4- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 17, 1994 Ulbe 9Ic~g Cumii 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JESSIE HALLADAY Editor in Chief SAM GOODSTEIN FLINT WAINESS Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of a majority of the Daily's editoria l board. All other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Here today, gone tomorrow 'U' needs to answer for the firing of Robert Hughes 'The alternative is the suffocation of silence. If I can be a magnet that redirects debate to ... campaign and lobbying ... reform, my mission is satisfied.' --Tom Hayden former Daily Editor in Chief on his decision to run for governor of California A U-MMA L E 5j 'S l It -IN t GAF I 'L A N uj SLNNF L Perks Robert Hughes's ouster as Housing di rector last week came as a shock to many in the University community, That Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford would summarily remove a 16- year veteran and transfer him to a lowly position in the Office of Development - without any justification, public or private - and call it a "promotion," flies in the face of fair employment practices and calls into question the real motive for his firing. Hughes' name is added to the long list of University employees forced out of their positions, under the auspices of "reassign- ment." Henry Johnson, the former vice presi- dent for student services and Jon Cosovich, vice president for development, for instance, were both asked to take new positions with obscure titles and vague responsibilites. With no union protection and little recourse but to accept these unilateral decisions, adminis- trators have gotten all-too comfortable re- moving administrators when it suits their fancy. Hughes has been employed by the Uni- versity for 34 years. Working his way from South Quad building director, Hughes has dutifully accepted every new assignment the University has handed him. But now, in all-too familiar form, the University has given him a "parking space." That's the title administrators give these "jobs" behind closed doors. In the hopes of avoiding legal action and recrimination, the University tries to ease people out quietly. The title itself, "parking space jobs," refers to new posi- tions created by the University for high- ranking officers to honorably hold a posi- tion within the University until retirement. The message is clear: You have three to five years to find a job before the meter expires and you are forced to leave perma- nently. But the task before students now is clear. Given the University's long history of ignoring the concerns of students, Hartford must appoint a wide range of students to participate in the search committee to find a replacement for Hughes. The University can not be allowed to continue its tradition of charging search committees far from the eyes of the public. Moreover, Hughes should be given the opportunity to re-apply for the job that was taken away from him for shady reasons. But beyond the surface, the firing points to a fundamental problem in the Housing Division. With a 100-student shortfall in Bursley and a more than $400,000 shortfall in the housing budget, the University began an intensive advertising campaign to fill the dorms to their housing capacity. The Uni- versity is having real trouble convincing students that the dorms are still a good deal. And there are structural problems in the dorms: a bloated bureaucracy and high costs continue to outpace inflation and the Ann Arbor housing market. With tomorrow's impending announcement of another housing rate increase above the rate of inflation, the gap gets even bigger. Perhaps there were legitimate reasons to remove Bob Hughes from his position. That very well may be. But the University must - repeat - must tell it like it is and justify the action. If only out of common decency to its long-time employees who have dedi- cated their lives to the University, the ad- ministration should answer the myriad charges resulting from Hughes' firing and stop leaving its employees out to dry. _: Consult students when writing articles To the Daily: I am writing this letter to make two points in response to an article printed in the Daily on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1994, entitled, "Sikh community challenges 'U' study program." In the article, the reporter stated that, "The Sikh religion, rooted in the Islamic and Hindu faiths, originated in northwest India." This statement is not entirely correct. Sikhism did originate in northwest India but it is not however rooted in the Islamic and Hindu faiths. This is unfortunately a common misconception. The popular belief is that since Sikhism originated in India, it must be a part of the two larger religions, Islam and Hinduism. Sikhism holds philosophies that are unique, thereby making it an independent religion among all the other world religions. The notion of Sikhism being syncretistic (a synthesis of Hinduism and Islam), is incorrect but is thought to be such by Western historians and scholars. The second point I would like to make is regarding those who were interviewed throughout the article. Statements were* made by non-University 'Sexual assault has no place in the Greek system' To the Daily: The men of Beta Theta Pi would like to express our deepest regrets to the victim of the rape which occurred Sunday, Feb. 13. Due to the vagueness of the Daily article (2/15/94), Beta Theta Pi was a possible location for the site of the rape. The men of Beta Theta Pi played no part in this terrible ordeal and would like to reaffirm the idea that sexual assault has no place in the Greek System. JIM OEGEMA President, Beta Theta Pi Education junior Candidate Clinton's rhetoric Immigration restrictions need to be loosened In Florida, a resource crunch has forced the state to cut off all foster care to immigrant children. In California, Gov. Pete Wilson has warned that his state will soon be forced to cut back on services to legal residents in response to the continuing flood of illegal immigrants. Florida Gov. Lawton Chiles responded last December by suing the federal govern- ment for not providing Florida with the needed funds to mitigate this burgeoning problem. During an interview last week, Wilson threatened to follow suit. President Clinton has remained frighteningly silent on the subject. Candidate Clinton was a vociferous sup- porter of human rights and less stringent immigration policies. He recognized the in- justice of Haitian boat people being turned away from asylum - many of whom were fleeing blatant political persecution at home. His passionate speeches on the subject pro- vided hope for those who were sickened as the U.S. Supreme Court almost unanimously upheld the turning away of desperate refu- gees. That was candidate Clinton. President Clinton, while refusing to intervene militarily in Haiti, allowed the status quo to remain in place. But his worst blunder came only last week, as his budget left out needed funds to states such as California and Florida. U U The United States as a whole has no immi- gration problem - except, maybe, for the fact that it is a country that has often resorted to nationalism and xenophobia when a loos- ening of immigration laws has been needed most (for instance, the refusal to allow a sionificant nimbernf Tews to emiorate frnm states absorb the vast majority of immigrants and a problem does result there. If the federal government picks up this burden, most of the fiscal problems California and Florida are facing would be circumvented. But the presi- dent seems not to recognize this, and has continued to leave certain states in a precari- ous position. There is still time for the president to do something. One option would be to declare a federal emergency. This would permit the president to provide burdened states with a large sum of money without recording it on his budget. Of course, this would ony be a short-term solution. Looking to the future, the administration must begin to revamp the country's perni- cious laws toward immigrants. Most anti- immigrant fervor results from a misconcep- tion: the misconception that immigrants eat up the country's resources while providirg nothing in return. In reality, immigrants that are treated fairly tend to give back more in taxes than they take in handouts. Moreover, the problem often lies with employers that are all too willing to exploit immigrant labor- the problem does not rest in the lap of the exploited. But the question of productivity is only part of the equation. There is a moral, as well as legal, problem with the president's silence. There is no distinction under most state laws between documented and undocumented chil- dren. The state has an obligation to take care of children that cannot help themselves. To leave helpless children without an education and medical services is dubious. Hopefully, the court cases will scare the administration into loosening immigration laws. Definitions of political asylum need to he exnanded_ and the svstem must become members, the professor of the Sikh Studies program, and the program director for the South and Southeast Asian Studies departments about the Sikh Studies program here at the University. This program entails classes in Sikh history as well as the Punjabi language. It seems to me however that a major party was excluded from making a statement: the students who have taken the classes. I think they should have been given a chance to say something since it has affected them the most. For some reason they were excluded and I believe that this leaves the article written on Feb. 8 incomplete. Furthermore, this paper is mainly read by students, and since this article (about the Sikh Studies program) is primarily about student affairs, I cannot understand how the Daily neglected to interview any students. I sincerely hope that this letter is printed in the Daily for all to see because I think it is important to correct the media when we (the public) see fit. AMRIK SINGN Dentistry first-year student on another 'L' for the Generals. If the University truly wants to save money, they can refrain from sending me pledge cards when I graduate in a few months. The University legal team has supplanted the women's basketball team as lovable losers on the court. LOREN SHEIIZ RC senior No Polish concentration camps To the Daily: The Friday, Feb. 11 issue of the Daily has an article under the title "Nazi death camp survivor to speak Sunday at Union," written by Andrea MacAdam. In her writing, Ms. MacAdam states,"... Auschwitz, a Polish concentration camp..," which prompted me to write this letter. I find that phrase not only offensive to the Polish community, but also- and more importantly-totally false. There was never any such thing as a "Polish concentration camp." During World War II only Nazi concentration camps in Germany-occupied Poland were in existence. I hope that you can see the essential difference between Drugs kill - period To the Daily: Your letter titled "Not all drug dealers are murders" (2/ 9/94) has caused me to raise issue with the editorial staff of the Daily. Upon reading Mr. Schneider's response to a letter by Sean King, I came to the conclusion that the letter has been falsely titled by your staff. Acursory reading of the piece will prove obvious the need to retitle it, "Not all murderers are drug dealers." I am uncertain as to the motive behind your blatant sensationalism but I do not appreciate it. It is insulting to me as a reader. As to Mr. Schneider's assertion regarding drug dealers and murders that Sean King is "too inept to distinguish between the two of them," I am sickened. I recognize Mr. Schneider's valid point that not all murders are the direct result of drugs. Indeed, domestic violence coupled with the ability to purchase firearms with relative ease has proven to be a deadly mix. Yet to disassociate drugs with murder is an excellent example of the obtuse thinking that our nation has regarding drug abuse. The simple fact of the matter is that drugs - all drugs --kill. Whether it is a drunk driver, lung cancer or a cocaine overdose, the end result is death. Drug dealers sell poison to our friends and relatives every day, yet our government refuses to address the issue in that context. It appears to me that the reason that you differentiate between murderers and drug dealers is that you hold the belief that the act of murder occurs rather quickly, whereas it will take a person longer to die from drug abuse. Indirectly, what about the enormous suffering caused by drug related crime? Mr. Schneider, do you not consider it murder when an innocent bystander (unfortunately these are most often children) is hit by a stray bullet and killed? That person had no interest in the conflict: for them there was no money or power at stake - simply the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Too many citizens of this country regard drug abuse as a matter of minor importance. Mr. King has shown a high level of awareness for recognizing the problem for what it is and I congratulate him. To all of you who do not equate drugs with death, I invite you to visit an over poverty I was born in Gary, Indiana on October 4, 1975. When I was three, my mother and I moved to Decatur, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta and the heartland of Georgia's ghettos. I lived in East Lake Villa, a housing project; there, an average of ten murders were committed each year. In elementary school, we kids would walk to and from school in groups of greater than twenty individuals - you know, safety in numbers. And safe we were, until that fateful day, only eight days after my seventh birthday. On that day that we were heading home from another day of spelling tests and history lessons. As we walked past the gutted out buildings, the homes of past killed drug dealers and the women who would laterbe found selling themselves on street corners, as we did daily, we were oblivious to the squalor into which we were born and many would remain. We were also oblivious to a car coming towards us at top speed. As it zoomed closer, I remember seeing the back window roll down and a thin metallic "stick" appear. I remember hearing loud noises, like firecrackers popping all at once, and falling to the ground, no longer a happy-go-lucky kid, but a frightened seven-year old child. I remember the blood on my hands. It was that of my friend, five-year old Roo-Roo. As I stood up I realized that not all my friends were standing with me. Many were still on the ground, lifeless their faces pained and distorted. I ran home screaming and jumped into my mother's arms crying. The rest is a blur. I remember little about the police questioning me, the memorial services or much else. That's probably a blessing. I doubt I could handle the full brunt of those memories. To this day, no one knows who pulled the trigger sending two clips of bullets into the crowd of elementary school children. Maybe they were doped up and just looking for a little target practice. Maybe they were gang members avenging the death of one of their number; some of the kids were younger siblings of rival gang members. It doesn't really matter; the result is the same. Kids were dead. Many may question why I have decided to tell this story. Some may think I'm trying to drain a little sympathy from everyone. This isn't true. I'm alive, and I'm attending a prestigious university. I have no need for tears spilled on my behalf. What I do ask is that you remember my story isn't unique. Many here at the University and throughout the nation can recount incidences sadder and more disturbing than my own. Many children are living like this now. You hear statistics of children living in poverty and dying, many killed by handguns. However, statistics don't tell the whole story. Statistics cannot speak of the horror of a seven- year old who saw his best friend die. Statistics cannot accurately report the daily struggle of children trying to escape the pits of poverty and second-class citizenship, a struggle many will lose. Statistics do not address the simple fact that children live in a country that could care less about them. Words can't accurately describe the anger I feel at a system which allows youngsters to suffer so gravely and senselessly. Adequate education, welfare and health care for America's poor children will always take a back seat to snecial 101 01 10, S1 4 0 }t Y R 'Losers on the court' To the Daily: Having just taken the LSAT on Saturday, I am in a critical mood. This mood festered when I learned that my beloved University has lost yet another battle in court. Although I do not even possess a Bachelor's degree, I feel that by virtue of merely having taken the LSAT, I am qualified to. replace the current Washington General-like squad of University attorneys. Whether it's Hash . . I i