0*00 w sm ~ 0c C~Q e 0500i 5 J % z O' ° ' T cooA Z e44 0N L "y o f ~U-0a,,n nu FOLD HEREt II II I" I" , I II I~ ' " I l~' 1111111"' III ~+1' 1"1 SS UOWN 3HI NI a~lIvw 41 tV966-0 LZ puelAiewj 'UMO1SJO~eH GAniJOdao!3 OO Lt'L O3UI 'SO31AJOS I!POJO dJ0311!0 0/3 VN (VIOilVa Hinos) )INV8ILIO 33SSSNGGv A8 talvd 38 hiM SOVISOd Oft 'NMOlSHdSDVH LEL ON ltttdt3d iIVW S SV-tOiSIl 1IVWi JAd SS3Nisfl8 ANVSSD]3N 39ViSOd ON FOLD HERE 1 We encourage you to understand some important information about the Citibank Classic Card. Zai juapnIS P!IBA inoA 10 Ado3 V apnpul of paaqwaweu t10A BAH Anhual Percetntage Rates Currently (Decemnber 1, 1993): 15.4%tforpurchases; 19.8% far cesh advances. Variable Rate Inormcation The accosl perceehtage nte tot purchases meay cory each calendaroquarer. We alt calculate the soriable rate by addihg 9.4% to the rte disclosed as the U.S. Prime Rate sepaded in the "Money Rates' table ot The Wall Stteet Joutnalo the thitd TuesdaystfMarch, June, Septeetbereand Deceembet ot each yeat. This rate alit not be loee than 12.0% ot highet thee 10.8%. Howeer, if cardembers taito keep all helr Citibank accounts ie good standing, the rte wil increase to t19.% h the tall purchase balahce. Annual Fee Nacs, whenyoapply asa stadet. X Grace Peeled tor Repaymenet 20-2S days otBalance onPurchases Minimeum Finance Charge 50c Method ot Comnputing the Palance Average Daily Balance (ncluding nee purchases) lefoPurchases Transaction FeelforCash Advanes At afinancial institutioneornby check,2% ot amontstfadvance butnot less than$2 oremoreethan $10. Ateen Automated TellereMashine, $1.70. Late Fayet Fee 015 Over-The-Credit-Limnit Fee $10 She infotmaion about the services ond tees olthe cold described it this application is accaeles oot Decembet 1, 1003. This infotmation may hose changed aternthat date. Fotfurther intetmation, srte to Citibank (South Dakota), NA., c/o Ciicorp Credit Setvices, Inc., P.S. Roe 6030, Hagersown, MD 21741. By signing this application, I outhorize Ciibank (Sooth bakota), N.0., to check my credit historyond i I am issued a catd, exchange infotmation about heelI handle my accoun1 with yroper persons, affiliates anddcredi buteaus. I authotize my employee, my book and sty other teferences listed on the othet side to telease and/otuvetify informa- icn to Citibank (South Dakota), N.A., end its affiliates in otdertlo determine my eligibilitytfor the Citibank Classic coed aed any treewal orefuture extension of credit. It I0ak, I sill be told whethernosteel consumerrepyords on mt entereeqested end the names olthe creodit bureausssill their addreses that provided the oepodts. I l designate any authotizedusects, etedit bureausssoy ncive and reyedt accountinormation it the authorized uscernes00.1Icodify then a1010y001rstfage, ornolder, endthat e informa- 1tion ovided is accutate. I undersand then i l use the card otoauthotize its use un do nolcancel my accountlwithin 30 days after I teceiete sand, te Citibank Agreement sen tosse sill the cold sill be binding on me. I hose eed old undetstand the disclosure boo obese. Termsoand conditions asect1(0 to change. Is order te be censidered for a Citibaek Classic eart yea nest complete sod site this applicatiee. Omission oftacy of the intrnation requested ie Ibis applicatiornmay be grounds fer denial. ©1593 Ciibank (South Dakota), N.A. Member FDIC slob 12/93