'Rogues' Trial'
makes 'U' debut
1 One hundred three years of editorial freedom
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White House comes to 'U' to iron out service plan
The White House is coming to town.
The University will welcome the Office of
National Service Monday to discuss and draft
regulations to implement the National and
Community Service Act of 1993.
Bringing together a group of White House
policy-makers, educators, students, commu-
nity service leaders and financial aid officers,
the "working session" - scheduled from 1.1
a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Oxford Conference Cen-
*r - will address how to make community
service available to students still in college.
Barry Checkoway, a School of Social Work
professor and chair of the University's Task
Force on National and Community Service,
said the White House requested less than a
week ago to hold a "think-tank" meeting at
the University.
"This is a noteworthy thing," Checkoway
said. "A piece of the program that has not been
addressed will focus on potentially the mil-
lions of college students who could do com-
munity service while they are in college and
get tuition benefits."
"It's been a real busy week," he said.
With the act set to take effect Jan. 1, the
Clinton administration wants to have regula-
tions in place by November.
The University was chosen to host the
meeting because of its significant contribu-
tion to shaping the plan.
Walter Harrison, one of the founders of
the task force and vice president for Univer-
sity relations, said he was delighted that the
University had been chosen to host the meet-
"I think that this is a real credit to the
University. It shows that the University is
playing a crucial role in the development of
national service," he said.
Also facilitating Monday's meeting is
Goodwyn Liu, White House director of higher
education for the Corporation on National
and Community Service. He will be joined by
two other policy-makers from the Office of
National Service - Susan Stroud and Marsha
At least five University students who work
on the task force have been invited to attend
the meeting.
Adrianna Kezar, an aide in the University
student affairs office and doctoral student in
Education, was responsible for drawing up a
list of attendees. She submitted the list to the
White House for approval and then photocop-
ied thousands of pages of legislation and
information to send to working group mem-
Many other members of the office have
worked on the event this week, Kezar said.
Additionally, the White House agreed to
collaborate on a University symposium on the
topic of community service and national ser-
vice learning, Checkoway said.
The event, tentatively scheduled for Feb-
ruary, will focus on how the University can
lead other schools in effectively implement-
ing national service programs.
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Nurses say
reform will
As doctors nationwide cringe at
the possible repercussions of Presi-
dent Clinton's proposed health care
reform, nurses are optimistic about.
the future.
"The Clinton plan, though not per-
fect, is the best opportunity to better
ur profession," said Carol Franck,
0xecutive director of the Michigan
Nursing Association.
Franck was one of three panelists
at a discussion last night sponsored
by Sigma Theta Tau, an organization
of nurses. The panel -- which also
included State Sen. Lana Pollack (D-
Ann Arbor) and Marianne Udow, a
senior vice president at Blue Cross/
Blue Shield - addressed the oppor-
*Jnities nurseswould have if Clinton's
plan were implemented.
not only make nurses better off as
health care consumers, but will also
create an array of new job opportuni-
"The plan will benefit nurses in
the long-run. (Although) some nurses
will need to be retrained, Clinton's
glan provides the funds to do so," she
Under the plan, nurses would play
a larger role in providing care. Medi-
cal education would be revamped to
turn out many more primary care doc-
tors, which would increase the need
for advanced nurse practitioners and
physicians' assistants.
Penn State
to take the
Does the term "posturing" mean
anything to you?
If not, ask Penn State coach Joe
Paterno for an example. He'll be glad
to comply, be-
cause every dis-
cussion with the
media this week
r e g a r d i n g f%111 .
game between 0
the No.6 Nittany
Lions (2-0 Big
Ten, 5-Ooverall)
and No. 18
Michigan (1-1, THE FIRST
3-2) was pos-
tured to make MEETING
the Wolverines
look like world beaters.
"They don't have any weak-
nesses," Paterno gushed, "and I'm
not just saying that. ... You look at
their personnel, they're impressive.
They've got a big offensive line, the
best group of wideouts in the country,
their return game is outstanding -
(Tyrone) Wheatley's a great kickoff
return guy, (Derrick) Alexander is
very fast.
"Defensively, they must have
seven defensive backs who could play
for anybody. (Defensive tackle
Buster) Stanley is a great football
player. They're really an outstanding
football team with an outstanding
football player at every position."
That having been said, he added
that "they just have to play a little
more focused."
Ah, focus - the Wolverines will
definitely need that for tomorrow's
noon kickoff, or else the ABC televi-
sion audience will witness the extent
of Paterno's posturing. Penn State
scores an average of 9.8 points in the
first quarter and 15.2 in the second.
And keep in mind the first half has not
been the Michigan defense's time to
Notre Dame scored 24 first-half
points on the Wolverines. Michigan
State notched 17 before intermission,
and 10 before Michigan had even had
one snap.
Furthermore, the Nittany Lion
onslaught continues throughout the
game. Led on the ground by tailback
Ki-Jana Carter, Penn State posts over
38 points a game.
"They're definitely going to try to
Carol Franck, executive director of Michigan's Nursing Association, State Sen. Lana Pollock (D-Ann Arbor) and Marianne Udow, senior vice president of
planning and development services of Blue Cross Blue Shield, field questions at the health care panel discussion at the Sheraton Inn last night.
Franck said the system needs to be
changed to emphasize prevention and
care, rather than illness and cure and
to address the "inequities that nurses
see every day."
Pollack also told participants she
supports the plan, but with some seri-
ous reservations.
She said the plan is designed to
reduce malpractice suits, fraud and
paperwork, "which should be good
for professionals."
However, Pollack was critical of
Clinton's idea of "managed competi-
tion" because she said it has not low-
ered costs in the past.
Furthermore, she added that the
plan's aim to cut waste in Medicare
and Medicaid may be unrealistic be-
cause they are already more efficient
than private care, with 10 percent
See NURSES, Page 2
'Clinton admits errors,
outlines Somalia plan
k -ai, w
Yesterday, Mohamed Aidid
released an American
helicopter pilot captured 11
days ago during a battle in
Awareness Week to
educate community
about AIDS epidemic
dent Clinton, struggling to define
America's role abroad, expressed new
aution yesterday about sending
forces overseas and said it had been a
mistake for Washington to take on a
military mission in Somalia from the
United Nations.
The United States erred in Soma-
lia by allowing its U.N.-directed as-
about sending U.S. soldiers overseas
unless they're under American com-
mand with direct accountability to
Washington. Under pressure from
Congress, the president has set a
March 31 troop-withdrawal deadline
for Somalia.
As for other possible deployments,
he said that any U.S. troops sent as
part of a peacekeeping force in Bosnia,
The pilot was7
captu red after a
helicopter was shot
down 11 days ago. Indian
AIDS. According to figures re-
cently released by the American As-
sociation for World Health, AIDS-
related illnesses
are the sixthF
Week - which runs Oct. 18-24 -
hope to educate students and encour-
age dialogue about the complex is-
sues surrounding AIDS and the HIV
virus. More than 20 University-affili-
ated organizations are sponsoring the