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February 08, 1994 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-08

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom


Housing director to develop student emergency fund

The Office of Student Affairs will get a new
full-time employee whose primary responsibil-
ity will be to raise money for new projects that
could have substantial benefits for students.
Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen
Hartford announced yesterday that Robert C.
Hughes, director of the Housing Division, has
been named executive director of development
and external relations.,
In a interview last night, Hartford outlined
several of the projects Hughes would be head-

ing. Foremost on the list is a fundraising drive
to create an "emergency student appeal fund."
"If a student broke a tooth and couldn't pay
to have it fixed, they could come to our office to
get the money," Hartford said.
Rent, tuition, gas bills and other emergency
expenses could be paid for by the University
through this fund.
Under the plan, students would not be re-
quired to pay, but would "be asked that when
they could, to pay the money back to the Uni-
versity of Michigan."
Hartford, who has implemented similar pro-

grams at schools where she had previously
worked, said she had spoken to several execu-
tive officers who voiced their approval for the
fund and added she did not believe approval
from the University Board of Regents was
necessary to implement the program.
"This is a program I've wanted to create
since I came here," said Hartford, who came
from Washington State University in early 1992
to become a University vice president.
Hartford said the fund would need at least
$50,000 in seed money before it could be started.
Additionally, Hartford said Hughes would

also look at funding a community service facil-
ity. Hartford noted the University's role in
developing the National Service Trust Act and
the University Commission on Community
Hughes will work closely with the Office of
Development and the Campaign for Michigan.
In fact, his office will be located in the develop-
ment office and not in the student affairs office.
"He will be developing strategies with the
office and look to co-ordinate fundraising ac-
tivities," Hartford said.
He will replace Shirley Clarkston, who had

been on a one-year leave of absence until Jan.
19. Clarkston was director of presidential com-
munications for four years. She was appointed
by President Clinton last year to be the public
relations director of the National Archives in
Washington, D.C.
Clarkston was hired by then-Provost James
Duderstadt in 1986 and followed him to the
president's office.
Clarkston was re-assigned to the Office of
Student Affairs four months before she left in
October 1992 to join the Clinton campaign and
then the transition team in Little Rock, Ark.

Jackson, King to
play in IU game
ePolice set to charge players in beer theft


State lawmakers
applaud Clinton
budget proposal

While madness is normally asso-
ciated with the month of March and
the NCAA men's basketball tourna-
ment, a bit of craziness has surrounded
the Michigan Wolverines in early
Besides being heavily involved in
their quest for the Big Ten title, the
Wolverines have had to deal with the
suspensions of juniors Jimmy King
and Ray Jackson and sophomore Chris
Fields for last Saturday's Michigan
State game, due to their alleged in-
volvement in a shoplifting incident.
While those three players have domi-
nated the headlines the past four days,
Michigan's roster must now deal with
*a different problem - Indiana.
The No. 11 Wolverines (7-2 Big
Ten, 14-4 overall) and No. 12 Hoo-
siers (7-2, 14-4) battle tonight at
Crisler Arena (7:30 p.m., ESPN) with
first place in the conference on the
line. However, Michigan will no
longer be shorthanded.
King, Jackson and Fields were all
reinstated yesterday after Michigan
*basketball coach Steve Fisher met
with school Athletic Director Joe
"I've discussed this matter with
Joe Roberson, and we have dealt with

the team violation," Fisher said. "The
city of Ann Arbor now has proper
jurisdiction over this matter and they
will deal with this situation."
Fisher would not comment any
further on the suspensions or the in-
vestigation, which will result in Ann
Arbor police charging three players
with retail fraud, a misdemeanor, ac-
cording to yesterday's Ann Arbor
Tonight, the only thing the Wol-
verines want to take is a victory over
the Hoosiers. Michigan has dropped
its past three contests with Indiana,
including an 82-72 loss at
Bloomington Jan. 16.
Bobby Knight's club is coming
off two wins last week - an overtime
triumph against Ohio State and a 10-
point road win over Penn State Satur-
day - setting up this evening's high-
profile confrontation.
Despite the controversy surround-
ing the team, Fisher said that his team
knows what is in front of it.
"We need to find a way to focus on
basketball," Fisher said. "We want to
make sure we are thinking. We're
ready for Indiana."
While the Wolverines may be fully
prepared for the game, the Hoosiers


gan lawmakers applauded President
Clinton's willingness to make cuts in
the federal budget he proposed yes-
terday, but they weren't happy with
all of the cuts or with how deep they
The 9-pound budget book, encom-
passing $1.52 trillion in spending for
the 1995 fiscal year that begins in
November, included cuts in more than
200 programs and the elimination of
115 others.
Some of the cutbacks that would
impact Michigan included $2 million
less to rid the Great Lakes of the zebra
mussel, and broader cuts that include
fewer funds for a low-income home-
heating assistance program and oper-
ating assistance to cities with mass
transit services.
"The president has made some
tough choices and I am glad he did
because it is the only way to get fed-
eral spending under control," said Sen.
Carl Levin (D-Mich.). "Shrink this
deficit because that directly leads to
job creation.
"Obviously, Congress is not go-

cases we are going to go with him and
go strongly with him."
Levin said he would oppose the
zebra mussel cuts, saying, "we have
got to get rid of that pest or our Great
Lakes are in danger."
"The zebra mussel poses a serious
threat to our ecosystem, fishing and
shipping industries in the Great
Lakes," said Rep. Bart Stupak (D-
Menominee). "Cutting federal money
for zebra mussel eradication would
be unwise and ultimately more ex-
pensive for Michigan's taxpayers."
Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit),
said he wants to make sure that bud-
get cutting doesn't mean forestalling
progress in Detroit and elsewhere.
"I believe that the proposed reor-
dering of urban mass transit, housing,
and lead-paint programs have to be
given a strong second look by the
Congress, particularly as they affect
cities like Detroit whose economic
turnaround relies heavily on these
programs," Conyers said.
Low-income home heating assis-
tance for Michigan would drop to
$40.3 million, down from $79.1 mil-
lion, according to an analysis by the
See BUDGET, Page 2

See INDIANA, Page 8 1 Jerry Erickson gives graduate engineer Gunnard Johnson a trim yesterday.

Day ing to agree with
every respect, but

the president on
I think in most

NATO to decide on strikes

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The Clinton administration
called on its allies yesterday to extend a protective shield
to civilians in Sarajevo by threatening air strikes if Bosnian
Serbs continue their attacks. No more empty threats, the
president said.
The aim is to end the siege of the Bosnian capital,
where 68 civilians were killed and some 200 injured in a
mortar attack on a Muslim marketplace Saturday.
It would require a change of heart by many of the
European governments to whom the Clinton administra-
tion has assigned the primary responsibility for ending the
fighting in the Balkans.
In Houston, Clinton was asked why the Serbs should
take this latest threat of air strikes seriously, given the
West's previous saber-rattling.
"Let's see what happens in the next 'couple of days,"
the president said. "You know what I feel about that. I
don't think we should have any more empty threats."
The NATO allies last year blocked a U.S. appeal to,

both lift an arms embargo against the Muslim-led govern-
ment and to bomb Bosnian Serb artillery and mortar sites
if attacks continued.
Partly out of concern U.N. peacekeepers might get
caught in the cross-fire, the allies shied away from force-
ful intervention. Continued blood-letting in what Secre-
tary of State Warren Christopher called "unacceptable
actions" by the Serbs was expected this time to result in
allied unity.
"We expect the North Atlantic Council will decide on
a course of action, on an overall strategy, within the next
few days," Christopher said after President Clinton's
senior advisers met for a second day at the White House.
The NATO meeting will be held tomorrow in Brus-
sels, Belgium. The ambassadors to NATO from the allied
countries are expected to attend.
In Brussels yesterday, European Union foreign minis-
ters urged the NATO nations to use all means to lift the
siege of Sarajevo, including the use of air power.

Ater a weekend shelling in-Sarajevo killed 68
people, the -
U.N. asked
NATO to BSNA-Begrd
reconsider HE EGIA
possible air
against 0v
the Serbs. -Sa"o
41'0, orateneo ...
U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on
Sunday asked the NATO 16 allies to authorize use of air
power in response to the shelling of Sarajevo.
Clinton said he had long hoped the U.N. official would
take the step. The president said, though, that "until those
folks get tired of killing each other over there bad things
will continue to happen,"
Christopher said he expected the NATO Council to
approve Boutros-Ghali's proposal to give commanders
on the ground authority to call for air attacks.

'U' alum gets
8 years for
Phil Pavlik, a recent University graduate, was sen-
tenced to eight years in the State Prison of Southern
Michigan in Jackson last Tuesday for making and selling
the drug CAT, a methadone-based stimulant similar to
battery acid.
According to a friend who knew Pavlik briefly, Pavlik's
father is a chemistry professor at Northern Michigan
University and Pavlik was familiar with the science. He
and his brother created their own version of a recipe for
CAT several years ago and began to make and sell it out
of their home in Marquette in the Upper Peninsula.
Pavlik apparently sold CAT cheaply and even helped
people learn how to use it.
CAT was an obscure drug used in Siberia in the 1950s.
Someone from the University's chemistry depart-
ment, who wished to remain anonymous, said obtaining
the ingredients and making CAT is not difficult or expen-
Pavlik continued to make and sell CAT while he was
2 student at the University Eventuallv the recine was

As Sarajevo buries its dead,
Europe debates next move

Herzegovina (AP) - Sarajevo bur-
ied its dead from a market massacre
with stony silence yesterday. Miles

line and an emergency meeting of
NATO foreign ministers. Other Eu-
ropean nations balked.
Russia also opposed air strikes

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