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November 09, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-11-09

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Soccer teams to compete
in national championship
Michelle McQuaid and the
women's squad will'be heading
to play in the Arizona sun.

Ha pson's version
would hye surprised
even Schumann



f 4tial


One hundred three years of editorial freedom
. C ,i. A A hg -y r ,

Mataranka --
Larrimah -
0 Daly Waters
Dunmarra Roadhouse Ellio r g
0 Renner Springs
. Tennant Creek
The Maize and Blue reached Barrow Creek
Tennant Creek during its second Ti Tree
day on the road. Technical Alice Springs
difficulties have forced the solar
. car to operate at half-power, and Kulgera
it has fallen to ninth place. Maria
Coober Pedy r
--- Pimba
ANDREW LEVY/Daily Graphic Port Augusta
Port Pirie

Technical problems
drop solar car to 9th

tralia - Things aren't looking so
sunny for members of the University's
solar car team. On day two of the
World Solar Challenge, Maize and
Blue experienced some technical
problems and dropped from seventh
to ninth place in the world's most
rigorous solar car race.
At 4:30 a.m. a symphony of snores
was abruptly ended by a rousing ren-
dition of "Hail to the Victors."
As the first pinkish hues stained
the horizon of Australia's outback,
the University's solar powered car
team removed the Maize and Blue's
array from impound. It had spent the
night positioned on adjustable tripods
to maximize solar radiation absorp-

Before the race began, Chris Gre-
gory, a crew support member on loan
from Amerigon, Inc., installed
aerodyaphragms around the Maize
and Blue's four wheels.
Since many of the frontrunner
vehicles are three wheeled in order to
reduce road friction, Maize and Blue
engineers compensated by installing
the covers, which lessen air drag and
increase the vehicle's efficiency by 6
A lone Austrian, who is touring
Australia on a used motorcycle he
purchased, watched from the road-
side as the Maize and Blue began its
second day of racing.
Although Australians drive on the
left side, the Maize and Blue drove
the early morning on the right side to

avoid energy-sapping shadows
thrown across the east side of the
Maximum exposure to solar ra-
diation was necessary, not only due to
the distance between the University's
car and those ahead of it, but also
because problems with Maize and
Blue have caused a drop in its effi-
The team's frustrated project man-
ager, Furqan Nazeeri, an Engineering
senior, summed up the situation: "The
array is fucked up."
The 9,200 photo voltaic cells that
constitute the solar array are attached
by silver tabs, which conduct solar
energy and store what is not immedi-
ately used to power the vehicle.
The Maize and Blue's tabs now
See RACE, Page 2


'U' still differ on Union access policy after 2 years

In the two years since the Univer-
sity implemented a stringent policy
that restricts access to the Michigan
Union Friday and Saturday nights,
incidents of violence and other prob-
lems have decreased.
But it is unsure whether or not this
can be attributed to the access policy.
* Department of Public Safty Lt.
Vernon Baisden said incidents in the
Union have, in fact, decreased fol-

lowing the policy's enactment.
Although he was unable to pro-
vide specific figures, Baisden said,
"there have not been as many inci-
dents that have occurred three or four
years ago."
The Union Access Policy, which
was implemented at the beginning of-
the 1991-92 school year, restricts ac-
cess into the Union after 8:30 p.m.
Fridays and Saturdays. Only people
with student ID cards, their guests
and alums are permitted to enter.

University officials said they en-
acted the policy in an effort to curb
the number of incidents involving
people who were not affiliated with
the University.
Associate Dean of Students Frank
Cianciola, who spearheaded the
implementation of the policy, said the
restrictions are intended to "provide a
safe environment for students in the
Union on weekends."
But some students said this is not
the case. Members of the Black Greek

Association (BGA) allege that De-
partment of Public Safety (DPS) per-
sonnel hassle and discriminate against
students of color. .
BGA head Tanya Clowney
claimed unequal treatment has oc-
curred under the system. "There's
been some discriminatory practices,"
she said.
"Some students who are Black
(and don't have student IDs) were
refused admittance, which is the cor-
rect policy; but white students (with-

out IDs) were allowed to pass
Clowney continued: "I think the
policy makes some students hostile
because ... it's not very welcoming. It
decreases your spirits if you're going
to a party."
Overall, Clowney said she believes
the system lacks consistency. "Black
students use the Union more than
white students on the weekend be-
cause it's the center of our social
activities," she said. "(The access

Gore, Perot to go
.head to head over
NAFA tonight


days of hype and hoopla, when Vice
President Al Gore and Texan Ross
erot square off tonight over the North
erican Free Trade Agreement the
arguments are likely to be as familiar
as the faces.
The stakes are high as the White
House tries to debunk NAFTA's loud-
est critic in its struggle for the votes to
pass the trade agreement with Mexico
and Canada.
The great debate between Gore
and Perot isn't a debate in the formal
.nse at all. "Discussion" might be a
more accurate
description, al-
though "free-for-
all" is the favored
phrase of those
who expect
things to get a bit
The program
s on CNN's
Larry King
Live," and only Gore
60 percent of the
nation's house-
holds receive the
zable network.

mix his questions with those from
viewers and allow Perot and Gore to
mix it up as he sees fit.
SOUND BITES: Look for Gore
to use a variation of the "facts against
fear" phrase his boss the president
favors, and to bring one or two new
zingers along as well. Don't expect
Gore to out-sound bite Perot, whose
"giant sucking sound" of jobs going
to Mexico is far and away the most-
recognized phrase in the NAFTA de-
White House press secretary Dee
Dee Myers said Gore was "reading,
sort of buffing up on NAFTA" in-
cluding some staff meetings. Perot's
office did not immediately return a
reporter's telephone call yesterday.
JOBS: Look for Gore to press the
administration's case that NAF'TA
means a net plus of 200,000 jobs,
most of them in such higher-paying
fields as computers when Mexico's
markets are fully opened to American
Perot will warn of massive job
losses as manufacturers rush to low-
wage Mexico. In his anti-NAFTA
book, Perot says 5.9 million jobs are
"at risk" under NAFTA. On Sunday.

policy) should be used every night, or
not at all."
Cianciola admitted he has heard
allegations of discrimination, but said
he is "unaware of any specific inci-
dent that has happened."
He added that the policy has been
revised during the last two years to
appear less threatening to students. It
no longer takes affect on Thursday
evenings, and student door monitors
took the place of DPS officers at Union
entrances, Cianciola said.
18 vie for
MSA seats,
shun party
With 2,500 posters ready and wait-
ing to be hung around campus, Matt
Sailor feels amply prepared to join
the rank of Michi-
gan Student As-
sembly represen- MSA
Because the
North University
Building Station
Kodak printer of- ELECTION
fers free printing, Nov.16 and 17
the LSA junior
said he and and his election partner
Bob Winnicki were able to create
their massive number of campaign
posters at a relatively low cost.
"We've been building them up
over a period of time," he added.
Despite limited funds and no party
support, 18 independent candidates
will be making a bid for an assembly
position on the 1993 Fall election
However, these aspiring under-
dogs feel certain their chances for
election success will be greater than
anticipated, thanks to their own cre-
ativity and a lot of support from

As Part of Alcohol Awareness Week, a crashed car from an alcohol-related accident was put on display for the day
between the UGLi and the Grad Library.
Campus bar"s not' included in
Alcohol Awareudness Wenek ev % ent

Decisions are on tap everywhere
hut the lna hars

"I suppose every bar would take
the same stand depending on what
they would have to do," said Steve
Arellano. man-

been changing. People eat more and
watch it a lot closer," said Randy
Demankowdski, manager of



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