The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 18, 1994 - 7
*****GREAT SUBLET*****
1346 Geddes, wonderful three bedroom with
many new amenities. Across the street from
the CCRB. Parking included.
Call 668-1100 or stop by our office at 625
**LARGE APT. in charming older
house*** May-Aug. 1-2 pers. in bdrm. in 2
bdrm. apt. Near Central and Med. campuses.
New ki. & bath, prkg. 2 porches. Females
only. $ neg. 764-1691.
1 OR 2 BDRMS. in a 4 bdrm. apt. Great loca-
tion behind Law Quad, free prkg., fum., util.
incl. Lia 994-7589.
1 BDRM. APT. 721 Church. Sunny near
campus in quiet house. Parking, washer/
dryer. Rent neg. May-Aug. Will 741-1746.
1 BDRM. APT. May-Aug. On-campus.
Fum., A/C, parking. Only $300. Call 995-
1 BDRM. APT. Catherine St. Fum., prkg.,
Idry. May-Aug. Rent Neg. 741-0347.
1 BDRM. APT. Washington and Division
fum., no parking, pay only electric. May-
August, $300/neg. 994-9356.
CHEAP SUMMER sublet 2 blocks from
campus. Need 2 females to share a room in 2
bedroom apt. in fumished house w/ sundeck.
Call Karen @ 998-2919.
m a group house $175/mo. 1 block to Law/
Bus. School/Central Campus. Laundry/cable
incl., fum. Call Ben at 662-8186.
CHEAP! Church/Hill, large double, A/C,
great location, cool patio. 995-7290.
CHEAP!! Share huge bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt.
Ldry., prkg., TV inl. Quiet but close to cam-
pusc 668G8808. Hill. Apts. $150 o.b.o. Call
bedroom in 3 bedroom house. May - Aug.
Laundry, parking. Call Jen @ 998-0566.
DESPERATE! 1 BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt.
May-Aug. by CCRB, A/C, Prkg. Neg. 996-
SUBLET JULY-AUG. Nice single room
close to central campus, South U. & CCRB.
Prkg., ldry. $250-neg. Karen 769-9451.
SUBLET JUNE-AUG. 1 rm. in 5 bdrm.
house. B-school/Law quad. Call Michelle @
662-9579. $230 + util. neg. Ldry. porch.
SUBLET May-Aug. 2-4 person apt. in
house. Hill & Tappan. 663-4565 or 996-
SUBLET MAY-AUG. three bedroom apt. in
a great location: 543 S. Division. Rent neg.
SUBLET MAY-AUG. 3 people needed for a
2 bdrmn. bi-level apt. on Church. St. Bay win-
dows & big living C 6makethis a must see
apt.! Price neg. Call 668-0699.
SUBLET OWN room, or to share, off
campus, rent neg. Marge or Sue 747-9461.
SUMMER 2 BDRM. apt. on Tappan. Fully
fum. 2-4 needed, 94-95 1 female needed.
Call Liz 764-1888.
Camp Michigania, U-M Alumni Family
Camp in Boyne City, June 12 - Sept. 3.
Positions open in childcare, horseback riding,
nature study, storekeeping, food service and
camp nurse. Contact Ann Turner, asst.
director, 616/582-9191.
CARE FOR A 9 yr. old in Hartland. Gym-
nastics or a horse background is a plus. Must
have a car. Room & board, and horse board-
ing avail. 517/548-7106 after 6 pm.
CHEMIST. Diagnostic development
manager. Degree in Immunochemistry,
Biochemistry, or Chemistry. 5-10 yrs. in-
dustry experience. Individual to develop
diagnostic test kits. Excellent benefit pack.
Kentucky location. Send Resume to: IIR,
Neogen Corp. 620 Lesher Pl. Lansing, MI
48912. No phone calls. EOE.
LUCRATIVE summer business for sale. All
the equipment & clientele incl. Asking
$2400. Call 764-0850.
Tours, Political Seminars, Jewish Studies.
Four Week Sessions for Undergraduates and
Graduates for as little as $950. Call 1-800-
With Contiki & Stamos Travel in Kerrytown
Coast to coast - $129
NY -$79
AIRHITCH 1-804/326-2449
Call for program descriptions!
LOW FARES Purchase your airline ticket to
Europe and obtain a 5% discount on rail
Europe pass. Regency Travel, 209 S. State.
NASHVILLE plane tickets. Round trip May
13-15 & June. 17-19. $150 each. Call 769-
6911. Eve.
1 BDRM. IN 2 bdrm. apt. in Kerrytown. N-
smkg. female needed. May-Aug. $190, $neg.
Off-street. prkg. Beth 995-0403.
1 BDRM. IN APT. Large, fum., quiet. Near
Briarwood & I-94. May-Aug. Cheap; must
got Jason @ 677-8322.
1 BDRM. IN lg. apt. Great loc., A/C, cable,
fum., dwshr., balc., prkg., Idry. Nina 769-
1 BDRM. IN bi-level apt. Catherine St. by
Kerrytown. Prkg., ldry., A/C, balc., more.
May or June thru Aug. 995-4578.
1 BDRM. IN house near CCRB. Very cheap.
Ldry., prkg., ?-Aug. Jon 769-4316.
1 BDRM. IN 2 bdrm. apt. Huron & N. State,
May-Aug., $ neg., prkg.747-7559.
EFFICIENCY FOR spr./sum. Great
location, fully fum., free prkg., $350 neg.
Call 663-0586.
EFFICIENCY June-Aug. S. 5th & Packard.
$265, free prkg., fum. 995-4238.
EFFICIENCY East William. From May-
Aug. AC, laundry. $300. 761-6962.
FURN., 2 BDRM., Old West Side, May 10-
July 31. No smokers or pets. $640/mo. 761-
3090 or 995-9536.
CHILDCARE NEEDED 10-15 hrs./wk. for
6 r. old & 5 mo. old. Flexible hrs. exp. &
references required 668-0327.
CHILDCARE NEEDED for 1 1/2 and 7 yr.
old boys. About 15 hrs./wk., begin June. Exp.
and ref. required, 769-2517.
a WI
a-' -
GRADUATE students $500/mo. gets you
the best 2 bdrm. campus apt. there is for
spring/summer. 741-9300.
SUMMER SUBLET June, July, August. 1
bdrm. off of State St. Limited free prkg.,
laundry. Rent neg. Call 994-4238.
SUNNY 2 BDRM. APT. near Medical
campus. Spacious, furn., A/C, free prkg.
Price negotiable. May-Aug., 663-4588.
F... . ., ..
MODELS - print, trade, T.V., Assoc. Models
MODELS WANTED for glamour art
photography. Also Artist for rendering. 663-
0561. Day- 517/522-8715.
1 FEMALE to share large bdrm. in apt. on
Forest. Laundry, parking. 994-9234.
1 OR 2 BDRMS. in 3 bdrn. apt. $175 each.
1000 Oakland 747-7515 non-smoking.
1 OR 2 bdrm. Pets OK, pool, tennis. Washer
& dryer. Rent neg. 769-5240.
HAVE YOUR own room in a 3 bdrm. apt.
near North Campus. Swimming pool, prkg.,
etc. $200. Call J..) 665-3043.
NEED EXTRA MONEY? Handyman wan-
ted fall 1994 & spring 1995 for odd jobs in
Ann Arbor. Call 313/562-5756.
FRIENDLY HOUSE DOG looking for new
family home. If interested, call 761-5227.
POSTCARD MAN, Christopher Lauckrier
has photographs and cards for graduation. S.
State and North U. or call 995-3952.
1 OR 2 RMS. in 6 bdrm. house. Free prkg. &
Idry. Fum., 2 bath, dwshr. E. Univ. Call Mis-
sy or Beth 747-8657.
1 RM. FOR SUBLET in 2 bdrm. apt. $200.
Call 994-1314.
1 RM. IN FURN. 2 bdrm. apt. A/C, prkg.,
util. incl. $200 neg. 665-8934.
1 RM. NEEDED to sublet in a 2 bdmn. apt.
at S. Forest & hill. May-Aug. Price neg. Call
Aparna 769-7974.
1-2 BDRMS. IN a 2 bdnn. apt. Fum., A/C,
prkg., Idry. Near cmps., IM bldg. & bus stop.
ay-Aug. Cheap/neg. 994-6487.
1.2 FEMALES for own rm. in 3 bdrm. hse.
327 Div. Fum., Idry., util. incl. May-Aug.
$166/mo. neg. Must see! 764-7885.
1-4 BIG, SUNNY singles avail. in cozy
house. Call Toni 998-1661.
I'M INSANE! only $100/mo. for 1 bdrm. in
2 bdrm. apt., May-Aug. Ari 741-8673.
JULY-AUG. Female to share bdrm. in 2
bdrm. apt. Fum., A/C, laundry, close to
CCRB & central campus. Neg. 665-2143.
ry Cleaning
ty 662-1906
j.L _
LG. 1 BDRNM. Prkg., ldry., great loc., big
balc., A/C, dwshr. $350, obo 668-4616.
LG. 2 BDRNM. apt. Great loc., A/C., ldry.,
prkg., cable, fum., dwshr., quiet. 769-2289.
LG. BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. - fits 2, Ig.
windows, A/C. 1001 S. Forest 668-8085.
MAY OR JUNE-AUG. N. Ingalls. Near
Rackham. 1 fum. room in quiet bldg. $215/
mo. obo. Call Bob 747-8298.
MAY-AUG. 1 or 2 1g. bdrm. w/ own baths.
House. Cent. cmps. Cheap! 663-5463.
MAY-AUG. 1 Ig. bdrm. apt. I blk. Central
campus 1-2 people. fum. 668-0143.
MAY-AUG. 2 bdrm. apt. Fum., A/C, 2 prkg.
spaces, 1 blk. from B-School & Law School.
848 Tappan. $450 o.b.o. 663-9095
2 BDRM. APT. for sublet at 711 Packard.
Has prkg., A/C and large deck on roof. $550
o.b.o. 663-2730.
2 BDRM. IN U TOWERS. $348/mo. 764-
7633 or 764-1764.
2 BDRM. MAY-AUG. Fum., A/C, parking,
modem, Hill & Oakland, $ neg. 998-0663.
2 BDRM. NEAR campus, May-Aug., A/C,
furnished, cleans prkg., balcony, sunny. $500.
MAY-AUG. FURN. 2 bdrm. by law and b-
school. A/C, ldry., prkg. $ neg. 663-9455.
MAY-AUG. Female only. Near IM building.
$125/mo. neg. Call 484-6553.
Reduced rent. Call Amy 741-9300.
APT. MATE needed. Own bdrm. Female
rad. Quiet. Non-smoker. 10 min. to campus.
332.50. Start Fall-Sept. 94. 662-3763
+- r -""
2-4 PERSON 2 bdrm., bi-level, 2 baths, A/C,
ldry., prkg., dwshr., Great loc. May-Aug.
Rent neg. Great deal 998-1638.
3 ROOMS HOUSE by IM. Ldry. & fum.
Price neg. $200/mo. May-Aug. 662-8912.
4 BDRM. HSE. Coiner of Church & Willard.
Jan-May. Free prkg., idry., 665-3162.
4 BDRMS. IN A 6 bdrm. hse. Fum., 2 baths,
dwshr., wshr./dryer, porch w/swing. May-
Aug. $150/rm./mo. Call 741-5910.
4 PERSON 2 bedroom bi-level. May-
August. Very cheap. Call 761-9860.
MAY-AUG. Sublet 905 Church St. Apt. #3
Spacious cozy close to campus. Call 769-
AM.r ""r r. . r .. ,...
ROOM-10 MONTH lease in 6 bdrm. hse. */
2 kitch. & baths. Free prkg. Ldry. $300 obp.
Females only! Kelly/Fina 995-3347.
MAY-AUG. SUBLET. I bdrm. in 3 bdrm.
apt. off East U. on Packard. Quiet, unfum.,
ldry., $ neg. Call Mike at 995-2428.
applications? Call Kate 761-5506. Formerly
A-1 Typing.
prices. Call Rob 810/799-2627.
PERFECT FOR 2, 1 bdrm. apt. Nice. Free
prkg./ldry. 928 Church #3. 741-7410.
CRUISE LINE- Entry level on board posi-
tions avail., summer or yr.-rd. Great benefits,
free travel. 813/229-5478.
ADOPTION childless couple seeking to
share our love with a newborn. Call Brenda
CHILDLESS loving couple wish to share
our happy home w/ a newborn child. Call
Tim & Laurie collect at 810/380-7332.
SEVERAL 1 AND 2 bedrooms. May-
August. 663-3070.
SUMMER jobs. All land/water sports Pres-
tige Children's Camps Adirondack Moun-
tains by Lake Placid Call 1-800/786-8373.
SUMMER JOBS-Now hiring painters! If
you have your own truck or van you can be a
manager! Good pay! Call 662-3904.
AMAZING & SPACIOUS 1 bdrm. sublet..
May-Aug. Great for 2. Nice old bldg. Great
loc. @ Liberty & Div. $ neg. 663-9787.
AROUND THE corner & cute! Sublet from
May through August. Price neg. 311 S.
Division #3. Call Jenna 747-6275.
SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. 4 person. Dwshr., ldry.,
den. $ neg. 819 S. State. 764-3905.
SPACIOUS 2 BDRM. apt. Close to Med.
campus. Free prkg. & cable, dwshr., AC,
ldry. $375/mo. + elec. May-Aug. 761-8797.
SPACIOUS bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt. Balcony,
modem fum., prkg., Idry., A/C. May-Aug.
Price neg. 995-7241.
NAKED RUNNERS unite!!! Wear your
birthday suit @ midnight after last class!!
PREGNANT? Not what you had planned.
Unsure what to do? Adoptive couple eagerly
awaits child. Call 810/641-3820.
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BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM. apt. avail. May-
Aug. Prkg., Idry., reat loc. E. William/&h.
Rent neg. 741-9230.
SPRING/SUMMER 1 or both bdrms. in a 2
bdrm. apt. Great loc., lg. rms., lots of closet
space. Rent neg. 930-9902.
SPaRNr:/SiUMMR suble- 2-6 mnl
AA ALASKA SUMMER employment. Join
the gold rush to Alaska's fisheries industry!
Earn $5,000/mo. in canneries, processors,
etc.! Male or Female. No experience
EARN OVER $100/HR. processing our mail
at home. For info call 202/310-5958.
ENDLESS SUMMER Tanning Centers staff
perinc 11~in..1., .P - wl V ul yoJung cnuaren41.4. LoJ