6 The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, December 9, 1993 The writing on the wall No need to take a magazine to the bathroom anymore At a Gas 'n' Snack off of Inter- state-94, somewhere between Chicago and Detroit, an angry traveler punches a hole in stall. Above the hole, some- one has written in fat, black marker, "Big deal. It's not even a thick wall." Why this writer felt the need to deny the wall puncher her moment of glory we will never know. Such is the anomaly of wall writing. Your TV is so small it sits on top of the cable box--Anonymous Woman, bathroom wall, Brown Jug "When you go into a bathroom in a public place, do you ever ... you knew ...?" My friend Mark looks at me horrified. "No, I don't," he says indignantly. I stare at him. "Okay, maybe occa- sionally at home, but in a public place Never." This strikes me as odd, for I have been on occasion to Mark's home bathroom and have never seen any sort of scribbling on the austere white walls. Maybe this is something new. "You write on your bathroom walls at homed since when?" "Write on the bathroom walls? Whatare you talking about?" he sput- ters. "What were you talking about?" I ask, curiosity piqued. "Never mind," he says blushing, "No, I haven't written on walls since I was a kid." I ask my housemate the same ques- tion. "I did once, when I was 12," she reveals. "This girl Susie Krieger was a glut. I thought the world should know, so I told them on the walls of the library bathroom." But never since then? "No, never." Mike sucks dick - Anonymous man, bathroom wall, Brown Jug "I'm doing a study on graffiti, and I'd like to see your bathroom," I say to a local restauranteur. "Excuse me?" he replies, looking down at me as if I've just asked to see naked pictures of his adolescent chil- dren rather than requesting admission to the public bathroom in his commu- nity restaurant. "You know, wall writing - I'd like to read some." He considers my request, and then hesitantly points me in the right direc- tion. Heather loves Fred - Anony- mous Woman, bathroom wall, Full Moon Cafe. Bathroom after bathroom, one fact holds apparent: women write about love; men write about blow jobs. Looking for an explanation for this consistency, I check the library. The gray-haired librarian suggests the En- cyclopedia of Graffiti. It provides a stockpile of information. According to this encyclopedia, "for politicians graffiti are the secret ballot box providing clues about what constituents really want ..." Hmm, if the politicians read the same walls I did, they will find that what men re- ally want is "good head" and what women really want is to swear pub- licly that their love will last "for- ever." How this knowledge will as- sist them, I shiver to contemplate. Also according to the encyclope- dia, "One might surmise that they (graffiti artists) don't have any family or friends to exchange thoughts with." I myself would hesitate to make such a sweeping generalization. It seems more likely that "J.B."just prefers not to share what he enjoys doing with various body parts with his mother and aunts over Sunday dinner. According to Time magazine, the national cost for cleaning up graffiti exceeds $4 billion annually. The Brown Jug, with three of the most entertaining bathroom stalls on cam- pus, only spends $15 a year getting rid of theirs. But all of this investigation brings me no closer to the psyche of the writers themselves. I must attempt to catch someone in the act. Boo, pimps it ain't all easy - Anonymous man, bathroom wall, Charlie's. Midnight Saturday in the women's bathroom of Goodtime Charlie's ar- rives lonely and endearing. For two hours, I have been furtively rushing into stalls after their users vacate, hungrily searching for new pieces of graffiti. If I find them, I plan to follow the culprit into the bar to check her mental state, motivation and blood alcohol level. But no one appears to be in a doodling mood. Since 10 o'clock this evening, I have been standing in front of the mirror in this two-stall, two- sink ladies room, making the pretense of brushing my hair, washing my hands and reapplying my lipstick. After two hours, all I have learned is that only about half the women who enter bar bathrooms on Saturday nights actually use the bowl facilities, and that lipstick does indeed getdarker coat after coat. Perhaps I'll have bet- ter luck next door. I sneak stealthily into the men's bathroom and hole up in a stall to await the noise that a pen or a knife will make on the wooden doors. I am pot bored as I sit there - plenty to read. Footsteps. The door to the stall next to me clicks shut. Soon I am rewarded. I hear the noise of a pen on the stall wall. I hear the flush. I get up, ready to pounce on this writer. But I freeze. How will this man who has been sitting in a bar all night react to a woman jumping out of a bathroom stall and interrogating him about his bathroom behaviors? Surely were the situation reversed, and he were to jump out at me from a stall within the supposed sanctity of a women's bathroom, I would be less than happy. As these thoughts jog through my head, the man leaves. With him exits my chance of inter- viewing a confirmed bathroom wall scribbler. Perhaps it is for the best. After all, graffiti in its truest form is an anony- mous art. To take away that anonym- ity would be the death of that form, making me the agent of destruction to the voice of unheard populations. Curious nevertheless, I take a look at this man's inscription. The newest piece of wall writing reads, "I'll let you fuck me for $." I don't think I would have enjoyed our conversation anyway. (z If you're looking for a reasonably priced gift, remember - you're never too old for a teddy bear. A step-by-step holiday shopping guide Sunday Brunch 11:00 am.-2:30 p.m Al American Breakfasts: French Toast, Frittatas, Smoked Salmon, and more 338 S. State 996-9191 By MELISSA ROSE BERNARDO The holiday season is upon us, and apart from the stress of those final exams, you've got another worry: holiday shopping. You've got 13 people for whom to buy gifts, and you haven't got the time to be piddling around a mall. So here are a few helpful hints designed to make sure you have a positive shopping experience . Step One: Your basic gift list will probably include the following people: Mom, Dad, sibling(s), grandparent(s), close friend(s), significant other(s). Plus you may be involved in a Secret Snowflake exchange with your hallmates or your co-workers. By this time you should have composed a list of all the appropriate people. Step Two: I call this the brainstorming step. This is the most important and the most frequently skipped step. If you don't brainstorm at least one gift for each person on your list, you're going to triple your actual shopping time. And if you're one of those people who hates to shop, you're really going to be making yourself miserable. (Personally, I don't understand that, but I have resigned myself to the fact that there are some people who just don't. like to shop. It is for these people that I say a prayer every night, in hopes that they will come to their senses.) Even the most experienced shoppers know not to skip this step. So put on your thinking cap, and I'll help you brainstorm. Mom: Even though she is your mom, and will love you anyway no matter what you give her, she did bring you into this world (and probably claims that she can take you right out). It's been my experience that most moms will drop subtle hints (or not so subtle, in the case of my mom) about what she wants. So keep an ear to the ground. Is she out of her favorite perfume? Or maybe she'd like a pair of pajamas - satiny ones with flannel lining are especially cozy. Or you could treat her to a full day's beauty - haircut, facial, manicure, makeover, the works! Most department stores and beauty salons offer packages for this sort of thing. Dad: Dads are by nature tougher to figure out. Not all dads will be satisfied with a tie (the proverbial fatherly gift), and most dads won't drop hints like moms. Sweaters are a nice standby, but stay away from the Sears acrylic blends and those leather-trimmed jobs - those went out in the '80s. I suggest a cotton blend, and then he can wear it all year round. If he's a Michigan fan, a nice Champion reverse weave or a Michigan hat will surely not go to waste. Or what about those cool sock puppets to cover his 1 Bloody Marys & Screwdrivers $1.95 (Both specials available Saturday) --T golf clubs? NOTE: You can combine Mom and Dad and get them a gift certificate to a nice restaurant and passes to a movie. And if you have siblings, pool your resources and get something really snazzy. Sibling(s): A lot of siblings don't even exchange gifts, but if you do, CDs or tapes are always good. Clothes are good, especially if you share clothes; then you get some- thing out of it too. Grandparent(s): They tend to be pleased with the little things. If you live near them, take them out to breakfast. Spend a little time with them. Or if you live far, make sure you call and send a nice card. And I bet they'd love a photo of you, or a collage of photos of you and your siblings. Friend(s): The closeness of the friendship usually determines the price range of the gift. If you know your friend well enough, the correct gift should be telepathi- cally communicated to you. Significant other(s): There should be a written guide- line that dictates exactly what gift should be given at what time in the relationship. Just use common sense. If you give your girlfriend lingerie, that implies that you expect to see her in it. Small jewelry is usually safe - little gold earrings, bracelets, semi-precious stones. But precious gems scream "commitment!" Now that special guy may be a little tougher. Does he have that one Oakland A's hat that he wears on every bad hair day? Silk boxers are also nice; most guys won't buy them for themselves, so they make for good gifts. Flannel shirts are great, because they're unisex. Take your sweetie out to dinner someplace sit-down and dress-up (i.e. not Taco Bell). And for gosh sake, don't take the bus. At least spring for a cab. Some great all-purpose gifts: mugs full of yummy candy, calendars, personal journals, stationary, a Dr. Seuss book or cartoon collection, cool toys like a slinky or silly putty, coloring books and crayons. And don't be afraid to buy a gift certificate. Some say it's impersonal, but if you're totally at a loss for gift ideas, it's your best bet. And never underestimate the power of silk, in any* form. Everyone loves a good silk shirt. Step three: The actual shopping. You'll find every- thing you can possibly want at Briarwood. You can get there for 75 cents on the bus, or $3 to $5 in a cab from the Union. Dress comfortably, and don't wear a heavy coat, because it will weigh you down. Grab a map from the information desk, and happy shopping! t. . )LD Wnte for Arts:- JS Fine Arts Theater * Books CaUl Nima or. Melissa at 763)-379 :.................................................. ,. E I I f, I THE ONLY SoEO Go TOE To TOE WITH A TImaERxoND BOOT. A e 10K & 14K G( SIGNET RIN( . : : .. .. .. t .\:". . n,.., The same guaranteed waterproof protection you've always relied on from a pair of Timberland® boots is now available in oxfords and wingtips. We have just received NEW shipments of men's and women's Timberland® footwear. Stop in while selections are at their best. t ° .> ,. >_ Es=&= eStudyf c ,moIVowgI ComputeRoom *0 Ld a d ieJi I i