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February 09, 1994 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-09

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 9, 1994

Clinton health plan is
dealt blow by Congress

WASHINGTON (AP) - In a set-
back for the White House, the Con-
gressional Budget Office said yester-
day the Clinton health plan would
drive the federal deficit $74 billion
higher over the next six years, not cut
it by $58 billion as billed.
In its long-awaited, independent
look at the White House proposal for
paying for universal coverage, the
CBO also concluded that the premi-
ums would be 15 percent more ex-
pensive and should be listed as part of
the federal budget.
Republicans cheered the CBO's
81-page analysis, saying it demon-
strated that President Clinton was pro-
posing "a massive new entitlement
program," as Rep. Bill Archerof Texas
put it. They applauded the CBO for
resisting White House arguments that
most of the plan's costs should be left
outside the federal budget.
Democrats put their own spin on
the numbers. House Majority Leader
Richard Gephardt said it confirmed
that Clinton's plan "is generally on
target" and would cut the nation's
health bill by $150 billion in the year
2004 alone - a 7 percent savings.
Clinton, after making an appeal
for health reform to workers at a Gen-
eral Motors pickup plant in Shreve-
port, La., said the CBO deficit figures
were "not a problem."
But it was a blow to Clinton's

contention that his plan can cover
every American by 1998 without im-
posing any major, broad-based new
taxes. Clinton has repeatedly sold
health reform as key to getting the $4
trillion deficit under control. Three
major business groups turned their
backs on the Clinton plan in the past
CBO Director Robert Reischauer,
a Democratic economist clearly un-
comfortable with the news he was
bringing, sought to play down the
deficit numbers. But he said the
Clinton Health Security Act would
add $74 billion in red ink through the
year 2000 and a total of $126 billion
from 1995 through 2004.
Still, Reischauer said that is only a
small fraction of the deficits the gov-
ernment ran up in the past decade and
is likely to run up in the next 10 years.
He told the House Ways and Means
Committee such an increase must be
"balanced against the advantage of
living in a nation where no one lacks
health insurance coverage.''
Reischauer said that in the longer
run, after 2004, the plan "holds out
the promise of reducing the deficit."
Senate Majority Leader George
Mitchell said the CBO was wrong to
insist that the health plan all be counted
as part of the budget. "It confuses a
federal requirement with a federally
funded program," he said.

Continued from page 1
sion, I didn't get wind of it.
"Hughes was not the kind of per-
son who would articulate to his staff
his woes," Andrews said."It is not
unusual for administrators to talk with
their superiors to discuss possible
career changes," he added.
Andrews added, "I think most
people were surprised. They didn't
know what dialog went on with his
superior concerning the career
Alan Levy, director of public af-
fairs and information for the Housing
Division, called the reassignment a
personnel decision.
"He has been with Housing a long
time. This was an opportunity that
came up that permitted him to move
on. This was a personnel decision
made by the vice president."
Andrews added, "There is a sense
of loss within the division, but I think
people are ready to move forward."
David Foulke, also an associate
director of Housing, will serve as
interim director until a new director is

found in a nationwide search. He,
along with associate directors
Andrews and John Heidke, will head
the division, which has a $60 million
budget, 750 permanent staff and more
than 2,000 student staff members.
. Hartford said she hoped to have a
search committee to find Hughes'
replacement formed by the end of the
month. She added that there would be
several students on the committee.
Andrews said he believes that a
new director will be in place before
school resumes in the fall.
Elsa Cole, University general
counsel, said that officials often con-
sult her office in making personnel
"We have personnel staff call us
several times a day about SPGs," Cole
One reason this is done is to avoid
lawsuits. In firing or even transfer-
ring employees, University officials
must follow procedures.
Hughes replaces Shirley Clarkson,
who was appointed by President
Clinton last year to be public relations
director of the National Archives in
Washington, D.C. She does is no loner
on leave.


art n'est pas une etude de la r alit/positive;
c st tune recherche de la verite id ale.
Art is not a study of reality; it's a search for the ideal truth.

Continued from page 1
report is a reference guide to give
patients an idea which doctors are at
the top of their medical fields.
In order to have been named among
the top hospitals, institutions had to
perform superior in eight areas that
reflect high value provided to cus-
tomers, efficiency of patient care op-
erations and investment in operations.
"In their own group, (the hospi-
tals) had to be above the national
median," said Jean Chenowith, vice
president of HCIA Inc. "Surprisingly,
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very few institutions were able to do
In a press release, John Forsyth,
executive director of University Hos-
pitals, said, "It's gratifying to be rec-
ognized for our efforts to provide
excellent quality care while control-
ling costs."
"The Best Doctors in America"
was based upon a nation wide poll of
thousands of medical specialists.
One of the doctors cited in the
study was William Armstrong of the
University Hospitals. He was recog-
nized for his excellence in the areas of
cardiovascular disease and
He said he found it especially flat-
tering because those listed in the re-
port are nominated by their peers.
Armstrong added that he thinks
there is a relationship between the
University Hospitals being named
among the best in the nation and the
high percentage of doctors from the
University cited as best in America.
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Continued from page 1
"The criticism doesn't really
bother me because when people don't
understand something it is easy for
them to make jokes about it," Wrosch
Katy Bell, an LSA sophomore in-
terested in applying to the program,
does not like the jokes that the school
sometimes receives. "It bothers me
because people don't realize how tech-
nological libraries are now," she said.
Because of all the new techno-
logical advances in society today, li-
braries, as well as the traditional role
of the librarian, are changing rapidly.
"Libraries are going to change,
they have to change," Cary said. "Our
vision at the school is that the library
will be the center for all access to
Continued from page 1
helped them understand chemistry.
Gretchen Champion, an LSA junior
and former student of Coppola's, said,
"Having him as a teacher made the
whole process of organic chemistry
easier because he was a very good
lecturer. ... He never minded if stu-
dents came to his office. He was al-
ways there to help us. I really respect
that about him."
Lynn Rader, a first-year LSA stu-
dent who is currently enrolled in
Coppola's course, said, "Even if you
don't like chemistry, he will provide
the opportunity for you to enjoy it."
He does this, she said, by making
chemistry seem "logical and natu-
Coppola's interest in teaching
dates back to his childhood. "I have
always been interested in teaching
and instruction," he said. "In school,
I always was helping and tutoring
His father, Frank Coppola, also
remembers his son's life-long inter-
est in teaching. "When (Brian) first
went to first grade, we could not get
him to go," but, his mother eventually
persuaded him to attend, he said with
achuckle. "That same day," he added,
"we got a call from school, and he
didn't want to come home."
However, Coppola said he decided
to teach chemistry much later than the
first grade. "My attraction to science
came from very positive experiences
with science teachers. I wasn't the
kind of person who had a 'chemistry
set.' It really came from school."
While an undergraduate at the
University of New Hampshire, an
organic chemistry faculty member
selected Coppola to participate in an
independent study program. "That's
Continued from page 1
silent on how to pay for the president's
expected welfare reform proposals
and offers no way of offsetting tariff
losses expected to result from a re- ,
cently concluded world trade agree-
And they said the administration
was missing a chance to push through
further spending cuts that couldn't be
done during the recession. What cuts
Clinton does propose are used to off-

set increased spending elsewhere and
the budget does no more than stay
within the bounds of the deficit-re-
duction package approved last sum-
mer, they said.

Even with the Information Super-
highway coming, Cary said librarians
will still be needed in the future.
"The Information Superhighwa
requires sophistication in how to use
it. Librarians will have to train people
in learning to use it," Cary added.
Typically, students in theprogram
have well-rounded backgrounds, usu-
ally in humanities and social sciences.
The school hopes to attract more stu-
dents with science and engineering
backgrounds to specialize in the tech-
nological aspects of things like build
ing libraries with digital electronic
SILS students said that those who
are interested in the field of informa-
tion and library resources should be
ready for a challenge.
"Students need to be creative and
risk takers. So much is changing in
the field that a person can't afford to
be passive," Cary added. 0
a responsibility that I repeat (with my
own students)," he said. Coppolaover-
sees a group of undergraduate re-
search students working on various
chemistry projects.
Coppola's research does not stop
in the chemistry lab, but is brought
into the classroom, which he calls his
"laboratory." In the classroom, he "i
identifying and helping to solve the
problems in chemistry instruction,"
which Coppola considers the most
important part of his job.
As the coordinator for undergradu-
ate organic curriculum, Coppola tries
"to create collaborations between the
different people who contribute to
education." Coppola said he has com-
bined ideas from psychology, educa-
tion and chemistry "to see how the
can help make progress in structural
design and evaluation. (These) things
go together."
Though he is not on tenure track,
Coppola said he thinks he can best
satisfy his area of research by being in
the lecture's faculty position.
Chemistry associate Prof. Will-
iam Pearson said of his colleague,
"He wants them to learn how to learn
"He uses the topic oforganic chem-
istry as a forum to illustrate the way
that scientists think, how they orga-
nize their body of knowledge in a
useful manner and how they use their
body of knowledge to solve new prob-
lems," Pearson said.
Born in Massachusetts, and raised
in Derry, N.H., Coppola is the oldest
of four children. After attending the
University of New Hampshire, he at-*
tended the University of Wisconsin-
Madison, earning a Ph.D. in organic
chemistry. He has been teaching at
the University since 1986, and he has
won several teaching awards, includ-
ing the LSA Dean's Excellence in
Teaching award in 1991, 1992 and
Meanwhile, the Congressional,-
Budget Office (CBO) dealt a blow to*
the budget by saying Clinton's health
reform plan would drive the deficit up
by $74 billion over the next six years,
not cut it by $58 billion as the White
House had forecast.
CBO Director Robert Reischauer
also said Clinton's mandatory premi-
ums for employers should be included
in the federal budget. Clinton had put
them off-budget as a strictly priate*
The president plugged his health
and budget plans from a distance.

After giving a speech in Louisiana, he
told reporters the CBO's estimates
would not deter him. "That's not a
problem. That's a Washington policy
wonk deal," he said.

I r


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