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October 27, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-27

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2- Th McOhgmn Duily --wdnd, Octobr 27,1993

trt fom f wnm I
dIon, "Whatdopeoplewantinamate?"
Bussdraws on approximately 50 stud-
ies covering 37 cultures to reach his
"The scope of the project kept
mushrooming as I realized the scope
of the question," Buss said.
Buss found there are universal
qualities people look for in a partner.
"Basically, everybody wants a mate
who is intelligent, kind, dependable,
and who they really love," he said.
Michaels said listening to Buss
reinforced her belief in his findings.
"I think there are so many univer-

sals across such diversecultures,"she
said. "Stuff we don't want to believe,
we are forced to because it's true frim
Zulus to Eskimos."
What's so controversial?
"The ideaofahuman nature," Buss
said. "The idea that people in different
culturesaremorealike than we've been
brought up to think, and the idea that
men and women differ in some fiuda-
mental ways.
"Thatgoes against the predominant
thinking in social science, and I'm sure
that will cause a stir," Buss added.
Women world-wide look for "re-
source acquisition"-themate's social
and financial status, ambition, and ma-
turity -Buss said.
Men, on the other hand, universally

search for youth and physical attrac-
tion, he said.
John Soderberg, an LSA junior and
one of the students interviewed yester-
day, said he has a slightly different
"Physical attraction gets the atten-
tion first of all, but there's got to be
something more than that if it's going to
last," Soderberg said.
LSA senior Brent Frederick, who
also spoke to the ABC crew, said he
the best people to ask. "I think when
you're a college student, most people
aren't looking for a mate anyway," he
said. "If they find someone they get
really close to, then that can happen."
Michaels said the interviews with
University students revealed much
maturity on the subject of love. "'Ibey
were amazingly wise and articulate,"
she said.

Liberals sweep in
Canadian elections

TORONTO (AP) -The Liber-
als vanquished their rivals with a
landslide election victory, but the
strength of their win won't make
Canada's struggle for renewal any
The first stage of Liberal leader
Jean Chretien's plan has been ac-
complished. The Conservatives are
gone, reduced to just two seats in
the 295-seat House of Commons.
Chretien is a Quebec lawyer with
more than 30 years experience in
the federal government. His plan is
to put up $1.5 billion to public works
projects. The provinces and munici-

palities would be expected to chip
in another $2 billion each to create
120,000 jobs over two years.
Ile will also have to consider his
vow to renegotiate the North Ameri-
can Free Trade Agreement with the
United States and Mexico.
Monday's election gave the left-
of-center Liberals 178 seats in the
House of Commons. The separatist
Bloc Qudb6ecois won 54 seats and
will become the official opposition
if recounts in some close races don't
alter the numbers.
Kim Campbell placed third in
her Vancouver Island district.

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Contnued from page 1
probably didnothave any confidence
in the grievance process," he said.
Indeed, Phinney did compare the
failure of the grievance procedure to
the failure of the misconduct commit-
tees formed to investigate her case.
"It works exactly the same way
for the grievance committee as it does
for the misconduct committee. The
people they put on these have a con-
flict of interest. They have a vested
interest to protect the person accused
against the accuser," Phinney said.
She added that money could
change this.
"Money drives the system. They're
trying to protect money, power, sta-
tus and prestige and they have to do
that by revictimizing the victim and
shutting them up," Phinney added.
Phinney said the increase in com-
plaints represents a serious problem.
"These things shouldn't get to the
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level of lawsuits, they shouldn't get
to the level of grievances," she said.
"Somebody should step in when
there's a problem and fix it long be-
fore it becomes a grievance."
She explained why she thinks the
number of grievances has increased.
"What the University does is
equivalent to hitting someone with
the car and instead of doing the right
thing and taking them to the hospital,
they backupand run over them again,"
Phinney said.
Jon Birge, vice president of the
University's Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs
(SACUA) said that organization has
looked into the grievance process.
But Dawson said the University
has no plans to change the policy.
"There aren't any special discus-
sions going on at this time about re-
vising the policy," she said,
Continued from page I
because they're all engineering stu-
dents," Winick added. "They'll give
you exact coordinates to where you
need to go."
Engineering junior Brian Bishop
smiled at Winick's remark, but added
he thought having an MSA meeting in
Bursley's lobby was a bit silly.
"There's no chairs," Bishop said.
Even with the overwhelming num-
ber of absences, both MSA and its
student observers said they were sur-
prised the time passed so quickly.
Students who attended the meeting
for Communications 290 said they
were disappointed it ended so fast.
"The assignment was to explain
what happens at a meeting like this,"
said LSA junior Lola Winoto. "It's
Kinesiology Rep. Dani Walsh said
she thought MSA President Craig
Greenberg was kidding when he ad-
journed the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
" I thought it was a joke. After hav-
ing five-hour meetings every week, I
expected Craig to hit his gavel and say
'Psych!"' Walsh said.

Continued from page i
Medical Center said, "My own opin-
ion on the issue is that society isn't
ready for this and so we shouldn't do
it," he said.
"It's because we aren't prepared
to deal with the ethical problems-is
it OK for some research teams to
make multiple copies of the same
individual. Before it can be contem-
plated, there ought to be a lot of dis-
cussion: What does it mean? What's
the downside?" Brewer added.
The Foundation of Economic
Trends, a biotechnology watchdog
group, and its president, Jeremy
Rifkin, denounced the human embry-
onic cloning experiments conducted
by researchers at George Washington
Continued from page 1
City Council Monday night.
Ann Arbor currently receives no
state or federal funding for AIDS treat-
Millions ofdollars are available in
federal grants named in honor of Ryan
White, a boy who died of AIDS com-
plications from a blood transfusion.
"This money is waiting for us to
establish a mechanism for receiving
it," said Jared Rosenthal, a graduate
student in the University's School of
Public Health and memberofthe HIV/
AIDS Task Force.
In comments to the Council,
Rosenthal urged "more pressure to
establish a consortium, and Ann Ar-
bor should be a major part of it."
CouncilmemberLarry Hunter (D-
1st Ward) said he'd sponsor aresolu-
tion committing the Council to the
establishment of an AIDS consortium.
Several other councilmembers voiced
their approval.
If a consortium is formed, its first
Continued from page 1
We try to give people something to
think about and raise awareness."
The audience enthusiastically
raised questions and discussed con-
"I thought it was excellent," said
Chris Visel, an Ann Arbor citizen. "I
was really amazed athow little people
knew, especially that you can get HIV
from oral sex. It really surprised me,
especially students from this liberal

University Medical Center.
The human cloning "represents a
pernicious form of eugenics," Rifkin
said in a press release Monday.
Rifkin's group threatened to file
lawsuits if the National Institute of
Health does not stop all federal spon-
sorship of human embryo research.
"No such experiments should be*
allowedin theUnited States orfunded
by the U.S. government," he said.
However, Cohen said he isn't
worried about possible abuse of ge-
netic cloning. "Many physicians are
conservative in these matters and the
likelihood of technological abuse is
virtually nil," he said.
"The cries of fright comes froma
position of ignorance of medical sci-
ence," he added.
- The Associated Press
contributed to this report
task willbe to gauge the extent of ADS
in the region. There are at least 100
AIDS cases in Washtenaw County, but
obtaining accurate estimates is nearly
impossible, Citrin said0
Once that study is completed, the,
consortium would qualify for grants
home-andcommunity-based sere
vices for people with HIV/AIDS;
medical treatments that prolong
health services such as prescrip-
tion drugs, rehabilitation, home health
care, hospice care and case manage-0
ment; and,
0 support services including trans-
portation, attendant care, respite care,
nutrition and housing referrals.
University students with AIDS who
live in off-campus housing may im
among the first to benefit from feder
funding, said task force member Jim
"Depending on the individual situ-
ation, it could make low-income hous-@
ing much more affordable as people
with AIDS would qualify in terms of
disability," he said in an interview,,
of a university."
Piracha said the troupe tries to be
student-oriented, using examplesfrom
college life, including poor sexual
judgment caused by drinking and
multiple partners.
"I think students often choose not
to be aware - I mean, who wants to
think about it? What people need to
realize is that it's not a choice; we
need to be aware," said Emma
Kleerekoper, assistant director.
Piracha added, "You cannot at-
tach morality to a disease. Everyone
is at risk."


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E IO I Ls D b w dtrNEWS MONS". Peerle, NlwftEdS
EDITORS: Hope Calat, Lauren Demer, Kam Sabi, Puvi Shah
STAFF: Adam Anger Jonathaen Sam*, Janet Swlditt, James Cho, Jen DP~ssclo, *EhEihorn, Mlcheile Rakue, Ronnie G(aasberg Soma
Gupta, Mkchele atty QGeg Noey, Nate Hurley, Katie Nutduins, Sarah Kliio, Rady Lebowitz, Peter Matthews, Will MoCahilt, Bry Midde,
S ,elley Mg son, James Nash, MonaQt* e, David Rhebigld. Jue Robhn , David Sheperdaon, Karen Taiasid, Andrw Talor,
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CALENDAR EDITORS: Jonathan Bemdt, Andrew Taylor
EDITORIAL PAGE Andrew Levy, Edtor
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: SamPGoodstehn, Flint Wahss
STAFF: Julie feduer, Cathy 9ogalaski, Eugene Boween. Jesse Wrouiird, Patic Javid, Judilt Kfika, Rus" Koonki, SOn Lasser, Ian
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SPORTS ., .an . btgo.Mpa. W ngft er.,..
ECXTORS: 9mBrett, Adam MiOWe, Chad A. Safran. Ken Surau
STAFF: ob Abrmson, Rachel Bodwnan, Paul Bar, Tom Sausam, as eov", Scott W#W, AnyDe Korte, OmeEveren.
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Ratner, Jon R. Rybook. Andrew Schoaer, Dik Sdwulze. KhinniSchwestr, Eric Sonene, Sarah Stewart, Michael Thompson, Metl
Thorbum, Aexandra Twin, Ted Watts.
pmnm Ywla5L a _ dlR r&




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