2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 30, 1993 OBSTACLES Continued from page 1 Richard utilizes his roommates, other friends, volunteer readers and one paid reader through the University's Services for Students with Disabilities office and other technology. He re- cently acquired an Archenstone Per- sonal Reader, whiciscans printed ma- terial into his talking computer that can then read it to him. But though effec- tive, it's achingly slow. Richard notes, though, that his use of technology is less the norm than it is the unusual. "Most studentsjust stickto the reader system. I've found justto use it all, to combine it all together." One way Richard feels the Uni- versity could become a friendlier en- vironment for visually-impaired stu- dents is revamping the reader service. "There's always been complaints about the reader system," he says. "This year we have been trying to get the University to switch to a central- ized system similar to that of Michi- gan State. What we would need for this is about six or seven soundproof rooms where readers could read onto audio tape without distraction for two or three hours and where visually- impaired students can come in and drop off their reading." Then, Richard says, readers could come to the center in a steady stream during two-or three-hour time blocks, eliminating the 'reader scheduling game' - Richard's term for tedious struggle of trying to match up read- ers' schedules with those to whom they will read. Given the numerous rooms that sit empty, Richard notes, it would seem easy to get a reading center together. But cutting through the University's red tape is never easy. "The University says once they fix the UGLi then they'll move it in there ... But to wait two years?" Richard asks. "That doesn't make any sense when you've got plenty of rooms around campus that aren't being used. The problem seems to be with the commitment." He notes,"The Athletic Department will spend millions of dollars on the athletes here. Students with disabilities are asking for this service and are re- ceiving no decision. It really is a prob- lem. The administration as a whole is not willing to make a commitment to students with disabilities. They are not willing to say, 'Not only are we a great institution, but we also care about you and your success."'" Another frustration Richard has found on campus is the lack of adap- tive computers. TheBarrierFree Com- puter Users Group, of which Richard is a member, has been advocating for the University to get more adaptive technology and has succeeded in in- stituting an adaptive technology room in the Undergraduate Library. Still, he says, one room is not enough. "I'll go to Angell Hall and there are rows and rows of computers and not one of them is accessible to me. It doesn't make any sense," he said. "One thing the University brags about when it is recruiting potential students is that there are 30 or so computing sites on campus. But there are two sites out of all of them that have adaptive computers. There are three or four Braille computers there. The unbelievable thing is that it takes only $2,000 to make a computer ac- cessible and adaptive to people with disabilities. All we're asking is that they take one computer at each com- puting site and make that computer adaptive and we still would have the main site in the UGLi to do our more involved work," he explains. Richard will graduate in May, af- ter four years here. But even after he leaves, the problems visually impaired students face on campus will remain. Rick Bernstein is one of the students who will have to face those problems. Rick, an LSA sophomore, is also legally blind. But his impairment, which allows him to see slightly, has not stopped him from taking classes in the University's departmentof Film and Video Studies. Well-spoken and enthusiastic, Rick shares that making his way around campus is one of the biggest obstacles he faces. "The way I get around campus is through memorization," he said. "In order to get around I have to memo- rize exactly where everything is. And, I memorize the steps to key buildings. The Union is three steps, base, three steps, base, three steps, and then you're in." He adds that dealing with traffic can sometimes be tricky. "While crossing streets I don't see the traffic signals, so I just have to listen. My right ear picks up traffic in one direction and my left ear picks up traffic in the other direction," he noted. And nightfall brings on its own pitfalls. "Getting around at night is a lot trickier," this futurelawyer said. "Secu- rity at night is an issue. A blind student is unable to identify an assailant. And that means that there is already reason- able doubt. Anyone who's going to accost or mug someone knows that a blind person is the best target." Rick doesn't like the conspicuous nature of his cane. "That's what speci- fies that you're a blind student," he says. "And that's what makes you a target, especially late at night." Rick feels that, though going with- out a cane is hard,it's worth the effort. "It takes a lot of effort and a lot of memorization to get along without it," he confided, "but if I want to achieve independence, I have to work for it. To find the Union, for me, is a whole adventure. For you, it's easy." Democratic Unionist leader Rev. Ian Paisley MP speaks to the press yesterday. Paisley was ordered out of the House accusing Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew of lying about secret government contacts with the IRA. Free Tutoring,, FOR ALL MATH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, AND ENGINEERING COURSES AT THE 100 AND 200 LEVELS CENTRAL CAMPUS * Modern Languages Building (MLB) Room 2008: Monday & Thursday 6-10 pm * Angell Hall (across from auditoriums, next to computing center): Wednesday 6-10 pm NORTH CAMPUS *North Campus Commons Lounge: Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday 6-10 pm NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 2 A SERVICE OF TAU BETA PI ENGINEERING HONORS SOCIETY s ASSISANTI HTRS: L)ouaS Kanter, Sharn Musher, Evan Petrie