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October 26, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-26

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
U' 'requests $15 million state aid increase

* With the state ready to give universities a
funding increase for the first time in two
years, the University made its annual pitch for
an increase in its state appropriation Friday.
The University Board of Regents formally
approved the 1994-95 state budget request of
$289 million, which includes an additional
$15.3 million and represents an increase of
5.6 percent. Much of the increase is for infla-

tion, but $3.5 million is for maintenance costs.
In an interview Friday, Rep. Kirk Profit
(D-Ypsilanti), co-chair of the House educa-
tion committee said a 3-percent increase in
higher education is expected this year.
"With changing priorities at the state level,
we can look at a 3-percent across-the-board
increase in funding," he said, noting that while
higher education funding has remained stag-
nant, the state corrections budget has been
increased by 14 percent.

In a statement, Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs Gilbert Whitaker said
the University should be applauded for its
absorption of two years of state budget freezes.
"The University and its tuition payers have
been 'good soldiers' during this difficult pe-
riod in the state's history," Whitaker said.
Officials said the "real value of the
University's appropriation" has been allowed
to decline by $31 million, or 10.5 percent
since 1988.

"The burden of unavoidable cost increases
has fallen on the shoulders of our students and
parents," Whitaker said, referring to yearly
tuition increases and the creation of the main-
tenance fee.
Whitaker said given this trend, it is un-
likely the state will approve the entire amount.
"We know that the overall requested in-
crease - $15.3 million - will not be easy to
grant in this challenging year," he said. "We
are not waiting idly for the state to provide all

the necessary funding."
He said the University may be forced to
consider more tuition increases and fees to
make the shortfall.
Additionally, the University's Dearborn
campus requested $1 million to create a new
Center for Environmental Education and the
Flint campus requested $500,000 for new
program initiatives.

S. Quad
Two University students will rest
easily tonight after reaching a com-
promise with Housing Division offi-
cials on a policy they call unfair and
potentially illegal.
LSA sophomores Michael
Majernik and Dana Hanselman, who
ve on the 76-hall of South Quad,
said they were improperly charged
with making excessive noise under
the Residence Hall Judicial Process.
Majernik's father, James, repre-
sented the two students as they chal-
lenged both the intrinsic policy and
its enforcement.
South Quad Resident Director
Nicole Laughlin issued the roommates
0 least seven noise violations within
the first month of school, James
Majernik said. He added that she dis-
regarded proper procedure as stipu-
lated under the Residence Hall Judi-
cial Process.
"There was no written notifica-
tion," he said. "The policy mandates
that the students be sent a letter each
time they are written up."
Laughlin refused to comment.
After their initial meeting with
Laughlin at the end of September,
Mike Majernik continued, there were
no further incidents until last Thurs-
day when the two students received a
noise violation for saying "hi" to a
friend who was sitting in the hall at
about 2 a.m.
The students said the battle came
o a head when Laughlin told them
te last week they were to attend a
meeting yesterday with herself and
South Quad Coordinator of Resident
Education Ellen Shannon.
Shannon refused to let James
Majernik attend yesterday's session,
claiming that the policy bars accused
students from having outside counsel
during judicial hearings.
However, the students said Shan-
on would not confirm whether their
onference was a meeting or a hear-
James Majernik and Shannon met
for about 45 minutes without the stu-
dents and arrived upon a compro-
mise: the charges against the students
would be reduced to a warning, and
no punitive action would be taken.
Another warning will result in a
udicial hearing.
The most severe penalty under the
policy is lease termination.
Mike Majernik did not celebrate
the decision.
"Both sides agreed to disagree,"
he said, adding that he is suspect that


Gievance ise
not found at
other schools

The results of a faculty grievance
survey released last week show that
while the number of complaints filed
by faculty and staff at the University
increased last year, figures at peer
institutions nationwide remain the
In the survey, grievances are clas-
sified as complaints made by faculty
and staff concerning administrative
decisions in schools and colleges.
Afaculty grievance survey of other
universities presented to the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs (SACUA) contradicted ear-
lier beliefs that last year's increase

followed a national trend.
SACUA, the executive branch of
the University's faculty governing
body, surveyed peer institutions and
found that the University's increase
was actually independent of national
"At the University, we usually
have two to three grievances per year.
We had five to six grievances last
year, and about that many ongoing
this year," Executive Assistant to
SACUA Jayne Thorson, told the eight
members presentat the weekly
SACUA meeting yesterday afternoon.
"We thought this was part of a
broad nationwide trend. But this sur
See FACULTY, Page 2

Ted Andrews works the graveyard shift as a baker at a local bagel shop. He dumps raw bagels into a cauldron of
water where they will be boil. Later, the bagels will be dried and baked.

Sorority admits to allegation of Mudbowl bribery

The Mudbowl just got muddier.
Chi Omega (Chi-O) Sorority hired and sent
a female stripper along with pizza and cases of
champagne to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE)
fraternity to earn the privilege of being one of
two sororities to compete in the annual home-
coming event.
SAE President Marc Schollett and Chi-O
President Meghan Stedman confirmed these
allegations made in an anonymous letter to the
Daily, received Friday.
"A female stripper and pizza and cases of
champagne were sent over to the fraternity
house. This was not an organized fraternity
function," Schollett said.

'A female stripper and pizza and cases of champagne were
sent over to the fraternity house. This was not an organized
fraternity function.'
- Mark Schollett
SAE president

The letter also alleges that the Delta Delta
Delta (Tri Delt) Sorority sent balloons to the
SAE house with a note attached reading, "If you
let us play, we'll blow you up."
The final allegation stated that Pi Beta Phi
(Pi Phi)sent SAE a bag of marijuana in exchange
for being in the Mudbowl.
Schollett denied both of these allegations.
"In terms of the third allegation ... this is a
complete fallacy. There were never, at any time,
balloons sent over to this house.
"On the fourth allegation, which I personally
find disgusting, I have no reason to believe nor
recollection or knowledge of this taking place,"
he said.
See MUDBOWL, Page 2

The writer of the letter identified herself
only as "a concerned citizen of the Michigan
community" and former Chi-O sorority mem-
Stedman said, "We regret the offensive na-
ture of the incident and apologize for the nega-
tive statement that it makes."
She said both the local chapter and the

national office of ChiO will deal with these
SAE also received a keg of beer from the
Kappa Alpha Theta (Theta) Sorority. The soror-
ity was also vying for a place at the Mudbowl.
Schollett confirmed that the fraternity re-
ceived one keg of beer on Oct. 6. Theta Presi-
dent Tina Casanova could not be reached for

Greenberg navigates assembly forward
Despite criticism, MSA president close to realizing Michigan Party goals

Because of Michigan Student As-
sembly President Craig Greenberg,
the University's student government
may finally be going places. Stopping
off at Bursley tonight, Greenberg con-
tinues to plan on making the assem-
bly a more active part of student life.
Moving the assembly's meetings
out of its regular offices and into
residence halls is one of the campaign
promises the Michigan Party has ful-
filled since Greenberg was elected
president last March.
Since then, the LSA junior has
taken several bold steps toward revi-
talizing the usually lethargic assem-
bly into an active participant in cam-

renewing MSA's role in cam-
pus appointments; and,
extending MSA services to
North Campus.
Greenberg said he has also taken
steps to improve MSA's interaction
with the administration and with cam-
pus organizations such as the Student
Leader Board.
"Something not as tangible is that
MSA has become less conflict-ori-
ented and less political," Greenberg
said. "We want everyone coming to
MSA with that idea."
Greenberg admitted that MSA
continues to have a serious public
relations problem, but said he hopes
students will focus their attention to-
ward the progress the assembly has

in a lot of the standards and the intri-
cate values of MSA," Alexander said.
"(Greenberg) has the best interests of
the students in mind."
Alexander said he decided to join
the Michigan Party because of its
commitment to MSA's student con-
"(Former MSA President Ede Fox)
didn't live up to that goal. That was
one of the major reasons I distanced
myself," Alexander said. "Ede kept
such a loose rein on things."
However, some assembly mem-
bers have criticized Greenberg's ad-
ministration for the same sort of rea-
sons. LSA Rep. Erika Gottfried said
she thought bickering among repre-.
sentatives has increased since



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