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October 25, 1993 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-25

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Quilt depicts
personal stories
behind AIDS,

Last minute lilini score
leaves Blue far behind
in Rose Bowl race

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
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in SouthAfrica

Ralph Watts, class of '57, cheers for his alma mater during the football game on Saturday. Watts founded the
Alumni Cheerleaders in 1967.

Regents endorse
lifting ban on
companies with
South African ties.
FLINT - Closing a long and di-
visive chapter in the University's his-
tory, the Board of Regents agreed
Friday to begin investing in compa-
nies doing business with South Af-
rica by the end of the year.
After unanimously approving a
motion made by Regent Philip Power
(D-Ann Arbor) directing the Univer-
sity administration to make recom-
mendations on how to proceed with
reinvesting, the regents went on record
in support of ending the ban.
"In light of recent developments
in South Africa, it is time to end the
ban," Power said.
Lifting the ban would put the Uni-
versity in line with the United States
and United Nations, which both re-
cently ended sanctions.
Last week the Nobel Peace Prize
was jointly awarded to South African
president F.W. DeKlerk and African
National Congress leader Nelson
Mandela for their efforts to end apart-
heid and white-minority rule.
With all regents on record as in
favor of overturning the ban, as well
as President James Duderstadt and
Chief Financial Officer Farris
Womack, the ban is likely to be re-
scinded by year's end, Power said.
Once the administration makes
procedural recommendations, the re-
gents will formally vote to end the
Womack and others said the eco-

nomic benefit of the change is that it
will provide the University with free-
dom to invest in many international
companies currently off-limits under
state law.
Power suggested that even if the
state legislature does not overturn the
ban soon, the University should pro-
ceed without state approval.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) called Power's motion "grand-
standing" and said he did not believe
the University should act until the law
is changed.
But Power referred to a 1983 law-
suit by the University charging the act
is a violation of the constitutionally
guaranteed autonomy of state univer-
sities. After winning at the appeals
court level, the University decided to
drop the suit because it had already
approved a similar policy.
The law is H. Res. 4831 of 1983,
sponsored by former House Judiciary
Chair Perry Bullard of Ann Arbor,
which "prohibits state educational
institutions from investing in corpo-
rations operating in South Africa." A
bill to reverse the law has already
passed the House.
In an interview Friday, Rep. Lynn
Jondhal (D-Okemos), a candidate for
the Democratic nomination for gov-
ernor, said he believes the Senate will
approve the bill within days and Gov.
John Engler will sign the legislation
by the end of the week.
On March 16, 1978, the regents
adopted a resolution banning invest-
ments with companies doing "signifi-
cant" business with South Africa and
in violation of the "Sullivan Prin-
ciples," a set of guidelines for mea-
suring company's integration in

The University Board of Regents
moved Friday toward lifting a
15-year old ban on investing in
companies that do business in
South Africa, in light of reforms.
Below is a timeline highlighting
key events in the ban's history:
March 16, 1978: The Board
vote to end investments
September 1982: Students
charge the University is
violating the investment ban
and mount several protests
April 1983: Gov. James
Blanchard signs a law formally
banning universities from
investing in South Africa
April 1984: The University
challenges the ban in court,
charging it is unconstitutional.
® October 1993: Regent Power
proposes end to ban by 1994
South Africa.
In 1982, the Daily and the Ann
Arbor News reported that the Univer-
sity was still investing in companies
with significant interests, setting off
another round of student protests.
Students questioned the
University's commitment to divesti-
ture and demanded withdrawing in-
vestments in the endowment totaling
millions of dollars in companies in-
cluding Squibb, Carnation and
Uniroyal tire, which continued to do
significant business in South Africa.
At Friday's meeting, the Univer-
sity reported its endowment is $850
million, which represents an increase
of $20 million since Aug. 31st. It is
the 16th largest nationwide.

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l their days as 'U' p students
By ARI ROTENBERG behind the proverbial eightball. once-familiar faces. The streel

ts were

Competition, stress, exasperation,
exhaustion. These are terms often es-
poused in a students' description of
life at the University.
Be it the pressures of academics,
the frustration of juggling school and
job obligations, or the emotional tur-
moil evoked in transition from ado-
lescence to adulthood- University
students frequently find themselves

Although this scenario holds true
for much of the academic calendar,
there are moments in Ann Arbor when
the gloominess is eclipsed by excite-
ment, when students are reminded of
how much fun college really is.
Homecoming weekend is one such
This weekend, campus was bus-
tling with alumni, parents, siblings
and friends, Bars were packed with

decked with Michigan paraphernalia,
and the libraries fell casualty to the
contagiousness. of exhilaration.
As the sun peeked out from be-
hind its usual gray mask, alums reaf-
firmed their connection to the place
they once called home.
Larry Bernstein, a 1972 Univer-
sity graduate who lives in Los Ange-
les, exclaimed, "I try to come back
See ALUMS, Page 2

'U' selects task force to implement change in bylaw 14.06

Camille Brewer, student
Ross Chambers, professor
® Corrie Cockrell, student
r Paul Courant, professor
Virginia Gordan, assistant
Law school dean
* Shake Ketefian, professor
Eric Luskin, director of Family
Timothy Schuster, student
Laurita Thomas, administra-
tor of the Medical Campus
Human Resources Department
Karen Wixson, professor

FLINT - The University on Friday re-
leased the names of members of the task force
charged with advising President James
Duderstadt on the implementation of Regents'
Bylaw 14.06.
The bylaw, which is the University's anti-
discrimination policy, was amended last month
by the University Board of Regents to include
prohibiting discrimination based on sexual ori-
Bernard Machen, School of Dentistry dean,
will chair the ten-member committee, which

graduate student.
The students on the committee include:
* LSA junior Corrie Cockrell, a Minority
Peer Advisor at Stockwell Residence Hall;
* LSA senior Timothy Schuster, Interfra-
ternity Council programming vice president;
® Art Graduate student Camile Brewer.
Committee member Paul Courant, an eco-
nomics professor and an outspoken advocate of
the bylaw amendment, said he will work to
bring equitable treatment to all members of the
campus community.
"I'm happy about the passage of the bylaw,"
he said. "A guiding principle (of the University)

ought to be all ought to have the same effective
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said
Friday he believes the committee is a "rubber-
stamp" for what has already been decided.
Baker said he nominated a student to be on
the committee, but declined to say whether that
student was selected to serve.
Duderstadt said in a statement to be pub-
lished in today's Michigan Record that the
committee is charged with discussing changes
in the areas of employment benefits, family
housing, financial aid packages and student
residency status.
See TASK FORCE, Page 2

Gay student criticizes
climate on Flint campus
FLINT - Rarely is the University Board of
Regents moved by a speaker during public
comments. And rarer still does a student convey
personal experiences of discrimination and in-
tolerance. But one student's touching story of
being gay on the University's Flint campus sent
shock waves through the regents, who had
underestimated the power of their bylaw change.
See STUDENT, Page 2

includes two undergraduate students and one

'U' community to kick off
.Islam Awareness Week

From the steaming jungles of
Malaysia to the ice-ridden plains of
Europe, Islam spans the globe, en-
compassing every race. It is a religion.
that claims one in three people world-
This week, Islam Awareness Week
will be nationally celebrated through-
out the Muslim community. More than
60 universities will participate in its
The University's Islamic Circle
and Muslim Students' Association

several days to celebrate the week.
"(We are) planning informational
lectures and panel discussions to
present the plight of Muslim students,"
LSA senior Stanley Slaughter said.
Slaughter, chair of the Da'wa (all
people) Committee for the Islamic
Circle said, "Through these (discus-
sions) we hope to erase misconcep-
tions about Muslims and Islam (both)
on campus and abroad."
Slaughter emphasized that his
group's purpose is not to convert
people. "Islam is something you must
come to gradually through the help of

TONIGHT: Lecture, "The
Modern Muslim Woman," 7
p.m., Law school, Room 100
TOMORROW: Lecture, "An
Introduction to the Fundamen-
tals of Islam," 6 p.m., Law
school, Room 100
WEDNESDAY: Lecture, "Islam
and the African American
Experience," 6 p.m., Law
school, Room 150
THURSDAY: Lecture, "The
Historical Development of
Islam," 7 p.m., Law school,
Room 218
FRIDAY: Islamic Awareness
SATURDAY: Islamic Art Dis-
play, North Campus Commons,.

Pharr links
s .
right with
Issues of women's empowerment

and the rights of
lesbians, gay
males and bi-
sexuals came
together last
niorht when no-



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