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January 27, 1994 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-01-27

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 27, 1994

Continued from page 1
contractors to pay prevailing wages -
the U.S. Department of Labor's bench-
mark for union labor. A city law re-
quires that contractors pay prevailing
wages for public projects.
While a city lawyer has determined
the inn is not a public project, a member
of the City Council wants First Cen-
trum to add protections for the workers.
Tobi Hanna-Davies (D-Ist Ward),
a councilmember on the Ann Arbor Inn
Negotiating Committee, saidFirst Cen-
trum should make a "good faith effort"
to hire local contractors at fair wages.
But she did not insist that First Cen-
trum adhere to the city's prevailing-
wage law, which company officials have
said would make the project too expen-
sive to administer.

First Centrum Treasurer Nicholas
Faber called the Labor Department's
definition of prevailing wages "mis-
leading." Following prevailing-wage
guidelines would add as much as $1.5
million to project costs, he said.
While the issue of prevailing wages
has been discussed in negotiations be-
tween the city and First Centrum, offi-
cials said it doesn't appear to be a
sticking point.
"It will becouncil'sdecision whether
this becomes an issue of contention,"
said City Administrator Alfred Gatta.
"I'm not sure if it is or in fact whether it
will be."
JaneLumm (R-2nd Ward), the other
council representative on the negotiat-
ing committee, said her Democratic
colleagues may raise the issue of pre-
vailing wages in deliberations on the
inn's future. "It is one of those philo-
sophical issues that we don't always

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agree on," she said.
First Centrum and the city also have
yet to reach an agreement on costs for
parking spaces. The developer has asked
the Downtown Development Author-
ity (DDA) to halve the price of leasing
60 nearby parking spaces.
"We hope the DDA will help First
Centrum to obtain whatever nearby
parking is needed - but not at the
expense of losing short-time parking
spaces in any structures which are vital
to the success of downtown business,"
advisory council members wrote in a
memo to the DDA.
In aconcession to the advisory coun-
cil, First Centrum has tentatively agreed
to set aside two housing units on the
11th floor for a solarium where the
building's predominantly elderly ten-
ants would gather.
"It appears that (First Centrum offi-
cials) are trying to do the best that they
can, given the major restrictions on
their budget," said Citizens Advisory
Council Chair Raymond Detter. "Un-
fortunately, there's only so much they
can do with the money they have bud-
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Continued from page 1.
unless the accussed student has been
convicted of a crime in a court of law;
restricting the code to apply to
actions that threaten the safety of the
University community;
clarifying that-the code is the
over-arching policy governing non-aca-
demic conduct;
U placing amendments on the MSA
ballot; and,

Continued from page 1
The non-academic code of conduct,
instituted last January, prohibits a vari-
ety of actions including fraud, harass-
ment, rape, assault, hazing and alcohol
misuse, including this case now closed
from last spring.
The case summary, which is a pub-
lic record, reports that at least one of the
fraternity members involved got away
in a car parked outside of the residence
The taped fraternity member told
Mary Lou Antieau, the judicial advisor
of the code, that the incident was not
hazing. He said the incident was"'in no
way related to our fraternity, other than
that (he) was a pledge and (another
man) was a brother."'
He continued,'"(I) was notrequired
to do this for any reason, such as ad-
vancement or continuing in good stand-
The case was mediated by Pamela
Horne, the head of orientation. The

fraternity members involved agreed to
write a letter to Joe Foster, the Interfra-
ternity Council advisor, recommend-
ing an instructional program for frater-
nity pledge trainers.
Mediation is one of three ways to
resolve cases under the code.
In another alleged kidnapping, this
one in South Quad, the designated
kidnapee admitted to a Department of
Public Safety officer that the action was
part of a pledge program.
In the case summary, the officer
quoted the designated kidnapee as say-
ing, "'his fraternity is currently in the
process of accepting new pledges into
their fraternity' and 'that a part of the
ritual for pledges is to "kidnap" a frater-
nity member."'
The fraternity member told the of-
ficer he was taken to an unknown room
and "'told the pledges some stories,
while consuming large amounts of al-
Seven fraternity members were in-
volved in this incident - six were first-
year students and one was a sopho-
more; five were LSA students and two

easing access to records of code
The final amendmentrepeatsMSA's
stance againstthe code and calls foritto
be amended out of existence.
Brian Kight, MSA vice president,
disagreed with the premise of some
portions of the Alpha Proposal.
"Individuals being sanctioned for
what's rightly a concern of the groups
- that's going to put a lot of groups on
campus in an awfully bad position,"
Kight said.
Amendments may be proposed to

the panel by the Senate Advisory Com-
mitteeonUniversity Affairs (SACUA)
any executive officer of the University
or panel members as well as through
MSA or a petition.
Roman Hryciw, the chair of
SACUA's Student Relations Advisory
Commission, said although SACUA is
concerned about the code, the commis-
sion will not be submitting any amend-
He said the commission's last meet-
ing was in December - before th
amendmentproceedure wasannounced.
were Engineering students.
An administrative hearing, held in
mid-April last year, found five of the
students responsible for alcohol viola-
These hazing cases illustrate astick-
ing point in the code. The code regu-
lates the behavior of individuals rather
than groups. In these fraternity hazing
cases, the fraternity itself cannot be
In a dropped case involving alleged
cocainepossession, anLSA seniorrailed
against the adminstration for its han-
dling of the code. Sean White said in the
Daily last March, "Thecodejust sucks."
DPS did not find cocaine in White's
"They were like, 'We're going tc
get you kicked out of schoool and call
your landlord and get you evicted' -
which happened," White, who has since
graduated, said. "And all of this without
ever getting charged with anything by
the police because there wasn't suffi-
cient reason."
Antieau dropped the case because
of insufficient evidence.


Draw Back Your Bo
Lfd Let Your Arrow
Straight To


Continued from page 1
with his friends. His job at LGMPO is
particularly time-consuming now as
well, since he is the only co-coordi-
But Toy feels the his effort is well
worth it.
"I try to take a long term view,"
Toy explained, speaking of the gay
rights movement. "When I think of
the hundreds of years of struggle
people of color have done in this
country, when I think of the hundreds
of years of work that women have
done to free themselves from the domi-
nation of men, then I think that the 25
years of les-bi-gay liberation ... is not
a long time. But it certainly has been
Toy knows about the 25-year
struggle from personal experience;
he has been in the forefront since the
beginning. His first encounter with
the gay movement was in 1969, when
he was working in a radical church in
Detroit. He read about a gay meeting
in the Sunday bulletin he was typing
up, but he wasn't sure what it was.
"There had not been - in the state
of Michigan - until that time, an
'open gay meeting,"' he explained.
But he decided to attend the meeting
and eventually helped begin the De-
troit Gay Liberation Movement.
After hitch-hiking into Detroit a
few times a week from the Univer-
sity, where he was in graduate school,
he decided to begin a movement here
in Ann Arbor. In April 1970, the Ann
Arbor Gay Liberation Front was for-
mally recognized as a student group
by the University's student govern-
When the group asked to hold a
state-wide conference about homo-
sexuality at the University, though,
the administration refused.
At the time, University President

Robben Fleming justified his posi-
tion by citing the law.
Yet the conference was held de-
spite the administration's decision.
"We got a key to the SAB (Student
Activities Building) and we held the
conference," Toy said.
Around that same time, students
began asking for a lesbian and gay
male office. Toy explained that th*
idea originated from a secretary at the
University. "She said, 'you know,
there's an office here for Black stu-
dents and one for women students,
don't you think there ought to be an
office for you all?"'
So in September 1971, the Uni-
versity supplied one room and two
temporary positions for a Human
Sexuality Office. "They refused to
use the words lesbian or gay," Toy4
said. It took over 20 years for the
positions to become full-time.
Despite all the obstacles, Toy felt
there was more hope and idealism in
the '60s and '70s than now. "It was a
far more radical time than this, conse-
quently a far more comfortable time
for many of us," he exaplained.
He added that perhaps now with a
Democrat in the White House, the.
future will bring change for the better.
However, Toy's future here at the
University is up in the air. The admin-
istration, in restructuring LGMPO,
has decided to hire one coordinator
instead of maintaining the tradition of
gender-parity through two co-coordi-
nators. Toy feels this move is a mis-
take, since the office serves a con-
stituency made up of two genders and
three orientations.
"If they are going to move away
from gender-parity," Toy added, "I
have said they should hire a lesbian or
bisexual woman of color."
Since he does not fit his own crite-
ria, Toy is not applying for the posi-
tion and is unaware of the
administration's plans concerning the
rest of the office.





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EDITORIAL PAGE Andrew tevy, Editor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Julie Becker, Sam Goodstein, Jason Lchtstein, Flint Wainess.
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STAFF: Jordan Atlas. Michael Barnes, Robin Barry, Matt Carlson, Jason Carroll, Jin Ho Chung, Andy Dolan, Geoff Earle, Johanna Flies.
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PHOTO Michele Guy, Evan Petri, Editors
STAFF: Anastasia Banicki, Anthony M. Croll, Mark Friedman, Mary Koukhab. Elizabeth Lippman, Jonathan Lurie, Rebecca Margolis.

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