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March 03, 1994 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-03-03

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Police uncover few clues in Peoples shooting case F-A 7

A thorough search of the parking
lot where former Michigan football
player Shonte Peoples fired shots at
police turned up no bullets, Ann Ar-
bor police said yesterday.
However, police said they found
seven shell casings that matched the
bullets found in Peoples' gun.
Police also found a gun in a snow-
bank off of South Main Street, which
Sad been thrown there by a suspect in
the course of police pursuit. The sus-
pect, Herman Culkar, was later ar-

rested and charged with breaking into
five different vehicles and stealing
various electronic equipment.
Police said Culkar used two types
of screwdrivers to break into the ve-
hicles. The thefts allegedly occurred
in the area of Signature Boulevard
and Waymarket Way, including in
the parking lot directly in front of
Peoples' apartment in the 3000 block
of Signature Boulevard.
One of the cars allegedly hit by
Culkar was a 1993 Jeep Grand Chero-
kee belonging to Peoples. Police re-
ports estimated the damage to the
vehicle at $500.

Ann Arbor Police Department
(AAPD) Sgt. Phil Scheel said yester-
day that Culkar had a previous crimi-
nal record and was only recently re-
leased from jail.
Plainclothes police of the AAPD
Special Investigation Unit observed
Culkar breaking into the vehicles in-
volved, resulting in the pursuit and
apprehension of Culkar.
It was during a police search of the
Signature Boulevard area that offic-
ers were fired upon by Peoples from
the second- and third-floor balconies
of the apartment complex in which he
lives, police said.

According to Scheel, at least 12
officers, including five not in uni-
form, were at the scene. Scheel said
the officers "would have been justi-
fied" if they had shot at Peoples but
declined to do so for fear of injuring
innocent bystanders.
Peoples fired two volleys of shots at
police, due to some confusion during
the encounter. Police reports indicated
that when the officers shouted "Police!
Police!" at Peoples, he took it to mean
that the officers thought Peoples him-
self was an officer. It was after this that
Peoples fired the second round of shots
in the officers' direction.

The gun Peoples used was regis-
tered with AAPD in December, when
he purchased it from an Ann Arbor
firearms store for approximately $500.
Peoples, a Kinesiology senior who
has no previous criminal record, has
been charged with assault with a
deadly weapon, a felony which car-
ries a maximum sentence of four years
imprisonment or a $2,000 fine.
Peoples could have been charged
under Michigan's firearms felony stat-
ute, which carries a mandatory two-
year sentence, but Scheel said Peoples
was not charged with this offense
because he had no criminal record.


Israeli Jews
agonize over
JERUSALEM - The Hebron
massacre has unleashed a wave of
profound soul-searching among Is-
raeli Jews, who are questioning what
went wrong in their society, their poli-
*ics - and even the very nature of the
Jewish state - to lead a militant set-
tler to murder Muslims at prayer.
Although many of the questions
are just beginning to surface, it seems
clear the massacre carried out by
Baruch Goldstein has stirred new
doubts among many Israelis about the
messianic nationalism that motivated
the most zealous Jewish settlers in the
vgest Bank. The killings may also
accelerate Israel's long and agoniz-
ing debate about the occupation of the
West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the
fate of 110,000 Jewish settlers who
live there.
Israelis are worried the massacre
will trigger a painful wave of retribu-
tion, and it already appears to have
dampened much of the optimism that
emained from the peace accord be-
een Israel and the Palestine Libera-
tion Organization.

Regents will
likely release
search papers

Rabbi Yisrael Lau, Israel's chief Rabbi, extends his hand to Palestinians in Jerusalem's Muslim quarter yesterday.

The University's five-year legal
fiasco may soon come to an end.
The Board of Regents will likely
announce tomorrow they will comply
with a circuit court order requiring
the University to hand over docu-
ments pertaining to the 1988 presi-
dential search.
On Feb. 11, Washtenaw County
Circuit Court Judge Patrick Conlin
ordered the University to release rat-
ing sheets, notes used to evaluate can-
didates, unedited minutes and a list of
candidates in the search that ended
with the appointment of James J. Dud-
erstadt as president of the University.
With a court-imposed deadline,
Regent Rebecca McGowan (D-Ann
Arbor) said the regents have until
tomorrow to comply with the ruling
or file an appeal.

Despite feelings of shame over
the murders, many Israelis questioned
here did not want to evacuate Jewish
settlements and did not favor disarm-
ing the settlers. And, for now, Israelis
appear to remain locked in the sharp
polarization between hawks and doves
that has characterized the state for a

Goldstein, who gunned down 39
Muslims as they prayed Friday in the
Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron,
was a militant Jewish extremist and
disciple of Rabbi Meir Kahane, who
before his assassination advocated the
use of force to assert hegemony over
lands to which Jews claimed a bibli-
cal heritage. While Goldstein's ex-

treme views are held by only a tiny
fraction of the settlers, a significant.
part of the settler movement in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip believes in
a mixture of messianic purpose and
But the massacre has provoked
introspection and denunciations.
See ISRAEL, Page 2

Architect Silvetti discusses society,
design in Raoul Wallenberg Lecture

Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) said, "This matter is over and
done with. Any additional comments
doesn't add anything."
The University has been entangled
in a court battle since 1988 when The
Ann Arbor News, later joined by the
Detroit Free Press, filed suit against
the board claiming the regents vio-
lated the state's Open Record and
Open Meetings acts when they met in
closed, sub-quorum meetings to evalu-
ate and interview prospective presi-
dential candidates. The lawsuit ques-
tioned the legality of the presidential
selection process, headed by Regent
Paul Brown (D-Mackinac Island).
When asked about much awaited
release of the documents, Heath
Merriweather, executive editor of the
Free Press, said, "I am looking for-
ward to informing our readers when
See REGENTS, Page 2
Bogus psych
flyer makes
rounds on
"If you are an undergraduateor
graduate student... you may be needed
for psychology experiments that pay-
$20 per hour." Sound too good to bd
true? It probably is.
Flyers posted throughout the Uni-
versity offer this chance to students
who send their name, address, phone
number and $6 in cash to a nameless
P.O. Box number located in the Ar-
cade Station Post Office.
According to the flyer, the fee is
necessary for the application's pro-
cessing and would be refunded in the
first paycheck of those who are hired.
James Hilton, undergraduate chair
of the psychology department,
stressed that the flyer has nothing to
do with his department. "We go
through great pains to make sure our
subjects know that our experiments

Renowned architect and Argen-
tinian native Jorge Silvetti spoke about
the complexity and importance of ar-
chitectural design to an audience of
about 100 people at Rackham Am-
phitheater last night, making the Brady
Bunch's Mike Brady's work look sim-
Silvetti was brought to the Uni-
qersity by the College of Architecture
and Urban Planning in honor of Uni-
versity alum Raoul Wallenberg.
Wallenberg is credited with sav-
ing more than 100,000 Jews from
death by the Nazis in Budapest, Hun-
gary during World War II.
Robert Beckley, dean of the archi-
tecture college, said, "We usually try
and bring a distinguished architect or
Manner who has a particular interest

in creating a better environment for
people in the spirit of Raoul
Throughout history, Silvetti said
architects have commanded power in
society, and along with this power
comes responsibility. "Architects can
and should have a beneficial impact
on society," he told the audience.
Silvetti added that architecture
reflects, and in some ways, alters so-
ciety. This insight "gives us the op-
portunity to be critics of society,"
which, Silvetti said, is sometimes
In a highly commercial world,
where dollar signs sometimes stifle
creativity, Silvetti said, "The conven-
tional designer -which I am - will
survive, but an idea of ethics (must be
Silvetti then showed slides of four

of his recent projects including a large
private residence in New England and
a Princeton University parking ga-
Many of the audience members
were architecture students who came
to listen to someone they consider a
giant in the field.
Architecture graduate student John
Strasius said, "(The college) really
tries to find someone who represents
what Wallenberg stood for."
After graduating from the Univer-
sity, the Swedish-born Wallenberg
traveled around the world, spending a
lot of time in Israel. In July 1944,
Wallenberg was sent to Hungary by
the Swedish government to save as
many Jews as he could.
He was taken into custody by the
Russians in 1945 and disappeared.
He has not been seen since.


Architect Silvetti speaks at Rackham Auditorium last night.

Students scramble to find rooms in dorms, fret over lottery

'Luck of the draw'
will determine where
mnvn stu drnt_ lives

each student a random ranking on a
list to reapply for another room.
While some students are waiting

fair to those at the end of the reappli-
cation lists, those at the beginning
seem quite satisfied.

their adviser's offices in East Quad
- has changed. "We also have a
greater flexibility in cases for special

The survey will aim to find where the
students are moving to and what the
positives and negatives of dormitory


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