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October 19, 1993 - Image 1

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Victory makes
Mo's Monday

Pearl Jam's new
album carried by
their sound




One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Vol. CIV, NO. 1s Ann Arbor, Mi4igan-Tuesday, Octob4r 19, 1993 6) 1993 The Michigan Daily

The College Republicans an Gay
Liberation Front put'u eling posters
around campu erday.

-1 A-VS

Conservatives, gy
wage poster battle
By KAREN TALASKI claiming, "Want to cure AIDS? Try family value."
DAILY STAFF REPORTER morality" and "Family values cure Natasha Raymond, G
AIDS Awareness Week has be- AIDS." tion member and Rackha

jay Libera-
ni graduate

gun with an explosion of words, plac-
ing the University community in a
questionable intellectual debate on
how to cure the deadly disease.
Two student groups - the Col-
lege Republicans and the Gay Libera-
tion Front- have massed their forces
on the front lines, fighting each other
with slogans and posters around cam-
Students were surprised yester-
day afternoon to find the Fishbowl
ANDREW TAYLOR/ Daily covered with bold-type posters pro-

The posters, which also advised
people not to use drugs and to avoid
homosexuality, were created by John
Damoose, president of the College
Republicans, a politically conserva-
tive student organization.
Further confusion ensued after the
appearance of another group of post-
ers, designed by the Gay Liberation
Front. The orange and yellow posters
read, "Don't let the College Republi-
cans think for you. Get the facts. Noth-
ing cures AIDS," and "Hate is not a

student, said the group decided to
respond to the College Republicans'
posters because the public was being
"My first reaction was surprise
that people would take the disease of
AIDS so lightly and give out misin-
formation," Raymond said. "We re-
sponded through our freedom of
speech to non-factual information that
can be taken wrong."
See POSTERS, Page 2

9uestions remain after White House meeting at 'U'
By DAVID SHEPARDSON change for two years of community The 1991 Stanford graduate and unanswered. Among them: meeting, many views were expressed.
DAILY STAFF REPORTER c virp ThP hill nlln f imt Rh d -c d.n. the CI lrA ct rnc. - - p n, -d

A half dozen blocks from the steps
of Rackham - where Candidate
Clinton reiterated his commitment to
community service almost one year
ago -- details of the now-enacted
gislation were hotly debated by
'Midwesterners, who wanted their con-
cerns addressed by a member of the
White House task force writing the
The "Americorps," as the National
and Community Service Act of 1993
has been christened, provides for up
to $9,450 in college tuition in ex-

service. 1ovi ano Yor upt o
20,000 spots the first year. With the
Senate Appropriation bill still pend-
ing, final funding is not known.
The youthful atmosphere of the
five-hour meetingwas highlighted by
bowls of Jolly Ranchers placed on the
conference table, the presence of a
dozen students, and the noticeable
fact that the White House staffer is
only 23 years old.
Goodwin Liu, the program officer
for higher education at the Corpora-
tion for National Service, facilitated
the closed meeting yesterday.

noues acnuiar rocusea te session
on discussion of higher education's
role in community service. He de-
fined the importance of service learn-
ing and laid out a time table for imple-
mentation of the act.
Liu said funding for the first direct
grants will be in place by September
1994, and the first community service
grants will be ready by January 1995.
With time running out before in-
terim regulations are to be printed in
the Federal Register, many decisions
have already been made, Liu said.
But some critical questions remain

demic credit and get paid a stipend
for community service?
Should students be able to go to
school full time and serve in a full
time community service program
Should the federal government
set "quotas" or "targets" to ensure
geographic or ethnic diversity of par-
ticipants in the program?
Should pre-existing programs
get preference over new programs?
Although few definitive conclu-
sions were reached at yesterday's

Most members of the group said
they thought students should be able
to work full time and attend classes.
Currently, regulations allow Vol-
unteers in Service to America volun-
teers to take only one class while
serving full time. Liu said he believed
this regulation would be changed by
the White House.
The group focused particular at-
tention on "Subtitle B2: Higher Edu-
cation Service Learning." This sec-
tion provides for $10 million in fund-
See MEETING, Page 2

Less than one year from now,
the first grants from the
Corporation for National
Service will be awarded. But
much has to be done before
the money can be handed out:
November: National Service
regulations are completed by
the White House and printed
January '94: Applications for
grants are made available
March '94: First applications
are due for direct grants
June '94: Detailed state
commission grant plans due
September '94: Direct grants
are awarded
January '95: State grants are
awarded on merit basis

city leaders
praise A

Haitian military coup
refuses to yield power

jPolice chief
He's been shot at, stabbed,
punched and had his jaw broken. He's
been in two episodes of the Fox
network's TV show "COPS." He's
Ann Arbor's top law enforcement
officer, Chief Douglas Smith.
A police officer for more than 25
ears, Smith has had plenty of oppor-
tunity to observe every aspect of po-
lice work, from shuffling papers to
dealing with armed robbers.
"Police work really is ... hours of
boredom punctuated by moments of
extreme terror," Smith explained.
Smith, 45, spent most of his 25
years in law enforcement with the
Minneapolis Police Department
PD), working his way up through
e ranks from patrol officer to deputy
In 1991, he left the MPD to come
to Ann Arbor when he was chosen by
the City Council after a lengthy search
Smith has no definite term of of-
fice, and said he plans to stay at the
helm of the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ent (AAPD) for some time.
His relationship with the City

Clinton tightens
pressure on Cedras,
pushes peace plan
at home
Haiti's military defied an ap-
proaching midnight deadline to yield
power yesterday and belittled a U.N.
arms and oil embargo. Its right-wing
supporters threatened that any Ameri-
can invaders will go home "in bags."
Rightists mixed threats against the
outside world with gifts of chrysan-
themums to foreign reporters, while
Lt. Gen. Raoul Cedras, the army pow-
erhouse, suggested new talks on his
departure. But the United States said
Cedras was only stalling.
"I think the solution is in dialogue.
Dialogue must lead us to national
reconciliation," Cedras told "McNeil-
Lehrer NewsHour" on the Public
Broadcasting System, hours before
the sanctions were to take effect.
He also said the United States
should not try to reinstall ousted Presi-
dent Jean-Bertrand Aristide by force.
Aristide is scheduled to return Oct.30
under terms of a U.N. accord.
"That solution would bring suf-
fering, blood and tears to my coun-
try," said Cedras.
An army broadcast urged Haitians
not to worry about the U.N.-autho-
rized embargo or the U.S. warships
steaming offshore to enforce it.
The measures are aimed at forcing
the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide,
Haiti's first democratically elected

tal, fearing violence by army-sup-
ported Aristide opponents or a pos-
sible intervention by U.S. forces.
The United States said the army
leader would have to make the next
move in resolving the conflict and
blamed him for any suffering that will
be caused by the economic embargo.
Facing efforts to restrict his au-
thority to send troops to Haiti, Presi-
dent Clinton said yesterday he would
oppose any congressional curbs on
his foreign policy powers. He asserted
that he alone "must make the ultimate
decision" on when to use force.
"I think it's a mistake to cut those
decisions off in advance," the presi-
dent said.
Clinton also tightened pressure on
Haitian military and police officials
blamed for blocking the-return of de-
posed President Jean-Bertrand
He froze any, assets they might
have in the United States and denied
them entry into this country.
The president indicated he was
not about to order U.S. forces to Haiti
unless Americans there were threat-
ened. "Keep in mind, as we speak, the
Haitian government has not asked for
that," Clinton said.
Clinton ordered six warships pa-
trolling off Haiti to move closer to
The president met withforeign
policy advisers on the Haiti crisis as
the administration fought off attempts
in Congress to limit his powers.
"This is a time to be very steady,"
Secretary of State Warren Christo-
pher said. "This is not a time to let the

Ann Arbor Police Chief Douglas Smith peacefully sits in his office, surrounded by the equipment he uses every day
to keep the streets free of crime.

Council has a lot to do with how long
Smith stays in Ann Arbor, he said.
"If you continue to stay on and
you continue to agree with policies...
and you see eye-to-eye with your
elected officials, it really is an indefi-
nite appointment," he said.
Since he came to Ann Arbor, Smith

has implemented a policy of commu-
nity-oriented policing, in which indi-
vidual officers are responsible for
small areas of the community with a
view to establishing a good relation-
ship with their given area.
"We basically make the road-pa-
trol officers and the first-line detec-

tives responsible for small geographic
areas in the city. They are actively,
aggressively the police chief in each
of these small neighborhoods, get-
ting to know their constituents, get-
ting to know what the issues are,

Women engineers face challenges
from attitudes as well as workload

Women make up a minority of the undergraduate
students in the School of Engineering. However,

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