.~.- I The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 15, 1993 - 3 By Lauren Dermer Layout by Lesley Feldman and Kathy McShare Illustrations by David Gulisano '4 The entrepreneurial Instinct (Self-employed) NA All of your own health insurance premium, estimated at $1,800 for individuals. 100 percent of health premium is tax deductible. Currently, only 25 percent is deductible. Small or mid-sized company (50-5,000 employees) 80 percent of health insurance premium The rest Small bdsinesses with an average wage of $24,000 or less are subsidized by the government. ,, Big Cmpanis &Crporion (5,00+ empoyees Low-wage jobs 80 percent of health insurance premium. The rest. But subsidies would limit contribution for coverage to 1.9 percent of wages. Stay In school NA If college is far from home, students would join a local health alliance. Otherwise, family policies. e c Employer Pays: You pay: Other info: 80 percent of healthi premium. insurance The rest Company has option ofsetting up it's own health alliances with all three basic plans. How his plan would affect you A brief glance at the 239-page proposal Presi- dent Clinton calls the "Health SecurityAct" is bound to induce confusion, if not pain. The plan to revamp the nation's $900 billion health care system is among the boldest, most complex social-policy initiatives crafted since the New Deal. It is also among the hardest to decipher. As the debate over reform moves front and center on the national stage, big battles loom for Clinton's plan. Experts scramble to illustrate how the plan might affect everyone - the elderly, big business, small corpora- tions, disabled workers, doctors, nurses, hospitals, the pharmaceuti- cal industry, early retirees. Everyone, that is, except us. The Twenty-Somethings. Health Alliances In his nationally televised pre- sentation of the plan, Clinton singled out 20 year-olds as a group that will have to pay more now, in exchange forgreater cov- erage later. Pay more now. Greater cover- age later. What, exactly, does he mean? It impossible to say for sure how young adults would be af- fected. Clearly, there could be disadvantages. Jobs maybecome less attainable, and health care costs may continue to rise. But experts in health policy and management say if the plan works as intended - no doubt a big IF - young adults would be better off than they are now. FIRST, THE GOOD '*NEWS "If the plan were fully implemented as it stands, those in their 20s would be greatly advantaged." University economist Leon Wyszewianski's view, echoes other experts. When examining Clinton's health initiative through the eyes of college students, experts agree the good outweighs the bad. Here's a glance at why the plan looks attractive to Twenty-Some- things on the brink of entering the real world: Look Ma, I'm insured! Pregnancy tests. Flu shots. Physi- cal exams. Emergency treatment. For everyone - anytime, under any cir- umstance. For people in their late teens and early 20s, universal coverage - the crux of the Clinton proposal - may be a lifesaver. Young adults represent a group with one of the highest numbers of uninsured individuals. Nationally, 16 percent to 19 percent of students are estimated as being uninsured. And while most students are cov- *red by their parents' plans while in school, the freedom of graduation brings the harsh reality: health care is no longer free. For young people not in school, many do not have jobs, and those who do often don't get health benefits. But Clinton's plan would cover us all - and subsidize those of us with salaries too low to talk about. Under his plan, most of us would sleep easy with what is called "health security" - the faith that when at- tacked with a case of mono or hepati- tis, Uncle Sam will help pay the bill - job or no job. Singin' the entry-level blues Scenario: After countless visits to Career Planning &Placement and way too many hours spent making the mar- gins line up on your resume, you finally land the job of your dreams. Or so you thought. Now, a few months into your first real job, you want out. But your em- ployer is paying for a large percent- age of your health care. If you quit, a visit to the gynecologist may mean a week without lunch. No need to fret. Clinton's plan ensures that even if you're fired or quit to look for a new job, government subsidies will help pay the bill. Also, a new employer would be required to offer health care at comparable prices. "For young people, this would get rid of what is called 'job lock' - feeling locked into a job just for the benefits," said Wyszewianski, a pro- fessor in the School of Public Health. "You would only be tied to employ- ers to the extent that they pay premi- ums for you." Under the current system, people who leave their jobs opt for the lesser of two evils - keep current health insurance at an inflated rate, or pay cash for all medical treatments. School of Public Health Prof. Dean Smith added that the plan would al- low young people more flexibility in job selection. "Instead of taking the 'safer' job, such as one in manufacturing, that may not have as nice a career path, they could take more risks without the fear of not having insurance," said Smith, who specializes in health in- surance. So for the not-quite-sure-what-I- want-to-do-with-my-life generation, 'portable health insurance" may be the key to job mobility. New career opportunities Kirsten Covell is feeling pretty optimistic as she begins to look for a job for next year. The School of Nurs- ing senior senses that Clinton's plan would work to her advantage. "If it works out that everybody is really going to get health care, that care has got to be given, and nurses are qualified to give that care," she said. The Twenty-Something genera- tion can expect an array of new job opportunities in fields other than nurs- ing as the health care bureaucracy is reshaped into new networks of doc- tors, hospitals and insurance companies. "We're going to see creative ca- reer options in allied health and other areas that don't even currently exist," said Simone Taylor, director of Ca- reer Planning & Placement. The current number of health man- agers will increase 43 percent by 2005, according to the U.S. Bureau of La- bor. University School of Public Health students, enrolled in the nation's top-ranked health manage- ment program, can expect to fill some of these spots. AND, THE NOT-SO- GOOD NEWS With all of this additional security under Clinton's plan, young people would have nothing to worry about, right? Well, not quite. In simple terms, President Clinton's prescription would make insurance more costly for the young and healthy and less expensive for the old and sick. This is where "pay more now" fits into the picture. As they say, every rose has its thorns. Here's a look at some of the trade- offs Twenty-Somethings will face in return for more secure health care: The Young and the Healthy In today's health insurance mar- ket, people who need health care the most - like the elderly and those diagnosed with diseases - pay the highest premiums. So the typically healthy young adult has it easy. Premiums are substantially lower for Twenty-Somethings who pose less of a risk because they are terminally healthy, or at least living that illusion. Everybody would be grouped into huge buying groups called alliances. The alliances would negotiate with health-care providers for services at the lowest prices. Pick a plan All health alliances would be required to offer at least three basic coverage plans. Out-of-pocket costs would vary, according the-type of plan you choose. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): You get: All care, either under one roof or from an approved network of doctors for $10-15 per visit. You lose: Some freedom to choose doctors. But Clinton's plan calls for a shift to "community rating." Premiums would not vary according to sickness, occupation or - you guessed it - age. "It's the same premium for every- body, averaging out the low premiums of 20 year-olds with the high premi- ums of 50 year-olds," Wyszewianski said. Shirley Lockery, professor of so- cial work, translated it into plain En- glish: "The young, healthy person is going to have to pay more initially in order to spread the costs out." Squeezing small businesses Health care reform, we've seen, will open some doors to new job op- portunities for post-graduation enjoyment. But other doors - like doors to small businesses---may be slammed in our faces. Small businesses that now pay nothing toward their workers' health insurance would be required under Clinton's plan to pitch in-no matter how short their shoestring. The money they would be forced to forsake has to come from some- where. And the first place to cut back would likely be hiring. For many small businesses, health reform could mean shedding workers or decreasing salaries, two prospects that make a graduating senior cringe. The government would subsidize Fee-for-service: You get: Traditional pick your own doctor and pay-as-you-go plan You lose: Cash. This would be the most expensive option. companies with fewer than 50 work- ers and an average wage of $24,000 or less. But subsidies are only expected to avert some of the overall job losses. Small business lobbying groups claim that companies that don't offer insurance cannot afford to, even with Clinton's promised subsidies. Working the night shift By day, a paralegal. By night, a magazine copy assistant. On week- ends, a waitress. Juggling three jobs today is noth- ing out of the ordinary for Twenty- Somethings trying to pay their rent. But part-time work may be in jeopardy. Under Clinton's plan, employers would be required to contribute to health care costs of part-time workers by paying prorated shares of premiums. Many might be tempted to cut out part-time offers altogether. Or worse, businesses may limit hours to just below the number that makes em- ployees eligible for benefits. "The devil is in the details," Smith said. "It will all be decided in the details of what constitutes part-time to determine whether you get insurance." The devil is in the details. Under Clinton's plan, all Ameri- cans would have access to health cov- erage, regardless of income, age or 3 Hybrid Plan:. You get: A combination of HMO and fee-for service. A little more control over physicians choice and treatments, yet a little more expensive than an HMO. preexisting medical conditions. But that is all we know for sure. The details -who will pay, where' the money will come from and how reform will change our everyday care - are foggy at best. Clinton's plan rests on the con- cept of "managed competition." He says health insurance will be affordable if people band together in large "alliances" to bargain with com- peting networks of providers for the best service at the best price. Critics argue cost controls will result in fewer new drugs and ration- ing of care. Some argue the cherished doctor-patient relationship will get lost in the process. Some argue for more government control. Many ar- gue for less. No doubt, the debate will rever- berate not only through Congress, but also through countless dining rooms and university lecture halls. But even so, after the nuances are untangled, policy experts say Con- gress will pass a health care plan somewhat similar to Clinton's. Jason Levien, campus coordina- tor of the National Health Care Cam- paign, says the best part of health care reform for Twenty-Somethings is how it affects us politically. "It's the first step in getting people who witnessed a stage of very cynical attitudes toward government attached to politics," he said. "The big picture is just great for our generation be- cause it's binding us to politics." ' nThe devil is in the details.' _- Dean Smith, Public Health professor 'U' medical students prepare for changes in the health care future