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November 03, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-11-03

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom

'U' will 11
The University will likely report
*the largest enrolled number of under-
represented minorities in its history
early next week, officials said yester-
Last year under-represented mi-
norities constituted about 12 percent
of undergraduate enrollment. On the
basis of this year's enrollment de-
posit figures, early counts, and last
year's number of admitted under-rep-
resented minorities, the final count
will exceed 12 percent, said officials

kely repori
in the admissions office during the
past week.
In an interview with Admissions
Dean Theodore Spencer, he said
"We've had a very good year," add-
ing his assessment of final enrollment
figures as the "best we've ever had."
Vice President for University Re-
lations Walter Harrison questioned
any early announcement as "pure
"We're waiting for graduate
school numbers," he said. "We've
gotten in trouble in the past for releas-
ing early figures and then having to

largest minority enrollment in history

make corrections.... If we err, it is on
the side of caution."
Harrison is waiting for the "six-
week count," which measures the stu-
dent of color enrollment after six
weeks of the term. All people en-
rolled Oct. 21. will be included in the
final count.
Spencer said enrollment figures to
be released next week will show an
increase in overall enrollment, with a
decrease in the School of Engineer-
Harrison did not dispute these fig-
ures, but said any enrollment increase

would be "insignificant."
"We've had relatively flat enroll-
ment here for the past 10 years," he
In Spencer's first extended inter-
view with the Daily since officially
becoming dean inJuly, he observed
that conditions on campus for minor-
ity students "are not ideal." However,
he said the University is taking posi-
tive steps to improve the climate for
minority students.
"We need to reach a critical mass,
when students feel comfortable and
hear from other students that this is a

positive place," he said. "I believe we
are doing that."
He added that academically, Black
students do much better at the Uni-
versity than at other Big Ten schools.
Spencer, shuffling his transparencies
in preparation, said he will make a
presentation to the University Board
of Regents on minority enrollment at
its December meeting.
For example, Spencer said the
University's five-year graduation rate
for Black students -62 percent - is
higher than the overall graduation rate
for Michigan State and the University

of Wisconsin-Madison.
Of the top 25 schools ranked in
U.S. News and World Report, only
Stanford has a greater percentage of
under-represented minorities - de-
fined as Blacks, Hispanics and Native
Americans - and the University has
the largest percentage of Black stu-
dents of any of the top 25, Spencer
But according to the U.S. Census
Bureau, under-represented minorities
make up 15 percent of college stu-
dents in Michigan, which is greater
than the University's enrollment.


M 5th Ward

U 4th Ward

Archer is new
Detroit mayor

*Dems retain 7-4
majority mA2
City Council

Jubilant Ann Arbor Democrats
celebrated victories in four of five
races for the city council last night,
retaining a 7-4 majority in an election
that offered Republicans a slim chance
to recapture control of city govern-
The re-election of Peter Fink in
the 2nd Ward was the only bright side
of an otherwise disappointing night
for the GOP. Republican candidates
lost in the 3rd and 4th wards, both of
which were pivotal to GOP fortunes
in a city where Republicans are the
. Republicans failed to field
candaidates in the 1st and 5th wards,
both Democratic strongholds. Demo-
cratic candadiates in both wards-bur-
ied Tisch Party and Libertarian chal-
lengers with more than 75 percent of
the vote.
Democrats Patricia Vereen-Dixon
of the 1st Ward and Christopher Kolb
of the 5th Ward both will take office
next April.
Turnout at the polls was sparse.
Less than 15 percent of registered
voters cast ballots, said City Clerk
Winifred Northcross.
An informal survey of polling sites

around campus found that few stu-
dents voted. "There was one occasion
where we had two people at the same
time," said Michigan Union poll
worker Marshall Frank.
University students were expected
to play only a marginal role in the
election's outcome. Only a small per-
centage were registered to vote.
The 4th Ward race - the most
heated of the campaign - saw Uni-
versity alum Peter Nicolas capture
his second council term with 53 per-
cent of the vote. Nicolas and Repub-
lican opponent Kathryn Renken each
spent more than $4,300 before Oct.
17 in Ann Arbor's most heavily fi-
nanced race, according to pre-elec-
tion filings.
Both Nicolas and Green Party can-
didate Brian Chambers labeled
Renken a member of the religious
right, accusations Renken said failed
to sway voters. Renken finished with
41 percent of the vote.
"I have no idea where (the labels)
came from. The labels were made
without asking me," Renken said. "It
was interesting, but I don't think it
was a primary issue."
Nicolas, however, said Renken's
views against homosexuality and
curbside recycling were hard for vot-

DETROIT (AP) - Former state
Supreme Court justice Dennis Archer
won election yesterday to succeed
Mayor Coleman Young, overcoming
charges he was a sell-out to the sub-
urbs and lacked the strength to defend
the decaying city.
Archer waged a carefully planned,
though often dull, campaign against
the bolder and more spontaneous style
of prosecuting attorney Sharon
With 52 percent of the vote counted
yesterday, Archer had 56 percent of the
vote to McPhail's 44 percent.
"Let it be clear that I stand ready to
work with anyone within our city and
beyond the city border in an effort to
redeem our city and to build a better
future," Archer told supporters shortly
before 11 p.m.
"I want to work to make Detroit
one of the greatest cities in the United
States. I want everybody to be proud
to say, 'I'm from Detroit.'
"I want everybody wherever they
go to be able to say 'I'm from Detroit'
and for people to say, 'My God, aren't
you lucky," he said.
McPhail earlier told her support-
ers: "It ain't over 'til it's over." But
she also urged them to "come to-
gether for the benefit of the people
who really matter, our children, our
seniors who are afraid."
Young announced in June that he
was too tired to lead the city again
after 20 years in office. After the
primary, he endorsed McPhail, a divi-
sion chief in the Wayne County
Prosecutor's office.
The candidates waged a bitter cam-
paign, tinged with charges of race-
baiting and comparisons with Young.
McPhail faced accusations that she
was a Young clone who would con-
tinue his tradition of confrontational
and closed-door politics. Archer was
dogged by critics who called him a
mouthpiece for white authority after
he distanced himself from the mayor.
Both Archer and McPhail, like
Young, are Black in a city that is 76


Patricia Vereen-Dixon is congratulated by a supporter during the city council
victory celebration at Maude's Restauraunt in Ann Arbor last night.

percent Black.
"I think either one of the finalists
would be a good mayor," Young told
WDIV-TV after Archer declared vic-
He said he had not spoken with
Archer yet, but was setting up a tran-
sition team to help the new mayor's
"I'll be around and I'll be avail-
able," said Young, who canceled an
election night television analystap-
pearance and didn't appear at a go-
ing-away party last week because of
Gov. John Engler said state law-
makers should be able to work well
with Archer.
"Coleman Young was responsible
for a lot of history in Detroit. But now
it's time to move on to a new agenda
with new priorities," Engler said after
exit polls showed Archer the winner.
"It's been a long effort for him. He
organized carefully and got his mes-
sage across. It will be a change after
two decades of Coleman Young."
Archer once served as Young's
campaign manager. But after resign-
ing his Supreme Court seat in 1991 to
begin his mayoral run, he distanced
himself from Young - seeking the
support of the business community
and working with white suburban
leaders whom Young detests.
U may up
$150 student
fee next year
Infrastructure Maintenance Fee -

ers to swallow even in a predomi-
nantly Republican ward.
Nicolas acknowledged that the
Democratic Party lent no more than
moral support to his campaign, but
said his sometimes-testy relationship
with the party "didn't make much of
a difference."

Republicans pinned their hopes of
winning a 3rd Ward seat on David
Blackman, a political newcomer who
ran on a platform of fiscal conserva-
tism and environmental activism.
Democrat Haldon Smith took 63 per-
cent of the vote in a ward where
See CITY, Page 2

PLO walks out, accuses
Israelis of backing away


0 TABA, Egypt (AP) - The PLO
walked out of peace talks with Israel
yesterday, accusing the Israelis of try-
ing to back out of an agreement to
withdraw from occupied lands.
Nabil Shaath, the PLO's chief ne-

Jericho under terms of the Israeli-
PLO accord.
Yesterday's dispute grew from
maps and withdrawal plans the Israe-
lis presented Monday.
Jewish settlers waged four days of

,; . --

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