The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 9,1993 - 3
UGLi renovations ugly
Library hours will not be reduced due to construction
One glance at the Undergraduate
Library will reveal that it is truly living
up to its name - the UGLi.
But although the building may look
less appealing than usual, the renova-
tion that began this summer is intended
to make the library bigger and more
renovation will not be complete until
Spring Term 1995 and will cost about
$11.5 million.
"The construction is very much on
schedule," said Barbara MacAdam, di-
rector of the Undergraduate Library.
In total, 30,000 square feet of space
willbeadded to the library, allowing for
consolidation of the science libraries on
the third and fourth floors. Passages
will also connect the UGLi to West
Engineering and the Graduate Library.
The new library is designed to be
more conducive to studying, MacAdam
MacAdam said about 5,000 students
walk to the UGLi on a typical day, but
added some may avoid the building
during the expansion.
"I would expect to see some drop
simply because the study space won't
be as great," she said, adding that she
expects the use of the books to remain
The heaviest study times, nights and
weekends, should be unaffected by the
construction because workers will be
gone. There is no expected change in
library hours and only one floor will be
affected at a time.
Workers will begin about 8 am.
when the library opens, but loud con-
struction will stop at about 3 p.m.
However, students may need to
spend more time roaming around to
find the resources they need, as many
books are not where they have been in
the past.
Pedestrian traffic will also be more
congested surrounding the library be-
cause the plaza in front of the main
doors has been reduced to a 10-foot
The fourth floor of the UGLi was
occupied by the Engineering Library,
which was relocated to the Dow Build-:
ing on North Campus last year.
The vacated fourth floor now houses
all the books that were on the second
floor, which is now being remodeled.'
The, expected completion date of the
second floor is January 1994.
MacAdam said the completion of
the second floor will allow the staff to
consolidate basic services, such as the
computing center.
The reserve reading room is now on
the first floor along with study space,
current periodicals and course reserves.
- Daily Staff Reporter Jonathan
Berndt contributed to this report.
aThis sign warns students about the construction going on at the Undergraduate Library.
New MSA budget
cuts off funding to
tenants' union
Assembly releases.
budget proposal
The Ann Arbor Tenants Union
(AATU) is facing eviction from an
unlikely landlord - the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA).
In their 1994 budget proposal,
MSA leaders recommended to the
assembly that it cease all student fund-
ing ofthe AATU. Thirty-eight cents of
every student fee goes to fund the
AATU, which last year received more
than $28,000 from MSA.
The money that was originally
slated for AATU will be shifted into
the Budget Priorities Committee,
where it will be used to provide more
funding for student organizations.
Pattrice Maurer, one of AATh's
two full-time staffers, said the elimi-
nation of MSA funding will most
likely result in the termination of the
25-year-old union. MSA has given
AATU money for the last 10 years.
"Atthe best, we will have to charge
students $15 for our services," she
said. "At worst, the services will be
She said AATU works to create pro-
tenant legislation and monitors land-
lords in an attempt to force landlords to
adhere to city housing regulations.
MSA PresidentCraig Greenberg said
MSA will provide AATU with money
for one more month, after which AATU
must find alternative funding.
'We feel that they should no longer
get funding," he said. "But we have no
problem with themstaying in business."
Greenberg said representatives from
Student Legal Services, the Law
School's Housing Law Reform Project
as well as the University Department of
Student Housing can provide the ser-
vices AATU offers.
"Student tenants will still have op-
tions if they are in need of legal aid,"
Greenberg said.
Maurer disagreed with Greenberg.
"All student renters are helped by
our existence," she said. "A student
who is living in a habitable place is
probably there due to our efforts."
MSA is not the sole source of
The Michigan Student Assembly
released a proposal yesterday detailing
how it will spend themorethan $200,000
it collects from students each semester.
Officials indicate that this year's
MSA budget proposal represents a dra-
matic change from previous spending
Brian Kight, MSA vice president,
said the proposal includes a large in-
crease in funding for student organiza-
MSA's Budget Priorities Commit-
tee oversees the distribution of funds to
student groups. Last year BPC spent
roughly $35,000, but this budget allo-
cates $56,000 to the committee.
MSA receives most of its funding
from student fees. A $2.69 charge is
added to each student's semester tuition
bill to support the student government.
While the proposed budget contains
increases in areas such as students'
rights, the environment, and MSA elec-
tions, other major expenditures of pre-
vious years have been cut.
Perhaps most significant is the re-
duction in funding for the Ann Arbor
... The proposal includes a
large Increase In funding
for student groups.
Tenants' Union (AATU). While
nearly $33,000 was allocated last year,
only $2,320 has been set aside for
AATU for the upcoming months.
MSA officials argue, among other
things, that the tenants' union pro-
vides redundant services already
available to students through Student
Legal Services.
In addition, nearly $2,000 less
will be spenton internal MSA opera-
tions expenses.
The proposed budget includes
more than $25,000 in spending for
the assembly to maintain member-
ship in the Michigan Collegiate Coa-
This expenditure is mandated by
a student referendum passed during
last winter's elections.
The proposal will be discussed
Tuesday night at the assembly's first
AATU's funds. The city provides a
$4,000 contract that allows the organi-
zation to provide help to low-income
renters. Nonetheless, Maurer said los-
ing MSA funding will be the death
Greenberg will propose his budget
on Sept. 14, and said he fully expects to
meet resistance from some MSA mem-
bers. He added that he does expect his
proposal to pass an assembly vote.
Some MSA members have voiced
opposition to the budget proposal.
Andrew Wilke, an MSA representa-
tive from the Law School, said he will
attempt to stop Greenberg from elimi-
nating the funding.
"AATU is one of the few things that
MSA does that has tangible results," he
Researchers at 'U' Medical School close to
finding genetic cure for muscular dystrophy
Researchers from the University
School of Medicine may be close to
discovering a cure for Duchennes
Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
Reports in the Aug. 19 issue of
Nature magazine, indicate that the
researchers have successfully used
gene therapy to cure DMD in mice.
DMD results from defects in the
a corrected copy of this gene into the
embryos of mice with muscular dys-
trophy.Instead of developing the dis-
easeas theynormally would, themice
remained disease free.
'We have clearly shown that if you
can get the gene into the muscle you can
cure the disease," said team leader Jef-
frey Chamberlain in a press release.
DMD is responsible for almost half
of all cases of muscular dystrophy and
is one of the most common genetic
diseases. This type of muscular dystro-
phy is the most common childhood
According to Chamberlain, the
groundbreaking results of the study
prove that gene therapy offers the best
hope of halting the progression of DMD
and Beckermusculardystrophy, amilder
form of the disorder, in humans.
'This demonstrates for the first time
that it is possible to cure the disease,"
Chamberlain said. "If you can find an
effective way to get the gene into hu-
mans, and you can control it properly,
then you may have a cure. In this study
we found a way to control the gene once
its in the muscle; now we need to find a
way to deliver it," Chamberlain said.
However, Chamberlain warned that
animal experimentation can be mis-
"The way we did the experiment
because of the damage to the embryo
that can result," Chamberlain said.
Chamberlain speculates thatthe best
way to deliver a gene safely and effec-
tively into humans may be to insert it
into an adenovirus-similar to one that
causes the common cold.
And although the research is geared
towards treatment of DMD and Becker
muscular dystrophy, it will have impli-
cations for treatments of all kinds of
muscular dystrophy.
"I think the techniques that will come
outof this-particularly what we learn
about how to get this gene into humans
- will be applicable to any muscular
dystrophy, " Chamberlain said.
This research seems to have had
considerable affect on fundraising for
muscular dystrophy as well.
Last week's Jerry Lewis Telethon,
which serves as a benefit for muscular
dystrophy, reported an increase in do-
nations from last year.
"I think the recent success in re-
search was part of what got people
interested in donating so we gave the
research a particularly high profile on
the telethon," Muscular Dystrophy As-
sociation member Jim Brown said.
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Events Q ArtMuseumExibitions, Picasso;
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young professionals, and Hillel the Kelsey Museum; From
staff, 1429 Hill St., 8:30 p.m. Mother Earth: Pueblo Pottery,
523 S. State St., 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.
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