2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 2, 1994
Continued from page 1.
on health care, he added, "we may be
able to resolve some of these issues that
look impossible now because we have
just gotten started."
Dole repeated GOP opposition to
Clinton's proposal that employers be
required to pay at least 80 percent of
their workers' health-care premiums.
Clinton's two speeches affirmed his
State of the Union declaration that uni-
versal coverage must be a part of any
health-care plan.
"We have to do it now," he told the
executives. "And what we have to do
includes providing guaranteed private
insurance to every single American."
Casting the debate in financial terms,
he added, "Without full coverage, I
don't see any way to avoid the conclu-
sion that states will continue to bear a
disproportionate burden of skyrocket-
ing health-care costs."
"Before you tax the benefits of work-
ing people whose wages have been
stagnant for 20 years, why don't you
ask how we canjustify spending a dime
on the dollar more on paperwork, regu-
lation and insurance premiums than
anybody else?" Clinton asked hospital
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Continued from page 1
how to do it."
The organizer said the protest would
continue throughout the week.
"We plan to continue peacefully
picketing as long as it is legal," said
University General Counsel Elsa
Cole said the University would not pre-
vent further picketing.
"Peaceful protests are allowed as
long as they do not interfere with classes
and the flow of traffic," Cole said.
Renovation for the UGLi isexpected
to be completed in early 1995.
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Peter Witte, Tamara Kosinski and Michael Wood (left to
right), play at the Ann Arbor Public Library yesterday.
The Daily is
looking for a
few good
MSA spends $10,000,
purchases, 3 computers
Wednesday, February 2nd
A familiar number has entered the
agenda of the Michigan Student As-
sembly again - $10,000.
At last night's MSA meeting, the
assembly approved amending its bud-
get to spend $10,641 on computer up-
grades for its office.
Two weeks ago, MSA President
Craig Greenberg announced that the
Office of the Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs had offered the MSA presi-
dent and vice presidentatotal of$10,000
in the form of a tuition waiver from the
The assembly will use these funds
to purchase two Macintosh LC 475 4/
80 bundles, one Macintosh Quadra610
8/230, one Apple Color Plus monitor,
an Apple extended keyboard, six
ethernet lines and an ethernet router.
Connecting to the University net-
work will allow students to access MSA
documents from campus computing
sites, said MSA Vice President Brian
"It's going to allow us to provide
our services to (students) a lot more
effectively and efficiently," Kightsaid.
Despite the benefits, the plan was
not without its opponents.
"To buy another two computers
coupled with all the ethernets is fiscally
irresponsible," said Business Rep. De
von Bodoh. "I think the administration
has sacrificed the students for their
own good."
Kight said students will not be sac-
rificed because of the purchases.
"Right now students are going to
get just as much as last year if not more
in terms of service," he said.
Ethernet will allow MSA to net-
work its computers and connect to the
University network. Kight said two o
MSA's computers are old and it would
not be cost effective to network them.
Spending money on computers.is
not new for the assembly, Bodoh noted.
He said in August MSA spent $14,000
for a Macintosh, a laser printer and'p
"In the same time we spent no more
than $50,000 on student groups that are
effective in serving the students,'
Bodoh said.
But Kight said this money would
not have gone to student groups.
"This was from surplus funds and it
was budgeted for this type ofexpense,"
Kight said.
"We didn't cut anything to do this,"
he added.
Public Forum on Amendments to
the Statement of Student's Rights and Responsibilities
6:00 pm, The U Club, First Floor of the Michigan Union
msa Student Rights Commission
Cable agrees to rating system.
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U of Ms
largest student
and broadcast networks effectively
stopped congressional efforts to re-
strict violent television programs by
agreeing yesterday to police them-
The broadcast television industry
announced plans for an independent
monitoring system to assess the amount
of violence on the tube.
Cable television went a step far-
ther, agreeing to begin rating its pro-
grams for violence and endorsing tech-
nology that would permit parents to
block violent shows from their homes.
The agreement has been endorsed
by a large number of cable channels,
including Bravo, Disney, HBO, MTV,
The Nashville Network, Playboy and
The Weather Channel.
The two major industry segments
held news conferences on Capitol hill
in an effort to derail proposals to legis-
late limits on violent broadcasts.
And Sen. Paul Simon (D-Ill.)
said he plans to drop current efforts
to pass a bill restricting violent
shows, though he left the door open@
to trying again if independent moni-
toring doesn't result in improve-
But beyond an independent
monitor and being opposed to gra-
tuitous violence, cable operators and
broadcasters had trouble finding
much common ground.
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $160. On-campus subscrip-
tions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327.
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I STAF Jesse . . ., Edtoa i Cie
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EDITORS: Nate Hurley, Mona Qureshi, Karen Sabgir, Karen Talaski.
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ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker. Jason Lichtstein.
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PHOTO Michelle Guy, Evan Petrie, Editors
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