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February 14, 1994 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-14

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2 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, February 14, 1994

Here is how the top 25 teams in college basketballl fared this

Athlete ofteWe
WHO:... W eek
WHo: Jalen Rose
TEAM: Men's Basketball
HOMETOwN: Detroit
YEAR: Junior
WHY: Rose was Michigan's leading scorer in both Big Ten matchups last week. Tuesday, Rose scored a
game-high 20 points, along with two rebounds, and four assists in a 91-67 win over No. 12 Indiana.
Yesterday, against Ohio State, he had 18 points, three rebounds, and a game-high eight assists.
BACKGROUND: Rose attended Detroit's Southwestern High School where he was a three-time all-state
selection, and was coached by former Michigan assistant Perry Watson.

Moe shocks skiing world with downhill win

KVITFJELL, Norway -The race
was on. It began Friday, on a moun-
tain and in an airport. At opposite
sides of the world. On snow.
In Norway, Tommy Moe licked
his chops after an Olympic downhill
training run here as he sized up
Girardelli, Aamodt and the rest.
In Alaska, father Tom and step-
mother Tyra boarded a plane in
No way dad misses the gold medal
Saturday, Moe finished fourth in
final downhill training and almost
had to bite his lip to contain his con-
Andy Mill, the former downhill
racer turned network commentator,
tried to goad Moe into predicting vic-
tory, a la American Bill Johnson in
1984 at Sarajevo. Moe was tempted,
but he wouldn't bite.
But Moe knew.
The flight plan called for Tom and
Tyra to make a leisurely connection
through Kennedy airport in New York,
then straight through to Oslo.
They ended up in Dallas.
Tommy checked his skis. Tom Sr.
checked his pulse, then departures.
The morning of Sunday's down-
hill, as the Swiss took a few practice
rings on their cowbells, Moe was al-

most melancholy. Someone caught
him yawning.
Moe had never won a World Cup
race in his life. He was second once.
What did he know?
Mr. Moe, in the meantime, was
blowing fuses. There's only so much
one Moe can take.
The flight went Palmer to Dallas,
Dallas to Copenhagen, Copenhagen
to Oslo.
Finally, at 9:30 p.m. Saturday
night, it went Oslo to Lillehammer.
Start to finish, it took 46 hours. Or
was it finished? Not trusting anyone's
transportation system, Tom Moe
awoke at 5 a.m. to catch the first bus
to Kvitfjell, usually about an hour's
At the bus stop, he and 4,000 oth-
ers waited. Tom and Tyra were
crushed by the humanity, shut out of
one bus after another. No taxis either.
Or dog sleds..
Four and a half hours after his
wake-up call - 90 minutes before
race time - Tom and Tyra were still
in Lillehammer.
You could have heated Oslo for a
week with the steam coming out of
Tom's ears.
"At 9:30, I was screaming mad,"
he recounted later. "I went into the
(phone company office) and started
screaming at them, anyone I could

yell at, then went up and stormed past
4,000 people, they were all the way
up into town."
In one final, exasperating moment,
Tom grabbed Tyra and started elbow-
ing a path through people to the bus
"I was going to get there and that
was it," Tom said.
At Kvitfjell, Tommy Moe started
to loosen up. He would be the eighth
racer down the hill, a favorable start-
ing position. He remained calm and
"I've been working a lot on my
mental preparation and I ski best when
I'm relaxed," Moe said later.
The bus pulled into Kvitfjell a
little after 10:30. Tom and Tyra, ex-
hausted but relieved, rushed to the
entrance gate.
What could happen now?
"We couldn't get our tickets," Tom
explained later. "You'd think they
ought to take care of some of the
parents who helped the kids here."
Two minutes before
Luxembourg's Marc Girardelli left
the downhill starting gate, Tom and
Tyra got their tickets and fought their
way to the right side of the grand-
Not quite box seats.
The race was on. Girardelli set the
pace with a time of 1:46:.09.

Following him down were Hannes
Trinkl of Austria in 1:46.22, Peter
Runggaldier of Italy in 1:46.39,Pietro
Vitalini of Italy in 1:46.48 and Daniel,
Mahrer of Switzerland in 1:46.55.
Remarkably, the top five racers
were within .46 of each other, but the
times were getting slower, if only
It appeared that Girardelli had
taken the best race from the courser
Canada's Cary Mullen, racer No.
6, then crashed after catching an edge,
creating the first dramatic pause of
the Olympics.
As officials tended to Mullen, who
was not seriously injured, home-coun-
try hero Kjetil Andre Aamodt waited
above in the gate, a trainer massaging
his thighs, Norwegians cheering
wildly and waving flags down in the
basin. x
Mullen finally cleared, Aamodt
shot down the hill in a blur, the crowd
becoming more frenzied whenever
the scoreboard posted his intermedi-
ate times. ,V
Aamodt was ahead at every race
segment, then leaned into the wire as
the new leader at 1:45.79. He got.a
hero's welcome.
"When I came to the finish, I was
really enjoying life," Aamodt said.
"There were 30,000 people shouting.
See MOE, Page &.


The Board is
looking for
at leasttwo
individuals from
the University
community who
have experience
and expertise in the

The University'
of Michigan
Board for
openings for
thrnee nw

U.S. hockey team salvages tie on miscues by
French goalie; Kennedy still in hunt in luge


area of

publications and

- The American hockey team, look-
ing for its first gold medal in 14 years,
made up a two-goal third period defi-
cit to salvage a 4-4 tie with France. A
pair of fluke scores saved the Ameri-
cans from defeat as first lady Hillary
Clinton, waving an American flag,
looked on with daughter Chelsea.
The Americans parlayed a pair of

miscues by French goalie Petri Ylonen
into a 4-4 tie. Ylonen, who turned long
shots by Peter Laviolette and Brian
Rolston into goals, slammed his stick to
the ice in anger when the game ended.
The United States grabbed an early
2-1 lead, but three American mis-
takes near the net allowed France to
move ahead in the final period.
In other hockey action, Slovakia

who are committed to the goals of student
publications. Faculty, staff and students are
encouraged to apply.
The third member may be drawn from the
community at large or from alumni of the
Board's publications, which include the
Michigan Daily, the Michiganensian yearbook
and the Gargoyle humor magazine. The Board
hnlrcv cn n mtrncy Pca1rar

scored an impressive 4-4 tie with sec-
ond-seeded Sweden in its first Olympic
hockey game. The Slovaks, who re-
ceived a goal from ex-NHL great Peter
Stastny, hugged on the bench and cel-
ebrated on the ice after the win.
The country gained its independence
just 13 months ago. Four of its players
are from the 1992 bronze-medal
Czechoslovakian team. The Canadian
team, silver medal winners in 1992,
whipped Italy 7-2 in its first game here.
The Norwegians at the Viking Hall
celebrated a world record-setting gold
medal performance by one of their
own, speedskater Johann Olav Koss.
Koss, one of many 1992 Olympi-
ans expected to excel in these Games
with the one-time-only two-year turn-
around, smashed his own world record

first Norwegian gold of the 17th Win.
ter Games.
By day's end, Norway had three
medals - more than any other natiQn
- and Koss was a national hero.
Meanwhile, Duncan Kennedy kept
alive hopes for the first American
luge medal ever.
Kennedy of Lake Placid, NY.
was in fourth place after two runs,
trailing defending gold medalist
Georg Hackl of Germany, defending
silver medalist Markus Prock of Aus-
tria and Arnold Zoggeler of Italy.
Kennedy's performance, as well
as yesterday's debut of the U.S
hockey team and down hill victory by
Tommy Moe provided a welcome
break from the Harding-Nancy
Kerrigan flap, which ended with

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