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November 22, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-11-22

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 22, 1993

Continued from page 1
free will, but admitted he "saw the
writing on the wall" when he walked
into the assembly's offices last Fri-
"I no longer have a vested interest
in the Michigan Student Assembly,"
Payne said. "If there were people
drinking, I wasn't aware of it.... It's
unfortunate that this happened."
Payne, an LSA sophomore, was
hired by the assembly to oversee this
year's elections based on an inter-
view and recommendation by an MSA
committee. Payne had no previous
experience with the assembly before
he was chosen as election director.
MSA's interim administrative'co-
ordinator Heather Lowman, who has
acted as assistant'election director in
past years, was present during the
ballot count.
Although hesitant to comment on
the allegations, Lowman said the rea-
son the assembly decided to recount
the ballots Thursday was to verify the
results, not because alcohol was be-
ing consumed as votes were counted.
"There is no connection at all,"
she said. "I can see how that assump-
tion could be made, but it's false."
MSA Vice President Brian Kight,
who was also among members of
MSA tallying ballots Wednesday
night, said representatives decided to
hold a recount because several hun-
dred ballots were misplaced during
the night's confusion.
"A stack of ballots were put with
those already counted," Kight said.
"We decided to do a recount because
the numbers were close and then (as-
sembly members) said, 'Wait. These
numbers are too low."'
Doug Kligman, one of the candi-
dates who was improperly informed
thathe had won the election for an LSA
representative to MSA, said he was
dealing with the situation seriously.
"I'm just very disappointed with
the way it was handled. ... If they
want to be seen as legitimate to the
student body, they have to have fair
elections," Kligman said. "On the
grounds of (the allegations) alone,
there should be a new election."
Mike Landsittel, president of Delta
Sigma Pi - the professional business
fraternity that was employed by the

assembly to count the ballots - said
he did not see anyone in MSA cham-
bers consuming alcohol.
Landsittel said his fraternity was
hired to work three shifts from 8 p.m.
to 2 a.m., but were sent home by MSA
representatives long before the sched-
uled finishing time.
"We were all just in the room
where the ballots were counted,"
Landsittel said. "I showed up for the
10 o'clock shift and we were just
standing around. They were done and
sweeping up by 11. That's when our
organization left."
Delta- Sigma Pi member Julie
Mitrzyk defended the fraternity from
any charges of alcohol consumption
the night of the elections. She said she
arrived at MSA offices around 9 p.m.
and left with the rest of her group.
"It was really pretty unorganized.
(MSA representatives) just said, 'We
don't need you anymore.' I don't know
if everything was counted," Mitrzyk
said. "I saw no evidence (of drink-
ing). We had nothing to do with that."
Kight said he was "100 percent
certain" thatdany alcohol consump-
tion that took place in the assembly's
offices had no effect on the outcome
of the election.
"I didn't see anybody drinking, par-
ticularly anybody counting ballots,"
Kight said. "I think (the misplacing of
ballots) had more to do with people not
following instructions."
Payne said he was proud of the
work he did as election director. He
criticized the assembly for keeping
an inflexible and illogical election
code, which made his job more diffi-
"I kind of got into it not knowing
what I was getting myself into," Payne
said. "We had 30 to 40 people there
that had never counted ballots before
and I had them in and out of there in
three hours. ... Any mistakes that
were made were caused by inexperi-
ence on my part and that of the ballot
Greenberg said he is not trying to
make Payne a scapegoat for the
assembly's current problems. He
complimented Payne for keeping the
polls running smoothly and making
sure each was properly staffed.
"He had to spend a lot of time
learning what to do," Greenberg said.
"I don't think his inexperience with
MSA caused any problems."


decides not

to resign
after leaks


Army ROTC Captain Curt Lapham and his four-year old son take aim at ROTC rifle range in the NUBS building.
Cliton works to polsh tarmshed
image in wake of trade agreement

fresh achievements in hand, the White
House has an opportunity in the next
few weeks to polish President
Clinton's wavering image and gener-
ate momentum for major 1994 initia-
As a first year of fits and starts
winds down, Clinton loyalists have
been most frustrated by the president's
rocky public reviews despite solid
economic news and a substantial list
of policy accomplishments.
So the administration hopes
Clinton's come-from-behind North
American Free Trade Agreement vic-
tory, favorable reviews from the week-
end Pacific trade conference and a
late-year focus on violence and crime
will combine to boost his standing
significantly - in Washington and
"The biggest plus, the political
plus here, is that people will use this
period as a lens on the entire year,"
said James Carville, a Clinton politi-
cal adviser. "The president's image
has been blurred a lot, sometimes

because of our own mistakes. But
when you look into that lens now you
can't help but say, 'Damn, the guy got
a lot done."'
Clinton plans to make the case
that his first year in office was as
productive as any president in mod-
ern times. He will also lay the ground-
work for health care, welfare reform
and anti-crime initiatives on his early
1994 agenda.
Not that Clinton will be free of
political headaches.
His NAFTA victory created deep
rifts in his own Democratic Party, and
organized labor is proving slow to ac-
cept Clinton's peace offer. Liberals are
encouraged by Clinton's decision to
spend more time outlining what adviser
George Stephanopoulos calls "the
moral authority of the office" in urging
families and communities to fight crime,
violence and other social ills. But many
want more spending, too.
And then there's Ross Perot.
Perot lost the NAFTA war but
promised to carry on, with health care
his next target. Perot argued that

Clinton opened the Treasury to pass
NAFTA, that the trade deal reduces
American competitiveness, and that
an employer mandate as part of health
care reform "will force even more
jobs to Mexico."
"They may see this as a win but the
American people don't," Perot said.
The White House view is that Perot
lost credibility in the NAFTA debate.
But advisers acknowledge Clinton
needs to repair relations with blue-
collar Americans, and say health care
reform is the perfect prescription.
"We need a Democratic working-
class base and there is a lot of anger
out there," said White House pollster
Stanley Greenberg. "We have to reas-
sure these people we're for them. But
NAFTA is trivial compared to health
care with the working class."
Greenberg said Clinton's poll
standing has hovered near historic
lows because the public is skeptical
he can deliver on his promises. "They
like his ideas and share his goals but
aren't convinced he is up to accom-
plishing them," Greenberg said.

Bob Packwood had decided to resign,
but changed his mind after congres-
sional staffers leaked his intentions to
the Justice Department, prompting a-
subpoena for his diaries, a leading
Republican lawmaker said Sunday.
"He was ready to resign, he wanted
out," Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyo-
ming said on CBS' "Face the Na-
tion." Simpson accused staffers of the
Senate Ethics Committee of thwart-
ing the resignation by leaking word of
it to Justice Department lawyers.
When informed of Packwood's
plans, lawyers scrambled to issue a
formal request for the Oregon
Republican's diaries, guarding against
their possible destruction once'
Packwood left the Senate.
Simpson, a friend of Packwood's,
said after Packwood was served with
the subpoena Friday, he "had no-
choice but to stay in the Senate" where
he could better defend himself against
possible criminal charges.
After the subpoena was issued,
any attempt to destroy the diaries
would leave Packwood, 61, open to
charges of obstructing justice.
The diaries are central to a Senate
investigation into sexual harassment
allegations involving complaints from
more than two dozen women who
said that the Oregon Republican had
made unwelcome sexual advances to
them over the years.
Simpson said he would seek an
investigation into what role ethics
panel staffers might have played in
the timing of the subpoena.
The Justice Department's interest.
stems from reports that some entries in
the diaries might involve possible con-
flicts of interest, especially on whether..
Packwood's defense of Mitsubishi Elec-
tronic Co. against unfair trade practice
charges might have been linked to ajob
offer his former wife had received from-
a lobbyist.
"I think he was close to resigna-
tion," said Dole. "(But) about that
time, the Justice Department came:
through with the subpoena and he
decided not to resign."
Continued from page 1
Mandela, who called for an end to
economic sanctions on South Africa
in an address made to the United
According to the resolution, "This
call from this courageous man who
has been one of the principal victims
of apartheid means the leading groups
in South Africa now oppose the main-
tenance of economic sanctions on their
At last month's meeting in Flint,
members approved a motion direct-
ing the administration to find the
means to lift the ban. This stems from
a 1978 motion banning investments
adopted by the regents.
Daily Staff Reporter David
Shepardson contributed to this ar-

Continued from page 1
on flights at its main hubs at Dallas,
Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The airline will also focus on flights
from New York and Los Angeles.
American will put passengers on 412
percent of its flights from Chicago,
the airline's second-largest hub, ex-




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ecutive vice president Bob Baker said.
Earlier Sunday, union President
Denise Hedges said she wrote Ameri-
can Chairman Robert Crandall ask-
ing him to join her in asking the Na-
tional Mediation Board to request the
emergency panel.
"With no settlement offer from
you in sight and the heavy-traffic holi-
day period now upon us, we've de-
cided to take the initiative and try to
end the strike," Hedges said.
Crandall rejected the offer, saying
an emergency mediation board would
put the airline's future in the hands of
people under political pressure who
have no long-term interest in the com-
pany. He added that the mediation
board could be expected to split the
difference between the two sides' of-
The mediation board had been
overseeing contract negotiations be-
tween American and the union, which
broke off due to differences in pay,
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health benefits, staffing and schedul-
A Transportation Department of-
ficial said it was unclear whether the
strike would qualify for mediation
board arbitration. The panel inter-
venes in cases where there is a signifi-
cant disruption to the economy.
It is up to the board, an indepen-
dent government agency, and not the
White House, to determine if the re-
quest for mediation is appropriate,
said the official, who spoke on condi-
tion of anonymity.
A presidential emergency board
involving the airlines has not been
created since the mid-1960s.
The strike, the first by flight atten-
dants at American, is the biggest
against a U.S. airline since 1989.
The company and the union have
offered differing estimates of the
walkout's impact. The union claims
the strike is being honored by at least
95 percent of the flight attendants,
while Crandall said by Sunday more
than 17 percent had come to work.
Once the strike is over, the flight
attendant staff will be cut by 4,000,
Crandall said.

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PHOTO MEilteflGOn. Editor


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