w w w w w w w w w w 14W And now a word from our sponsoraBrk Ah, spring break.a Br k That annual period of rebirth so longr considered asacred ust don't ritual - a chance toJu t d f' relocate drinking, partying and neg- lecting classes on a our campuses too drinking, partying and neglecting classes in warmer climates. The simplest of pleasures. But in case you haven't noticed, this beloved respite from the collegiate grind has been tainted. It has gone the way of Christmas, the Fourth of July and the Super Bowl, becoming unmercifully, shamelessly commercial. You can't just escape and do your own thing anymore. Most of what you went to escape from is right there wait-y ing for you: overzealous sales pitches, endless pandering, corporate pressure. For example, the hotel I stayed at in Clearwater, Fla., a couple years back showcased beer-sponsored swimming contests for vacationing students (the majority of whom,, last I heard, were underage). Now, I've got nothing against sipping a brew in the shallow end of a nicely heat-, ed, kidney-shaped swimming pool. But it used to be we students had to find ways to drink on our own, all the while hiding from hotel folks intent on avoiding damaged property. No more. Goodbye, fastidious, bash-busting hotel managers and the thrill of the chase. Hello, "Chug As . Beer, Swim a Lap" night. It's worse than buying pumpkins in July or marshmal- low Easter eggs in December. Nowadays, MTV hits the airwaves with a series of spring break-related bacchanals in early February and winds things down sometime around Labor Day. For weeks on end, perky VJs put offdp d their inevitable futures as Time-Life records salespeople, stalking Florida beaches for vacationing students to inter- view. You know, just your typical college kids - guys who've wandered in from the set of the Soloflex commer- cial and women showcasing the latest in dental floss Whether you call them dare- apparel. You see them on campus all the time. devils, thrill seekers or extreme If it wasn't spring break, it would be another occasion athletes, one thing is certain: or holiday. If there's money to be made, it'll be spon- They won t be calling you. sored. ("Coming up next on MTV - It's the Instead, they'll be annual Arbor Day Wet Shrub Wearing Contest!") miles away, rac- But I do not blame big business for trying to E ' KEing down a squeeze Generation Xers out of Mom and Dad's mountain, navi- dough. (It's certainly not our own money. We gating under a wandering souls of X can't even afford our own B E A K giant sail or name, let alone reasonably priced $9 Fort swimming 50 feet Lauderdale shot glasses.) el under the sea, All this commercialization upset me initially, exploring the but then I said to myself, "Hey, there's free beer, ocean floor. ubiquitous bikinis, debauchery aplenty. I can get This spring into this. Heck, I like volleyball as much as the next guy." break, Brian Smith, a junior at Why complain? So corporate America is infatuated with Cornell U., will rent a sailboat our attention and our patronage. Fine. Let them come. out of Coconut Grove, Fla., and Wine us, dine us. We'll eat their food, drink their beer and sail to Paradise Island - solo. saunter around in our wet T-Shirts. "There is such a sense of free- It's either exploit or be exploited, so go on and horde dom being out alone on the open freebies while you can, or one of these years you'll gradu- ocean," he says. "It's so liberat- ate and wish you had. ing. There's nothing for miles. See you at the MTV Arbor Day compound. Connell That's my idea of spring break - Barrett, The Insider, Bowling Green State U. getting away from all the busy huste of schoo." I In a recent survey oft464 readers, 63% say For Mike Gueriera, a senior at . they believe spring break has become too the U. of Colorado, Denver, the S commercialized. What do you thinkp Call ideal spring break is a little dif- a (800) U-YIEWS ext. 63 B BrIan_ 12 " U. Magazine just to stay there, and then to go up the face, even if you don't top out the climb. I'd rather be out- side in nature and not with hordes of people, doing some- thing athletic instead of just sit- ting around." Randall says her only beef with the sport is the difficulty of tak- ing photographs while trying to climh. And the results aren t so good either. "When you get your [photos] back all you have are these huge butt shots." And then there's the rush of being airborne - of falling 10,000 feet to your spring break destination, as students from Syracuse U. and Cornell U. do through Finger Lakes Skydiving in New York. Why would students opt for a parachute and goggles over swim trunks or a bikini? "You're seeing skydiving more and more, in movies and on television... and more and more people say, 'Jeez, I'd really like to try that some- time,'" says John King, who owns and operates Finger Lakes Skydiving. And for some - believe it or not - it's a way to fulfill a graduation requirement. "A few years back, a group of stu- dents were one phys. ed. credit short of graduating, and so they I showed up here, took a jump and - had me fill out some forms." The students made the jump success- )fully, and got their diplomas. Of course, skydiving isn't fool- proof. "There is always a possi- bility of severe injury and death with skydiving," King says, "but that's part of the attraction." But you don't have to jump out of an airplane to fear for your safety. The beauty of an extreme sports break is found in the many ways you can endanger yourself. Like, say, heading south of the border to catch some waves. Mike Phares, surf club presi- dent at Pepperdine U., recalls some unexpectedly hairy spring break moments in Baja, Mexico. "We've gotten caught by fed- erales for sleeping on the beach, and we had to pay them off," Phares says. "We had one guy go over the falls on the waves and we thought he cracked his head open." Of course, you can always look death and dismemberment in the face right in the good ole U.S. of A., fighting approximately one zillion of your spring break col- leagues for free giveaways in Daytona. But keep in mind the words of Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman: "The world is an oys- ter. But don't crack it open ona mattress." Or a beach blanket. U ents, Third Millennium was started to "provide a voice for the post-Baby Boom generation [Americans born in the 1960s and 1970s]," according to their mission statement. The founders are a group of activists, journalists and other professionals, many of whom met last spring to dis- cuss generational issues. "There's always a lot of interest groups out there to argue for more spending," says co- founder Jonathan Karl, a human rights activist and a 25-year-old graduate of Vassar College in New York. "But there's never any group out there that will say 'We're willing to make a sacri- fice.' " Deliberately putting aside divisive issues like abortion and the death penalty, this self-dubbed "post-parti- san" group comprises liberals and con- servatives, Democrats and Republicans. They've advocated legislation like the Penny-Kasich $90 billion deficit-reduc- tion amendment to the federal budget, and condemned Clinton's health care plan for being "fiscally irresponsible and generationally unfair." Like Lead... or Leave, they advocate cuts in Social Security and Medicare, and they also say the government can reduce the deficit and still spend more on certain domestic programs. Third Millennium, however, hasn't really done anything to act on their beliefs aside from generating huge amounts of publicity. Their biggest achievement so far has been a self- dubbed "powwow" with about 30 Congressional members and staffers last September. While Third Millennium is a bit more civilized than, say, Lead...or Leave, they're sometimes a bit too polite. At their meeting with members of Congress, for instance, they agreed to voice their concerns in the future by phoning the representatives' offices - an arrangement that any American has with Capitol Hill. Karl says the group has a chapter in Washington, composed largely of Capitol Hill aides, which provides an information pipeline to Congress. He also says of most members, "We're political amateurs. Most of the people involved in Third Millennium had never even worked in politics before." They're poorly organized, however, and they haven't done much yet, even allowing for inexperience. It's a grim outlook for any political group, post- prtisan or not. What you'llbe doing if you join: Going to a few meetings, maybe lis- tening to a few lectures... tentative plans include holding volunteer fairs for community service and sponsoring speakers series. Grade: C- Right now, they've accom- plished remarkably little except preach- ing. But they are newer than any other group featured here. For more information about Third Millennium, call (212) 979-2001. E-mail address:genx34012@aol.com PaulNashak, The Georgetown Voice, Georgetown U. and Mike Pound, The Post, Ohio U., contributed to this report. College Republicans Focus: "Scaling back government and the bureaucracy, reversing the welfare state, and educating the next generation of young people for the next century"-- National Chairman Bill Spadea Founded: 1892 Membership: 756 chapters. They estimate 86,000 members. Funding: 70 to 80 percent through fund-raising events, 20 to 30 per- cent through the GOP. No dues. n this age when everyone treats "party" like a dirty word, it's a nice change of pace to see the College Republican national leadership embrac- ing good old-fashioned partisanship. National Chairman Bill Spades, a 24- year-old graduate of Boston U. and for- mer youth director for George Bush's 1992 campaign, makes no bones about it in an open letter to new members: "I'm looking forward to working with you in the fight against Clinton Liberalism and Political Correctness." Although the CRs use the GOP plat- form, they also pass resolutions to sup- plement it at their biennial conven- tions, usually taking a more conserva- tive stance than the GOP on such issues as gun control and abortion. Aside from campaigning for Repub- lican candidates (Spadea estimates that the CRs registered 200,000 voters in 1992), they've recently taken steps like these to fight liberalism and PC: At the U. of Colorado last No- vember, CRs submitted a petition to the Board of Regents which cited that only 2 percent of faculty were regis- tered Republicans and demanded greater Republican representation on administrator and faculty search com- mittees. "Even some liberal students have said that they haven't been chal- lenged [by professors] because they agree too much with the faculty," says Chairman Brad Dempsey, a junior. At the U. of California, Berkeley, Executive Director Eric Davis, a senior, cites the group's most successful activi- ty last semester as "disrupt[ing the] entire rally" of Democrats who opposed Proposition 174 (a proposal to fund parents' choices to send their chil- dren to private schools or allow them to choose a public school). When it comes to fighting liberals, the CRs do a good job. But this seems to be the focus of their activity. In their defense, the CRs don't have a president or a majority in Congress to support, and this may be why they haven't organized any national lobby- ing for legislation or demonstrations on issues since the 1992 elections. Right now, says Spadea, they're just "mobilizing" for the 1994 Congres- sional and Senate elections, and they're planning on targeting certain states for voter registration drives this year. 'My objective is to build a large organization before we go into battle and take on a major issue," Spadea says. They'll also be taking on Clinton's health care plan. "We will absolutely be involved as the health care debacle unfolds before our eyes," Spadea says. What you'll be doing if you jloin: Debating with liberals. Hosting speakers andregistering voters. Volunteering for campaigns. Grade: B- Maybe it's because the Republican Party is the minority in Congress, but so far the CRs seem more interested in blaming the Democrats/liberals for problems than working for solutions. For more information, call (202) 662- 1330. E-mail address: 73373,1453 @Compuserve College Democrats Focus: Electing Democrats, sup- porting Democratic legislation and "furthering the student ferent. Like Smith, he gets the hell out of Dodge, but he prefers being above sea level. Gueriera often spends his breaks extreme skiing, last year at Crested Butte, Colo. "That's the most hard-core ski- ing I had done, ever. I hiked past the lift for 20 minutes, to about 11,000 feet, sidestepping up a hill. It's usually very tight, flanked by rocks and trees. It's tight jumping turns that you have to do or get hurt." The best part? "The combina- tion of incredible speed and knowing that you have to make these turns that you've picked out for yourself," he says. For Elissa Randall, a senior at the U. of North Carolina, spring break is often spent climbing up a mountain instead of coming down. Randall, an avid hiker and soccer player, flew to New Mexico for break two years ago to climb at Cochiti Mesa. "It's a challenge to be on a sheer wall," Randall says. "First, THE METHOD BEHIND THE GPA Information was gathered from national headquarters and five or more campus chapters of each group. The groups were graded in six categories: Level of Activity: In the past year, have they done lobbying and/or campaign work at the national and grassroots levels? Have they conducted educational/civic awareness efforts (debates, demonstrations, voter reg- istrations) at the national and grassroots levels? Membership: Groups were graded on a "curve;" those with more than 500 chapters, A; 150-500 chapters, B; 50-150 chapters, C; fewer than 50 chapters, D. Since individual members can't organize for action as well as chapters. only chapter memberships were evaluated. Representation: Are members and/or con- stituents adequately represented at the national level? Do delegates from schools and/or regions vote on all platforms? Do all members elect delegates to national and/or statewide conventions? Organization: Do they have a lull-time national staff, regional/state directors and national/state conventions? Does the nation- al headquarters communicate at least twice a month with surveyed chapters? Accessibility: Two college students made at least two phone calls to each organization, requesting more information. Did represen- tatives answer the phone or return the calls? Did they provide information about their activities and how to get involved? Did they provide the names of regional contacts? Did they send information through the mail? Funding: This applies only to groups claim- ing to be nonpartisan. Groups "lost points' for accepting money from politicians and/or political groups; how many points they lost depended on how much money they accept. Salsbe Cornell Daily cotnednx -a-s JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1994 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1994 U. Magazine " 17