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January 06, 1994 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-01-06

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 6, 1994 - 7

SAVE ON COSMETICS, fragrances and
clothing. For free catalog, call 1-800-682- For a 1
8300 and give this account no. 25787-899. informati
Offered by an indep. Avon r y sps
....................: :::. ::::.'" ::: : ::"": : ~ir>iii addressN
***PARTY AND/OR RELAX*** Spring Researc
Break! Most reliable company. Bahamas, BUDDHIS
. Cancun, Jamaica, Florida, S. Padre--You startg Ja
won't find lower priced! Call Mike 996-1531. Packard. 7E

imited time: Dynamic financial
on will show how to easily amass
rtune, and will offer unique and
ps to help protect your wealth. Mail
r clearly printed name and mailing
with $3 (material, s&h) to:BPF
h, Box 295, Wabash, IN 46992.
ST STUDY GROUP 8 Tues. eves.
n 1. Zen Buddhist Temple, 1214
761-6520 for information.

break. 994-5921. 1317 South U.
7 nites. Hotel & air. Galena 788-9762.
LOW FARES. London fr. $406, Frankfurt
fr. $525, Seoul fr. $789, Tokyo fr. $998.
Regency Travel 209 S. State 665-6122.
ROMANTIC WINTER hideaway. Cozy log
cabins in woods, outdoor hottub. CCX.
Traverse City area. $49-69 nightly. Ellis Lake
Resort 616/276-9502.
*SPRING BREAK Best prices & tnips to
Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas- Jeff 662-1758.
SPRING BREAK 7 nights from $299
Includes: Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and
Organize a small group - Earn FREE trip plus
commissions! 1-800-GET-SUN-1.
prices. Student Travel Services has ex-
perienceFlorida from $119 Call
Cancun from $469 Ira 662-6056
Jamaica from $469 Tom 741-4448
. SPRING BREAK REPS. wanted Acapco
$509, Jamaica $439, Cancun $539, Nassau
$639, Paradise Island $689, Ski Winter Park
$599. Other lest. avail. Dan 665-6122 @
Regency Travel 209 S. State.
STUDENT TRAVEL Breaks can offer
spring break special to Cancun.
Stamos Family of Travel. 663-4400.

I -w u. t

INTERESTED in organizational studies?
Join the Society for Organzational Studies
and Human Resource Delopment. Mass
meeting Jan. 10 at the Michigan Union Pond
room. All majors welcomel For more info,
call Steve Geyer @ 996-3515.
YOGA CLASS 6 Tues eves beginning Jan
11. Zen Buddhist Temple 761-6520 for info
FEMALE SHARE lg. 2 bdrm apt. Balc.,
pkng., ldry. $325 + elec. Call 973-7368.
MSA MASCOT (Daily 12/3) seeks.apt. or
house to share now. Call Jim, 996-8687.
OWN ROOM + BATH Big & new! Pkng./
ldry./dwshr./air. Fun, nice & clean apt. mate.
M/F. $300/mo. Call995-9855.
DIAL-A-JEWISH story 995-5959. A project
from the Chabad House.
YOU DON'T KNOW what "hot" is 'til you
have tried Peppy-Po hot sauce at Tios. 333 E.
Huron, 761-5660.
4-YEAR OLD, LOVING Mom and Dad in
Washington, D.C. area wish to adopt infant
brother or sister. Close extended family in
area. Let's help each other. Med./legal/travel
paid. Please call Jessica or Bob at 1-800-864-

Is looking for people
to work for
" Arts1
Editorial Page
" Graphics1

Sign language becomes PC

DETROIT (AP) - Just like the
language we speak, political correct-
ness is transforming the way deaf
people sign.
No more twisting a pinky finger
next to the eye to represent slanted
eyes to sign "Japan" or using a limp
wrist to sign the word homosexual.
Politically correct signers now use
both hands in the shape of the Japa-
nese archipelago to sign "Japan" or
signing the letter Q for "queer."
"Because people were offended
by the old signs, there are a lot of new
ones coming out. You have to be
aware of changes every day," said
Patricia Fedelum, manager and inter-
preter at the Deaf Hearing and Speech
Center in Detroit.
Sheryl Emery thinks it's great.
When she first learned sign lan-
guage, she learned to describe her-
self by spelling the letter N in the air
and touching her nose to mean "Ne-

'Because people were offended by the old signs,
there are a lot of new ones coming out. You have
to be aware of changes every day.'
Patricia Fedelum
manager and interpreter

Next she used the symbol for
Black, moving the forefinger across
the forehead in a line. Now she opens
and closes her hands in a circle to
represent the African continent and
then signs "America."
"Some signs for Black people
don't put them in a positive light.
Newer signs are more culturally posi-
tive," said Emery, a rehabilitation
counselor for deaf clients with Michi-
gan Rehabilitation Services.
Michael Meldrum, director of
Educational Support Services at Ma-
donna University in Livonia, said it is
important to keep the vocabulary cur-

rent so teachers can "teach students
everything they need to know, so they
can function within the community
Just like in any other language,
change is sometimes slow. Leon
Fairfax, a postal worker who is deaf,
said he had not learned of many of the
new signs. But he said if a deaf person
preferred he use a different sign be-
cause another is offensive, he would
"Each person is an individual and
they have their own signs. You have
to get to know someone and then
know their signs," he said.

The Daily Is hosting
a mass meeting for
everyone Interested,

Health Issues and Answers These questions were taken from the Computer Health Information Program on MTS.
UM-CHIP is an anonymous server available from UMnet. At the Which Host' prompt, type: UM-CHIP.
(Q.) When trying to lose weight, which is more important, trying to eat less or exercise?
(A.) When considering eating less or exercising more to help you lose weight, one is no more important than the other.
The goal is to achieve a balance between what you put into your body and the energy you expend each day. To
lose weight it is important to cut calories (about 500 calories a day to lose one pound per week). Remember, it is
not safe (and nearly impossible) to lose more than 2 pounds of body fat per week. Exercise is also an important
part of a weight loss plan for the following reasons: it increases your metabolism; it helps to increase muscle mass
(muscle requires more calories to maintain itself than fat); and exercise increases your metabolic rate for many
hours after you stop. Therefore you burn more calories while at rest if you have exercised than if you haven't. To
gain benefits from exercise you should perform an aerobic activity (dancing, walking, running, rowing, biking) at
least 3 times a week for thirty minutes.

(A.) The heart beats approximately 72 times per minute, 24 hours a day. Each beat propels two to three ounces of
blood into the arteries - four to six quarts a minute, 8,600 quarts a day. On average, the heart beats 104,000
times a day, 38 million times a year.
is jantly produced by MSA and UHS.







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