- The Michigan 'Daily - Wednesday, February 16, 1994
President says I
needs to be flex
LONDON, Ohio - P
Clinton called on Congress y
to trim back the so-caller
xstrikes-and-you're-out provi
its pending crime bill, saying
imprisonment for repeat o
should be reserved for thos
crimes "threaten other people
Speaking here at an ev
closely resembled aGeorgeB
during the 1988 presidential c
- complete with the Pledge
diance and a tableau of morei
uniformed officers posed bet
- Clinton outlined the provi
hoped would be included in t
bill now being fashioned in C
Most of the elements h
have become standard Clint
more money to help localj
tions hire 100,000 new police
urges rethinking of three
bill and improve security at schools, boot "the very small percentage of the total
ible camps for nonviolent offenders that criminal population" who commit a
would clear more prison space for disproportionate share of the nation's
violent criminals, more prison space violent crime.
overall and a ban on certain types of Clinton's remarks, delivered at a
resident assault weapons. police training academy located
esterday And as he has done before, Clinton alongside a 5,000-inmate prison in
d three- endorsed a federal death sentence for this small central Ohio town, were his
sions of killersofpoliceofficersandreminded first acknowledgment of what his
that life his audience that as Arkansas gover- aides had been saying privately: that
ffenders nor he oversaw several executions. he should scale back the unqualified
e whose But amid the calls for more pris- endorsementhe gave the three-strikes
s lives." ons and longer sentences, he also is- proposal during last month's State of
ent that sued a carefully worded but unmis- the Union Address.
ushrally takable call for Congress to rethink The speech also provided his first
ampaign some of the provisions approved by public response to complaints from
of a 00 the Senate last fall in its version of the some congressional leaders and oth-
than 100 crime bill. ers that he has done too little to re-
hind him Clinton said he supported the strain Congress' impulse to react to
sions he three-strikes concept, which would the mounting fear of crime nation-
he crime permit courts to impose life sentences wide by passing laws that have not
ongress. for certain repeat offenders. But, he been thought out carefully enough.
e listed added, "We shouldn't litter it up with Critics, including SenateJudiciary
ton fare: every offense in the world." Committee Chair Joseph Biden Jr.
jurisdic- Instead, he said, Congress should (D-Del.), have focused on provisions
officers focus on identifying and punishing that would transfer large numbers of
strikes bill
crimes from state to federal jurisdic-
tion and at the three-strikes proposal.
Either one would permit the courts
to impose life sentences for criminals
convicted a third time of certain kinds
of felonies. In both cases, the crimes
that would qualify are considerably
less severe than those usually consid-
ered dangerously violent. One, for
example, would be a purse-snatching
in which a victim was knocked to the
ground. The House has not yet passed
a three-strikes bill, although it may do
so next month, perhaps as part of a
larger crime package.
Clinton's cautious language on the
bill, coupled with the imagery of a
stage filled with uniforms and the
references to the death penalty, illus-
trated the delicate political balance he
must strike on the issue.
Fmr. Justice department official
criticizes "three strikes bill"
See Page 12 for story
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Continued from page 1
"It means anyone can come in and
win this U.S. Senate race," Kelly said.
"This race is wide open."
While the other candidates have
talked about $4 million to $8 million
for a successful campaign, Kelly said
the three announced candidates are
all far from those fund-raising levels.
He said he'd shoot to raise
$400,000 and forget about television
or radio ads and focus instead on a
grass-roots campaign with at least
2,000 volunteers.
According to federal campaign
finance records, Kelly raised $52,828
last year to pay off the debt left over
from his unsuccessful 1992 primary
bid against U.S. Rep. John Conyers
Of that total, $31,451 came from
political action committees (PACs).
He said he'd accept PAC money for
his Senate campaign, but expected to
get little of it, figuring it would go to
Kelly said his campaign will fo-
cus on his plan to funnel federal dol-
lars directly to local governments and
let them use them as they see fit to
solve their pressing problems, such as
crime, job training, and environmen-
tal cleanups.
He said he'd take that message to
the public through a nonstop series of
speeches, debates and appearances
across the state. That's the only proper
way to discuss new ideas and issues
with voters, Kelly said.
"How can you convey anything
other than propaganda in a 30-second
(TV) spot?" he said.
Kelly vowed to stay in the race to
the end. He rejected suggestions that
if his campaign wasn't doing well in
a few months that he might give it up
and run for his fifth four-year state
Senate term.
Big Boy finally talked today for the first time in 58 years and what did he say
to the people of Washtenaw County? He just let us know about good old
American values: apple pie and tattoos.
Continued from page 1
Midwest. The city's index number is
55 on a scale where 100 represents a
city with all neighborhoods exclu-
sively white or Black and 0 denotes
complete integration.
"This is fairly low segregation by
the standards of northern industrial
cities, but it is nowhere near as inte-
grated as some of the rapidly growing
areas in California," Farley said.
Ann Arbor Mayor Ingrid Sheldon
said the study confirms many of her
own observations.
"It's interesting for me to watch
the community grow and mature in its
attitudes," she said. "There was a time
when Ann Arbor was much more
segregated than it is now. For ex-
ample, I notice on that my own street
each nationality is represented."
While segregation of Blacks de-
creased moderately during the 1980s,
Latinos and Asians increasingly found
themselves in ethnically unipolar com-
munities, the report shows. But in cities
with large Latino and Asian popula-
tions, white-B lack segregation is lower.
"The presence of other minorities
seems to buffer Blacks from white
intolerance," Farley and Frey wrote.
The researchers predict that the
desegregation patterns of the 1980s
will continue. Their report suggests
that the South and West will continue
to pace the nation.
The brighter outlook is tempered
by persistence of old habits.
"...Where there is a history of
racial antagonism, a ring of white
suburbs surrounding a Black central
city, and little new housing construc-
tion, segregation is likely to persist,
despite more liberal white attitudes
and governmental policies," Farley
and Frey stated.
The federal government exercises
little influence on national housing
patterns, Farley said. "It is a little
simplistic to say that Republicans are
against integration and Democrats are
for it."
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Continued from page 1
tor of the Michigan Collegiate Coali-
tion (MCC) - an organization de-
signed to represent student interests
in the state government - explained
that financial consequences are nec-
essary to ensure that universities re-
"Universities want there to be no
repercussions if they don't comply,"
he said, "and that's the problem right
now." He explained that universities
say they want to handle the problem
of sexual assault internally, but sup-
porters of the bill do not find that a
satisfactory response.
La Pine pointed out that the Uni-
versity and Michigan State Univer-
sity are among the top 10 schools in
the nation in number of reported sexual
assaults, and that the numbers are
increasing every-year.
"It is apparent that the universities
are not doing enough on their own,"
La Pine said. He added, however, that
since the bill was first introduced,
many schools, including the Univer-
sity, have already started working on
measures similar to those stipulated
in the bill.
"Clearly then, it would not be dif-
ficult for them to comply with the
law," he said.
The first time it was introduced,
the bill passed the House unanimously
but was still pending in the Senate
when the legislative session ended.
Because it was not passed by the end
of the year, the bill must be reintro-
duced and begin the entire process
over again.
La Pine said the biggest obstacl*
in getting the bill passed are potential
university opposition and time.
Students across the state are work-
ing to help overcome these obstacles.
Later this month, members of MCC,
including at least six from the Univer-
sity, will meet with the Senate to
lobby for the bill.
Here in Ann Arbor, the Women's
Issues Commission, a panel of th
Michigan Student Assembly, has be:
sponsoring a letter-writing campaign
to the co-chairs of the House Higher
Education Committee urging their
support of the bill.
Loretta Lee, chair of the commis-
sion, will be hand-delivering the let-
ters at the end of the week.
"We are reminding them to repre-
sent our interests as students," sh
said, "and not the administration's.
Molin, however, stated that these
interests are not necessarily opposed.
"I don't see this as a 'students versus
Continued from page 1
The shop, even before Tibbals took
ownership, was an Ann Arbor land-
mark. Harvey Drouillard, an Ann
Arbor resident, is offering Drake con-
noisseurs a memorabilia package.
"I bought a ton of things - old
dance tickets, the old candy labels,
menus; just a warehouse of stuff from
the store," Drouillard said."They were
going to throw it away anyway, and
there's a lot of great things that I think
people would like to have." *-
Drouillard has assembled these
items into albums which he sells for
$25 each.
"I've gotten a lot of response,"
Drouillard said. "A lot of people want
something to remember Drake's by,"
People said they will miss eating
there most of all. "It had the best
limeade around," Richard said. "But
then again, it was probably the only
limeade around."
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The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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