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October 29, 1993 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-29

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 29,1993- 5

*Careers in health
care aid students

While President Clinton pushes
his health care reforms in Washing-
ton, University students are also plot-
ting ways to make a difference in our
nation's health care system.
At yesterday's Minority Health
Science CareerDay, studentsexplored
the possibilities of a career in areas
such as pharmacy, engineering, medi-
cine and nursing.
"This is definitely the time to be
going into health care," said Daniel
Edmonds, a School of Public Health
Karen Wittkopp, who coordinated
the event, stressed that the program
was a unique forum for students to
share anxieties and expectations about
career options.
"The intent today is to have stu-
dents speak to other students about
how they got where they are and where
they see their professional careers
headed," said Wittkopp, senior ad-
missions counselor for the College of
Pharmacy. "The program is intended
to be student oriented with an honest
reflection on their experiences."
In addition to listening to a panel
discussion, students talked with ad-
mission representatives about their
"I'm here today because I'm look-
ing for avenues to find more informa-
tion about pursuing my M.D., and
eventually my Ph.D.," said Jamar
Holloway, an LSA junior. "I want to

be sure this is what I want to do."
Panel participants stressed there
are many options besides becoming a
physician if students aspire tobehealth
care reformers.
"I learned through various intern-
ships that there were many things I
could do in health care without being
a clinician," Edmonds said.
Public Health graduate student
Robin Levine agreed.
"Public health involves everything
from environmental issues to teen
pregnancy," Levine said. "And with
Clinton's current health care reform
on the horizon, now is the time for this
But students realize the intense
workload of graduate school can be
extremely intimidating.
"Unfortunately many students are
deterred by biology, chemistry or
physics," commented Syreeta
Cheaton, an Engineering junior. "I'm
considering engineering research and
pharmacy, but biology is the onething
holding me back from med school."
Panelists also shared theirmotiva-
tions for entering the health care arena.
"One reason I pursued pharmacy
was because of the instant job oppor-
tunities, in addition to financial ben-
efits," said James Rawls, a second-
year Pharmacy student. He added that
starting salaries can range from
But money is not the only factor
attracting students to theseprofessions.
"I've always been drawn to sur-

Students share
joy with childrei
fi. V
Halloween spirit flourishes at Mott
By DAVID SHEPARDSON when they were leaving.
DAILY STAFF REPORTER one doctor, dressed as Bata
For months now, debate on the was joined by a 4-year-old pati
president's health care plan has fo- dressed as Robin. Together theye
cused on abstract concepts. But pre- tertained students and other patien
med students visited Mott's In nearly eachroomthesamesce
Children's Hospital last night to dole repeated-mothers sitting with th
out Halloween candy and illustrate sick children for hours.
why they want so desperately to be Tyrone, 2, from Jackson, dress
doctors. as a Native American, sat withI
Children, with painted faces and mom playing tic-tac-toe and tall
pumpkins too big for them to hold, about Barney and Aladdin, who h
listened to nearly 50 students sing visited earlier in the day.
Halloween carols, pass out candy and Inanotherroomdownthehall,Hai
try to cheer them up. 5, from Cornna, Mich., who wore
Dressed as a giant yellow Crayola "I'm Purrfect" nightgown, lay in bed
crayon, Taryn Weissman, an LSA verish as her mother, Jety, wipedI
first-year student expressed senti- forehead with a wet cloth.
ments felt by most in attendance. "It can be really hard, going ba
"It's great. I came down to cheer andforth,"Jerry said, noting them
up the children because I love chil- hour-and-a-half drives to and fr
dren," she said, trying to keep her the hospital. "Every time she goesc
cone hat upright. of the hospital, it seems like shecom
Amy Guralnick, an LSA first-year right back in."
student, who hurriedly decided to Perfectingtheirrepertoireastheni
dress as Princess Leia, replete with went on, the pre-med students sang H
red Converse hightops and her hair loweencarols tothe tuneofholidayso
tied up like danishes, said she came to like"The TwelveDaysofChristnas"
cheer up the children. 'Winter Wondeuland."
"It is a great opportunity for those Brian, 7, was asked by the stud
of us who plan to be doctors someday whyhewaswearingatheT-shirtofar
to see real patients," Guralnick said. school, Michigan State University.
Before visiting patients, students Comparing his feelings aboutt
were told not to ask the children why school and cancer, without pau
they were in the hospital, whether Brian replied, "Why, because I h
they were going trick or treating or radiation tonight."



Rackham student Demress Stockman speaks about her experiences in the
health care field as part of the Minority Health Science Career Day.

gery," said Monique Reeves, a sec-
ond-year Medical student. "The abil-
ity to cure people by cutting them
intrigues me."
In closing the program, Kerin
McQuaid Borland of Career Planning

and Placement offered words of in-
spiration to the undergraduates.
"What you have seen are plans
and dreams in action," Borland said.
"Use resources such as this to help
plan and organize your own goals."

'U' conference meets to discuss
,African American unification



Last February, a group of Univer-
sity students met with a goal: to work
toward fixing what they saw as a lack
of campus opportunities for compre-
hensive African American unity.
The original group - less than 10
students - decided to organize a fo-
rum that would allow African Ameri-
cat students "to interact in a positive
way and learn something at the same
time," said Business School junior
Tamika Curry.
The product of the students' vi-
sion is "The African American Stu-
dent Leadership Conference - Suc-
cess in the 21st Century," to be held
tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the

North Campus Commons.
The conference will kick off with
workshops on professional and per-
sonal development topics that include
networking, financial matters, time
management, conflict resolution and
effective communication.
After lunch, students will listen to
Dennis Rahim Watson, a motivational
speaker from New York. Watson will
discuss success in the 21st century.
University alumni Geneva
Smitherman, now a professor at
Michigan State University, will speak
on the topic of African American unity
after the afternoon workshops.
Students will have the opportu-
nity to meet the guest speakers, Uni-
versity faculty and other students at a

reception for conference attendees.
Curry said the number of students
working on the conference has grown
substantially since February, and she
and the other conference planners are
hoping for 200 attendees. Students can
register until the day of the conference.
The group organizing the conference,
The Committee for African American
Student Leadership Developement, re-
sulted from planning the conferenceand is
can organizations on campus, Curry said.
As partof the publicity for the confer-
ence, however, the committee contacted
otherAflican Americanorganizationsand
invited them to send delegates. Response
from other groups, as well as individual
students, has been positive, she said.


Not rain nor heavy winds can stop this window cleaner from doing his work at the Medical Center yesterday.

'Outward Bound teaches care for environment

Sea breezes help firefighters
battle wildfires in California

This winter, as the snow starts
falling andthe temperatures startdrop-
ping, many University students will
begin preparing for hibernation.
The Voyageur Outward Bound
School offers an alternative for stu-
dents wishing to break free of the
monotonous cycle of winter idleness.
Students who join this program will
find themselves either dog-sledding
and cross-country skiing in Minne-
sota or white-water canoeing, rock-
climbing and desert backpacking in
Texas. And get credit for it.
"The whole thing is a learning
experience.... Our classroom is very
'big," said Kim Marshall, a trip coor-
dinator at the school.
According toits mission statement,

the VoyageurOutward Bound School
was founded in 1964 to "conduct a
safe, adventure-based educational
experience, structured to inspire and
develop self-esteem, self-reliance,
concern for others and care for the
environment." The school conducts
wilderness courses in Texas, Mon-
tana, New Mexico, Manitoba and
Marshall said the school welcomes
college studentsespecially those study-
ing geology and natural resources, but
the program is open to anyone over the
age of 14, with no upper-age limit.
Students learn "environmental ethics
and communication and leadership
skills" through what she terms "experi-
ential education."
Lawrence Kovacs, a sales repre-
sentative for Bivouac who has been

an instructor for an Outward Bound
program for the last four years, agreed
that the program provides a unique
learning experience for students.
"Through the course of the pro-
gram, you learn a lot about working
with others and you also learn a lot
about yourself," said Kovacs.
"The program offers a unique op-
portunity to be in a challenging set-
ting, and by the end of the program,
you learn that you're capable of more
than you thought you were."
This winter, the school will be con-
ducting courses in both Minnesota and
Texas. A $5,000 fee covers a semester
of instruction, equipment, food, insur-
ance and any other incidental expenses.
It does not cover clothing and footwear.
Studentsmustalsofind their own trans-
portation to the nearest "starting point"

(which, for University students, is
Duluth, Minn.).
Students can also receive academic
credit for the program, but it is up to
them to develop their own indepen-
dent study contracts.
Kovacs said participants get their
money's worth.
"There's no way you could do the
things we do (in the Outward Bound
programs) on your own for the same
price, using such top-notch gear, and
having the whole thing so well orga-
nized," Kovacs said. "Outward Bound
provides the necessary structure and
organization to make it a challenging
experience with minimal danger."

- Stubborn strips of flame zigzagged
through Southern California yester-
day as cool sea breezes helped
firefighters gain ground against a
firestorm that destroyed nearly 600
homes and burned 116,000 acres.
President Clinton declared disas-
ters in five counties and federal agen-
cies organized help for25,000displaced.
Police hunted the arsonists responsible
for some of the fires andpatrolledneigh-
borhoods to prevent looting.
Cool sea breezes signaled an end
to the hot, dry Santa Ana condition

that on Wednesday fanned 13 blazes
into firestorms from VenturaCounty,.
north of Los Angeles, to the U.S.
Mexicoborder. The gusty winds blow
through Southern Californiaevery fall
from the deserts east of Los Angeles.
Altogether, dozensoffirefighterswere
hurt, and two remained in serious ctmdi:
tion yesterday. Thousands of others wet:
exhausted by all-night struggles.
By yesterday, firefighters hadcont
tained more than half of the 10,000-ame
fire in Laguna Beach, 40 miles southeast
of Los Angeles. Police said the cause was





U Czeslaw Milosz, poetry reading,
Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m.
O Dean of Student's Office, open
office hours, 3000 Michigan
Union, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
. Grads and Young Profession-
als Veggie Shabbat Potluck,
sponsored by the Jewish Law
Students Union, call 769-0500
for details, Law Quad, 7:30 p.m.
3 Korean Campus Crusade for
Christ, fellowship meeting,
Campus Chapel, 1236
Washtenaw Ct., 8 p.m.
3 Founder's Day Dance, spon-
sored by Phi Sigma Pi, Michi-
gan Union, Anderson Room, 9
p.m. - 12 a.m.
J Jonathan Edwards in Histori-

3711,West Quad, room K-103,
11 am-4 p.m.
Q Safewalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, UGLi, lobby,
936-1000, 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m.
Q Saint Mary Student Parish,
campus prayer group, 7 p.m.,
rosary group, 7:30 p.m., 331
U Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
everyone welcome, CCRB,
room 2275, 6-7 p.m.
U Students Concerned About
Animal Rights, meeting, Cafe
Fino on South University Av-
enue, 5 p.m.
Q Tae Kwon Do Club, everyone
welcome, CCRB, room 2275,
7-9 p.m.
Q US/UN Out of Somalia. rally.

9-10 a.m.; resume writing, 10-
11 a.m.; interviewing, 11 a.m.-
12 p.m.;sponsored by Career
Planing and Placement, 3200
Student Activities Building.
U Safewalk Nighttime Safety
Walking Service, UGLi, lobby,
936-1000, 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m.
U Christian Life Church Sunday
Service, School of Education,
Schorling Auditorium, 11 a.m.
Q Jonathan Edwards in Histori-
cal Perspective, Michigan
League, Hussey Room, 10 a.m.
- 12:30 p.m.
U Palestinian Dabkeh, sponsored
by Arab-American Student's
Association, Michigan Union.



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