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October 11, 1993 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-11

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8 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October11, 1993


Men's soccer improves in 4-0 loss
Encouraging moments seen against powerful opponent

The Michigan field hockey team continued its fine play over the weekend with wins against St. Louis and Stanford.
Sophomore goalkeeper Rachael Geisthardt notched her fourth and fifth shutouts of the year in the two games.
Sti ckers keep up -n,-their, reen.tles
payv with pair of weekend shutot

On paper, a 4-0loss in a soccer
match doesn't seem like much of an
accomplishment, letalone something
to be proud of.
Yet, the Michigan men's soccer
team's 4-0 loss to Division II power-
house Wisconsin-Parkside Saturday
was indeed an encouraging and posi-
tive achievement for the team.
Not only did the Wolverines lay to
rest any of the negative vibes remain-
ing from their recent disappointing
tie with Ferris State, they also rees-
tablished the positive direction that
their season had been taking.
"It was a real decent game, we
played real well," Michigan coach
Steve Burns said. "All game long we
were a presence out there. We were
out there eating people and physi-
cally making our presence felt by
putting people on the ground, tack-
ling hard, winning 50-50 balls.
"Those are the kind of things that
we need to do to win games," Burns
added. "And any time we can do that
against a nationally-ranked team, all
the better."
As much as the Wolverines con-
trolled the action against Wisconsin-
Parkside, the game started off with
several ominous developments for

The lossofcaptain sweeperBrian
Rosewarne to injury was the fore-
most blow to the Wolverines.
Rosewarne, the team's main ball-
handler, suffered adeepcharleyhorse
early in the game and did not play for
the remainder of the contest.
In terms of strategy, Michigan
was handed an additional handicap
when it lost the coin toss and had to
play into the heavy Lake Michigan
winds for the first half.
"We were hoping to go with the
wind the firsthalf and we were going
to try to take them out of their game
as soon as possible by throwing two
different looks at them," Burns said.
"Butunfortunately wedidn'twin the
coin toss and they were going with
the wind, and that's an advantage."
Wisconsin-Parkside, featuring
the third- and seventh-leading scor-
ers in Division II, fully exploited the
advantage, streaking to three goals
in the first half. If not for the play of
goalie Piercarlo Romano, who was
peppered with several tough shots,
the score could have been worse.
Although the early tallies pretty
much put the Wolverines out of the
contest, they rebounded to control
the firsthalf when Wisconsin substi-
tuted its secon team after goal num-

ber three.
"We just started dominating their
team," Burns said. "Our team is defi-
nitely better than their secondteam.
We knocked the ball around quite
well and we had several opportuni-
ties, many more than they did."
Michigan continued its strong play
in the second half with the benefit of
the wind behind its backs. Notwith-
standing a late goal by Wisconsin in
the stanza, Michigan exhibited some
of its best play all season.
"I told our guys that I expected
them to play their secondteam and I
said, 'Let's go out and have a strong
half, knock the ball around and score
a couple of goals,"' Burns said. "But
they came out with their first team,
and we ended up taking it to their first
Freshman goalie Andy Germak
provided a spark for Michigan in the
second half. Although limited in play-
ing time all year, and having to come
in cold into the half, he nevertheless
sparkled in his play.
"He did an incredible job and re-
ally played well," Burns said. "He
came up with some great plays, did
some excellent distribution out of the
back. We're definitely going to get
three more good years out of Andy."

Remember the Persian Gulf War?
The Iraqis had one major prob-
lem: They were totally outgunned.
Unquestionably outgunned.Much like
the St. Louis field hockey team was
Saturday, as it was soundly trampled,
3-0, by Michigan at Oosterbaan
The Wolverines' (8-2) domina-
tion of the contest was complete and
unrelenting, with the Billikens un-
able to muster even the slightest scor-
ing threat.
St. Louis did not seriously pen-
etrate the Michigan half of the field
until 30 minutes had passed, and it
managed only four shots on Wolver-
ine goalie Rachael Geisthardt during
the entire 70-minute game. It was
Geisthardt's fourth shutout this sea-
Tough defense allowed the Wol-
verines to shoot liberally on the
Billiken goal. They took a whopping
35 shots, over half of them prior to the
first St. Louis shot.
Michigan coach Patti Smith
praised the team's efforton both sides
of the field.'

"We were on the offensive side a
lot," she said. "But that's because our
defense was strong. It was a team
Midfielder Nancy Irvine also at-
tributed her team's offensive confi-
dence to the solid play of the defend-
"It was like having a brick wall
behind us," she said.
Irvine scored the first goal unas-
sisted with 2:16 left in the first half
when she drove the ball at the goal.
The ball deflected off a Billiken stick
and past goalkeeper Julie Smith to
end an intense but aggravating first
half for the Wolverines.
"We passed strong and we were
really seeing each other, but we just
couldn'tput the ball in the net," Irvine
said. "That's frustrating."
While Michigan was awarded 13
penalty corners in the first period, its
normally effective corner team failed
to score on any of them.
"I'm disappointed with the cor-,
ners," Smith said. "We need to con-
vert them, but to score, you need
corners. At least we're getting them
so we have the opportunity."
The Billikens couldn't say the
same; they came away from the game
with only one corner attempt, which
failed miserably.
The Wolverines finally converted
acorner, one oftheir 19 chances in the
game, ten minutes into the second
half. Midfielder Sherene Smith re-
soundingly smacked the ball into the
back of the cage for her third goal off
a penalty corner in two games.'
All three tallies were assisted by
seniors Kalli Hose and Keely Libby.
The threesome has become a potent
combination for the Wolverines scor-
ing three of Michigan's last six goals
on nearly identical plays.
"We've worked really hard on
corners and we finally just put it to-
gether," Smith, a sophomore, said.

The Wolverines' third goal had
the already dragging Billikens look-
ing like they weren't sure of the li-
cense plate number on the truck tlhat
had just run them over.
Sophomore forward Aaleya
Koreishi fed senior defender Lelli
Hose with an exquisite pass. Hose
then slammed the ball past the hap-
less Saint Louis goalie for a textbook
score and a comfortable margin with
under 12 minutes to play.
Despite the missed scoring oppor-
tunities, the coach's assessment of
Michigan's play was upbeat.
"It was a good game for us in that
we gotalotof shots anda lot ofpeople
got to play,"Smith said.
The Wolverines prevailed despite
the loss of sophomore forward Jenni-
ferLupinski, whobroke her leg Thurs-
day against Michigan State and will
be sidelined indefinitely.
The Wolverines continued their
recent hot, defensive play with a 1-0
shutout of Stanford yesterday as
Geisthardt recorded her second con-
secutive shutout. The sophomore goal-
keeper now has five blankings on the

Men golfers battle the weather and
tough, competition in tourney

This weekend, Ann Arborreceived
its share of cold, dreary weather. It
wasn't exactly the time for outdoor
sports, such as golf.
Forced to play in adverse condi-
tions, the Michigan men's golf team
placed 12th out of 24 teams at the
Northern Intercollegiate Golf Tour-
nament, played at the University Golf
Course this weekend.
Michigan's top quartet shot a 918
(292-320-306) over 54 holes, led by
sophomore Chris Brockway's 224
(70-78-76). Ohio State and Wiscon-
sin tied for first in the regulation 54
holes with 883, and the Buckeyes
took first place in a one-hole playoff.
Illinois came in third with a 898.
Medalist honors belonged to Scott
Rowe of Northwestern, who shot a
remarkable 216.
As for the Wolverines' perfor-
mance, coach Jim Carras was some-
what disappointed. Carras cited two
factors that hindered the team's per-
formance, foremost of which was the
"There is no question that the
weather was a factor," Carras said.
"With 25-mile-per-hour winds dur-
ing the secondroundandawetcourse,
you didn't really want to be outside,
much less playing golf."
The players echoed Carras's sen-

"On Saturday, the weather was
horrible," Michigan junior Bill Lyle
said. "It rained, and it was wet and
cold. The temperature was around
30-40 degrees, so it made play hard."
The second factor Carras men-
tioned was the dropoff in Michigan's
level of play.
"The second round was the turn-
ing point," Carras said. "Our level of
play fell off substantially. We're a
solid 300 team on this course, and we
'The second round was
the turning point. Our
level of play fell off
substantially. We're a
solid 300 team on this
course, and we shot a
320. Most people's
scores rose by about
10 shots, but ours rose
about 20.'
- Jim Carras
Michigan golf coach
shot a320. Most people's scores rose
by about 10 shots, but ours rose about
This dropoff in play was dissatis-

fying to the 12-yearhead of the men's
golf squad.
Coming into the tournament, I
expected to finish eighth or better,"
Carras said. "I was satisfied with the
team's progress so far, until this tour-
"Hopefully, it was just aone-tour-
nament situation. I've been experi-
menting with the lineup every meet
because I still don'tknow who my top
five are," he added.
Although the Wolverines didn't
perform as expected, they were up
against some pretty stiff competition.
The Northern Intercollegiate con-
tained many solid teams, including
perennial power Ohio State, whose
alumni inlcude Jack Nicklaus and Tom
"It was the second biggest field
next to the Big Tens," Lyle said.
Next up for the Wolverines will be
the Stanford Invitational in Stanford,
Calif. Carras indicated that the
Stanford tournament will be a chal-
lenge for the Wolverines.
"It will be a very strong
field...probably the strongestall year,"
Carras said.
Regardless of its performance at
the Stanford Invite, the team will prob-
ably appreciate the change of climate.


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The men's golf team finished a disappointing 12th out of a field of 24 in the
Northem Intercollegiate golf tournament at the Univeristy Golf Course.

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