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October 11, 1993 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1993-10-11

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2- The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 11, 1993


in Daily
Outraged over The Michigan
Daily's recent decision toprintaview-
point endorsing the belief that there is
"no proof"the Holocaust happened, a
dozen activists led a peaceful protest
Friday. Fifty observers listened to the
protesters' speeches butdid not choose
to join the protesters.
Members of the National
Women's Rights Organization Coa-
lition (NWROC) - an Ann Arbor
group known for its opposition to
fascism and its eagerness to protest
many issues - marched from the
Diag to the Student Publications
Building shouting slogans including,
"If genocide is what you preach, you
can't hide behind free speech."
On the Diag, protesters were an-
grily confronted by many students
who objected to statements that the
Daily is "a tool of fascists."
Some students enjoying the beau-
tiful weather on the Diag became frus-
trated when they learned of the cause
behind the megaphone. Many yelled
"Free speech for fascists," and a few
argued with the protesters.
About 20 students held a brief
"free speech" rally in support of the
Daily. Some students in attendance
said they agreed with NWROC that
the Daily should not have printed the
viewpoint, but said they supported
the Daily's right to print it.
"Although I agree that the Daily
shouldn't have printed the piece, I
think everybody disagrees with the
belief that the Daily is a 'tool of fas-
cists,"' said John Watson, LSA jun-


NWROC members demonstrate on the Diag Friday against the Daily.


A vending machine in Angell Hall now contains a computer disk as an option for purchasing.
New newsletter to facilitate forum
for women s isses an expressions,

A new wave of feminist activism
is spreading through the University.
It has come in the form of The Third
Wave, the first all-inclusive women's
newsletter on campus.
The founders of The Third Wave
said they hope the publication will
become a forum for women's issues
and credtive expression.
LSA senior Mimni Arnstein, co-
founder and co-coordinator of the
newsletter, said she wants to empower
women to contribute their personal
stories and struggles. "Women are
encouraged tobe silent all their lives,"
she explained. "'This newsletter gives
women a place to speak."
The newsletter's name was in-
spired by a quote from author Alice
Walker's daughter, Rebecca Walker
Leventhal, who called women's ac-
tOvism in the 1990s the "third wave"
of feminism.
Feminism today is a more inclu-
sive and diverse movement than its
predominantly white antecedents,
Arnstein said.
Arnstein is hoping for a diverse
group of writers to address issues that
run the gamut from newsworthy
events and politics to opinion pieces
and personal experiences.

The Third Wave is an outgrowth
ofPro-Choice Action, where Arnstein
and Co-Managing Editor Mary Meyer
were active for the last two years. Due
to the changing political climate,
Arnstein and Meyer said they decided
to shift their focus and include more
women and more issues. However,
reproductive rights and women's
health issues will also be addressed in
The Third Wave.
"The Clinton administration is
making people more and more secure
with pro-choice," Arnstein said. "Yet
pro-choice is by no means solidified
for women. The Third Wave will
broaden our focus and address other
issues that concern all women."
Eight editors comprise the steer-
ing committee of The Third Wave,
which decides what issues will be
addressed. Alissa Strauss, layout edi-
tor and SNRE senior, maintained that
the group is diverse in ideology and
that each member defines feminism
"Most people's perception of a
feminist is a radical, male-bashing
woman," Strauss said. "I hesitate to
label myself as a feminist because
that definition does not describe
Strauss emphasized thatThe Third
Wave is not an anti-male publication,

but rather a pro-woman one. "I want
to work within the system to make
changes within the system. It is pos-
sible to empower women and elevate
their status without bringing men
down," she added.
For Arnstein, the diverse defini-
tions of the terms "feminism" and
"womanism" in the group are helpful
rather than problematic. "We don't
have a unified ideology. We all define
feminism differently and we draw
strength from these differences," she
The Third Wave is tentatively
scheduled as a bi-monthly newslet-
ter. The first issue is targeted for pub-
lication in mid-November.

But one NWROC protester, Paul
Carmouche, called the printing of the
opinion piece a first step in the "orga-
nizing of a war against Blacks, Jews
and the oppressed."
Few students were ready to be-
lieveCarmouche's assertion that "fas-
cists are organizing on campus by
using the Daily:"
Following the Diag protest,
NWROC members marched to the
Student Publications Building, and
then, dodging construction, entered
the Daily to "find the editor in chief,"
and present the paper with a list of
demands, Carmouche said.
The protesters demanded that the
Daily stop publishing "Nazi, Ku Klux
Klan or 'Holocaust revisionist' pro-
paganda" and "anything encouraging
racist, sexist, anti-lesbian/gay or anti-
Semitic attacks." They also asked the
paper's editors to publish a letter, of
After listening to the protesters,
Daily Editor in Chief Josh Dubow
said, "While we respect your right to
come here and protest, Ihope you will
respect our right to print the view-
Dubow added that the Daily

stands by its decision and would
neither print a retraction nor an apol-
Bradley Smith, the author of the
viewpoint, is the chair of the Berke-
ley, Calif.-based Committee for
Open Debate on the Holocaust.
Smith first sparked controversy on
campus two years ago when he paid
for a full-page Daily advertisement
questioning the validity of the Ho-
locaust. This event began a six-
month-long conflict over the Daily's
decision to print the advertisement.
In contrast to Friday's protest by
people not affiliated with the Uni-
versity, two years ago, faculty mem-
bers and hundreds of students de-
nounced the Daily and the ideas
expressed in Smith's advertisement.
The Daily printed hundreds of
letters, including a letter from Uni-
versity President James Duderstadt
who supported the Daily but labelled
the advertisement a "gross distor-
tion of history."
"Surely, the best protection
against tyranny such as that which
brought the Holocaust is the free
expression of ideas through the free
press," Duderstadt wrote.


Continued from page 1
less harmful in that the bi-products
are biodegradable.
Martin said one of the major ob-
stacles standing in the way of these
transitions, however, is cost. Because
most large paper-producing compa-
nies are not set up to produce 100
percent post-consumed, bleach-free
paper, they are reluctant to switch
because they see no demand for the
new product right now.
"Once the companies switch to
the new system, the cost to produce
the new type of paper will be cheaper
in the long run," Martin said.
However, he added, "But the
switch in set-ups costs money and the
companies won't risk spending that
money unless they see that there is a
demand for the new paper."
For some campus environmental-
ists, this is where the University should

step in.
"The University is such a huge
buying force that even if they go to the
manufacturer representatives and say
they would like to buy the recycled
paper and encourage a company to
switch, they could create a demand.
Once one large company switches
production, it's likely that they all
will," Martin said.
But the University sees things quite
differently. Steve Royce, product
manager for the University Store,
which handles paper supplies for the
University, said environmental groups
need to get their facts straight.
"If there are people who are aware
of this 100 percent post-consumed,
bleach-free paper, I'd like to meet
with them because I have not seen any
and I am in contact with major paper
companies," he said.
Royce argued thatmany sacrifices
must be made in using recycled prod-
ucts such as paper, namely price and
quality, since recycled paper is more

expensive and inferior to virgin pa-
"It's just like every time you wash
your clothes, they don't come out in
as good as condition as they were
when you bought them," Royce ex-
plained. "In essence, writing on 100
percent post-consumed paper would
be like writing on a piece of toilet
Royce said the University would
hotbe the onflyorganization that would
lose money by Switching to the new
type of paper, as the recycling office
would lose out as well.
He explained that virgin paper is
worth more money because the con-
tent is better.
On the other hand, 100 percent
post-consumed paper consists of con-
tent that is less valuable because it is
made entirely of recycled paper.
"The revenue of the recycling of-
fice would be affected because their
funds come from selling the products
that they collect in their bins. If the

products aren't as good, then they
don'treceive as much money," Royce
"It is important that people be well-
informed of all the conditions of this
switch. I personally feel that it is
important to realize that trees are a
renewable resource," Royce added.
"I think the real focus should be re-
ducing the amount of paper used."
Noah Hall, chair of the Environ-
mental Issues Commission, admitted
that the process will notbe easy. "We
are going to have to start meeting with
the University. It's going to be tough
because in this case, we don't have
economics on our side."
Martin added that this initiative
needs student support in order to suc-
Martin said students at Michigan
State University have been pursuing
the switch in paper. They now have
more than 1,500 student signatures
and have gone to state their case to the
university's trustees.



Continued from page1
Other groups working for the cause
were the Indian Student Association
and the Hindu Students Council.
Neera Parikh, one of the collec-
tors and an LSA sophomore, said she

was collecting "basically to help other
people ... to show our support and to
kind of give back to our 'mother
Vice President of Public Relations
for IASA, Samir Keole, an LSA se-
nior, said, "A lot of people (in IASA)
lost relatives and stuff, so we felt that
we had to act pretty quickly."



Continued from page 1
the University community to support
aLatinoaresource/research center "be-
cause (the University) is considered
one of the top in the country and I
hope to see us continue to be one of
the leaders in multiculturalism. In
order to understand the whole you
need to understand the parts," she
The most rewarding part of her
job is the opportunity to see people
succeed, she said. "You read thenews,
media.... There is so much negative.
... You have the opportunity to see
people excel. It's rewarding."
Berdy attributed at least part of
her own success to her most influen-
tial role model - her mother. "She
was hardworking ... a teacher full of
love, respect and sophistication," she

Berdy said her mother indirectly
influenced her decision to work with
students. "She was very dedicated
and humble, yet in her way of pre-
senting ideas, she demanded respect.
It always amazed me how ... she was
good at being a mother and career
woman. She always tried to do the
best of her ability and influenced me
to try to do the same," she said.
"Things can be taken away, but
knowledge is something that can't be
taken away from you. You take it
with you for life. (Working with stu-
dents) you can be in a position to
influence the minds of young people
and give them something that can't be
taken away from them," Berdy added.
Berdy said she is still very close to
her family, proven by the fact that her
brother and two sisters followed her
to Michigan. Her youngest sister is a
student at the University and her
brother and her other sister work in

Continued from page 1
Smiley said Beyer's actions had
come to the attention of the police in
early September.
He also said DPS had enough
evidence to take the case to the

Washtenaw County prosecutor's of-
fice by the middle of last week.
The evidence allowed DPS to
obtained the arrest warrant at this
A pre-trial hearing in the case
has been set for Dec. 7.
Beyer has worked at the Univer-
sity since 1965.

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term.starting In September. via U.S. mall are$90.
Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $160.Oncampus subsorip.
tbons for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate.Press.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily. 420 Maynard Street. Ara Arbor, Michigan 48109.1327.
PHONE NUMBERS (Al area code 313): News 76-DAILY; Arts 7630379; Sports 747.3336; Opinion 7640552
Circulation 7640558: Classified advertising 7840557; Display advertising 764.0554; Billing 7640550.
EDITORIAL STAFF Josh Du bow, Editor in Chief
NEWS MsNbssPelsslMansgingEdltar
EDITORS: Hop Caliu, Loum. De.m, Karen $a*.,Pu shah
STA. |'Ad|are|,|J||"|n|erdt, *dJameCho, Jon ON"sdo.EElEO, Michelle Ric" |Some a|.,Michele ||a',t.Q
Hosy, Nae urey5Sra Kh, Randy Lebowlt. Peter Ma~hws. WINMcahijrn. Mickle, Shelly Montegoi, MonasQQurshi,.Davi
RMwwWl, Julie Rob~ion. David Shepardson, Karm Taissli, Andrew Taylor. Jennifer Tiarmn, Scot Woods.
CALENDAR EDITORS: Jonathan '"",. Andrew Taylor.
EDITORIAL PAGE Andrew Levy, Edior
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Sam Goodebiu, StinttWer"
STAF: A& Becker. &wBsovn. Jesse Boiuhwd. Patic Jawi, Judith KanJim Lesser, lan Lester, Jaon Uchtstek% Arnit ea
SPORTS Ryan He wrgtou, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Bett Forst, AdanMiUller, Chad A. Saftan, Ken Sglur
STAFF: Bob Abramson, Rachel Badeitan, Paul Barer, Tam Barasno Charlefwt"os, Scoa Burtn. AnDe OgKoU rtea'tt Johrson.
Bedt Mchnosh, Anteine Plts, Tim Rardh,. Michael Rosenberg. Jeson Rosenteld, J.L Roelam Abadi, Davs Sdwrawt, Elyes Sneed,
Tim spoier Jeremy strachan.
ARTS Jessie Haladay, Nkw Nodmel, Ediors
EDITORS: Jon AbkAhi(Penh, Mellss Rose Ismarde (Weekaece), Tam Edoiebe (M ansi, Olier GOlane oak*(I ) Darcy taenm
(Weekend etc.), Eliabeth straw 6Theater). Kik Wtters (Fie Arts).
STAN: Jordan All's, Mid"haesm. Jeaon CerrN. Ar*y Dolan. Geoff Earle, JadyeRar*, Kin "Iness, Krisen Nudmen, Owls
Lepley, WIN Matthews. Brian Meeks, Heatherhaes, Austin Ratner, John~ R. Rybt,drew Sclufsr, DikSchuize. Koren
Sc wektze, Michael Thompson. Ted Watt.


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