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February 14, 1994 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-14

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12 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 14, 1994


As U.S. prepares to leave,*
violence besets Somalia

As the winter winds of February wreak havoc on Ann Arbor, one young boy finds solice as he slides down a hill in a
cardboard box at Leslie Science Center yesterday.
College Republicans defend
Reagan legacy in Diag

NAIROBI, Kenya - With six
weeks remaining before the last Ameri-
can and European combat troops com-
plete the West's withdrawal from So-
malia, the country is beset by daily
outbreaks of clan fighting and violence
that are forcing foreign relief workers
to abandon some of their efforts.
In the past week a half-dozen for-
eign-aid agency offices have been
bombed in the capital, Mogadishu, and
in the central Somali towns of
Beledweyne and Baidoa. A Colom-
bian aid worker was seriously injured
in one attack.
Clan fighting Friday near the port
town of Kismaayo left five Somalis
dead and up to 15 wounded. One Ital-
ian soldier was killed and another was
wounded Feb. 6 in an attack on their
convoy on an outlying road.
In Alulu, at Somalia's northern-
most tip, 25 Filipino fishermen who
were kidnapped a week ago were still
being held by armed Somali troops.
Few of the incidents appear related.
But taken together, the attacks - par-
ticularly those directed against relief
agencies - indicate a pattern of in-
creasing violence and anarchy spread-
ing across Somalia, often in areas that
for more than a year had been consid-
ered relatively secure:.
Many relief officials say they be-
lieve the surge in violence is related to
the pullback of U.S. troops from
Mogadishu and the withdrawal of Eu-
ropean contingent thathave helped keep
the peace outside the capital.
Besides the Americans, the French,
Italians, Germans, Turks, Norwegians
and Greeks are quitting Somalia either
later this month or by the end of March.
Relief workers fear their departure will
create a vacuum that looters and war-


Charles Carpenter of Chicago carries a teddy bear for his daughter as he
and 500 other American soldiers board a ship leaving Mogadishu, Somalia.


The College Republicans expected
people to laugh. Instead students lis-
tened, they said.
In several speeches on the Diag
Friday, the College Republicans de-
fended former President Ronald
Reagan's eight-year administration
while celebrating his 83rd birthday.
Reagan was born Feb. 6.
Bill Anderson, a Republican candi-
date for the U.S. Senate, College Re-,
publican President John Damoose and
groupmembers Christian Cali and Matt
Kurth spoke on the president's behalf.
Keynote speaker Anderson talked
for about 25 minutes on various as-
pects of Reagan's career. During part
of his speech, he challenged liberalist
government by using strong language
that likened progressives to criminal
"It is time to take the gloves off and
stop playing with thugs as though they
were gentlemen," he said. "A patriot
by definition is a defender of liberty,
not the usurper of it. Does it really

matter whether these socialist liberals
are truly sinister or merely fools aiding
those that are? We will be just as
Members handed outjelly beans -
Reagan's favorite candy - along with
Republican informational pamphlets.
About 50 people braved the cold to
attend the event and the jelly beans ran
out two hours early.
Damoose, an LSA junior, said jok-
ingly, "I was expecting people not to
(be receptive). I sort of thought people
would throw snowballs. I guess con-
servatives must finally be accepted,
because no one did."
The presentations began after recit-
ing the Pledge of Allegiance. Most
passersby kept on walking, but
Damoose said a few random wander-
ers stopped and joined in.
Whetherornot listeners agreed with
the presentations, College Republicans
said that many non-members expressed
an interest in conservative ideas.
School of Nursing junior and Col-
lege Republican member Marcy
Yackish said the rally unexpectedly

helped attract new members.
"People would come up to me and
say, 'Wow, I really support what you're
saying,"' Yackish said. "These were
people who are not coming to meet-
ings. There seemed to be more people
who are closet conservatives than you
would expect."
Yackish stated that the University's
liberalism brings out the Republican in
people who never thought they were
conservative before coming here.
Fletcher said he often receives w-
mail messages from closet conserva-
tives. "Some people write that, 'I'm
concerned with saying I'm conserva-
tiveon this campus.' People from other
universities will write, too, and tell
horror stories about saying something
politically incorrect in a class and get-
ting lambasted for it," he said.
Damoose said he hoped Friday's
speeches were welcomed by hiding
Republicans. "We want people to real-
ize how we think and recognize that we
are a legitimate alternative to left-wing
indoctrination. Hopefully, these
speeches will help make the campus
safe for conservatives." i

lords are eager to exploit.
About 5,000 U.N. troops from Pa-
kistan are staying to help secure
Mogadishu, and another 5,000 Indian
U.N. troops backed by forces from
several African nations have moved
into some of the outlying areas, includ-
ing Baidoa and Kimsaayo.
However, these remaining U.N.
contingents lack the equipment and
capabilities of the departing U.S. and
European troops, especially communi-
cations equipment, vehicles, intelli-
gence-gathering networks, radar to
track artillery and attack helicopters.
The latest surge in violence raises
questions about exactly what the costly
14-month-long Western military inter-
vention in Somalia has achieved..
Instead of resolving the problems
of warfare, clan violence and banditry
that led to widespread famine and
prompted the international community

to send troops to relieve the starving,
the intervention seems only to have
placed Somalia's fighting on hold.
Now that the fragile peace appears
to be breaking down, Somalis are re-
turning to settle old scores, banditry
has resumed, and the country appar-
ently is reverting to the violence that
existed in the months before the De-
cember 1992 U.S.-led intervention.
"It's a general breakdown," said
Stephen Tomlin, regional director of
the International Medical Corps.
"Control is slipping away. Increas-
ingly, the elders are losing control of
the young men."
Many relief agencies are now say-
ing that with the United.Nations no
longer able to guarantee protection,
they will either retreat from Somalia
altogether or revert to their pre-inter-
vention methods of relying on hired@
guns for protection against local thugs.

Speaker touts Yoga's healing powers

In speech Friday,
Swami teaches
personal satisfaction
Offering the University commu-
nity mantras and meditation, Swami
Brahmavidyanada discussed the relax-
ing powers of Yoga and how it can
improve the quality of people's lives
Friday night at the Michigan Union.
Brahmavidyanada was the featured
guest of the Hindu Students Council's
(HSC) Weekend Yoga Seminar.
Brahmavidyanada, founder and
president of the International Yoga
Fellowship Movement in India, led
discussions with more than 30 partici-
pants about how people can possess the
happiness, peace and love that is within.
everyone's inner self-existence through
Known also as Swamiji, he has
served for 24 years as guide to many
spiritual aspirants and people from all
walks of life. Swamiji has also traveled
many parts of the world, talking about
Yoga and its philosophy.

The religious leader made himself
comfortable in front of the audience by
taking his wrap off one of his shoul-
ders. While relaxing, Swamiji said he
believes life can be satisfiable in all
aspects, even in a world of chaos and
He said, "You are all wonderful
beings! You all have a right to have
peace. You can do anything you want
to do! Study about the highest of your
mind and yourself! This is 'Yoga and
Modern Life."'
He spoke about the dissatisfaction
of the mind because the mind does not
relax and accept the spiritual faculty.
The spiritual faculty is freedom.
Beginning the Weekend Yoga
Seminar with a talk about "holistic"
and traditional practices of yoga -
such as Karma (action), Gnyana
(knowledge), Bhakti (devotion) and
Raja (meditation) - Swamiji said life
can become wonderful through yoga.
He also saidpeople can make them-
selves function at their highest level by
practicing yoga and improve their rela-
tionships with spouses, partners, chil-
dren, teachers or anyone.
With his heavy Indian accent,

Swamiji told the audience, "I'm talk-
ing with my heart, from experience and
with love."
Swamiji said his purpose is not to
give advice or "to brainwash" but "tol
talk about the Holy Culture - India.
"We become sick, weak, not think-
ing properly because of our minds. It's
up there. Now, close your eyes and
breathe - deeply inhale and exhale,"
he instructed his audience.
HSC member and LSA sophomore
Vipul Parikh said, "There are many
different kinds of yogas. Personally,
for me, I've found certain methods that
have helped me."
Yoga teacher Ema Stefanova coor-
dinated the event. "You can see change
in physical health, better concentra-
tion," she said. "For example, if you
have stage fright, by deep breathing,
yoga relaxes the mind and take the
mind off of the stage fright."
University staff member Sue Cor-
ner said, "(Yoga) brings more mental
acuity, peace, calmness, serenity, com-
passion, balance, harmony and wis-
dom. I've really received a lot of ben-
efits from doing spiritual practices, yoga
being one of them."

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