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October 28, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-28

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 28, 1993

Dean of Students
provides answers
in evening hours

Clinton unveils health care plan to
harsh criticism from legislators


Running between classes, visiting
professors, studying at the library,
and participating in extracurricular
activities keep typical University stu-
dents busy.
When problems arise - with fi-
nances, interpersonal relationships or
academic concerns -finding time to
resolve them can be difficult. But
students no longer have to squeeze in
appointments at different offices all
over campus during the school day.
They can stop in at the Dean of
Students Office, located at 3000
Michigan Union, during its evening
hours. Staff is available to help stu-
dents until 9p.m. Tuesdays and Thurs-
The office is home to four Univer-
sity administrators, numerous coun-
selors and the University's ombuds-
man, Don Perigo, who helps students
with academic and financial aid prob-
The Dean of Students Office has
been helping students during the eve-
nings since its inception last year.
Dean ofStudents Royster Harper, who
also serves as Associate Vice Presi-
dent for Student Affairs, said the ex-
tended hours are necessary in order
for the office to serve students.
"We wanted to have the late hours
because we have (students who are)

single parents, and students who work.
We wanted to have time that might
work better for students, and which
allows us to focus on them," she said.
"The extended hours allow for
flexibility of students. It gives them
another option in terms of time,"
Harper added.
Three associate deans work in the
office: Deloris Sloan, who counsels
students; Richard Carter, who handles
minority affairs issues; and Frank
Cianciola, who is in charge of student
programs and activities. One associ-
ate remains in the office with Harper
during the extended hours.
Harper said she aims to make the
office " a ready, available source of
help for students."
She added that the office does not
want to "shuttle students from one
office to another" in search of a solu-
tion to their problems, but offer good
referrals to a place that might help if
the Dean of Students Office can't.
LSA senior James Campbell has
been taking advantage of the extended
hours to gain assistance with plan-
ning an upcoming talent showcase.
"It's hard to meet with (the deans)
during the day because they're so
busy and you might be rushing to
class," Campbell said.
Carter encouraged students to use
the office's extended hours.
"We're here to be supportive and

follow up about a student's problem
when necessary," Carter said. "We
serve as generalists to facilitate reso-
lutions to any problems students bring
The deans also hope to fix what
students see as problems with the
Harper commented, "We're try-
ing to have a better idea of what's not
working for students, so that Dean of
Students office can make it work."
The extra hours afford the deans
the time to thoroughly analyze these
problems and create realistic solu-
tions, she said. For example, the deans
worked with several student groups
last year to help control crowds on
South University Avenue during the
NCAA basketball finals.
Harper said the number of stu-
dents utilizing the office is on an
upswing. Between six and seven stu-
dents come in each night, she said,
adding that large groups occasionally
visit for help in planning projects.
"We have more students now than
ayear ago," she said. "Traffic is busier,
but, clearly not enough students know
about it!"

ing a " new era of security for every
American," President Clinton hand-
carried his revised health care plan to
Congress yesterday and urged pas-
sage within a year.
Clinton won't "get the full bite of
the apple," said House Republican
Leader Bob Michel. He added that
there are "substantive and profound
policy differences" over many ele-
ments in the plan assembled by First
Lady Hillary Clinton.
"Oh, it's so complex and convo-
luted, we'll probably go through it
section by section and change it,"
said Democrat Pete Stark, a House
Ways and Means subcommittee chair.
Clinton presented the plan in the
Capitol's ornate Statuary Hall.
Delivery of the 1,300-page plan
reignited the debate over Clinton's
approach. It sparked little fire fights
yesterday in a preview of the big
battles to come between the
president's hard-core supporters and
foes on Capitol Hill.
It could be August 1994 or later
before Congress acts.
"Circus fanfare" was how House
Minority Whip Newt Gingrich (R-
Ga.) described the president's cer-
According to a White House list,
29 senators and 43 House members
are cosponsoring the president's plan.
The list includes critics who plan on
making big changes, such as Stark
and fellow California Democrat Henry
Waxman, chair of a House Energy
and Commerce subcommittee.

'That is the bill I want
to sign. That Is my
bottom line. I will not
... sign a bill that does
not meet that criteria.'
- President Clinton
"It's a little bit more expensive
and a little more government than the
American people can get excited
about," said Rep. Charles Stenholm
(D-Texas) one of the conservative
"The major players have rejected
incrementalism," said Sen. Edward
Kennedy (D-Mass.)
Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole
(R-Kan.) predicted that a final health
carebill wouldn'tmuch resemble any
of the plans that had been proposed so
Clinton delivered the proposal in
a showy ceremony with about 70 law-
makers standing behind him. Front
and center was the only Republican
who has signed on, Sen. James
Jeffords of Vermont.
Clinton gave a shortened, repeat
performance of his speech to the na-
tion five weeks ago when he outlined
a need to reform the nation's $900

billion health care system.
The White House has retooled the
"plan so that itpostpones the guarantee
of universal coverage for a year and
limits federal subsidies for medical
care. Other numbers have changed,
too, such as how much the White
House is counting on out of Medicaid
Also, the final version would de-
mand that drug manufacturers give
the government rebates of at least 17
percent on drugs sold to Medicare
patients. The draft plan had indicated
a 15 percent rebate.
The administration has said part
of the costof the plan would be met by
raising cigarette taxes 75 cents per
Clinton welcomed a debate over
the details, but he said he wouldn't
back down on guaranteeing every
American a comprehensive package
of health benefits-" insurance that's
always there."
"That is the bill I want to sign, that
is my bottom line," Clinton said. "I
will not support or sign a bill that does
not meet that criteria."
Mrs. Clinton called the legislation
"a framework off of which to work"
and urged legislators to subject all
competing health proposals to the
"highest level of scrutiny."



Continued from page 12

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Jothe Team


SusanaPass, injuring four firefighters,
three critically. That blaze charred
300 acres and destroyed one struc-
A third Ventura County fire
charred more than 50 acres near Santa
In Orange County, a 300-acre fire
damaged 31 homes in Anaheim Hills
and Villa Park. Firefighters stood
guard as winds whirled hot embers
around houses, lighting spot fires.
In San Bernar County, a 2,300-
acre blaze caused by downed power
lines destroyed or damaged at least 20

Fires destroyed acres
of land and scores of
homes in Southern
California yesterday.
Six firefighters were
injured in the blaze. At
least 500 homes were
structures in Yucaipa and forced
schools to close.
A 3,000-acre fire burned two
homes in Escondido in San Diego
County and threatened others.

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Continued from page1
tortoise shell, will generate around
13,000 watts - the equivalent watt-
age output of a portable hairdryer.
This hairdryer will be able to blow
the vehicle over baking asphalt at up
to 60 mph.
Another component to a winning
formula is knowing the terrain and
weather conditions the sun-racers will
encounter. The University's team
therefore includes two meteorologists
who have a computer linkup with a
weather station to receive constant
satellite updates.
To acquaint themselves with the
terrain, members of the University's
team drove a van along the race route
in reverse.
"We want to know about every
hill, stop sign, passing lane, traffic
light and dead kangaroo along the

'We want to know
about every hill, stop
sign, passing lane,
traffic light and dead
kangaroo along the
- Furqan Nazeeri
project manager
highway," said Nazeeri.
The team and solar car were ac-
companied to Australia by a semi-rig
and 40 crates of supplies, including
the Coleman-donated camping equip-
ment to be used for roadside camping
and cookouts during the race.
The logistics are complex, the
humidity and 110 degree tempera-
tures brutal and the competition fierce.
But Nazeeri said his team "intends to
show the world what Michigan stu-
dents can do."




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