11-1 Blue clinches a bowl, but which Wolverines will MSA - .a'~ 2 TODA Nov. 16 and 17 show gyp? Ii ~~.J ;~W Ij'I rz A It f 41v rnig One hundred three years of editorial freedom 4Ag- y AWAR a { x Drake's shop shuts down after 65 years By JOE DURRANCE FOR THE DAILY The sign in the front window of the small shop with the red and white striped awning reads "Our 65th year." And 1993 is also the last year for Drake's Sandwich Shop. Drake's closed suddenly Friday night, leav- ing employees and customers reeling with shock. "It was more than just a job, it was like a family here. I can't believe I only got three hours notice," said employee Amy Cimaglia. As the news spread through town Friday, loyal Drake's customers flocked to the store to spend the last few minutes they could in the beloved eating establishment that provided them with the best candy and tea selection in town. Drake's was also popular for its sand- wiches with names like "Michigan," "Purdue" and "Northwestern." First-time visitors were often amazed at the archaic interior featuring wooden booths, tin- pressed ceilings and lunch counter. The interior was annually painted a drab olive green with black trim, the floors painted grey. Truman Tibbals, the man who has owned and run Drake's since 1926, was missing from Friday's closing. Tibbals, who is 86 years old, was recently hospitalized for cancer. His con- dition placed the future of the restaurant in uncertainty. Friday afternoon, his children, Eleanor and Paul Tibbals of California, made the deci- sion to close down the Ann Arbor landmark. Tibbals has seen generations of Ann Arborites and University students move through the door of his sandwich shop, and Drake's was a unique part of Ann Arbor's history. Full of idiosyncrasies and methods from a long-gone era, all orders at Drake's were written by hand by the customer, a tradition which goes back to World War II and labor shortages. Malts and sundaes were served See DRAKE'S, Page 2 Drake's Sandwich Shop, located on North University Avenue, announced its closing yesterday after more than 65 years of serving malts, floats and sandwiches to Ann Arbor residents. The announcement came after owner Truman Tibbles was diagnosed with cancer. Beavis n' Butt-Head lose, keep party name MSA examines diversity Students' Party drafts multicultural statement By KAREN TALASKI DAILY STAFF REPORTER Lights from the third floor offices of the Michigan Student Assembly burned late into the night Thursday as candidates went ead-to-head with mblymembers in legal debate. The question was whether the Beavis n' Butt- Head party should r" MSAkIl" CO'S ELECTION Nov 16 and 17 branch. After four hours of deliberation, CSJ voted to disallow the use of the Beavis n' Butt-Head party name on the ballot. The party would have for days to either find a new name or become independent candidates. However, the filing of an appeal and a stay of enforcement by Beavis n' Butt-Head candidates made the court's decision on the party name moot. Because the appeal cannot be heard before the elections take place, the,name will remain on the ballot. "The bottom line is the Beavis n' Butt-Head name will probably get on the ballot, but it was proven deceptive by the Keg Party," said Keg Party member Dave Pava. MSA Vice President Brian Kight By KAREN TALASKI DAILY STAFF REPORTER Diversity and the ways it can be fostered at the University has been a widely dbated subject that inspires House discussion, and sometimes anger. Many groups have tried to solve its riddle, but none have found a long- term solution. However, ELECDON Nov. 16 and 17 seen.The issue of diversity has been a point of concern in their campaigns. Multicultural Affairs Commission (MAC) chair Chuck Han said she has tried to force the assembly to admit it does not accurately represent the stu- dents, but to no avail. She said she feels optimistic that future MSA members are interested in making a change, but wonders if the candidates will fulfill the prom- ises they make once they are elected. "I'm excited in one aspect that (the candidates) are trying to make an effort," Han said. "It has to be a prior- ity of MSA as a whole if they want to accomplish something like that. Di- versity should be an objective of MSA." One party that has made diversity a priority in its bid for the assembly is be allowed to use that name-alleged to be deceptive - to represent itself during the 1993 MSA Fall elections. Filedby the KegParty, this suitwas ne of three heard by the Central Stu- dent Judiciary (CSJ). The court acts as the student government's judicial took the side of the Beavis n' Butt- Heads during the trial, defending their right to use any name they wanted. "It's obvious to everybody that they're not cartoon characters," Kight said. "It should be up to the students to decide if they're stupid." Kight said he thinks the party has a good chance of winning its appeal See DEBATE, Page 2 the Students' Party. As part of their platform, candidates have written a "diversity statement" that outlines the way in which they want to diversify MSA. It includes: increasing funding to MAC and Minority Student Services; ® working to innovate the University's recruiting program to include more involvement with the community outside of high schools; developing a lesbian, gay and bisexual studies program with LGBi staff and faculty; and, encouraging the creation of a free University day care center. Students' Party campaign orga- nizer Conan Smith stressed the im- portance of such a statement to en- courage the University and MSA to See DIVERSITY, Page 2 1993 Michigan Student Assembly candidates are entering into the dis- cussion in hopes of reaching diver- sity, in MSA and on campus. Many candidates accuse the stu- dent government of being a place where faces of color are not often Conference unites 'U', labor leaders y JULIA BROWN Trade Agreement (NAFT/ FOR THE DAILY fate will be decided in the Though the auditorium was only Representatives Wednesda one-fifth full, and most of the audi- Though not a planned to ence members only joined in on the ference organizer Ellen P refrain, Joyce Kornbuth smiled as she that much of the discussions led the group of students, scholars, around an opposition to th labor leaders and activists in singing version of NAFTA. Yet, P "Solidarity Forever" - the U.S. la- she noticed"areal insistenc bor movement's anthem. ing international links bet Kornbuth was a speaker at the workers of U.S. and Mexic '4losing plenary of "Working in a Megan Hougard, an R Multicultural Society: The Changing specializing in Labor Stud Face of Labor in the .U.S.," a confer- "It seems like the real iss ence organized by the University's NAFTA. The real issue is o Network for Cultural Democracy. labor across national boun Held in Angell Hall this past week- Some speakers empha end as part of a broader theme semes- need to not restrict decisio ter including 30 courses, the confer- to politicians. In Friday's ence focused on specific problems plenary, "The Changing Wo elating to the labor movement. Baldemar Velazquez, a mi The conference came about as a Farm Labor Organizing C response to the growing trend of clos- from Ohio, said, "We thi ing factories, and served as a forum to cians will solve all our prob discuss the North American Free See L ABRf A), whose House of y. opic, con- 'oteet felt s centered he current oteet said e on build- tween the :0." IC senior lies, said, ~ue is not rganizing daries." sized the n-making opening )rkplace," ember of nk politi- lems for Joyce Kornbluh motions to the crowd ,Page 2 'movement. The speech was part of a CRISPing gets students hot at many universitles By CARRIE BISSEY FOR THE DAILY It's that time of year again, the time all students know and love to hate, time to CRISP. This cute nick- name for Computer Registration In- volving Student Participation makes it sound easy, but nearly everyone on campus has a horror story or two about their CRISPing experiences. Tension will be in the air of Angell Hall this week as students wait for the computer blips that make or break their semesters. Dazed faces all seem to be thinking the same thing: there must be a more painless way to do things. Students at other universities around the country, however, seem to have their own problems with the registration process. At the University of Illinois at I irhann-ChamnaivrnfnrexaYmnlk' sti- JONATHAN LURIE/Daily to join in the singing of "Solidarity Forever," the anthem of the U.S. labor multicultural labor conference being held at the University last weekend. ..7G4' fr/ QVi\r Rpnpwui form ti nppd rt'mnnliretinn nrnepcc for Hnanein air1 I