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February 07, 1994 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1994-02-07

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 7, 1994

Continued from page 1
survey conducted at the University
that indicated at least 50 percent of
women at this school show some
symptoms of an eating disorder.
She classifies eating disorders into
three groups:
Anorexia Nervosa, in which
sufferers function in a mode of star-
vation, avoiding contact with food;
f BulimiaNervosa, in which suf-
ferers attempt to eliminate calories
through vomiting, laxatives, purging
or excessive exercise; and,
Binge Eating Disorder, in which
sufferers have a distorted image of
their body, but usually do not attempt
to limit calorie intake.
The Center for Eating Disorders, a
private clinic in Ann Arbor, is spon-
soring its own events in recognition
of Eating Disorder Awareness Week.
"One of the basic things we want
people to learn is that diets don't
work," said Judith Banker, the clinic's
program director. "Trying to control
a basic drive like hunger through re-
striction or over control is going to
make you very obsessive, depressed

This week,UOHS and the Center
for Eating Disorders will sponsor
workshops and distribute
information for people suffering
from eating disorders. Some of
the happenings:
N Today: Panel Workshop on
Anorexia and Bulimia, 7 p.m. at
the Center for Behavior and
Medicine, 2004 Hogback Rd.
N Tomorrow: Interactive theater
group, Talk to Us, in West
Quad's Wedge Room, 9 p.m.
0 Wednesday: The Famine
Within, a video, at the Institute
for Psychology and Medicine,
2010 Hogback Rd., 7 p.m.
0 Thursday: Voice of Recovery,
panel discussion in Alice Lloyd's
Blue Carpet Lounge, 7:30 p.m.
0 Friday: The Day without Diets
begins at 11 a.m. with a bin in
the Diag to throwaway any
calorie-counting devices.
and impact the quality of your life."
Robin Nwankwo, a registered di-
etitian at UHS said, "Nobody has to
suffer by themselves because there's
a lot of resources available."

Continued from page 1
cal team and three transport planes to
Sarajevo to help evacuate the
wounded, Clinton summoned top na-
tional security officials to the White
House to discuss the situation.
He was leaving later in the day for
Houston on a 2 1/2-day trip that will
combine political fund raising with
promoting his health-care program.
Aides said the president did not con-
sider the situation to be enough of a
crisis to warrant delaying the trip.
An administration official, speak-
ing on condition of anonymity, said
Clinton asked for an update on the
situation and also was eager for de-
tails on what the medical team had
learned in Sarajevo.
Clinton - who issued a state-
ment condemning the "cowardly act"
and calling for engaging allies on
next steps - was not likely to take
any steps without consulting with
NATO partners, the official said.
In Munich, Germany, Defense
Secretary William Perry said the
United States would not invoke air

strikes unilaterally, noting the diffi-
culty imposed by the presence of
28,000 lightly armedU.N. peacekeep-
ers in Bosnia.
Perry denounced the attack on ci-
vilians in Sarajevo as an "unforgiv-
able incident" but suggested air strikes
would have limited value in ending
the civil strife. He called instead for a
negotiated settlement.
"It is time for responsible leaders
among the warring factions to step
forward and be counted. It is time for
the international community to stand
together and bring the maximum pres-
sure to bear," Perry told a military
conference in Munich.
Perry's remarks seemed to back
away from comments the day before
when he suggested "stronger action,
including air strikes" might be war-
ranted to prevent the "strangulation"
of Sarajevo.
Dole suggested it was time for air
strike against Serbian positions. "I
think it would certainly send a strong
message to Belgrade," the Republi-
can leader told NBC-TV.
"Let's send a signal to the Bosnian
Serbs and the Serb leadership in
Belgrade that we mean business."

Foster care system to "
be examined in study



Continued from page 1
NATO sources in Brussels, Bel-
gium, speaking on condition of ano-
nymity, said yesterday it was unlikely
NATO would turn down a request
from Boutros-Ghali to approve air
strikes. They were commenting be-
fore Boutros-Ghali's request was
made public.
The 16-member alliance demon-
strated it was not in full agreement
about the wisdom of increased in-
volvement in Bosnia's war, which
has killed more than 200,000 Mus-
lims, Serbs and Croats.
Some nations, notably Britain and
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Canada, have been reluctant to call in
planes for fear of spreading the war
and of reprisals against their troops
serving with the U.N. aid operation in
U.S. Defense Secretary William
Perry backed away from the threat of
American air strikes, calling instead
for a negotiated settlement.
Speaking to European defense of-
ficials in Munich, Germany, Perry
asked: "If air strikes are Act One of a
new melodrama, what is Act Two,
Act Three and the conclusion?"
But Belgium's foreign minister
urged that air strikes be launched.
France demanded NATO set a dead-
line for the Serbs to lift their siege or
face military action.
Continued from page 1
Angie Reyes, youth director for
Latino Family Services in Detroit,
also spoke at the event. Reyes fo-
cused on the many problems that
young Latino Americans face.
"The young people of today are
proud of their heritage, but they don't
know about their culture. Their his-
tory and culture has been taken away,"
she said.
She ended her speech by empha-
sizing the fact that students at the
University should go back to the bar-
rios or neighborhoods and give some
sense of hope to the young people
who are still there. "Show them that
there is something beyond the bar-
rio," she added.
The final speaker was Baldemar
Velasquez, organizer of the Midwest
United Farm Workers Association.
Giving an address full of emotion,
Velasquez spoke of arousing the pas-
sions in young Latino Americans to
move into positions of leadership.
"We need leaders, but the leaders are
not rising up. You won't become a
leader unless you participate."
He stressed that young people need
to carry the Latino American struggle
forward, and that the effort made has
to come from the heart. To the Latino
Americans in the audience, Velsquez
had one request. "You are being called
upon to prepare your hearts and souls
for the difficult battles and marches
that lie ahead."
Salinas said the speakers conveyed
positive messages that dignified the
struggles, Latino Americans are fac-
ing today. He said he thought
Velasquez had the right idea in telling
people to prepare their hearts. "If we
live through our hearts, than we will
live for eternal good," he added.
Harriet Teller, a student in the
masters program of telecommunica-
tion and arts, also worked with Chavez
at one time. She said she was de-
lighted to see the speakers and the
,people that turned out. "I felt that it
was a fitting way to honor Chavez."
The address was followed by a
march in memory of C6sar Chavez
that led to a reception at the Trotter
90,r 1

I i W

Children from Wayne County rep-
resent more than 40 percent of child
welfare cases in Michigan and are
likely to wait twice as long as children
from the rest of the state for a perma-
nent home, a University School of
Social Work study concluded.
The median length of a Wayne*
County child's stay in foster care is
459 days, compared to 237 days for
the rest of the state.
The study also found African
American children from Wayne
County (480 days) wait longer for a
permanant home than African Ameri-
can children from the rest of Michi-
gan (187 days).
Social Work researchers David
Crampton, Ira Schwartz and Shenyang
Guo suggest Wayne County's
children's services heavy workload
may account for the differences.
The study also found African
American children waited longer for
permanant homes than white chil-
Cross-cultural education
study gets $1 million
University researchers will use a
$1,068,000 grant from the U.S. De-
partment of Education to study dif-
ferences in performance of Ameri-
can, German and Japanese students.
The three-year study will be led
by psychology professor Harold
Stevenson. His previous studies led
to the book "The Learning Gap,"
which compares abilities of Ameri-
can students to Japanese and Chinese
students, and is co-authored by James
The new study will use intensive
case studies of kindergarten through
11th-grade students from all three
Researchers will focus on four
topics: the place of school in adoles-
cents' lives, procedures for dealing
with student differences in ability,
Continued from page 2.
to beat the Michigan State Spartans
Saturday night, 59-51. Many students
said this was evidence of the team's
ability to rebound from the event's
First-year Engineering student
Continued from page 2Z
because they weren't frightened, the
attacker didn't know how to respond.
Pomerleau's harassment experi-
ence is not unique - many partici-
pants had similar stories to tell.
"We want to show affection," said
Rubin, referring to herself and her
partner, "but we know we are at risk
(of being attacked)."
During a discussion about being
attacked orharassed because of sexual
orientation, some participants ex-
pressed frustration with the way gay-
bashing is generally handled by the
police. But others felt that, as one
woman phrased it, "some cops are on
our side."
Some in the class hadn't person-
ally encountered gay-bashing, but
wanted to be prepared if the case were
to arise.

national standards, and teachers'
working conditions.
Clinton administration
pushes encryption
Citing the explosion of affordable
encoding technology, the Clinton ad
ministration has approved a plan tt
pressure companies and individuals
to adopt the "Clipper Chip" encryp-
tion device.
The chip allows the user to encode
information sent through computer
telecommunications networks to pre-
vent unwanted parties from using the
information, much as cable services
scramble their signals.
But the Clipper Chip, developed
by the National Security Agency, hD
a back door that allows law-enforce
ment groups to crack the codes.
Companies like Apple, IBM,
Microsoft and civil rights groups con-
cerned with privacy rights oppose the
While the U.S. government can-
not require implementation of the stan-
dard, it can use its purchasing power
to require that all agencies and com-
panies with government contracts use
the device.
The administration hopes the Clip-
per Chip becomes an industry stan-
"Encryption is a law-and-order
issue, since it can be used by crimir-
nals to thwart wiretaps and avoid de-
tection," Vice President Al Gore said
The Chicago Tribune contribute*
to this report.
- By Scot Woods
Daily Staff Reporte.
Matt Gerlack said that although he
was unsure of his feelings concering
the fate of the players, he does not
believe this incident will have a nega-
tive effect on the how the team wil
fare for the rest of the season.
"I don't know if they did it or not
so I don't want to say, but we won.
anyway so that's good," he said.
"It's easy in Ann Arbor to feel:
safe, but it isn't really safe here - or.
in other cities," said Kip Lewis, a
recent University graduate.
Lewis explained he is concerned
primarily when leaving gay bars, and
said he took the workshop "to feel
better about my ability to take care of
This workshop was unusual in that
it was for men and women, and many
said they felt more comfortable par-
ticipating since it was sponsored by.
Along with holding discussions,'
Buie taught the groupa series ofphysi*
cal skills and techniques, including
kicks and releases from choke holds.
At one point participants punched
people holding mats back against a
wall while the rest of the class cheered..
"The emotional support from the.
group was great," said Lewis.
The second half of the course will
be held next Saturday morning.

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $160. Oncampus subscrip-
tions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
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EDITORIAL STAFF Jessie Halladay, Editor in Chief
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EDITORS: Nate Hurley, Mona Qureshi, Karen Sabgir, Karen Talaski.
STAFF: Adam Anger, Carrie Bissey, Janet Burkitt, Hope Calati, Jessica Chaffin, James Rae Cho, Lashawnda Crowe. Lisa Dines,
Demetrios Efstratiou, Michelle Fricke, Ronnie Glassberg, Soma Gupta, Michele Hatty, Katie Hutchins, Judith Kafla, Randy Lebowitz,
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EDITORIAL Sam Goodstein, Flint Wainess, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker, Jason Lchtstein.
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EDITORS: Rachel Bachman, Brett Forrest, Tim Rardin, Michael Rosenberg, Jaeson Rosenfeld.
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Paul Barger, Tom Bausano, Charlie Breitrose, Aaron Burns, Scott Burton, Marc Diller, Darren Everson, Ravi
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ARTS Melissa Rose Bernardo, Nima Hodael, Editors
EDITORS: Jason Carroll (Theater). Toom Erewine (Music), Rona Kobeil (Books), Darcy Lockman (Weekend etc.), John R. Rybock
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STAFF: Jordan Atlas, Matt Carlson, Jin Ho Chunm. Thomas Crowley, Andy Doan, Geoff Earle, Josh Herrington, Kristen Knudsen. Karen
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PHOTO Michelle Guy, Evan Petrie, Editors
STAFF: Anastasia Banicki. Mark Friedman. Mary Knokhah. Flizaheth Lippman. onathan Lurine Rehca Margnois ,udith Perkins I




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