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February 15, 1994 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-15

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 15, 1994

Continued from page 2.
is a Baptist pastor and serves on the
Interfaith Council for Peace and Jus-
tice, has a more pessimistic view of
the impact of air strikes.
"In the long run, war begets war
and violence begets violence," he said.
Several activists said air strikes
were not their first priority.
"One thing all of us working on
this agree on is 'lift the arms em-
bargo,"' Ann Arbor Committee for
Bosnia Chair Barbara Pliskow said.
College Democrats Chair Jeff
Gourdji agreed. "The Europeans
worry about the violence spreading,
but they're letting the Bosnians get
the crap beat out of them," he said.
Many of the activists worry that
people will see the United Nations
taking action in Sarajevo and assume
that peace there equals peace in the
rest of the country.
"I'm terribly concerned that people
will think that Sarajevo is Bosnia,"
Pliskow said. "'Even if there is a
cease-fire in Sarajevo, it doesn't mean
that genocide will not continue in the

rest of the country."~
Azari Student Association Presi-
dent Bahram Taheri, a Rackham stu-
dent, said he thinks present U.S. ac-
tion is "too little too late."
"Bosnia is almost completely de-
stroyed. They are protecting only
Sarajevo," he said.
The seemingly intractable nature
of the problems has driven some one-
time volunteers to throw in the towel.
"I was frustrated with the Ameri-
can government," Negar
Mahmoodzadegan said. She has at-
tempted organizing student groups
and has participated in a march in
"I was frustrated with the fact that
we were doing nothing in the face of ,
thousands of people dying," she said.
While the solutions to the war in
Bosnia are anything but clear, the
activists recognize the significance of
Bosnia's problem. "The resolution of
this fight in the Balkans will affect the
resolution of many other similar prob-
lems," Taheri said.
The Ann Arbor Committee for
Bosnia is sponsoring two speakers on
Bosnian issues at 160 Hutchins Hall
at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free.

Albright: Diplomacy won't bring peaca
U.S. ambassador says war in Bosnia will not end without use of force

WASHINGTON - Trumpeting the new re-
solve of the Clinton administration, U.S. Ambassa-
dor Madeleine K. Albright told the U.N. Security
Council yesterday that diplomacy will not stop the
slaughter in Sarajevo and the war in Bosnia unless
it is "backed by a willingness to use force."
In a speech to the council during an unusual
public session, the U.S. ambassador also warned the
Bosnian Serbs that they would face retribution if
they attempted to retaliate against foreign relief
workers for any North Atlantic Treaty Organization
air raids.
"The United States will advocate strong action
by this council if the Bosnian Serbs follow through
on their threats to restrict the movement of interna-
tional relief workers," she said.
As more than 40 ambassadors filled the council
chamber with rhetoric railing against the savagery
in Bosnia, both President Clinton and the United
Nations denied reports that the United Nations
intended to ease NATO's demand that the Serbs -
under threat of air strikes - withdraw all heavy
weapons from the Sarajevo area or turn them over to

the United Nations by Feb. 21.
The news reports had indicated that some U.N.
peacekeeping officers would be satisfied if the Serbs
only left their artillery batteries in place for distant
U.N. monitoring by radar. I
"I expect that the terms of the NATO agreement
will be followed," Clinton told a news conference.
"Keep in mind, the secretary-general of the United
Nations asked us to take action. We agreed to take
action.... And we were assured all along the way that
our allies in NATO and ... the secretary-general
agreed. So, I don't believe there is a fundamental
misunderstanding on that point."
Joe Sills, spokesperson for Secretary-General
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, said in a news briefing at
U.N. headquarters that "there is no difference in the
goals being pursued by the U.N. and NATO."
That seemed underscored in Bosnian capital of
Sarajevo, when Lt. Gen. Michael Rose of Britain,
commander of U.N. forces in Bosnia, said, "The
total exclusion zone for heavy weapons around
Sarajevo will be implemented" before the end of the
week and "any heavy weapons there will be either
under U.N. control or subject of an air attack."

The Serbs, however, were a long way from
turning over their weapons. Two artillery pieces
were handed to peacekeepers yesterday, bringing
the total under U.N. control to 28. Some analysts
estimated that the Serbs have more than 500
heavy weapons around Sarajevo.
U.S. officials said in Washington that the fe
pieces of artillery and other heavy weapons that
the Serbs turned in during the past 24 hours were
"not significant." "Most of what they were turn-
ing in was old, not serviceable," one official said.
"All we've really deprived them of is spare parts."
Meanwhile, Charles Redman, special U.S.
envoy to the Bosnia peace talks in Geneva, met
with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic in
Sarajevo at the start of a two-day visit. It is
assumed that Redman was trying to explore@4
facets of Bosnia's bargaining position at the ne-
gotiations. The Clinton administration, whilecall-
ing for air strikes in Sarajevo if the Serbs fail to
withdraw or neutralize their heavy weapons, has

policy, tot

its European allies, in a change of
take an active part in the peace negotia-

I. i

TSR to hold meeting for
survey research center

in the Daily

Attend the

Summer Job Fair
Tuesday, February 15
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The Institute for Social Research's
(ISR) Survey Research Center will be
holding an informational meeting on
Friday, Feb. 18 at 3 p.m. in room
6050 at the ISR Building for people
interested in summer courses.
The 47th annual Summer Institute
offers courses for undergraduate and
graduate credit in areas such as "Data
Collection Methods," "Methods of
Survey Sampling," and "Analysis of
Survey Data." At least 18 courses will
be offered.
The Insititute runs from June 1 to
July 22, but many of the courses only
run for four weeks.
Duane Alwin, the director of the
Summer Institute, says the faculty of
the program draws from the Univeristy
and others around the country. He
added that this is the only institute of
its kind.
The courses are designed to help
prepare students for graduate school,
or for positions in fields such as mar-
keting, science and government.
At the Friday meeting, organizers
will aid students in selection of the
most appropriate classes, and appli-
cations for the program will be avail-
able. The possibility of courses ful-
filling the LSA quantitative reason-
ing requirement will also be discussed.


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UM-CIC host to
receive a facelift
The Campus Information
Center's (CIC) electronic event in-
formation database will be upgraded
to speed searches for event informa-
The database is currently avail-
able by typing "UM-CIC" at the
Which Host prompt at any computer
on the University backbone.
Jamie Twesten, a CIC informa-
tion assistant and an LSA Inteflex
junior, said the upgrades will allow
users to perform searches with more
specific parameters. For example, a
student will be able to search a spe-
cific time range when the improve-
ments are complete.
It will also be possible to search
for events by category."It's going to
be more efficient," Twesten said.
The CIC lists events related to the
University and non-profit commu-
nity events.
Those who would like an event
listed should drop off a press release
or flyer to the CIC office on the first
floor of the Union.
--By Daily Staff Reporter
Scot Woods
Continued from page 1.
immediately because his phone num-
ber was on his business card.
Winick said he carries the card on
campus because it is convenient to
give to people who need to contact
him. "Basically I got them because I
was sick and tired of having to write
my name and phone number down ...
plus I have the handwriting of a 4-
Winick said the cards come in
handy on a daily basis. "Someone in
my history class last semester wanted
to study with me so I gave him my
business card."
Some students, however, said they
think business cards do not belong in
the classroom setting.
"I think it's unnecessary and al-
most arrogant," said Ken Sachs, an
LSA sophomore.
LSA sophomore Marc Melemud
said, "If someone wants to speak with
me again they should have enough
time to write down his or her phone
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Continued from page 1
Such legal terrain is familiar to
Patrick, who as a ,corporate lawyer
with Hill & Barlow and, before that,
with the NAACP Legal Defense and
Educational Fund, argued cases in-
volving voting rights, the habeas cor-
pus rights of condemned prisoners
and discrimination cases involving
banks and landlords.
With the exception of Drew S.
Days III, the solicitor general who
was assistant attorney general for civil
rights in the Carter administration,
"Deval Patrick has more civil rights
experience than probably anyone else
who's come into this job," said Ted
Shaw, associate director-counsel of
the NAACP Legal Defense and Edu-
cational Fund, where Patrick remains
a board member.
If confirmed, Patrick will oversee
about 250 attorneys charged with en-
forcing federal civil rights laws. Al-
though some observers have ques-
tions about his low profile in civil

Continued from page 1
these two remaining parties is on sup-
port forthe Ann Arbor Tenants' Union
(AATU) and involvement in the
Michigan Collegiate Coalition
(MCC). The Students' Party supports
continued involvement in both, while
the Michigan Party has been more
skeptical of the AATU and MCC.
Besides these issues, the current
platforms of the two parties concen-
trate on many of the same topics.
Given the current situation, the
possibility may exist forthe assembly
to eliminate its political parties, an
idea that has been supported by Uni-
versity Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen Hartford.
When asked in an interview last
week if she thought MSA would be
better without the parties, Hartford
responded, yes.
"This is the first time I've been
anywhere where there were actually
standing political parties," she said.
Since coming to the University,
Hartford said she has not been im-
pressed with the party system.
"I think sometimes they use that

rights circles, supporters describe him
as hard working and well pre'pared, a
lawyer who has demonstrated a keen
ability to argue persuasively and
But in the heat of legal battle, he is
"definitely a formidable opponent,"
said William D. Gardiner, a Boston
lawyer who was opposing counsel in
a breach of contract case in whin
Patrick's client prevailed.
"You know he's going to be pre-
pared. He knows he's a very bright
individual. You've got to be on your
Last week, Patrick paid courtesy
visits to members of the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee, which will hold
hearings on his nomination early next
Key Republicans on the comm-
tee say they are reserving judgment
on Patrick until they learn more about
Patrick also met with the Con-
gressional Black Caucus, which on
Thursday threw its "absolute and to-
tal support" behind him.

artificial difference to create argu-
ments that might not necessarily
necessary," she said.
While the Michigan Party and the
Students' Party may look similar,
DeRoo said that is not the case.
"I think the Michigan Party is very,
very right-wing," DeRoo said.
"They're cutting funding to the
(AATU).... They're thinking about
pulling out of MCC. That's really
right-wing stuff to me."
Despite their differences, the 0
litical parties may help inform the
students on the many MSA candi-
dates in each election.
"From an informational stond-
point, the party gives people informa-
tion when making their voting deci-
sions," said MSA Vice PresidentBrian
Hartford offered a solution to the
problem of informing the stude@
about the candidates.
"I've been places where instead of
being elected by school or college,
they're elected by a geographic area,"
she said.
"It's a little bit easier for them to
go out and canvass what people think.
Maybe it's something for MSA to

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than You were..

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Winter term (January through Aprii)is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. Oncampus subscrip
tions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 313): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763-0379; Sports 747-3336; Opinion 764-0552
Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550.


Halaa, Eito i

NEWS David Shepadson, Minagra g Editor
EDITORS: Nate Hurley, Mona Qureshi, Karen Sabgir, Karen Talaski.'4
STAFF: Adam Anger. Robin Barry. Carrie Bissey, Janet Burkitt, Hope Calati, Jessica Chaffin, James R. Cho, Lashawnde Crowe, Lisa
Dines, Demetrios Efstratiou. Michelle Fricke, Ronnie Glassberg, Soma Gupta, Michele Hatty, Katie Hutchins, Judith Kafka, Randy
Lebowitz, Andrea MacAdam, Shelley Morrison, James M. Nash. Zachary Raimi, David Rheingold, Rachel Scharfman. Megan Schimpf,
Shari Sitron, Mpatanishi Tayari, Lara Taylor, Maggie Weyhing. April Wood, Saot Woods.
GRAPHICS: Jonathan Bemct (Editor), Kimberly Albert, Jennifer Angeles, Andrew Taylor.
EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Flint Waines, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker, Jason Lichtstein.
STAFF: Cathy Boguslaski, Eugene Bowen, Jed Friedman, Patrick Javid, Jeff Keating, Jim Lasser, Mo Park, Elisa Smith, Allison Stevens
SPORTS Chad A. Safran, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest, Tim Rardin. Michael Rosenberg, Jaeson Rosenfeld.
STAFF: Bob Abramson. Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, Charlie Breitrose, Aaron Burns, Scott Burton, Marc Diler, Darren Everson, Ravi
Gopal, Ryan Herrington, Brett Johnson, Josh Karp, Brent McIntosh. Dan McKenzie, Antoine Pitts. Melinda Roco, J.L. Rostam-Abadi,
Melanie Schuman, Dave Schwartz, Tom Seeley, Tim Smith, Elisa Sneed. Barry Sollenberger, Doug Stevens, Jeremy Strachan, Ken
Sugiura, Ryan White.4
ARTS Melissa Rose Bernardo, Nhna Hodael, Editor
EDITORS: Jason Carroll (Theater). Tom Erlewine (Music), Rona Kobell (Books), Darcy Lockman (Weekend etc.), John R. Rybock
(Weekend etc.), Michael Thompson (Film).
STAFF: Jordan Atlas, Matt CarlsonJin Ho Chung, Thomas Crowley, Andy Dolan, Geoff Earle, Ben Ewy, Josh Herrington, Kristen
Knudsen, Karen Lee. Gianluca Montalti, Heather Phares, Scott Plagenhoef, Marmi Raitt. Austin Ratner, Dirk Schulze, Sarah Stewart,-
Alexandra Twin, Ted Watts.
PHOTO Michele Guy, Evan Petrie, Editors
STAFF Anastasi aBanicki. Mark Friedman, Mary Koukhab, Elizabeth Lippman, Jonathan Lurie, Rebecca Margolis, Judith Perkins, Joe
Westrate, Sarah Whiting, Chris Wolf.

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