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January 26, 1994 - Image 1

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vol. CIV, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wedn{sday T aury 6 94019 TeMcia a

Clinton boasts
.hopeful start
Proclaiming progress on his promises to break gridlock and
revive the economy, President Clinton challenged Congress
last night to move together on health care and welfare reform.
"Our work has just begun," he declared in his first State of the
Union address.
Increasing pressure on Congress to pass the health-care
*eform plan that is the centerpiece of his domestic agenda,
Clinton -who has yet to veto a bill - threatened to veto any
measure that does not meet his standard of universal coverage.
Clinton declared, "If you send me legislation that does not
guarantee every American private health insurance that can
never be taken away, you will force me to take this pen, veto the
legislation, and we'll come right back here and start over
Visiting Political Science Prof. David Meyersaid, "Clinton
staked out a bottom line on universal health care coverage and
thought that was a bold move.
"It was basically a good speech but it was too long. As a
result, the good stuff got buried in the middle," he added.
Clinton voiced strong support for legislation that would put
100,000 more police officers on the beat, send three-time
felons to prison for life and ban assault weapons.
"Violent crime and the fear it provokes are crippling our
society, limiting personal freedom and frayingthe tiesthatbind
us," Clinton said, sounding a theme popular both among both
Republicans and Democrats.
First lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, the president's chief
*dviser on health care, was seated in the gallery between AFL-
CIO President Lane Kirkland and Jack Smith, the chief execu-
tive officer of General Motors.
In the formal Republican response, Senate GOP Leader
Bob Dole signaled that a fierce election-year battle lies ahead
over health care, as he sharply criticized Clinton's plan.
"More cost. Less choice. More taxes. Less quality. More
government control. Less control for you and your family"
Dole said in remarks after Clinton completed his speech.
"That's what the president's government-run plan is likely to
ive you."
Dole called instead for a more modest proposal that he said
would offer greater access to health care for all.
"The State of the Union address is generally a partisan
speech. But he spent little time bashing Reagan or Bush-less
than expected. Reagan and Bush would bash Carter in their
speeches," Meyer said.
Meyer added, "He mentioned more programs and specifics
than Reagan but the speech was less detailed than Carter. There
were edges of eloquence and elegant passages."
Clinton's speech was punctuated numerous times by ap-
1,lause and Democrats gave him an occasional standing ova-
tion. Stony-faced Republicans kept their hands in their laps as
the president discussed his prime objectives for the next year.
Meyer noted, "When Clinton mentioned Congressional
reform, the members of Congress did not applaud."
Clinton took advantage of the improving economy to call
for Congress to "continue our journey of renewal" by enacting
the remainder of his domestic program.
He addressed the nation at a time when both the economy
and his own approval ratings are on the upswing.
! "My fellow Americans, what is the state of the union? It is
growing stronger. But it must be stronger still," he said.
Clinton devoted scant attention to foreign affairs in his
speech, although he underscored U.S. determinationtosupport
Russia's struggle with democracy and economic reforms.
In the end, Clinton stole traditional Republican rhetoric.
"He talked about keeping families together and about
family values," Meyer said.
- The Associated Press contributed to this report

Ford will not
seek another
House term

Surprising and saddening many
observers, U.S. Rep. William Ford
announced in a speech from the well
of the U.S. House yesterday, that he
would not seek re-election.
The Ypsilanti Township Demo-
crat, who will retire after 30 years of
service, said he plans on working to
pass health care reform before he
leaves office in November.
"As chairman of the Committee
on Education and Labor, I will devote
myself tirelessly to President
Clinton's goals," Ford said.
"I want to spend the next year as a
full time chairman and an agent of
change for the president."
In an telephone interview, White
House aide Lisa Mortman said the
president was saddened that Ford was
leaving and praised Ford for his ef-
forts in passing the National Service
Trust Act last year.
"We are looking forward to Bill
Ford playing an integral role in pass-
ing health care," she said. "He surely
will be missed in Congress."
Despite the outpouring of regrets,
Ford's would-be opponent, former
Bush White House staff member John
Schall saw the announcement as a
mandate for change. The Ann Arbor
Republican announced his candidacy
for the 13th Congressional District
last fall.
"With Bill Ford backing out, we
have got the momentum now," Schall
said. "We're going to capitalize on

Rep. William Ford announced
yesterday he will retire from
Congress after 30 years.
Hometown: Ypsilanti, Mich.
Education: Bachelor's degree,
1949; Law
degree, 1951
both from the
University of
f' Attorney with
the U.S. Navy,
Taylor Town-
ship attorney, 1957-1964,
Delegate to Michigan constitu-
tional convention, 1961-1962.
Personal: Married, 3 children.
that momentum for the next 288 days."
He said Ford's decision might have
been influenced by his presence in the
"I'm sure (my candidacy) weighed
heavily on his mind. He was going to
have the first big challenge of his
career," Schall said.
But Ford said in his speech, "My
polls tell me my chances of reelection
are excellent."
Among the people often listed as
possible Democratic candidates are
former Detroit-area state Reps. Jim
Kostover and Ruth Angevic, along
See FORD, Page 2


President Clinton holds his "veto pen" while delivering his first State of the Union address to
a joint session of Congress last night.
College Democat che
on Clintonin West Quad

About 50 students, mainly College Demo-
crats, crammed into a West Quad TV lounge
last night to watch the telecast of President Bill
Clinton's State of the Union address.
The event, sponsored by the College Demo-
crats but open to all students, began with a
speech from Perry Bullard, former judiciary
committee chair of the Michigan House of
Bullard highlighted some of the issues he,
predicted Clinton would tackle and stated that
Michigan needs "a progressive governor to
match our progressive president."
After the initial confusion of finding room
in the TV lounge, everyone listened attentively
as Clinton outlined his accomplishments of the
last year and goals for the year to come. The
silence in the room broke several times with
students' laughter, bursts of applause, and en-
couraging comments. As Clinton spoke about
health care and education reforms, one man

University faculty and administrators give
thier own spin on the state of the union.
See Page 3 for details
shouted, "Clinton, you're the best!"
Clinton's thoughts about teenage pregnancy
elicited the most responses during the address.
"Look around the floor - there about three
women and one Black person," said a student
in the back of the room. Another yelled sarcas-
tically, "Maybe Lorena Bobbit had the right
idea," which created some laughter and several
pained looks throughout the room.
Overall, students said the address was up-
lifting. "I thought it was great," said Daniel
Cherrin, board member of College Democrats.
"Few presidents have ever set out an agenda
and actually tried to accomplish it. He's very
personal; you know he cares. That's why he
gets so much support from younger people."
LSA first-year student Erin Essenmacher
agreed. "I worked on (Clinton's) campaign,
See DEMS, Page 2

MSA OKs code changes

The Michigan Student Assembly
passed two proposed amendments to
the Statement of Student Rights and
Responsibilities last night.
The student government reiterated
its long-held stance against this non-
academic code of conduct. MSA main-
tains that the Statement of Student Rights
and Responsibilities unfairly limits the
rights of students.
MSA also called for the release of
more information about code proceed-
ings. This amendment was suggested
by the Daily in order to make student
panel hearings, mediations and admin-
istrative hearings more open.

Both amendments were passed by
These amendments and five other
MSA-proposed amendments will be
proposed to members of the student
hearing panel at a public meeting to-
morrow at the Pendelton Room of the
Michigan Union from 6 to 8 p.m.
Students who have been trained to
serve as jurors for the policy will vote
on any amendments brought to them by
MSA, the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs, any executive
officer of the University, a petition
signed by 500 students, or any panel
member. The University Board of Re-
gents will vote on the approved amend-
ments next month.

Statement deals with sexual assault'



This is the third in a series of four
reports this week in which the Daily
will examine specific cases brought
' gainst students under the Statement
of Student Rights and Responsibili-
Harassment and sexual assault in
the University community can be dealt
with under the Statement of Student
Rights and Responsibilities, the code of
non-academic conduct.

The accused agreed to take courses,
programs and other educational offer-
ings to help him understand sexually
harassing behavior. He must complete
this sanction by the end of this semester.
Although this situation could have
been resolved through residence hall
disciplinary policies, the case was pur-
sued under the code. The code has the
power to mandate sanctions such as
suspension or expulsion. The strongest
punishment under the residence hall
policies is lease termination.

her buttocks through her jogging tights.
Upon leaving, he commented on her
'nice butt'.... On a third occasion, this
time in the Undergraduate Library, she
alleges that he grabbed her buttocks
when they met on the stairway."

. . .. .. ..

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