6 - The Michigan Daily -Monday, November 1, 1993 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 ........... .......... LOST A PEARL RING within the last month. If found please contact 996-0351. 386 IBM Desktop BOMB 33MHZ SVGA $599, 386SL Dell Notebook 60MB VGA 10" $1099, 486SL NOTEBOOK 33MHZ 80MB w/fax $1389, MACINTOSH Powerbook-140 4MB 7.1 $1490, 486DX DESKTOP 33MHZ 215MB 4RAM $1099, 286 IBM Desktop 40MB VGA 2FDD $299, Factory warranty&software 313/662-1847. 93 SPECIALIZED ROCKHOPPER new bike. Great for city or trail. $300 AJ 996- 1428. BOOK CASES (3) - 69" H x 41" W x 7" D. Painted. $25 each. 662-6257. BOOKS: BRAND NEW SOFT COVER. 182 pages of hemp information. 2/3 off cover price. $5 to: Books, P.O.Box 15026, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 ERIC'S ACTION SPORTS: Team uniforms and shoes for all indoor sports. 2 blocks off State Street. Call 663-6771. GARGOYLES & GRIFFINS Care free pets. OfGohic Proportions- 668-4670. GARGOYLES & GRIFFINS Care free pets. OfGothic Proportions- 668-4670. LARGE & giant pumpkins $2-$5. Call 668- 6921 after 4 p.m. LARGEST SELECTION of new & used of- fice furniture in the tri-county area with free deliveryr. 475-1130. MAC +, 2 drives, word4, $350. AMIGA 2000 HE, Mac compatible, software & games B.O. Alen 998-0608. MAC QUADRA 950 8/230, 1 mo. old, orig. pkg. $3400/best. James 313-569-4061. MIGHIGAN FOOTBALL TICKETS for sale. 728-8499. MTN. BIKE-BRIDGESTONE MB-2, 49cm, top of the line racer. Never been used off road. Ritchey compts. Deore XT-II, Spe- cialized crank, short bars, Onza bar ends. New 93-$1186,sale $850. 313/548-4958. RENAULT ALLIANCE 1986 4-speed manual. NQ rust. 1st owner. $700 obo 971- 0609. PMt ENT $260-$38. Private room for one or two in a well-maintained campus house. All amenities. Parking avail. Campus Rentals 665-8825. *3 BDRM. APT.- Carpet, Laundry, Parking, Fireplace. Sept. lease 572-1036. *6 BDRM. HOUSES- Carpet, Laundry, Parking, May or Sept. lease. 572-1036. 2 TO 9 BEDROOM furnished houses for Fall 1994. Campus Rentals, 665-8825. S AND 6 BEDROOM HOUSES for 1994. Copi Properties, 663-5609. AVAIL. IMMED. 1-4 Bdrms. in Hse. Best Loc. Church/Willard, Free Pkng., Idry., heat, Furn. A Must See! 769-9966. FORIREN. NICE BEDRM. Kitch-Free Parking- Laundry. Call 662-9111 $290/mo. + $100 Deposit. OAKLAND MANAGEMENT Now leasing houses for May & Sept. 1994. Oakland Management 761-7491. PARKING 665-8825. ROOM FOR RENT Jan-May good location on S. Division. Women only, clean house, big room. Jinnie 668-6794. Price Me. SINGLE APT. Hill/S. Forest. Furnished, lndry, pets allowed, util. inc. Lge. windows, DecJJan.-Sep. Dan 996-4217. X-MAS SPECIAL! Enjoy the New Year in your new 1 bdrm. apt. 1 block from Frieze bldg., MLB, & Rackham. Call 663-1100. 5 AND 6 BEDROOM HOUSES FOR 1994 COPI PROPERTIES 663-5609 GOING ABROAD? Looking for people going abroad in Fall '94 to sublet housing Jan.-Aug. '95. Call Sheri 741-4886 or Nikki 665-8002. I SUBLETOR NEEDED for year-mate left. Spacious 2 bedroom. $310 or b/0. 995-9558. Woodbury Gardens, off Stadium. LOOKS NEED FEMALE! Own room fur- nished great location Hill & Church, winter term. Call now! Amy @ 741-0990 $300/mo. LOOKING TO SUBLET 2nd semester? Huge rm. in a great lc. frn. wprkg. & ldry. 841 E. Univ. call asap Todd, 998-1721. MUST SUBLET! 1 fer n. bdrm. for 2nd semester on Hill St. across from B-school. Great lc., pkng, ldry, cable 741-8384. SUBLET 1 BDRM. APT. Jan.-Aug. Prkg., storage Ig. hitch. near B-School. Quiet, rent neg. hlw. includ. Call 741-5104. SUBLET- Winter '93, 4 bdrm. house on Greenwood, free lndry. & prkg. for 4. Great price! Call Stephanie at 741-1941. WINTER TERM SUBLETI 1 Bdrm. in Beaut. House off E. Univ., Ladry., Pkng., great Housemates--Price Negotiable. Females only. Call Elise 995-3986. SHABAT DINNER AT CHABAD Fri. 6:30 p.m. 715 Hill. Info. 99LEARN. Let's Celebrate in the CLASSIFIEDS! -- Partles Engagements Birthda s promotions Grades - H ACTIVIST STOP Corruption in Government. Campaign staff positions available with Michigan's largest Consumer Rights group. Full time1-10pm & Part time 4-10pm. 60-Day $300/week Call 663-1366. ATITENTION STUDENTS- Hard working individuals needed for light industrial tasks $5 hr. Call Daniel at 677- 6848. Leave message. BABYSITTER NEEDED for 3 mo. old, 5- 15 hrs/wk, hrs flex., in my presence while I study, $4.50/hr. Call 747-3645. BABYSITTER. Enthusiastic, dependable, resourceful, non-smkr. with car. 10-20 hrs./ wk. Elem. ed. or camp counselor background helpful. 663-3223. BAKER'S ASSISTANT, 5-11 p.m. Apply in person, The Moveable Feast, 326 W. Liberty between 9-11 a.m. or 2-5 p.m. BAKERY DELIVERY PERSON 4:30-8:30 a.m. (approx.) Mon.-Sat. apply in person. The Moveable Feast 326 W. Liberty be- tween 9-11 a.m. or 2-5 p.m. CRUISE SHIPS HIRING- Earn up to $2,000+/mo. Summer and career employment available. No experience necessary. For more information 1-206-634- 0468 ext. C5598. EARN CASH stuffing envelopes at home. All materials provided. Send SASE to P.O. Box 395, Olathe, KS 66051. ENGLISH TEACHERS needed in Korea. Teach conversational English to adults & children. B.A. degree required, salary, round trip airfare, housing provided. 1 year contract. Call John 485-1848. NATIONAL CONCERT Promotion/ Marketing company based in LA., seeks responsible, outgoing, music/marketing in- tern based in Ann Arbor, MI. Sophomore or above. Know your market well, be very into music. Call Mary ASAP 213-368-4738. NATIONAL TELEPHONE & COM- MUNICATIONS is looking for qualified managers interested in operating a home- based business, earning thousands per month. Call 761-7372 for an interview/more info. TRAVEL ***FREE TRIPS AND CASH!*** Call us and find out how hundreds of students are already earning FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH with America's #1 Spring Break Company! Choose Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica, Panama, Daytona or Padre! Call now! TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL. (800)328-SAVE or (617)424-8222. AIRLINE TICKETS FREE!? 3/23 Couriers needed 2/15 Outrageous int'l trips 3/22 Call PTG 310-514-4662 3/21. DISNEY BAHAMA CRUISE 8 days/7 nights $298/couple. 407/352-4595 M-F 10am-Spm. JETA WAY TRAVEL welcomes Co. AMEX coupons 1317 South U. 9945921. LOW FARES-London fr. $406, Frankfurt fr. $525, Seoul fr. $789, Tokyo fr. $998. Regen- cy Travel 209 S. State 665-6122. ROMANTIC WINTER HIDEAWAY Cozy log cabins in woods, outdoor hottub. CCX. Traverse City area. $49-69 nightly. Ellis Lake Resort 616/276-9502. SPRING BREAK REPS. wanted Acapulco $509, Jamaica $439, Cancun $539,Nassau $639, Paradise Island $689, Ski Winter Park $599. Other dest. avail. Dan 665-6122 0 Regency Travel 209 S. State. SPRING BREAK '94 SELL TRIPS, EARN CASH & GO FREE!!! Student Travel Ser- vices is now hiring campus reps. Call 800- 648-4849. SPRING BREAK 7 nights from $299 Includes: Air, Hotel, Transfers, Parties and More! NASSAU * PARADISE ISLAND * CANCUN * JAMAICA * SAN JUAN. Organize a small group - Earn FREE trip plus commissions! 1-800GET-SUN-I. STUDENT TRAVEL BREAKS can offer spring break special to Cancun. Stamos Family of Travel. 663-4400. STUDENTS ANYWHERE in the U.S. on Continental fr. $159/$279. Bring your Con- tinental voucher & AMEX card. Diane at Regency Travel 209 S. State 665-6122. ALTERNATIVE BAND seeking experien- ced violinist. Call Charlie 761-3158. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO. 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001. Lessons, repair, music. Tune up & lesson specials. What's free? VIOLET WINE The no-excuse, teeth- removing, make-your-spleen-happy, rock- like-wrapping-a-lemon-peel-around-a-gold- brick-and-banging-your-brains-out-release. Get some. VIOLET WINE. I NEED 40 TIX for Purdue game. Face value! Pat 662-1690 (AIESEC)/ 663-3689. STEAMBOAT, CO airline ticket. for sale from Grand Rapids. Roundtrip Dec. 27 - Jan. 2. Call Kristin 994-1896. FOOD & ENT. Ftr-f lASpek dI For 11w Lkek 1+1 Yor stablsment? Let the srvdents Know 111 Advertising Ithis section the results yw ve Been Hoping FoI Callgt 11t idliPaaull Classifleds at 764-0557formor naflon! 0j* LIONS TIX 4-SALE v. Tampa 11-7 PE RSO>AL reasonable price. Call Craig 930-2970. ADOPTION: Happily Married, UM Grads seek to share their love with white infant. WILL LEASE Talented Young Horse to Legal Confidential. 313-482-3932. ex . rider. May show/event/trails $125/mo., ADOPTION: ABUNDANCE OF LOVE is 112 hr. W.-great riding area 428-8796. waiting for baby we yearn to adopt. Call col- :lect 313-2640244. ROOMMAES . ANN ARBOR COUPLE wishes to adopt a LOOKING FOR NONSMOKING Grad baby. Confidential, OPEN relationship w/ student to share 2 bdrm. apt. w/ male grad birth parents. 1-800-484-8207 code 1155. student. Near Med. school on Huron River. CLEO 15% discount on acne preparations at Avail. 12/93 or 1/94. $287/mo. 668-0757. the Village Apothecary. Get your asp. over ONE MALE ROOMMATE to share 2 there--- Mark. bdrm. apt. on S. Forest Ave. Call 761-9885. ENJOY MASSAGE-Now you can afford tot 45 min.--$20. Azer & Assoc., 663-5333. PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP ... Mii 'feLet us help you choose life. 769-7283. style food and the world's hottest sauces. 333 XEROX COPIES 4 cents and less E. Huron, 761-6650. Accu-Copy 402 Maynard 769-8338. : " :.:, ": ", ..TROPICAL FISH & aquariums galore! The ; Fish Dr.'s; 2701 Washtenaw. 4341030. AVAIL. JANUARY furn. 2 bedrooms- 2 left- 2 great locations! Call Varsity Manage- THO...T....THE ..A . ment 668-1100 or after 5 pm. 668-0283. "WE DRAW LINES and stand behind AVAIL. NOW - Hill/Division. Large Room them. That's why flags are such ugly things, + + +. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-0624. that they should never touch the ground." - *94*t95 Fugazi. Campus Apts. & Houses STUDENT.......: SERVICES..........:. ' ** SANDI'S WORD PROCESSING ** Resumes - Theses - PhD - Law. 426-5217. IIt' Management FOR ACCOUNTING and math tutoring call 6772075l*7 BURNS PARK 4 bdrm. apt. individual rooms $325/person per month. Includes all util. Shared Idry. facilities & appliances. No smokers or pets. Call Lois ilman 663- 0452.. CAMPUS 2 BEDROOM Available immediately. Dishwasher. Parking. $700 includes heat and water. Call Today 665-8825. GALLATIN MANOR-E. William/Division avail. now 1-bdrm. apt. w/sec. buzzer, laundry & storage. Gallatin Realty Co. 994- 0624. NEAR LAW & BUSINESS schools '94-'95 leases. Beautiful large homes. 663-1370. TYPING: Resumes, cover letters, & applications. A2 Typing. Call 994-5515. i AA CRUISE & travel jobs. Earn $2500/mo. + travel the world free (Caribbean, Europe, Hawaii, Asia). Cruise lines now hiring for busy holiday, spring and summer seasons. Guaranteed employment! Call (919) 929- 4398 ext. 2. PRT-TIMEh elp needed. Kitchen and waitstaff. N. Campus area. T.-Sat. 10:30-4. Will train. Call 663-2454 after 3 p.m. PART-TIME/FULL-TIME Earn $8-$10 per hour. Due to expansion, International Company now has immediate PT/FT openings in marketing, advertising, display, management training and health-fitness. Flexible hours. Call (313)422-2498. RETAIL AUDITOR POSITION Part Time, 14 Hr/Wk, $7-$10/Hr. Audit in Ann Arbor/Detroit Area. No Exp. Req. Automobile Req. Call Collect at 805/563-2512. RETAIL CLERKS. Meijer now has part- time positions in the following areas: Food Services, General Merchandise, Grocery, Guest Services, and Receiving. Apply at the Service Desk. Meijer, Inc. 3145 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 or 3825 Carpenter Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Meijer...Providing Equal Opportunity to a Diverse Workforce. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male student or professional 20-40 years of age we need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac- ceptable specimens. For further information please write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. TASP INTERNATIONAL IS NOW HIRING Highly motivated students to fill management positions in Michigan next summer. Base Salary of $3,000, average ear- nings $8,000. Positions are open across Michigan, particularly in Farmington Hills, Monroe, Ann Arbor, Bloomfield, Grosse Pte, and Rochester. Positions are filling quickly, Call 1-800-543-3792 for more information. THE COLORWORKS Collegiate Painters is now interviewing college students for sum- mer 94 management positions. A resume- building job w/tremendous earning potential. To explore job opportunities avail. w/l'he ColorWorks call 1-800.477-1001 & talk w/a campus representative. WARM ENTHUSIASTIC childcare household assistance needed for busy family with boys age 8,5, & 2. 35-40 hrs./wk., mi. from Jan.-July mostly afternoons & early evening. Reliable car, non-smoker, referen- ces regd. Great pay 662-4366. WENDY'S IS NOW HIRING. Get the best in the business. Compare ours to all others. Join America's quality restaurant team at Wendy's. Crew positions available for full & part-time breakfast, lunch, evening & closing shifts. We offer: *$.25 raise after 30 days *$.25 raise after completion of 6 week train- ing Competive starting wage * Freemealsve * Free uniforms * Performance & wage reviews * Friendly working environment Stop by and fill out an application and see how you can begin a rewarding and respon- sible opportunity with America's leading res- taurant team. Apply at University of Michigan Union Wendy's. *TYPING** Anything you need we can do and Fast! Call anytime. Nicole 769-9966. EARN $$$ w/Co puters. Free sample news letter from Team PC sales. Call 319/338- 7313. D .. . . . .. . . . . a .......... . . .. . . . . . . . . . 10s, set *00e5best *st ad slik te Ote 0 il DOW ~ better .a FN *ca" .... .. ...... g 0, DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 1 Composer of "Giselle" 5 Queen of the gods 9 Sink 14 "- Man": Estevez film 15 Spoken 16 "...- of do or die" 17 Kids' adventure series on radio and TV 20 Distributes 21 - nova 22 Once called 23 Type of energy 26 Hep or Siamese 29 Gaelic 31 Re followers 32 Small change 34 Admit 37 Main arteries 38 Porter classic 40 Full of mud 42 Perch 43 Rickey bases 44 Time span: Abbr. 45 Salamanders 49 Referendum choice 50 Diner 53 Letter after pi 6 West or East 71 81 91 10+ 1 1 12: 13+ end Ewe's mate Excuses Forbids Galatea's lover Wisdom Small or tall ending After taxes 40 Foxy 41 Fib 44 Forty winks 46 Terror 47 Pass - 48 Raid 50 Actor Wallach 51 Nasal 52 Itch 55 Simon or Diamond 56 Catch sight of 58 Ceremony 59 Palindromic nickname 60 61, to Cato 61 Pod or corn start 62 Broadway success If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then maybe you should look into the new Ad Production Department at The Michigan Daily. Stop by The Student Publications Bldng, 2nd Floor @ 420 Maynard for an application. Or call Mike @ 764-0556 between 1:00-3:00 PM for more info. - 18 - loss 19; 24 Severinsen, familiarly Delete 25 Mosque feature 27 Santa - 28 Half a deadly fly 30 Skip over 32 Food fish .33 Speechify 35 They make omelets 36 "...- will be done" 37 Brouhaha ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: CLAP SHAFT SCOT P A LL CE L IA PON E ATOI SALLE RAND THINKINGOUTLOUDl EOS INION DISE S ST I-GT F AB LE O' A M E S EL M S M E USE S LE U TH S ARTE CRAIG RHOS LEOS TEPE 1E SAGE 10/29/93 e 1. Complete each section below. 2. Make out a check payable to VRt idjIu Jaig. We accept local peronsl checks, business checks & money orders. (No starter checks please). Sorry, No RfUnds. 3. Drop your check and this form into an envelope, send them to the above address & you've got an ad 38 39 <:< .Tex:t (pl.ease llw sa.lbtwe ords :an4 ifter unctatin .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .P . : .::. : .: : .: ..: : : .: .. . Dunce One little piggy had it? .............................. I .- .- I.- I.- l- .1.1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . v - - 0 'U U U U U U 3 U --.-. .-.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f .I--tt 1- _ _ I _ _ _ . 1!A _,-- - I 1 1 I I" I I I I I I Help Wanted 150. Tickets