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October 18, 1993 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-18

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 18, 1993 - 3

Rally empowers women,
men against breast cancer

The banner read "Take Charge of
Your Breast Health" and East Liberty
Street echoed with the chant:
"Women, women show our might.
Make our voice heard in this fight.
Women, women sing this song.
Awareness is what makes us strong."
In a rally Saturday morning, more
than 50 men, women and children
united against breast cancer.
"The purpose of this rally is to
make women aware of what they can
do to protect themselves against this
disease," said Registered Nurse
Deanna Beyer, a University Hospi-
tals employee and breast cancer sur-
Beyer distributed information
about breast cancer prevention at the
rally, which was sponsored by
America's Challenge, an American

Cancer Society subsidiary that deals
exclusively with breast cancer aware-
ness and prevention.
Dorit Adler, radiologist and mem-
ber of President Clinton's Cancer
Panel Special Commission on Breast
Cancer, stressed the importance of
"Ultimately, our goal is to prevent
breast cancer," she said. "We must
encourage young men and women to
pursue careers in the health care field."
Adler said this year more than
6,000 women in Michigan were diag-
nosed with breast cancer.
"There's not a week or even a day
thit goes by that we don't hear about
the disease," she said.
Adler encouraged the crowd to
send the message that women and
men mustbe united in the fight against
breast cancer.
She added, "Ifyouremembernoth-

ing else today, remember this -ev-
ery woman here is at risk."
The rally proved to be both a dem-
onstration of strength and an emo-
tional event.
One of the speakers, who found a
lump during a breast self-examina-
tion, was diagnosed with breast can-
cer at the age of 24. "I was shocked,"
she said. "I try to think positively, not
negatively. I tell myself that I will
She added, "If you notice some-
thing different, go to a doctor and
don't walk, run!"
A young man whose wife's breast
cancer has spread throughout her body
emphasized that the disease affects
"Breast cancer is nrt just a
woman's disease. Everyone is touched
by it-husbands, children, andneigh-
bors," he said.

Marchers carry signs at a downtown Ann Arbor rally Saturday promoting breast cancer awareness. The march was
sponsored by America's Challenge, a subsidiary of the American Cancer Society that deals solely with breast cancer
awareness and prevention. Speakers addressed the importance of men and women bonding together in the fight
against this deadly disease.

ECB Peer'Thtoring Program helps
students survive term paper blues

Students whose palms get sweaty
and knees get weak every time they
have a paper due can turn to an estab-
lished University service - the En-
glish Composition Board (ECB) Peer
Tutoring Program -- to help quell
their fears.
I Peer tutors, from all disciplines
provide writing and editing services,
ranging from perusing rough drafts to
helping choose paper topics. Tutors
also help students understand assign-
ments and organize their papers.
ECB began this program seven
years ago, when lines at the ECB
workshop - staffed mostly by in-
structors - grew too long. The Uni-
versity experimented with the idea of
having peers help students writers.
"Students feel more at ease, as you
could talk on a certain level with a
*peer tutor," said Helen Isaacson, one
of the lecturers who coordinates the
peer tutoring program. "The peer tu-
tors could empathize with a student

who is under pressure to write apaper
and generally have betterrapportwith
them than an instructor."
Students and tutors meet in casual
appointments, in locations such as the
Angell Hall computing center, where
both the tutor and the student work as
a team to figure out what improve-
ments the paper needs.
Suggestions include strategies for
developing ideas, writing in an ap-
propriate voice, development of the
paper structure, proofreading tech-
niques, and interpreting assignments.
"By seeing how other people go
about presenting and arriving at an
idea has been an education itself,"
said Chris Dack, an LSA senior who
has been a peer tutor for two years. "It
has helped my own writing skills
(through) analyzing other students'
Peer tutors begin their learning
process in an ECB class where they
work on basic techniques for analyz-
ingand structuring papers across dis-
ciplines. The nextsemester, these stu-

dents begin peer tutoring on aone-on-
one basis.
In order to enroll in these courses,
a student must be recommended by a
faculty member, have at least a sec=
ond-term sophomore standing and
submit writing samples.
"If any student is interested, they
shouldcall us, give us arecommenda-
tion from a faculty member and sev-
eral writing samples," Isaacson said.
Wayne Butler, an ECB lecturer,
said program coordinators have plans
to increase the number of peer tutors
and include an on-line peer tutoring
service where students can upload
their drafts on electronic mail and
have them reviewed by a tutor.
Students who have utilized the
ECB Peer Tutoring Program called it
extremely beneficial.
Engineering first-year student
Brian Salazar attested to the program's
usefulness, saying, "Peer tutor's sec-
ond opinion regarding the structure
of my paper helped me to analyze my
own writing more critically."

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Student Leader Board
to explore M-Quality
management system


Michigan voters divided on health care reform, NAFTA

A program presented to the Stu-
dent Leader Board (SLB) at its meet-
ing yesterday will prepare students
for the future and provide a new sys-
tem of problem solving at the Univer-
M-Quality is based on total qual-
ity management, a program that uses
statistics and scientific methods in
place of guesswork for problem solv-
ing, identifies customers and seeks to
serve them, and focuses efforts on
attacking systems rather than people.
The idea was presented at the
meeting by Randy Schwemmin, an
Engineering senior.
Schwemmin told the group, which
is comprised of the leaders of various
student organizations, that the plan
will provide a problem solving net-
work among clubs.
"M-Quality will foster coopera-
tion between our organizations," he
said. "It will foster responsibility and
objectivity in all things thatwe do. M-
Quality is more than asystem of tools;
it's a way of life."
He said the program takes about
three to 10 years to implement in the
average corporation, which makes it
difficult to begin at the university
"It's a big challenge. We need to
count on the community and staff who
are here tokeep this alive," Schwemmin
said. "If any principle of M-Quality is
instilled in leaders and theirgroups, this
is a success. Total implementation is a
challenge, but partial implementation
will still be successful."
Craig Greenberg, president of the
Michigan Student Assembly, said he
supports the idea behind M-Quality.
"I think the concept is very good.
More student groups work together
and focus on what their needs are. I'm
still a little leery if it will work, but if
it can, I think it's great."

The plan will be implemented in
three parts, Schwemmin said.
This year, data will be collected in
a needs analysis survey conducted by:
the Student Leader Board and the
Student Organization Development
Center, with help from the University
Office of Student Affairs.
Student leaders will then attend
M-Quality training sessions to learn
how to apply total quality manage-
ment to the University community.
The sessions will be tailored to stu-
dents' schedules and may give the
students academic credit.
In thelaststep, the data collected from
the surveys will be analyzed and the first
projectchosen. Studentswhohavepartici-
patedinthetrainingsessionswill beginbthe
first M-Quality teams.
Maureen Hartford, vice president
for student affairs, said the Office of
Student Affairs is interested in begin-
ning this type of partnership with stu-
"The concept is to involve every-
one in an organization. It's not a top-
down approach," she said.
Other student leaders were opti-
mistic that the plan could be success-
Kirk Wolfe, an Engineering junior,
said the program would benefit student
organizations because of the network-
ing that it provides. "So many student
leaders encounter so many of the same
problems and don't realize it. No one
takes the time to see what other groups
do. With networking, leaders can have
a greater student voice."
Jarman Davis, the coordinator for
the SLB, said students will make it
possible. "M-Quality can work here
because of the caliber of students and
the people we are through and
M-Quality will reach the student
body through the student organiza-
tion leaders who go through the train-

LANSING (AP) - The various
cures put forward in Washington for
*the nation's ailing health care system
divide Michigan voters as much as
they do Congress, according to poll
results released today.
A survey for the political newslet-
ter Inside Michigan Politics found 33
percent backing a national health in-
surance plan, while 29 percent sup-
ported giving businesses tax incen-
tives to cover their employees.
It found 19 percent favoring a na-
tional program to provide coverage to
the 37 million Americans without
health insurance, and 18 percent be-
hind the idea of managed competi-
Nine percent thought employees
with health care insurance should pay

a surcharge to fund a national system,
while five percent said the current
system didn't need any changes.
Three percent backed some other
change, and 11 percent were unde-
cided or declined to answer.
The figures add up to more than
100 percent because the 800 voters
could pick more than one option.
The editor of the newsletter, Wil-
liam Ballenger, said even though only
five percent "felt nothing needed to
be done at all, when it goes to what
should be done, nobody can really
seem to center on any one approach.
"I really think that's what you're
seeing in Washington rightnow. There
hasn't been any particular approach
that has emerged as the favorite," he

"I just see this poll reflecting what
Congress is sensing and that's this
thing is incredibly complex and it's
going to take a long time to resolve
and the debate is probably going to
extend deep into next year."
Ballenger said the "terrible, ter-
rible budgetary problems" facing
Congress complicate the issue, espe-
cially given the fact that "if President
Clinton's approach or anything close
to that is adopted, it's going to cost a
carload of money."
Inside Michigan Politics also
asked those surveyed where they stood
on the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA).
It found 51 percent against it, 32
percent in favor, 6 percent who both
supported and opposed it and 11 per-

cent undecided.
Ballenger said aJune survey found
38 percent undecided, but the latest
poll showed the debate over NAFTA
was being felt.
"In June, it was pretty clear that
there still were an awful lot of people
in the country who thought NAFTA
was an auto parts dealer or some-
thing. They didn't understand it or
know it that well," he said.
They still might not understand
the complex trade agreement that
would tear down the trade barriers
between Canada, the United States
and Mexico, but many have decided
if they like it or not, Ballenger said.
"Unfortunately for the NAFTA
supporters, most of the people who
have made up their minds have made
up their minds against it," he added.

OOf the 9,000 species at risk of extinction in the United States, 700 are being protected by the Endangered Species Act.
This was incorrectly reported in Wednesday's Daily.

Student groups
,. Association for Computing
Machinery, general meeting,
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science Building,
Room 1500,7 p.m.
U Comedy Company Writer's
Meeting, sponsored by UAC,
Michigan Union, Room 2105,
7 p.m.
U ENACT-UM, meeting, Dana
Building, Room 1046, 7 p.m.
U Hillel, Yehuda Amichai, part'of
the Celebration of Jewish Arts,
7:30 p.m.
U International Center, Teach
English in Asia, International
Center, Room 9, 7 p.m., call
764-9310 for info
U Japan Student Association,
general meeting, Michigan

7:30 p.m.
U Rowing Team, novice practice,
Boat House, Men 3, 4, and 5
p.m., Women 3:30, 4:30, and
5:30 p.m.
0 Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
beginners welcome, CCRB,
Room 2275, 8:30 p.m.
U Tae Kwon Do Club, training
session, CCRB, Room 2275, 7
U AIDS Awareness Week, Red
Cross Poster display,
Leonardo's, through Oct. 24;
The individual's response to
AIDS: Materials from the
Labadie collection of Radical
Social Protest, Harlan Hatcher

Gaswick, Chemistry Building,
Room 1640,4 p.m.
Student services
Q Career Planning and Place-
ment, MBA programs, prepa-
ration and application, Student
Activities Building, Room
3200,4:10 p.m.; EDS Corpora-
tion presentation, Michigan
Union, Wolverine Room, 7
p.m.; IDS Financial Services
presentaion, Michigan Union,
Room 1209, 7 p.m.;May De-
partment Stores/Famous Barr
presentation, Michigan Union,
Kuenzel Room, 7:30 p.m.
Q Psychology Academic Peer
Advising, sponsored by the psy-
chology department, West
Quad, Room K103, call 747-

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