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January 21, 1994 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1994-01-21

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The MichiganDaily - Friday,_January 21, 1994 - 13

'M' tries to ice CCHA title

The CCHA regular-season title is
not often decided in January. In most
seasons, more than one team goes
into the last weekend of the season
still garnering hope for the top seed in
the CCHA tournament.
This season is different.
With two wins against Michigan
State (10-4-3 CCHA, 13-6-3 overall)
Friday and Saturday, the Michigan
hockey team (16-0-1, 21-1-1) could
build a lead that is virtually insur-
"This is a turning point weekend,"
senior Mike Stone said. "We'll find
out if we're going to run away with it
or if it's going to be a race."
The Michigan-Michigan State
game has some added flavor this year.
Saturday night marks the last oppor-
tunity seniors Stone, David Oliver,
Steve Shields, Chris Gordon, and
Brian Wiseman will have to beat the
Spartans at Munn Ice Arena. The
Wolverines have fallen short in the
last three attempts.
Michigan will also be trying to tie
the Spartans' 1984-85 CCHA record
of 18 consecutive victories. Since ty-
ing Bowling Green in the conference
opener, the Wolverines have won 16
straight conference battles.
Second-place MSU trails confer-
ence-leading Michigan by 10 points.
"It's a big weekend," Oliver said.
"It is not only No. 1 vs. No. 2. It is a big
momentum builder. These are the games
you look forward to all season."
The teams met once already this

season in the finals of the Great Lakes
Invitational. The Wolverines con-
trolled the game, coming up with a 6-
3 victory and their sixth straight GLI
Michigan State coach Ron Mason
was very impressed with the Wolver-
ines in their first encounter and is not
optimistic about his team's chances.
"We played about as well as we
could (in the GLI)," Mason said.
"They are a great team. Offensively,
they're just at a higher rate than ev-
eryone else. We're fighting it out for
second place with the other teams in
the league."
The tournament gave the younger
Michigan players an opportunity to
get acquainted with the in-state ri-
valry. One player, freshman Jason
Botterill, missed the contest due to
his stint as a member of Team Canada,

but still understands the importance
of the rivalry.
"The first thing you learn when you
arrive is to hate the green and white,"
Botterill said. "Being from out West
you don't know much about the rivalry.
We want to install a sense of pride in the
University and in the program."
The Spartans are in a similar situa-
tion to that of Lake Superior two weeks
ago when the Lakers came to Ann Ar-
bor looking to cut into Michigan's
CCHA lead. The biggest difference,
however, is that Michigan and Michi-
gan State still have all three league
games remaining against each other.
The Wolverines and Lakers have al-
ready completed their season series.
A Spartan sweep will move MSU
within four games of the top spot, and
in the CCHA, once you are in striking
distance, no lead is insurmountable.

I r- . i .

Goaltender Steve Shields' Wolverines have a chance to effectively clinch the CCHA.



1-** *1

Continued from page 11
When he heard two of Michigan's
starters were gone, Dugan Fife's first
thoughts were not of ducking and
:overing until the shake-up subsided.
Instead, he pointed out the fact
that their assignment was to get
through the challenging night, and
that some good might even come out
of the daunting situation.
"I thought, 'This is his big
chance."' said Fife of Leon Derricks.
Fife proved that it is possible to see
the positives in athletics, because the
.outcome is rarely life-threatening.
In the coming week, Juwan and
Jimmy will serve out their quarantines.
In short, they will continue to play.
If only the citizens of the San
Fernando Valley could be so lucky.

Continued from page 11
Although most teams that play
Ohio State concentrate on containing
Smith, the Wolverines' hopes may lie
in preventing the other streaky Buck-
eyes from heating up and providing
an offensive alternative to the Big
Ten's consensus preseason Player of
the Year.
"They do look to Katie Smith for
a lot, and we'll definitely be con-
scious of her," Roberts said. "Katie is
going to get hers, but I think we match
up well with the rest of them. If we
can contain the rest of the kids, I think
we'll be fine."
The No. 3 Nittany Lions (4-0, 12-
0) are the premier team in the Big Ten
this year, walloping just about every

opponent they have faced. Although
Penn State doesn't possess any
standout talent in the post, it has a
deep reserve of talented guards. Ap-
propriately, it runs a fast-paced of-
fense, averaging a Big Ten-best 86.7
SportsChannel-Chicago will
cover the 1 p.m. contest live.

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