.
Student services
Q 76-GUIDE, peer counseling
phone line, call 76-GUIDE, 7
p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Campus Information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info., 76-EVENT; film
info., 763-FILM.
Q North Campus Information
Center, North Campus Com-
mons, 763-NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.
Q Professional Development for
Itnnt~~. u~inna CnnI nni-i -

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