a WEr Irnt I One hundred three years of editorial freedom Fraud allegations investigated under the Statement I This is the first in a series offour reports this week in which the Daily will examine specific cases brought against students under the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibili- ties. By HOPE CALATI DAILY NEWS EDITOR The annotated story of the State- ment of Student Rights and Responsi- bilities sits in a three-ring binder in the office of Barbara Olender. This story is told in 20 chapters, each one the tale of a case resolved Bentsen Says China will .keep favored trade status BEIJING(AP) -The biggest busi- ness sin a Texas horse trader can com- mit is to be fooled into buying the same horse twice. But Treasury Secretary Lloyd Bentsen, a Texan and no fool, seemed eager to give China credit all over again for a human rights concession it made two years ago - agreeing to let U.S. officials visit prison factories to ensure they are not exporting to the United States. "I trust that this pattern of coopera- tion will continue," Bentsen said in Beijinglastweek,hailingChina'sprom- ise to allow U.S. visits to five prisons. He didn't mention that the visits should * have been allowed months earlier un- der a 1992 agreement. Bentsen's remarks showed the Clinton administration's eagerness to find a way out of its commitment to cut off China's low-tariff trade status if China does not make "overall, substan- tial progress" on matters such as ac- counting for political prisoners and re- laxing repression in Tibet. Since Clinton made that commit- ment, China has mostly ignored his human rights checklist and focused on wooing U.S. companies. The companies, in turn, have put pressure on Washington to renew China's most-favored-nation (MEN) status in June, knowing they might be shut out of billions of dollars' worth of sales and contracts in China if MFN is canceled. During his four-day visit last week, Bentsen repeatedly held out the pros- pect of ending the annual renewal or- deal and giving China permanent, un- conditional MFN-if they make some concessions and help Clinton save face. The outlines of a deal are already See CHINA, Page 2 through the code of non-academic conduct. Four of these chapters describe investigations into allegations of fraud against the University. In four cases, three students have been investigated for fraud and the unauthorized taking or possessing of property or services. Two of these students are studying at the graduate level. In case 93-020, the members of a student organization filed a case against their student treasurer on March 29, 1993. They accused the viser of the code, also investigated. The organization determined that the treasurer should return the money and make a formal apology. The student complied. Antieau found insufficient evi- dence to continue an investigation under the code because restitution had been made. She dropped the case. Case 93-029 is an identical case. Again, members of a student orga- nization accused their treasurer of embezzling several thousand dol- lars, a portion of which came from the Office of Student Affairs. Case 93-021 appears to deal with the same student organization. On the same date, the president of a student organization was charged by members of his organization with the embezzlement of several thou- sand dollars. A grant from the Of- fice of Student Affairs accounted for a portion of the embezzled funds. The summary states the student returned the money. In case 93-022, a student ac- cused a fellow member of a student organization with falsifying docu- ments of the Student Organization Accounts Service (SOAS). Antieau dropped the case be- cause the SOAS did not consider the documents fraudulent. These four charges of fraud that were dropped during investigation are a fraction of the 20 charges dropped during investigation be- tween Jan. 1,1993, and Oct. 8,1993. The judicial adviser investigated a total of 74 charges relating to 44 cases. A student may be charged with more than one violation in a single case. treasurer of embezzling several thou- sand dollars from the organization's coffers. The organization engaged in an internal committee investigation of the questionable bookkeeping while Mary Lou Antieau, the judicial ad- BABY STEPHANIE Clintons' tax deductions were for losses on interest LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - Most of the $68,900 that President and Mrs. Clinton say they put into the Whitewater real estate venture in- volved interest on loans they took out for the company and were subse- quently able to deduct from their per- sonal income taxes. According to tax records and in- terviews with Clinton advisers, the Clintons deducted at least $41,000 on tax returns from 1978 to 1988 for interest on loans for Whitewater De- velopment Co. Inc. The Clintons' prime financial role at Whitewater appears 'to have been paying this interest for a money-los- ing company they co-owned. And like most Americans who make loan or mortgage payments, they took the interest deductions. This may explain why the Clintons never declared a $68,900. capital loss on their income taxes, as some critics have questioned. The deductions included $19,021 in interest payments itemized on the Clintons' 1980-91 tax returns that they had made public in 1992. They also deducted about $10,000 in Whitewater-related interest in 1978 and about $12,000 in 1979, according to White House senior adviser Bruce Lindsey and Denver lawyer James Lyons, who reviewed Whitewater for the Clinton presidential campaign in 1992. The Clintons have not released their 1978 and 1979 tax returns, but Lindsey and Lyons confirmed the fig- ures in interviews with The Associ- ated Press last week. The Clintons began Whitewater in 1978 with James and Susan McDougal to develop a retirement and vacation community in the Ozark Mountains. Now federal authorities are inves- tigating whether funds of the Madi- son Guaranty Savings and Loan that James McDougal owned in Arkansas were improperly diverted to other entities, or used to pay political or personal debts of prominent Arkan- sans, including then-Gov. Clinton. The Clintons and McDougal have denied wrongdoing. See WHITEWATER, Page 2 JOE WESTRATE/DaIyI Jan DeBoer listens while children rally for the "Walk a Mile in Stephanie's Shoes" campaign at the courthouse. Jessica's new name is Stephanie. Public gets rare glimpse of treasures in museum vault By DAVID SHEPARDSON DAILY STAFF REPORTER It wasn't publicized as much as Geraldo's ill-fated opening of Al Capone's vault, but it certainly was much more successful. Yesterday's once-in-a-lifetime peek at the University Museum of Art's vaults was attended by nearly 1,000 people from across the state. Many more were turned away. Those lucky enough to have little white slips of paper serving as tickets were granted access to a large room filled with moving metal grates that held several hundred previously un- seen paintings. The occasion for the opening was the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Friends of the Art Museum. The group raises money for the mu- seum -$40,000 to $50,000 annually - and urges alums and others to donate paintings to the museum. The last time members could re- call the museum opening its vaults to the public was 14 years ago. "It is a unique opportunity that members of the public are almost never allowed at other museums," said Richard Shamerlin, a member of the Friends council. "It really is quite astonishing." In all, the art museum has 14,000 pieces of art and less than one-tenth are on display at one time. The major- ity are stored in the vaults, but some are kept at an annex storage facility. Most of the drawings were en- cased in paper to prevent exposure to light, which might fade them. Thousands of pieces of Asian art, from tea bowls to wood carvings, were on display. The University mu- seum is widely regarded as the pre- miere site for restoration of Asian art. The council's members reflected on the plan to build a new art museum "within five years." Wayne Kilbourn, a museum staffer, said the new complex - on a site yet to be determined - would comprise exhibits from the Kelsey and Natural Science museums. The museum, which sits on State Street opposite the Union, was origi- nally home to the alumni center. Museum security was tightened for the event because many priceless works sit in the vault. The elaborate security system the museum employs in the exhibition halls is not installed inside the vault.Ut Among the paintings on display in th n i i gsm the fire-proof vault are three .of the than 14,000 paintIngs, four Picasso's recently donated by drawings and other objet, the Robert Walker Foundation. Less than 10 percent of A painting by the noted 20th cen- art objects are on display'at tury German painter Emil Nolde, n time tur Node UYesterday's -opening t ,, "Egyptian Women," was also dis- public was the first in played yesterday. pears Nearly 20 years ago, a thief stole the painting and replaced it with what d Among the palntngs n. museum staffers called a poor forg- of the four Picassos, vaued, ery. Because it was skillfully placed at more than $3.5 nlli. in the frame, the real painting's ab- * While the vault is nowr sence was not immediately known. closed to the public, scholrs By a "stroke of good fortune," the are still free to use it police caught the thief and the paint- ing was returned. U.N. to investigate Gerany's human *Fraternities, sororities kick 1 off Winter Rush program By MEGAN SCHIMPF DAILY STAFF REPORTER Seeking to make the University smaller and more personable, fraterni- ties and sororities began Winter Rush * yesterday. For the next two weeks, fraternities will hold hours when rushees can come, meet the members and tour the house. Rushees go to as many houses as they want on any day. "It's an informal atmosphere. There's enough pressure involved with Sigma Chi is conducting its first rush since getting off a two-year proba- tion. Numbers have been down, mem- bers said, and they hope they will go up this year. "I don't think anyone would be that crazy to ignore a big effort on our part to keep up the house as well as we have over the last two years with everything that we had working against us," said Fisher, an LSA senior. On the first night of rush, rushees said they wanted fraternities to make g In an unprecedented move, U.N. tribunal calls Germany to answer for violence against foreigners by neo-Nazis lations in Bonnconfirmed Saturday that com- plaints against Germany would be heard soon by a low-level committee of the 53-member human rights body in Geneva. She said it was "very unlikely" that Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel wAld nersnalt annear befnre the i \ll": ritiy M "' r '