There are plenty o? reasons to fight underage drinking. Here's how we're doing it. At Anheuser-Busch we're committed drinking and promotes education de- * Barbara Babb Lecture r . to putting an end to underage drinking. signed to enable the students to make Some young people may believe That's why we have informed choices about their lives. that the consequences of underage or developed, or help excessive drinking to support, compre- will occur to some- iensive programs to body else, never to tackle the problem. them. Barbara They're all based on Babb, R.N. and providing the former critical care education and flight nurse, dispels awareness that that myth in her young people need provocative presen- for responsible tation entitled behavior and "Tying One On." decision making. She has made a lasting impression on over a quarter of * Family talk about drinking. * BACCHUS. a million high school students across Experts agree Established on over 500 college and the country. Her that it is impor- university campuses throughout program gets tant for parents to North America underage kids to discuss drinking with their children at BACCHUS is an think hard about a young age to help prevent underage international student what they could be drinking. Our Family Talk brochures, organization devoted - i doing to themselves prepared with the help of professionals to providing proactive and their loved ones in alcohol education, child psychology alcohol education if they drink. and family counseling, provide parents with useful discussion guides to help them answer questions and cover important points with their children. For copies, just call 1-800-359-TALK. f National Collegiate Athletic Association Foundation. Along with the National Collegiate Athletic Association Foundation, we provide alcohol education grants through their o"' 'Choices" Program. It encourages NCAA colleges, universities and conferences to develop, implement and evaluate campus- wide alcohol education programs that work toward the elimination of underage programming at a peer to peer level. Through the development of year-round education initiatives, BACCHUS students promote responsible decision- making, healthy lifestyles and encourages respect for the law and campus drinking policies. f Program ID. We sponsored this booklet to help retailers enforce drinking age laws. It provides prototypes of drivers' licenses from all 50 states to help verify the authenticity of ID's when presented. Programs like these are working. Underage drinking is on the decline. According to a study by the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research, drinking among high school seniors has dropped 25% since 1978, and is now at its lowest level since the study began in 1975. Since 1982, the number of drivers killed in teenage drunk driving accidents has decreased by 48% as reported by the U.S. Department of 'lansportation. It's progress, but there's a lot more work to do. At Anheuser-Busch, we feel that education and awareness are the best tools to fight underage drinking. We will continue to support these programs and develop new ones to help make underage drinking a thing of the past. We invite you to share your thoughts on the issues mentioned here. We would also be happy to send you information regarding our policies and programs designed to ncourage res ponsible drinking. Write: Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Consumer Awareness and Education, One Busch Place, St Louis, MO 63118 noa N I' I I I