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December 07, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-12-07

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Without Howard,
men's basketball
crushes Detroit

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1 One hundred three years of editorial freedom
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Engler to speak at commencement

Winter commencement will be
this Sunday at 2 p.m. in
Crisler Arena.
Gov. John Engler will be the
main speaker.
Graduating students can
pick up to six tickets in Room
@102 of the LS&A Building.
Other people can get tickets
from 9 a.m.- 8 p.m.
Wednesday-Friday at the
Michigan Union Ticket Office.
There is a limit of two
tickets per person.

The University announced yester-
day Gov. John Engler will speak at
winter commencement Sunday.
Engler, Michigan's 46th gover-
nor, will receive an honorary degree,
as will Carl Gerstacker, Elie Wiesel
and Roger Wilkins.
Engler Press Secretary John
Truscott said the governor is looking
forward to the event. "The governor
will talk about education, especially
the higher education system in Michi-
gan," he said.
Truscott continued, "(Engler) calls
the University of Michigan the crown
jewel of the state. He's very proud of
the U-M."
.Engler will likely receive a luke-

warm welcome from University stu-
dents because of his political view-
"I have mixed feelings," explained
graduating LSA senior Derek
Einhorn. "They just try to get as big a
person as they can politically. It isn't
always the best thing to do."
Einhorn suggested the political
connections of University adminis-
trators were responsible for recruit-
ing Engler, as well as President Bush
and Hillary Rodham Clinton, who
spoke at earlier commencements.
Walter Harrison, vice president
for University relations, said a stand-
ing committee, chaired by Rackham
Dean John D'Arms, votes on all hon-
orary degrees, which are then ap-
proved by the University Board of

"The reason he was chosen to
speak is that he is the chief executive
of the state and, by tradition, when the
governor is given an honorary de-
gree, he becomes the speaker,"
Harrison said.
The announcement came as a sur-
prise to many graduating seniors, who
didn't expect such a prominent fig-
"It's really nice because I know a
lot of people who are graduating and
I was under the impression they didn't
have anyone speak at winter gradua-
tion," said LSA senior Kip Lewis.
"It's really cool that we're actu-
ally going to have a speaker students
can hear, whether or not they agree
with him politically," Lewis said.

Engler has spoken at the Univer-
sity several times before, but has never
delivered a commencement address.
In 1991, he introduced President Bush.
A Mount Pleasant native, Engler
was elected governor in 1990. He was
elected to the state House when he
was 22 years old in 1970. He was
elected to the state Senate in 1978 and
served as majority leader from 1983
to 1990.
Engler received his bachelor's
degree in agricultural economics from
Michigan State University and a law
degree from Cooley Law School.
His press secretary said, "He is a
Spartan, but as governor of the state,
he represents all schools."
-Daily News Editor Melissa
Peerless contributed to this report.



Wiesel Wilkins

"U' bans
trees to
eavoid fire
Some residents of University Fam-
ily Housing may be pining away for a
favorite holiday tradition this month. x
The University Housing Division
has announced that it will no longer
allow natural Christmas trees in its R r.
*partment complexes. The Risk Man- s .
agement Office adopted this policy
after analyzing the results of experi- 3
ments conducted by the Farmington ......
Hills Fire Department in December . ;..'
"We have documentation of how
dangerous and how combustible natu- An Ann Arbor resident buys a Christmas tree yesterday.
ral trees can be," said Assistant Man-
ager of Risk Management Kathleen of our residents," Rychlinski said . spread very quickly through the build-
ychlinski. The studies showed that "This is not something to ignore. We ing due to the wood-frame structure
4ry trees were extremely quick to didn't want to wait for a fire to hap- of the complexes.
burn once ignited, and could be en- pen." Many of the larger apartment com-
gulfed in flames within 11 seconds. Rychlinski stated that if a fire were plexes on campus, such as University
"We are concerned about the safety to start in one unit, it would probably Towers and Tower Plaza, also pro-

Faculty leaders
outraged over
salary inequity

University faculty members called
for a 10-percent salary increase at
yesterday's meeting of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Af-
fairs (SACUA). They said they are
outraged over the lack of increases they
received in the latest budget compared
to those of University administrators.
The largest concern was over the
broad recommendation made in the
annual report of the Committee on the
Economic Status of the Faculty (CESF).
The report, which evaluated faculty
salaries, was faulted by many members
as being too vague.
The report urges "implementation
of an appropriate salary program this
year." But many faculty members com-

plained that it fails to set specific salary
increase targets.
"Idon'tbelieve (members of CESF)
are acting in the best interest of the
faculty," said SACUA member George
"A 10-percent salary increase for
faculty should be included in the report.
That should be the target in light of the
cost of living and increased competi-
tion," he said.
Two years ago, most faculty mem-
bers received no pay increase due to
cost cutting efforts by the University.
Last year faculty salaries increased an
average of 5 percent.
Brewer said the 10-percent increase
in salaries would be reasonable. "The
10-percent increase will add up to a 15-
See SALARY, Page 2

hibit natural trees, as do the Univer-
sity residence halls.
"It is totally a fire-safety issue,"
said Alan Levy, director of public
relations for the Housing Division.
See TREES, Page 2

Hubble repair
-starts successfully
SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) field planetary camera, the instrument
- With guidance and power systems includes lenses to compensate for the
restored on the Hubble, Endeavour's flaws created by the telescope's mis-
spacewalking repair crew focused on shapen main minor. With it, NASA
fixing the telescope's bad eyesight. hopes to regain most the Hubble's
"We've been up to bat twice, and lost promise of getting crisp images
the crew has hit two home runs," said of the faintest and oldest heavenly
Joe Rothenberg, NASA's associate bodies.
*irector of flight projects for Hubble. It also will enable astronomers to
"The first objective has been met: We track the orbits of comets around the
can handle on-orbit servicing and we sun and search for planets .around
can handle contingencies." other stars.
Yesterday, the space shuttle Astronauts Story Musgrave and
Endeavour and its crew of seven were Jeffrey Hoffman, making their sec-
in the sixth day of the 11-day flight, ond foray into the open cargo bay,
setting spacewalk records each time also were set to replace the Hubble's
they venture out of the crew cabin. two magnetometers that measure the
The bus-sized Hubble, 43-feet long, telescope's position by Earth's mag-
*its upright on a lazy-Suzan near the netic field. Neither of the existing
rear of the cargo bay. instruments is performing at full ca-
The third day of repairs, begin- pability.
ning late yesterday, was reserved for One of the unanticipated events
installing a new multi-purpose cam- also became the flight's most dra-
era. matic moment.

their third space <
walk to repair the
Hubble telescope
Monday night/Tuesday moming
1. Replace Wide Field/Planetary
Camera (abbreviated WF/PC and
pronounced "wiff-pick"; Hubble's
main camera)
2. Replace magnetometers (these
instruments help Hubble determine
its position in space)

Former U.S. Rep. Brodhead
announces bid for Senate

LANSING (AP) - Former U.S.
Rep. William Brodhead said yesterday
that he left Congress 11 years ago to
spend more time with his children, be
more involved in community activities
and practice law.
The Detroit lawyer said his two
sons are grown, he's accomplished
all that he'd hoped and he's ready
now to run for the Democratic U.S.
Senate nomination next year.
Brodhead admitted that he'd
looked at running for the gubernato-
rial nomination earlier this year, but
"it's a different office."
"I did think about running for gov-
ernor. I finally decided that really
wasn't the right office for me, that I
just didn't have the enthusiasm," he
"But I have enormous enthusiasm
to run for the United States Senate.
I'm very familiar with the issues in-
volved.Ibelieve my record as a mem-
ber of Congress shows that I know

how to do the job.
"If I had to be a U.S. senator
tomorrow morning, I would know
just what to do and just how to do it.
I'm just so certain that I'm the right
person for this job," he said.
Brodhead said he didn't consider
running for the Senate until his friend,
Sen. Donald Riegle (D-Flint) an-
nounced that he wouldn't be seeking
re-election next year.
Brodhead joins Macomb County
Prosecutor Carl Marlinga and state
Sen. Lana Pollack of Ann Arbor in
the Democratic primary.
He said he expects more candi-
dates to enter the race, but he's talked
to former Gov. James Blanchard -
now the U.S. ambassador to Canada
- and "I believe he's not going to
run. If he runs, he runs. I'm not
concerned about it either way."
Blanchard would automatically
become the front-runner .if he en-
tered the race and hasn't flatly ruled

himself out.
Brodhead served four years in the
Michigan House before winning elec-
tion to the U.S. House in 1974. He
didn't seek re-election in 1982.
"The major issues facing the Con-
gress are the same as they were 12
years ago," he said.
Brodhead said the biggest chal-
lenges for the federal government are
improving the national economy and
the education system and fighting
crime and drugs.
He said he would haye been a "no"
vote on the North American Free
Trade Agreement and a "yes"' vote on
the Brady Bill. That bill requires a
five-day waiting period to buy a hand-
Brodhead also gave President
Clinton high marks, although he said
he doesn't always agree with him.
"I think President Clinton is doing
well. He had a rocky beginning, but
he is now doing well."

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Nircnamed "wittnhc" for wide.- See HUBBLE. Page2


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