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November 02, 1993 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-11-02

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1 One hundred three years of editorial freedom



U.S. cities
to choose
new leaders
in elections
Republicans hope to whittle the
big Democratic advantage at state-
louses and city halls today in elec-
tions for the top jobs in New Jersey,
Virginia and New York City. The
contests offer the broadest glimpse of
voter attitudes on crime and taxes
since President Clinton's victory a
year ago.
Odd-numbered years are consid-
ered off years for politics, yet ballots
from coast to coast are packed with
Spen mayoral contests and questions
on state and local policy, from school
choice to gay rights to Sunday shop-
Boston, Atlanta, Detroit and Mi-
ami are among big cities guaranteed
to elect new mayors. And trend-set-
ting Californians are deciding whether
to dedicate a half-penny of the state
sales tax to local police and fire de-
partments, and whether to offer state-
*funded vouchers allowing parents to
send children to private schools.
The contests being watched most
closely were New Jersey, New York
City and Virginia.
New York's contest was a heated

-~ ~6



Midterm exams
produce stress,
then celebration

SI 4 ~




Ann Arbor City Council elections
are today. You can vote if you are
registered in Ann Arbor. You
should have a voter identification
card that you can use to find out
which ward and precinct you vote
Ward 5 (not onmap) includes
western Ann Arbor.

p -


North University


- - - I - K .~- L

South Unlve1ty 1 1






Location Precinct1
Michigan Union 14
Alice Lloyd Hall 1-2
Community High School 1-3
625 N. Main St.
Bursley Hall 1-7
Fire Station #5 2-1
1946 Beal Ave.
Mary Markley Hall 2-2
East Quad 3-1
South Quad 3-2
Mary St. Polling Place 4-1
926 Mary St. 4-2
Coliseum, Fifth Ave. & Hill St. 4-3
Ann Arbor 'Y'
350 S. Fifth Ave. 5-1



At 0m - 4 - I. -




0 0
Ward 3

Students bemoan
busy weeks in
middle of semester,
enjoy post-test
A group of first-year students
broke up the monotony of yesterday
morning's rush to class by doing a
brief dance on the Diag's big "M".
The fear of stepping on - or any-
where near - the ominous letter had
been diminished upon their comple-
tion of the all-feared first blue-book
Accompanying the seasonal cold
wind and fallen leaves, this time of
year bears an academic mark as well
- midterms. While no specific time
is designated for midterm examina-
tions, and many professors hold tests
throughout the semester, these few
weeks in the middle of the term tend
to be filled with exams, and therefore,
filled with stress.
University students deal with the
pressures of midterms and the subse-
quent release in different ways. Some

sacrifice everything for their studies,
holing up in the Grad, skipping extra-
curricular activities, their social lives
and even some meals.
Others try to maintain a "life-as-
normal" attitude, although often with
little success. "It's difficult, but I try
to balance everything," grimaced LSA
sophomore Stephanie Garretano, who
is dealing with nine exams over the
course of three weeks.
Some students more readily admit
defeat. "I didn't have time to prepare
for my last midterm," complained
Larisa Lacis, an LSA sophomore who
had three midterms in a row.
RC sophomore Sam Copi took
another, although not necessarily
unique, tact to his work-load. "I al-
ready dropped one of my classes, and
I'm thinking of dropping another," he
When midterms are over, how-
ever, the tests become a cause for
celebration - an aspect of the exams
far more appreciated than the pain
incurred beforehand. After a tough
week in school, many took the week-
end off to recuperate through various
See EXAMS, Page 2


% I




Supreme Court reconsiders Miranda decision

Supreme Court agreed yesterday to
set new boundaries for its landmark
Miranda ruling on the rights of crimi-
nal suspects by deciding just who
qualifies as a suspect and how police
must respond to vague requests for a
awyer's help.
The justices will use murder cases
from California and South Carolina
to clarify what is still an often-dis-
puted part of law enforcement - the
legal protections accorded people
being questioned by police.
Decisions in both cases are ex-
pected by July.
The court's 1966 ruling in Miranda
vs. Arizona requires police nation-
ide to warn suspects before ques-

tioning them while in custody that
they have a right to remain silent or
get a lawyer's help, and that anything
they say may be used against them.
Generations of movies and televi-
sion shows have made the warnings
Later high court rulings require all
police questioning to stop when crimi-
nal suspects invoke their right to have
a lawyer's help, and bar police from
initiating subsequent interrogation.
But what should police do when a
suspect utters what could be a request
for legal help? Lower courts have
reached differing conclusions.
The U.S. Court of Military Ap-
peals upheld Robert Davis' murder
conviction, ruling that Navy investi-

gators correctly asked him to clarify
his wishes after Davis responded to a
question by wondering aloud whether
he should talk to a lawyer.
Davis was convicted and sen-
tenced to life in prison for the Oct. 3,
1988, murder of Keith Shackleton, a
sailor at Charleston Navy Base in
South Carolina.
Prosecutors said Davis killed
Shackleton by beating him with a
pool cue after Shackleton lost a pool
game and refused to pay a $30 wager.
Davis quickly became a suspect.
He was questioned after waiving his
Miranda rights. But about 80 minutes
into the interrogation, he said, "Maybe
I should talk to a lawyer."
Naval Investigative Service agents

said they immediately stopped ques-
tioning Davis to clarify his request.
They testified that Davis then said,
"No, I'm not asking for a lawyer."
The Court of Military Appeals
upheld the use as evidence of every-
thing Davis told the investigators af-
ter making his comment about talking
to a lawyer.
In the California case, the justices
must decide whether Robert Stansbury
was a suspect in custody when ques-
tioned 11 years ago at a Pomona po-
lice station about the murder of 10-
year-old Robyn Jackson.
Police contended - and the Cali-
fornia Supreme Court agreed - that
Stansbury was not "in custody" for
the first 30 minutes of questioning

because he was not then a "suspect."
The girl was last seen alive talking
to an ice cream truck driver near her
home in Baldwin Park, Calif., on Sept.
28, 1982. Her body was found the
next day in Pasadena.
Stansbury was one of two ice
cream truck drivers who had been in
the area that day. Police went to his
home and asked him to go to the
police station to answer questions.
Stansbury was not given any
Miranda warnings until he made an
incriminating remark about 30 min-
utes into the questioning.
All his comments were used
against him at his trial. He was con-
victed and sentenced to death in
California's gas chamber.

Native American month
s eaker focuses on values $ B~JI

In addition to reconsidering the
Miranda decision yesterday,
the U.S. Supreme Court:
Refused to let Colorado
enforce its anti-gay-rights
amendment while state courts
consider its validity.
Agreed to decide in a case
from Mississippi whether
federal juries must be told a
criminal defendant will be
committed to a mental
hospital, and not be freed, if
found not guilty by reason of
Let Florida judges block
public access to court records
in some criminal cases by
refusing, without comment, to
hear an appeal by newspapers
in that state.
banned for
When Juliet innocently questioned
Romeo, "What's in a name?" she had
no idea what she was asking.
In this year's Michigan Student
Assembly election, a name has taken
on much more importance than even
William Shakespeare could have an-
Assembly candidates who wanted

Native American Heritage Month - a se-
ries of events to celebrate the cultures and
history of America's indigenous people -
began last night with a deep discussion in the
Kuenzel Room of the Union. Joseph Raincrow
Neale, a teacher, counselor, and community
worker, kicked off the Opening Ceremonies by
speaking to a packed crowd about the impor-
tance of family and spiritual values.
Neale worked at American University in
Washington, D.C., for 27 years as director of
American Indian Students, dean of men, and
dean of students. Throughout the course of his
career, he has given countless hours of commu-

"Nobody is better than anybody else," he
said, adding, "If you can learn from the elders,
try not to forget."
The audience was captured by his words,
and gathered in a circle around him. Students
and Ann Arbor residents of all ages and ethnic
backgrounds attended the ceremony, many
wearing Native American jewelry.
"It's wonderful to meet people whose heart
is like your heart," Neale said.
Neale's thesis revolved around four con-
cepts - simplicity, humility, belief and uncon-
ditional love - that he called crucial to spiri-
tual human survival.
"Be who you are," he said. "Don't let people

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