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February 18, 1994 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-18

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 18, 1994 - 7




7,4557 Noted journalist falls victim to AIDS
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Randy the AIDS Epidemic," was an exhaus- "It's impossible to describe the
Shilts, a driven journalist who broke tive historv of the disease chroni- intense frustration ofknowinvyou're

Resumes -Theses - PhD - Law. 426-5217.
$135 Million unclaimed!
Scholarship matching guarenteed! Free info.
booklet, 24 hr. recording. 800/434-6015, ext.
CASH FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 grants
available. No repayments, ever. Qualify
immediately. 1-800/243-2435.
EAR, NOSE, BELLY & other piercing.
Miami Moon Jewelery 209 Fourth Ave. 769-
INTRODUCING Student Wake-up Service.
Only $10/mo. Azer & Assoc., 663-5333.
TYPING: Resumes, cover letters, &
apolications. A2 Typing,. Call 994-5515.

The Michigan Union is
looking for kitchen help.
Please apply in person.
530 S. State, rm 1310.
kitchen deaners * prep " dish washers
NOW HIRING delivery drivers. Early AM
hours. Van provided. Will train. Start at
$5.25. Apply in person 1306 South
University, Bagel Factory.
Rh NEGATIVE semen donors are needed
and will be paid $120 per acceptable
specimen because of their rare blood type
Write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI
SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es-
tablished infertility clinic If you are a male
student or professional 20-40 years of age we
need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac-
ceptable specimens. For further information
please write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann
Arbor, MI 48106.
SUMMER JOBS ideal for students - con-
struction & retail store positions available.
Apply in person @ John Austin Pools, Inc.
9901 E. Grand River, Brighton.
Closed Wednesday and Sunday.
dent Sprinklers now has openings in MI, OH,
IN. Get real experience nming your own
business and eam $10,000 plus. Call immed.
THE COLORWORKS Collegiate Painters
is now interviewing college students for sum-
mer 94 management positions. A resume-
building job w/tremendous eammig potential.
To explore job opportunities avail. w he
ColorWos call 1-800/477-1001 & talk w/a
campus representative.
work in the library. Immediate openings
available in both Central and Medical cam-
pus libraries. Please apply at the Library Per-
sonnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library.
WANTED: 10-15 fun, outgoing, & aggres-
sive individuals to photograph social events
on campus. No experience needed. We will
provide equipment & training. Must have
transportation. Call 994-4069.
spermicidally lubricated condoms. 20 con-
doms $10. Send check or money order to
Discreet Services, P.O.B. 15151, A2, 48106.
Resumes, papers, dictation, and typing.
Please call Beth at 973-7220.

bassistl Own equip., exp. necessary. Sprg brk
auditions, cd in progress. 994-4299.
guitars. 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001. Free les-
son Special: harp, percussion.
I NEED 4 tickets for Purdue game Mardi
6th. Will pay $. Call 994-4019.
I NEED 5 Minnesota Tix. John 764-8888.
Leave a message.
i-WAY TICKET from Det. to L.A., Sat.,
Feb. 19, noon. Call 741-8126.
WANTED: 7 Purdue Tickets for March 6.
$$$ Top Dollar $$$
Call Paul @ 663-9762.
WICCA CLASS Mon. or Wed., 7-10, Mar.
14/16-Apr 18/20. Aurora, 665-5550.
Fresh cut Maple wood. Call 313/562-5756
for details.
Look for it in
the okDaily
1FEMALE SHARE lge, 3 bdrm. apt.,
Sept.-Aug. w/4 fem. roommates. Great loc.,
South U next to Bagel Factory. $275/mo.
FEMALE SHARE lg. 2 bdrm. apt. Balc.,
pkng., ldry. $325 + elec. Call 973-7368.
NEEDED I FEMALE to share bedroom in 2
bedroom apt. Great central cam puslocation
Oakland & Hill. For info. call Jessica or
Bridgette @ 769-8346 or leave a message.
Non-smoker preferred.
TIOS DELIVERS Ann Arbor's best
Mexican style food. 333 E. Huron, 761-6650.
*COUPLES-Leam skills to use conflicts to
find the love you need within each other to
enhance your relationship* Patricia H. Cook,
MSW, ACSW 994-0773.
4-YEAR OLD, LOVING Mom and Dad in
Washington, D.C. area wish to adopt infant
brother or sister. Close extended family in
area. Let's help each other. Med./legal/travel
paid. Please call Jessica or Bob at 1-800-864-
DO YOU THINK you might be a gay or
bisexual man? Do you need someone to talk
with? Coming out groups are now being for-
med to discuss these issues. Confidentiality
assured. Please call 763-4186 for more
PREGNANT? Are you or someone you care
about pregnant and not in the position to be a
parent? lease help a loving couple be a
oig family. Call collect 810/360223.
PREGNANT? Not what you had planned.
Unsure what to do? Adoptive couple eagerly
awaits child. Call 810/641-3820.

ground as one of the nation's first
openly gay reporters and whose best-
selling account of the AIDS epidemic
greatly broadened public awareness
of the disease, has died at age 42.
Shilts, who tested positive for HIV
in 1985 and announced in 1993 that he
had AIDS, died at his home in the
Sonoma County community of
Guerneville late Wednesday or early
Shilts' 1987 best-seller, "And the
Band Played On: People, Politics and

cling the neglect of governments and
the medical establishment in the
epidemic's early years. It was later
made into an HBO movie, which aired
last year.
When Shilts disclosed he had
AIDS last year, he said he kept it
secret for years for fear it would de-
tract from his role as a reporter on
AIDS issues.
In a 1990 report to the American
Society of Newspaper Editors on com-
ing out in the newsroom, Shilts wrote:

utterly qualified for a job, but unable
to get it because of a factor that has
nothing to do with your competence.
The Aurora, Ill. native moved to
California in 1976.
In 1993, Shilts was awarded the
Lifetime Achievement award from
the National Lesbian and Gay Jour-
nalists Association. He was too ill to
attend the group's New York con-
vention but sent a videotaped accep-
tance. Funeral arrangements were

FDIC declines to charge Little Rock firm

Deposit Insurance Corp. issued a re-
port yesterday saying it would not
seek legal sanctions against the Rose
law firm of Little Rock for apparently
failing to fully disclose two areas of
potential conflict when it was hired in
1989 to pursue a case involving the
defunct Madison Guaranty Savings
and Loan:
FDIC lawyers said that former
Rose partner Webster Hubbell, now
associate attorney general, should
have disclosed to them when he was
hired that his father-in-law, Seth
Ward, was embroiled in litigation with
the government over loans and real

estate commissions he claimed he
earned as a Madison executive.
The FDIC also said its attorneys
have no recollection of Rose lawyers
mentioning that firm lawyers, includ-
ing Hillary Rodham Clinton, repre-
sented Madison before state regula-
tors in 1985.
The firm was served with a wide-
ranging subpoena this week by inde-
pendent counsel Robert Fiske, who is
conducting a broad probe of Madison
and the Whitewater real estate corpo-
ration. President Clinton and his wife
owned the Ozarks land venture with
Madison's owner James and Susan
Hubbell was the lead attorney on

the FDIC's case against Madison's
accountants, Frost & Co., and Ward's
loan records from Madison were slated
to be an exhibit in the case had it gone
to trial.
"There appears to be a conflict in
representation and a question of loy-
alties," wrote FDIC staff attorney Paul
Jeddeloh to FDIC supervising attor-
ney April Breslaw in Washington on
June 8, 1989.
Breslaw dismissed those objec-
tions, and had Hubbell write a two-
paragraph letter to FDIC officials at
Madison stating he had "not repre-
sented Mr. Seth Ward in connection
with any issue or matter relating to his
disputes with Madison Guaranty."

!! CRUISE AND TRAVEL employment
guide. Earn big $$$ + travel the world free
(Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii, and morel;
Hurry! Busy spring and summer season~
rapidly approaching. Free student travel club
membership! Call (919) 929-4398 ext. 2.
AA ALASKA SUMMER employment. Join
the gold rush to Alaska's fisheries industryl
Eam $5,000/mo. in canneries, processors,
etc.! Male or Female. No experience
required. Room/Board/Travel often provided!
Guaranteed Successl 919/929-4398 ext. Al.
ABSOLUTELY THE BEST phone sales job
in this town. $6/hr. Against high commission.
Flex. hrs. Students, housewives,part-timers
welcome. Call 973-7500 or be at 2004 Hog-
back Rd. Ste. #11, Ann Arbor at 5:45 p.m.
sharp Mon. -Fri. Light delivery drivers
needed also.
Fisheries. Many earn $2,000+/mo. in can-
neries or $3,000-$6000+/mo. on fishing
vessels. Many employers provide benefits.
Noe ex. necessary! For more info, call: 1-
206-545-4155 ext.A5598.
All PURPOSE Office Worker needed for
Mon., Tues., Wed., & or Thurs. mornings.
Must have work study award. Call Linnea
summer employment
Spend the summer in the
beautiful Catskill Mountains
of New York. Achieve a
challenging & rewarding
summer experience working
in a residential camp for
adults with physical &
developmental disabilities.
Positions available:
counselors, cabin leaders,
program leaders. All
students are encouraged to
apply. Season dates June 6-
Aug. 24. Good salary, room &
board, & some travel allow-
ance. For more info, call 914-
434-2220 or write to Camp
Jened, P.O. Box 483, Rock
Hill, NY 12775.
ALL PURPOSE office worker needed for
* Mon., Tues., Wed., &/or Thur. mornings.
Must have work study award. Call Linnea
BABYSITTER WANTED ref., exp., car
needed. 6 month old & 3 year old. Flexible
hrs. $5-$6/hr. Wed. pref. 994-0164.
CAMP COUNSELORS - Outstanding Slim
Down Camps: Tennis, Dance, Slimnastics,
WSI, Athletics, Nutrition/Dietetics. Age 20+.
Seven Weeks. Camp Camelot on College
Campuses at Massacjusetts, Pennsylvania,
Califomia. Contact: Michele Friedman 947
Hewlett Drive, North Woodmere, N.Y. 11581
CHILDCARE for 2yr. old 15-20 hrs./wk., T,
W, Th afts. & early eves. Must be able to
work May-Aug. pref. start ASAP. Some light
housekeeping req. Experience, references &
car needed. Call 994-0949 am or 7:30-10 pm.
Pay negotiable.
Camp Starlight has positions for outgoing,
enthusiastic Cabin Leaders & Instructors
(20+) in all Land & Water Sports, Tennis,
Gymnastics, Nature/Pioneering, Crafts,
Music, Dance, Stage Tech., Radio/Video at
leading coed camp in N.E. PA. Extensive
facilities, working with mature, congenial
staff. 6/20-8/19. Call 516/599-5239; Write:
Starlight, 18 Clinton St., Malvere, NY
11565. On campus, call Jackie: 996-1860.
CRUISE LINE- Entry level on board posi-
tions avail., summer or yr.-rd. Great benefits,
free travel. (813) 229-5478.
DOMINO'S PIZZA now hiring friendly,
energetic people for the best p/t job in town.
Deliver/in-store specialists available. Can
earn $5-10hr. including tips. Enjoy flexible
hrs. Must have good driving record and be at
least 18 yrs. of age: Call after 11 am 971-
0088 or stop by any Domino's store and ask
for manager.
DYNAMIC BUSINESS intemships. High
paying self motivating, marketing,
advertising, business intemships 1-800-899-
9675. Call Todd Slater.
EAST WEST RECORDS is looking for a
college rep in the Ann Arbor market. If you
are diligent, enthusiastic and know altema-
tive music, this might be for you. Work with
bands in all aspects of marketing, retail and

Call for up to one hour any-
time to any state, for just
$2.60per call. Rec. msg.
1-800/82-0183 ext. 566.

Q 76-GUIDE, peer counseling
phone line, call 76-GUIDE, 7
p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Campus Information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info-, 76-EVENT; film
info., 763-FILM.
Q Lutheran Campus Minis try,
foreign film festival, 801 S.
Forest, 7:30 p.m.
Q Ninjutsu Club, IM Building,
Room G21, 6:30-8 p.m.
Q North Campus Information
Center, North Campus Com-
mons, 763-NCIC, 7:30 a.m.-
5:30 p.m.
Q Practical Training, Interna-
tional Center, 3 p.m.
Q Psychology Academic Peer Ad-

vising, West Quad, Room
K103, walk-ins welcome or call
747-3711 for appointment.
0 Safewalk, 936-1000, UGLi
lobby, 8 p.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Q Saint Mary Student Parish,
331 Thompson, stations of the
cross, Catholic prayer group, 7
p.m.; rosary group, 7:30 p.m.
U 76-GUIDE, peer counseling
phone line, call 76-GUIDE, 7
p.m.-8 a.m.
U Campus Information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info., 76-EVENT; film
info., 763-FILM.
Q Safewalk, 936-1000, UGLi
lobby, 8-11:30 p.m.

Q 76-GUDE, peer counseling
phone line, call 76-GUIDE, 7
p.m.-8 a.m.
Q Arab-American Students As-
sociation, Palestinian Dabkeh,
Michigan Union, ,7-8 p.m..
Q Ballroom Dance Lessons and
Dancing, CCRB, main dance
room, 7-9 p.m.
U Campus Information Center,
Michigan Union, 763-INFO;
events info., 76-EVENT; film
info., 763-FILM.
Q Lutheran Campus Minisrty,
Lenten liturgy & eucharist, 801
S. Forest, 10 a.m.
Q Safewalk, 936-1000, UGLi
lobby, 8 p.m. - 2:30 a.m.

break. 994-5921. 1317 South U.
CANCUN ROUND TRIP tkt for sale for
spring break. Departs Feb. 19 returns Feb 26.
$450 or best offer. Greg 994-8729.
HEAP TICKET to Ft. Myers, Florida Feb
19 - Feb 26. Call Tasha 764-3693.
LOW FARES- London from $398, Germany
from $398. Other low prices for Europe
available. Regency Travel 209 S. State 665-
romantic log cabin, on lake, surrounded by
forest. Outdoor hot tub. $49-$69 nightly.
Reduced mid-week rate. Traverse City area.
Ellis Lake Resort 616/276-9502.

Let us help you choose Life. 769-7283.

CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
University community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that charge
admission or that fail to mention the event, place, time or date will not be run.
Otherwise, all items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before the event. We can
not accept requests over the telephone. Although we try to accommodate all requests, we cannot guarantee that an
announcement turned in within three days of the event will be run.

Europe '94 air sale
Stamos Family of Travel 663-4400.

STRIKE A BLOW for freedom, demand
sexual freedom. Stop theofascism. Join the
Global Sex Village. Send $15 cash/m.o. to:
EIDOS, P.O. Box 96 U-MBoston, Mass.
COME SEE the area's best selection of
Tropical fish & aquariums. The Fish Doctors!
Next to Putt-Putt on Washtenaw. 434-1030.

Continental fr. $159/$279. Bring your Con-
tinental voucher & AMEX card. Diane at
Regency Travel 209S. State 665-6122.

#. !
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