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October 11, 1993 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-11

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2 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Monday, October11, 1993


Here is how the top 25 teams in college football fared this
weekend. First place votes are in parentheses.

1. ' Florida State (61)
2. Alabama (1)
3. Notre Dame
4. Florida
5. Ohio State
6. Nebraska
7. Penn State
8. Miami
9. Oklahoma
10. Tennessee
11. Arizona
12. Washington
13. Texas A&M
14. North Carolina
15. Virginia
16. Wisconsin
17. West Virginia,
18. Michigan
19. Auburn
20. Colorado
21. California
22. UCLA
23. Louisville
24. Syracuse
25. Michigan State


How they fared
beat Miami, 28-10
beat Pittsburgh, 44-0
beat LSU, 58-3
beat Illinois, 20-12
beat Oklahoma St., 27-13
lost to Florida. St., 28-10
beat Texas, 38-17
beat Arkansas, 28-14
beat California, 24-23
beat Houston, 34-10
beat Wake Forest, 45-35
beat Northwestern, 53-14
beat Louisville, 36-34
lost to Michigan State, 17-7
beat Mississippi St., 31-17
beat Missouri, 30-18
lost to Washington, 24-23
beat Brigham Young, 68-14
lost to West Virginia, 36-34
beat Michigan, 17-7

Continued from page i
her shoulders and has been our 'stud'
on the left side," Giovanazzi said.
"I'm really impressed with that."
The team finally seems to be click-
ing after a tough first half of integrat-
ing younger players into the team's
mix. All the hard work appears to be
starting to pay off.>
"We started tpe year off with these
young people in the lineup,"
Giovanazzi said. "I think the experi-
ence they gained early on has really.
paid off now.
"The first year is such an adjust-
ment - the speed of the ball, the
strength of the individuals playing.
There's a lot of adjusting going on.
Now we're almost at the midpoint of ,
the season, and we're seeing this team
getting better and better."

U j

Runners cruise at Intercollegiates
Men take third despite absence of top six runners

Led by junior Jim Finlayson, the
No. 9 Michigan men's cross country
team raced to a third-place finish Fri-
day at the Michigan Intercollegiates
on the campus of Ferris State Univer-
sity in Big Rapids, Mich.
Hillsdale College finished first and
Eastern Michigan was runner-up.
The Wolverines obtained thisrela-
tively high finish despite the absence
of the team's top six runners, whom
Wolverine coach Ron Warhurst held
out of action.
If we would have put
our top six runners in
there we would
probably have had six
people in the top 10,
but I wanted to see

rounded out Michigan's top five
"All in all, I thought they per-
formed very well. They started off
slowly, got back and moved up really
well which is an indication that they
can run faster," Warhurst said.
Warhurst said he was especially
pleasedwithFinlayson, who had been
out of action thus far this season be-
cause of injury.
"We're going to need him in our

top five or six if we're going to conm
tend for the Big Ten championship,"
Warhurst said.
Next weekend the Wolverines host
the Michigan Interregional. The meet
features nationally-ranked teams
Stanford, Colorado, Tennessee,
Dartmouth and Notre Dame.
The Wolverines' top six, spear-
headed by freshman Kevin Sullivan,
will be back in action.

Women set personal bests in
easily beating 18-team field


Erin McGovern (7) and the Michigan volleyball team defeated Northwestern
and Wisconsin this weekend at Cliff Keen Arena.
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The Mi~eto Reviewis

Probably the most impressive as-
pect of the Michigan women's vol-
leyball team's victories over North-
western and Wisconsin last weekend
was the team offense.
The Wolverine offense seemed to
be lagging as of late but, in the last
two games, team passing and team
setting greatly improved.
Coming into this weekend Michi-
gan was ranked last in the Big Ten in
team hitting efficiency. However, in
the Wisconsin match the Wolverines
topped their season best percentage
(.264 vs. Washington) with a .280
The Wolverines tallied only their
third clean sweep of the season with
their 15-5, 15-9, 15-13 victory over
the Badgers Saturday.
The best contested game of the
match was the third game.After lead-
ing, 10-4, in the middle of the game,
the Wolverines had trouble connect-
ing and Wisconsin stormed back to

within one, 13-14, as Michigan failed
on three previous match points. Fi-
nally, Aimee Smith's ace gave the
nervous 1,381 standing Michigan-
faithful something to cheer about.
Seeing Green: Four lucky fans
got to participate in the "Dash for
Cash" Sunday between the second
and third games of the "Rock The
House Match 2." Sports department
officials spread $1,000 (mostly $1's
with a few big bills) on the court for
the four participants to gather as many
bucks as possible in thirty seconds.
Lee Duke grabbed $25, Jill Blakemore
snatched $74, and Brian Doyle
scooped up $93 but the big winner
was Dan Jacobs who took home $411.
Compact discs, airline tickets and
Ohio State-Michigan football tickets
also were given away.
Seeing Red: Wisconsin head
coach John Cook got a red card from
the head referee after getting in a
shouting match with the net referee
over a substitution he was trying to
make early in the first game. Earlier
he received a yellow warning card.
Had Cook persisted he would have
been asked to leave the court.
The Wolverines took advantage
of the rest and outscored the Badgers
10-2 after the incident.
In game two, the Badgers also
received a yellow warning card for
slamming the ball on the court.

how my seven through
12 runners would run.'
-Ron Warhurst,
Michigan men's cross
country coach
Michigan used the meet as an op-
portunity to give some of the team's
younger runners experience. Gaining
experience is critical for the team in
preparation for next week's Michi-
gan Interregional and the Big Ten
Championships Oct. 30.
Of the nine runners Warhurst
raced, six had never seen varsity ac-
"If we would have put our top six
runners in there we would probably
have had six people in the top 10, but
I wanted to see how my seven through
12 runners would run," Warhurst said.
Finlayson, racing in his first meet
of the season, finished in a time of
25:31 for the 10-kilometerrace, good
enough for thirdplace overall. Sopho-
more Kristopher Eggle and redshirt
freshman Ryan Burt finished second
and third for the Wolverines with
times of 25:58 and 26:04, respec-
Redshirt freshman David Barnett
finished fourth among the Wolver-
ines (26:26) and junior Robert Lee

The Michigan women's cross
country team made short work of
Friday's competition at the Michigan
Intercollegiate meet held at Ferris
State. Wolverine coach Mike
McGuire said he hopes the-meet is
only a stepping stone to bigger and
better things to come.
"I want to emphasize thatit's been
a total team effort," McGuire said.
"All nine of (the runners) are equally
important in trying to get done what
we want to get done, which is winning
the Big Ten again and doing well
Michigan dominated the race
which included Big Ten foe Michi-
gan State and the smaller Calvin Col-
lege. Five out of the top eight finish-
ers were Wolverines, and three out of
the top four. Michigan defeated the
18-team field with 21 points, and was
followed by Calvin College with 76
points and Michigan State with 105.
Big Ten women's cross country
Athlete of the Month, Molly
McClimon, once again paced the
Wolverines. McClimon won the race
with a time of 17:00.
McClimon was followed by Wol-
verine sophomore Courtney Babcock,
who finished second with a time of
Rounding out the top five were
Junior Karen Harvey who finished
fourth with a time of 17:21, Chris
Szabo who finished sixth with a time
of 17:21, and junior Jessica Kluge

'We've run solid
throughout. We're
getting it done across
the board. That's the
important thing'
-Mike McGuire
, , Wornx ' r
'M' women 's cross
country coach
who finished eighth with a time of
"I think this collectively that this
was our best match of the year,"
McGuire said. "We gotpersonal bests
from McClimon, Babcock, Kluge,
(Katy) Hollbacher and (Heather)
Harvey, who has been having a
standout season, said that the team is
well on its way after such a greatrace.
"The course was challenging, but
everyone ran really fast. The whole
team ran really well," Harvey said.
"Some people ran PR's (personal
records). That's really impressive
because that course is really tough.
It's harder than the course we'll see at
the NCAAs and Big Tens."
"We've run solid throughout,".
McGuire said. "I was real encouraged
by the performance of Kluge,
Hollbacher, and Grigg. We're getting
it done across the board. That's the
important thing."
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Department of Recreational

WHo: Rachael Geisthardt
TEAM: Field Hockey
Homuow: Kelowna, B.C., Canada
YEAR: Sophomore
EuGIBIWy: Sophomore
WHY: Aided by a stringent defense, Geisthardt notched her fourth and
fifth shutouts of the year, blanking St. Louis, 3-0, and Stanford; 1-0.
BACKeRoUND: Had 1.45 goals against average and .822 save percent-
age last year as a starter in 12 games ... gold-medalist of 1990
British Columbia summer names.



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