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November 07, 1993 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-11-07

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4 - The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, November 2, 1993

bE Lidiigpn Bail

420 Maynard
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Edited and managed
by students at the
University of Michigan

Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editor


Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board.
All other cartoons, articles and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily.

.NE ED -
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Allegations made
against AATU are false
To the Daily:
This is response to a recent
article, "AATU founder returns to
campus to discuss low-income
housing" (10/25/93). The portion of
the article that deals with the
"recent budget battle" between the
Tenants' Union and MSA requires
The allegation made by MSA
President Craig Greenberg and
MSA Rep. Brent House is that the
AATU is financially irresponsible,
poorly run, and secretive about its
budget, and therefore must be
closely supervised in order to
receive its MSA funding allocation.
This is simply not the case.
AATU has always submitted annual
reports to MSA regarding both its
financial organization and the
quality and quantity of its services
to students. Furthermore, the
accounting firm Plant and Moran
provides us with a yearly audit and
the results of that audit are made
available on a regular basis. Finally,
AATU financial books are kept and
maintained by the MSA
We would ask that in the future
the Daily be more careful in
verifying the truthfulness of
statements made by interviewees,
particularly when those statements
are presented as fact.
AATU Board President
Clinton is a liberal,
so is the Daily
To the Daily:
Your editorial "Same Old, Same
Old" (10/26/93) would have been
mediocre (an improvement for
you), had you not turned it into an
opportunity to Reagan-Bush bash.
The piece documented the many
atrocities which have already
occurred under the Clinton
administration, but simply
culminated in a plea for President
Clinton to steer away from the
corrupt ways of Presidents Reagan
and Bush.
As usual, your editorial was
hampered by more than one flaw.
True to your form, you further
demonstrated your hypocrisy. When
discussing the White House's
support of Secretary of Commerce
Ron Brown, you write: "Did the
FBI not know about the possible.
conflict of interest issue involving
Brown's sizeable investments in
two corporations?" Did the Daily
not know about the ineptitude of
President Clinton last year when it
endorsed the former Governor of
Arkansas and his ability to appoint
cabinet members?
You see, President Clinton is
running a liberal-Democrat
administration. That means plenty
of red tape and big government -
in essence, many questions and no
answers. Remember: A liberal
never met a communist he didn't
LSA junior
A mi fn & AIC u

that people will have sex, with or
without protection, even if you tell
them not to do it. It is essential that
they be educated and encouraged to
protect themselves.
To those of you who have
chosen to abstain until marriage,
your chastity is certainly respected,
but please do not force your values
upon the world. While high morals
may prevent one from contracting
AIDS, they are NOT a cure.
The cure for AIDS lies solely in
the field of medicine, and the only
thing we can do to expedite it is to
give our deepest support to the
researchers who give so much of
their time to its discovery.
LSA sophomore
Men disturb women's
self~defense classes
To the Daily:
For the last year I have been
training in self-defense and Tae
Kwon Do. Training in a martial art
has been integral to reclaiming my
bodily space and security. More
than allowing me to walk around at
night or fend off frat boys at parties,
it has been a very personal growth
process. Every week I am thinking
about how I use my body, how to
use it more effectively, and how to
claim space that is rightly mine.
However, I am frustrated and
angry about one particular aspect:
the room that I train in every week
is constantly bombarded by
insensitive people. Every week I am
left perplexed - it must be obvious
that a class is going on because we
are all dressed in uniform, using the
entire room, and the door is closed.
Over and over, my concentration is
broken by the traffic of people
barging in. Although occasionally a
woman enters, the vast majority
who enter are men. When told that
this space is being used for a class,
there are some that look genuinely
apologetic, while many make rude
My point is that people, and in
particular, men, don't think much
about invading the space of women.
It seems highly ironic and sadly
demonstrative that a space that is
meant to be safe for women is so
freely violated.
RC senior
Moeller blew call
late in Illinois game
To the Daily:
The outcome of the Michigan-
Illinois football game still sticks in
my craw. It rankles me even more
after reading articles in various
papers and viewing different reports
on television. Much was said about
how Ricky Powers fumbled the ball
which led to the subsequent
winning touchdown that lost the
game, but most reporters, with the
exception of one Ann Arbor News
writer, skirted the real issue. This
was that the loss falls clearly on
Gary Moeller's shoulders and that
he should be man enough to accept
the blame instead of blabbering,
"I'm mad, I'm mad, I'm mad," and

Moeller is a highly paid
professional who should be able to
think on his feet. His only real
excuse in this situation might be
that he was caught up in the heat of
the battle and simply didn't consider
the above mentioned possibilities to
avert defeat.
Ann Arbo4
'Sinners' aren't to
blame for AIDS
To the Daily:
In response to Jeanette Larner's
letter, "Morality can indeed cure
AIDS," (11/2/93), I'd just like to
give my deepest appreciation and
gratitude. You see, your
ridiculously simple-minded and
unrealistic solution for the AIDS
crisis showed you were the epitome
of the white, middle-to-upper class,
self-righteous witch-hunters that
want to blame the world's ills on a
few "sinners."
Therefore, I'm glad you make *
you and your ilk look like naive
bible-thumpers. I love the part
where you equate the distribution of
condoms to teenagers with "giving
guns to those who wish to commit
murder," Yes, I see the connection
between saving a schoolkid's life
and killing someone. You're a real
asset to the College Republicans -
don't let anyone tell you different.
The truth: the AIDS-infected
homosexuals and drug users you
talk about are people you #on't
know; they are people you've never
met. Just as when you imply in your
letter that anyone who disagrees
with the College Republicans is a
liberal, you also show clearly that
you have no understanding
whatsoever of anybody but your
own deluded self.
LSA senior
Terrorist acts more
than 'punch in the eye'
To the Daily:
Due to the latest wave of anti-
Israeli letters to the editor (the most
recent of them being Katherine
Metres' "American and Israeli hit
men," 10/29/93) I think a revisiting
of history is in order. Metres, in
response to Palestinian violence,
states, "Do you say about someone
who manages to punch her rapist in
the eye, is there violence on both
sides?" Is slaughtering Israeli
Olympic athletes in Munich
punching a rapist in the eye? Is
murdering a crippled man in a
wheelchair by pushing him off the
side of a boat punching a rapist in
the eye? Is kidnapping a nursery of
a kibbutz and smashing one of the
babies heads against the wall
punching a rapist in the eye?
There exists a difference
between a terrorist and a freedom
fighter. A freedom fighter attacks
soldiers and army bases. A terrorist
murders innocent civilians. The
Palestinian Liberation Organization,
the main representative of the
Palestinian people, has always had

State News denounces Deja Vu ad

Recently, The State News has been
flooded in controversy surrounding
its running of an advertisement for
Deja Vu, a nightclub in Lansing fea-
turing "Adult entertainment," or put
simply, a strip bar.
The ad stated that Deja Vu was
"ranked #1" by The State News.
Many people have expressed out-
rage at our decision to run an ad for
such an establishment, which they
regard as derogatory to women. Go-
ing a step further, some also were

clude that by doing so, The State
News endorsed the pornography in-
dustry or, at the very least, ignored the
fact that many people object to this
form of "entertainment."
It is important that The State News
clarify its position on this issue. To
begin with, The State News did not
rank Deja Vu as No. 1 in adult enter-
tainment or any entertainment genre.
In order for The State News to offi-
cially endorse anyone or anything,
the editorial board must meet and

agree with the premise for Deja Vu's
What the Deja Vu ad refers to is an
article written in the fall 1991 Wel-
come Week issue in which two sports
writers gave their opinions on various
"adult entertainment" establishments
in the East Lansing area.
There is an important distinction
between this type of article, which
reflects only the opinion.of the writer
whose name appears on the byline,
and an editorial, which always re-



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